I’ll Have the Ten-Toe Special
food, Stuff I hate August 1st, 2008When eating out at chain restaurants, I almost always find stuffed mushrooms on the menu. And I’ve never been disappointed. Until yesterday.
After some late morning shopping, my husband Dave and I grabbed lunch at a popular seafood restaurant, which shall remain nameless for reasons that will become apparent momentarily. If you really must know, here’s a hint: It rhymes with Dead Mobster.
I’m not a big seafood eater by nature. Indeed, when the waitress asked what I wanted, I inquired as to which items came wrapped in bacon. Only the scallops did, but I do not like scallops, Sam I am. So I opted for two standards: mozzarella sticks and stuffed lobster and crabmeat mushrooms.
I asked for the cheese sticks to come out with Dave’s soup, and I’d have the mushrooms when his scallops and shrimp dish was ready.
We plowed through our appetizers with hearty enthusiasm and devoured their most excellent seasoned biscuits. It was a good thing I got filled up on sides because one of us couldn’t eat any more after that.
Soon Dave’s entree and my mushrooms arrived.
Dave made fast work of his bacon-wrapped scallops and shrimp, while I took a stab at the stuffed mushrooms. Within milliseconds, I knew I wouldn’t be finishing it because it tasted like the lobster and crab meat was mixed ala Lucy and Ethel in the classic I Love Lucy grape stomping episode.
Why? Because it smelled and tasted like FEET.
And not just any feet. Feet that ran the Boston Marathon, their sweat marinating in socks for six hours in broiling heat. And then baked in an oven, smothered in Camembert cheese. Feety enough for you?
My problem wasn’t so much that I hated my feet mushrooms, but that Dave was enjoying his shrimp and scallops dish. I didn’t want to complain immediately that my meal tasted like sweaty socks and ruin his own meal.
So I kept poking at it, announcing that I was simply too full to eat it. I also didn’t want to have to tell the waitress that they served me funky baked, feety-cheesed feet. As I poked around more, I noticed the mushrooms appeared uncooked and resembled brain matter. Yum.
I didn’t ask for the body part special, but this is what I was served. If this were a smell-a-blog, you’d all be gagging and running for the nearest exit.
As you can see, when presented with a plate of feet and brain, the first thing any respectable blogger does is take a picture of it. Ah, but don’t be fooled. It looked delicious at the time, but I wound up taking it home and throwing it directly in the trash. (Don’t worry. I’m not taking that bag out.)
The fact is, we were fooled. How? Because we decided to eat there based on a beautifully-shot commercial for this restaurant that aired on the Food Network, better known as Porn for Fat People.
We hadn’t eaten at Dead Mobster for about twenty years because we weren’t overly excited about their food. But we let expert editing and mouth-watering visuals get the best of us.
Truth be told, Dave thoroughly enjoyed his entree, though I chalk that up to the mere presence of bacon. If we decide in another twenty years to visit, at least I won’t be ordering the ten-toe special. I recommend you avoid it as well. See, I’m always thinkin’ of you guys.

August 3rd, 2008 at 11:41 am
Speaking of ‘anything deep-fried is good’, I tasted a deep-fried Twinkie and a deep-fried peanut butter and jelly sandwich (maybe that is the form of PB&J which you might sample Sam-I-Am?) at Musikfest (a festival featuring 100’s of musical acts held each summer in Bethlehem, PA). These gastronomic monstrosities were simply delectable.
August 3rd, 2008 at 1:05 pm
Yum. I’m hungry now. [er, not]
Alda’s last blog post..EPI on Mt. Esja plus annoying IE bug
August 3rd, 2008 at 1:25 pm
I’ve never seen the attraction to this particular restaurant either. In all fairness, keep in mind that I’m from New England where ALL good seafood resides!
WillThink4Wine’s last blog post..Sunday Stuff
August 3rd, 2008 at 1:25 pm
I’ve decided that what you need is a good old British ‘Fry up’ – As many rashers of bacon as you want, fried mushrooms, fried tomatoes, sausages, fried eggs, topped off with a couple of slices of fried bread! Very unhealthy but oh so tasty!
Babs – beetle’s last blog post..Who IS this?
August 3rd, 2008 at 1:31 pm
We never do Dead Mobster — well, we do live in Louisiana, the fresh seafood capital of the universe – can’t swing a catfish without hitting eight or a dozen good seafood restaurants, which makes total seafood snobs out of the locals. And I never do mushrooms, either. Any food without the decency to have its own flavor doesn’t get it for me.
Elle’s last blog post..I Want Candy! Four Foods on Friday #40
August 3rd, 2008 at 3:52 pm
We had a gift card for you know where…The linguine alfredo smelled like feet and was cold & congealed. I did not eat it. The flesh of my husband’s grilled shrimp was blue-gray. He did not eat it. Now, Lauren’s bit about everything being frozen makes too much sense.
We complained. My husband got another entrée and I left with a dozen cheesy biscuits. There was still $20 left on the gift card and we gave it to our server. She seemed surprised that we were leaving her with any tip. The food was bad, not the service. Besides, what were we going to do, save the gift card remainder for the next time?
Love the cheesy biscuits!
Shieldmaiden96 and I are on the same wavelength with recipes. Any reference to “Porn for Fat People” will get you recipes!
2 c. Bisquick mix
? c. milk
½ to 1 c. shredded cheddar cheese
¼ c. butter, melted
½ tsp. garlic powder
1 Tbsp. parsley flakes
Mix Bisquick, milk, and cheese until soft dough forms. Beat for 30 seconds. Drop dough by spoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 10 minutes at 450° until lightly browned. Mix melted butter, garlic powder, and parsley flakes; brush over warm biscuits. Makes 12 biscuits. ~Ruth Hibbs. (I don’t know who Ruth is, but bless her heart).
August 3rd, 2008 at 4:01 pm
2/3 c. milk
August 3rd, 2008 at 4:13 pm
Being from eastern North Carolina, we do not dare go into a Red Lobster.
This past week, we did eat at Sanitary Fish Market and Restaurant, located in the beach town of Morehead City, North Carolina. The seafood is fresh and very good.
Once you’ve eaten at Sanitary Fish Market and others like it, then Red Lobster pales in comparison.
If no other options, go eat at Subway instead.
August 3rd, 2008 at 4:53 pm
Libertine — Oh, good Lord. Toe jam. Good for you speaking up. I tend to just not return to a place and then blog all about it. Same effect, eh?
lala — I think I felt like I had to order some fish because I’ve read if you go to a fish place, order fish because that’s what they’ll make the best. Except for Dead Mobster.
brooke — You know, I’ve only had lobster about three times in my life. And what I remember most about it was the butter. Is that bad?
ann of the shampooo bag — I do want to try a deep-fried Twinkie sometime, but I will not eat a PBJ, fried or not, Sam I am. Unless someone pays me.
Alda — Sorry! At least you know what not to order off the menu now.
WillThink4Wine — You are so lucky. New England is the gold standard. I bet you don’t even have any Dead Mobsters where you live. That just wouldn’t be right.
Babs beetle — I read your comment to Dave and he made a noise. A low rumbling, oh-my-God-gotta-have-that noise. We want a Fry Up and we want one now!
Elle — I feel so deprived right now. I bet if I had access to your seafood, I would love it! I think people either love or hate mushrooms. I will eat them raw, but prefer them sauteed in butter over a steak. Yeah, baby!
Amy who has a mostly clear nose — Sorry to hear your experience was so bad! The only thing that made it worthwhile was the biscuits, as far as I can tell. At least they do those right. Our service was exceptional, too. Either you or Ruth is going to have to make these for me. You know, dear, that I don’t cook. Thanks for the recipe. Others here who know what a kitchen is for might benefit.
Paul Eilers — Interesting restaurant name! http://www.sanitaryfishmarket.com/aboutus.html
I’m sure if I lived near a beach town, I’d know good seafood when I ate it. As for other options, it won’t be Subway. Here’s why!
August 3rd, 2008 at 5:03 pm
“Porn for fat people” is right! Sorry about your meal, glad you did’t get sick, I almost did just reading about it! 🙂
DJ’s last blog post..Summer Fun Photo Contest
August 3rd, 2008 at 10:34 pm
Yikes! Thanks for the heads up! Woof!
windyridge’s last blog post..A Few Seconds of Terror
August 4th, 2008 at 9:57 am
Hey…anytime you and yours want to head up to Northcentral and take in the PA Grand Canyon, a sumptuous dinner and a snuggle from my 18 pound Jesus cat is yours. I will make mushrooms and homemade-from-the-ground-up manicotti. 🙂
Shieldmaiden96’s last blog post..The Cat Who Broke Jesus
August 4th, 2008 at 2:12 pm
This is exactly what I can’t stand going there! I have actually told my husband this very same thing, omg!
He loves going there and waits for me to go out of town so he can invite a buddy that will go with him, because I refuse!
Great post, I am going to have to show my husband, lol!
Meg’s last blog post..Primadonnas
August 4th, 2008 at 2:14 pm
By the way, Primadonnas’ was not my last post, wonder why it’s showing that??? Hmm..
Have a great week, I love your blog!
Meg’s last blog post..Primadonnas
August 4th, 2008 at 3:11 pm
DJ — And now that the Food Network is offered in HDTV, it just got pornier. Oh, and sorry to gross you out. I keep forgetting to put warnings up!
windyridge — It’s a service I provide. I’m thinking of becoming a restaurant reviewer.
Shieldmaiden95 — Now you’ve done it. Of course, I’ll need to get a GPS first or else you’ll be getting a lot of “come get me, I’m lost” phone calls. p.s. LOVED your Jesus post. Still laughing about it.
Meg — Staple it to his head if you have to. Make sure he fully understands he’s not to order the feet entree. Save him! (I think I’ve read the cause of an older post showing up in CommentLuv is because of your feed. I’ll try to find out what I read about that.)
August 6th, 2008 at 8:10 am
Ugh, sorry about the feety-feet cheesy things. They look truly nasty. What’s wrong with us that we don’t stand up for ourselves in restaurants? Just last week, the missus and I were celebrating her birthday at a posh local eatery, and she ordered a sweet potato side dish (she’s just discovered the orange tubers at 44 – I blame it on growing up in Hawaii), and she just didn’t like it. She was picking at it with her fork and wrinkling her nose when the waiter happened by. “How is everything?” says he. She put on her best bright shiny face and cooed “wonderful, thanks!” To her credit, a few minutes later, she worked up the nerve to ask for a replacement spud, this time a whitey. We left with such a feeling of accomplishment!
I’ll never look at Dead Mobster quite the same way again after reading “Last Night at the Lobster” by Stewart O’Nan. Just finished it last week, as luck would have it. It’s a sad, sweet little book, but it might just explain your mushrooms. Spoiler: Manny would have gladly replaced them with something else more to your liking. And comped you. Maybe even would have thrown in a lobsterita.
Bill Womack’s last blog post..Proper Use of the Imperative
August 6th, 2008 at 6:38 pm
Bill Womack — I get SO close to saying something, but I almost always chicken out. I did return a horrid Asian Chopped Salad once and it was removed from my bill. But that’s it. I’m glad your wife got another spud. Asking for another isn’t as hard as you think it is when it’s over. But getting the guts is another matter. Great, now I want lobster!
August 7th, 2008 at 7:44 am
Fine example of how good advertising and visuals work. I’m not as polite as you though – I tell if the food stinks. If you don’t they’ll keep serving it and the manager won’t know how the kitchen is messing up.
August 7th, 2008 at 10:39 am
hey Kathy,
i’m confused…why didn’t you want to mention the name of the restaurant, unless it was just to get in the “Dead Mobster” joke/rhyme?
rock on,
Harris Bloom’s last blog post..I Hear The Jets Signed Some Old Quarterback
August 7th, 2008 at 10:53 am
Harris Bloom — Because I’m still catching heat for what I wrote about another business I was unhappy with. I’m very gun shy now. You may know that place. Rhymes with Way More Shenanigan. They sell furniture.
August 7th, 2008 at 11:17 am
Blaine Fridley’s last blog post..Links O’ Love: Read this blog.
August 7th, 2008 at 11:25 am
hey kathy,
catching heat?
not sure why you’d care about them being p’ed off – i mean, if their service/performance sucked, then they should be p’ed off at themselves.
in fact, i’d prolly go after them more (which i did when i wasn’t happy with Fresh Direct)
but obviously, your blog, your style
rock on,
Harris Bloom’s last blog post..I Hear The Jets Signed Some Old Quarterback
August 7th, 2008 at 12:20 pm
Blaine Fridley — Cool name. Yes, feety. Aren’t you hungry now?!
Harris — Yeah, read the comments: http://www.junkdrawerblog.com/2007/08/200708dear-raymour-and-flanigan.html
I’ve attracted some angry people. Wish now I never mentioned their name because I’m coming out in the top 10 Google search results when people are searching it. I’m tired of the debate, which is why you won’t find me responding to everyone’s comments. I learned a lesson since then.
August 8th, 2008 at 12:51 am
LOL! 🙂
This probably just shows how strange I am, but I happen to LOVE their stuffed mushrooms.
And those biscuits are delicious, aren’t they? (!!!)
Janna’s last blog post..I need WHAT??
August 8th, 2008 at 5:28 pm
Janna — I’ll trust that I just had a bad serving of them. Oh, the biscuits! I could have easily polished off a basket of them myself. Not kidding.
August 8th, 2008 at 8:19 pm
Uh, gross?! Loved your post but eeeewwww! I LOVE Dead Mobster’s cheesy biscuits but you can be sure I’ll never order their stuffed mushrooms!
August 9th, 2008 at 12:06 pm
Laura — I know. Sorry! I’m so dying for their biscuits. I wish they would sell them separately and you could order them for take-out. That’s about all I’d get, but probably all I’d need.
August 9th, 2008 at 7:09 pm
yes it is a good thing
August 11th, 2008 at 4:27 pm
Every time i walk into “Dead Mobster” the immediate smell takes over me.. and i can’t help but think of sweaty gym socks stuffed in tuna cans.
Orion’s last blog post..Swiffer
August 12th, 2008 at 5:13 am
brooke — Melted butter. Mmmmm!
Orion — I’m sorry if I ruined any formerly good feelings about the place. Maybe order take-out instead. Just not the mushrooms!
August 13th, 2008 at 6:33 pm
[…] she referred to a seafood restaurant she visited recently that has a name that rhymes with Dead Mobster. That post sparked a memory of a visit I had some years ago to an establishment that is part of the […]
August 17th, 2008 at 5:40 am
Well, about seafoods– Do you know that data: because of global industrial chemical pollution of the water environment, the fatally dangerous organic connections of mercury concentrate in seafoods.
It can lead to irreversible changes which are resist treatment.
August 19th, 2008 at 6:08 pm
CJ — Thanks for another reason to stay away!
August 20th, 2008 at 5:43 am
Love your blog! I think we have the same sense of humor…and hair LOL. Will be checking back in again.
Erin’s last blog post..The Look On My Son’s Face…Priceless
August 20th, 2008 at 7:35 pm
Erin — Do come back! There’s more weird stuff about every two days or so.
August 30th, 2008 at 9:52 am
Bacon pretty much makes anything taste good. I do love bacon wrapped scallops though I like plain scallops too.
john’s last blog post..By: Vernon C
August 30th, 2008 at 7:21 pm
john — Bacon is truly the Food of the Gods. I’m not a scallop fan, but will partake if it’s wrapped in a bacon blanket. Yummy goodness!
August 30th, 2008 at 9:08 pm
That’s the same thing I ordered, my one and only visit to Dead Mobster. I don’t remember feetness, but something hadn’t been cleaned properly because it had sand in it.
Love your blog! I’m glad I wandered in from Entrecard.
Another Kathy’s last blog post..Jesus H. Stallone
September 1st, 2008 at 6:09 pm
Another Kathy (Yea! Another Kathy!) — Oh, that’s too bad. All it takes is a couple grains of sand to ruin a meal. And feet. Glad you stopped by!