Leavin’ on a Jet Plane. Maybe.
Fun, Stupid things I do, Travel August 6th, 2008Maybe my Canadian friends could help me?
UPDATE: It’s a Junk Drawer miracle! My sister, Ann of the Shampoo Bag, was able to take a couple days off work so she could join me on a DRIVE to Toronto! No trains, no planes!
And by “join me,” I mean she can do all the driving and I won’t have to help much because she has a GPS and even if it doesn’t work, we’ll have maps. I have lots of trouble with those, too, but thankfully, her daughter is coming with us, so I’m putting her on map duty. If she was old enough to drive, we’d let her do that too.
Thanks everyone for your advice and offers of help! We’re crazy excited for this trip! I’ll catch up with comments later tonight.

August 7th, 2008 at 6:28 pm
Bingo! You reached the 50 comment mark again. Time to finish that post dear.
Tricia is exactly right regarding the N-S-E-W road direction. Very easy to figure out, not like where I live now. It’s so hilly hear that it’s worst than Washington DC trying to figure your way around.
Now get back to that post and stop stalling.
Blog Bloke’s last blog post..Blog Bloke’s Tweets for 2008-08-06
August 7th, 2008 at 7:00 pm
cardiogirl — Thanks to my sister, I don’t have to fly now. God bless her because you may never have heard from me again if I tried to go it alone.
Jay — I’m like you. Not really freaked out by the flight. But if I didn’t have my husband to dig my fingernails into on take-off, I might be singing a different tune. And now I don’t have to worry, since we’re driving. Whew!
WillThink4Wine — I hope we can rely on the good graces of strangers because I have no problem telling them I’m lost.
Regan — Bless your heart. But now you know there are no planes involved. But you can still help in the car when we drive. I think you should sit in the front seat and not expect much from me in the back.
JD at I Do Things — Anyone would walk through fire to see you! We’re driving to see you so you don’t have to (drive here)!
Maureen — Do you really? You must have been scared the first time, though, right? Or are you naturally good at directions and getting places? I would kill to have that sense about me, but I’m pathetic.
Canucklehead!!! — I wish you were closer, because then we could squeeze you in, too! Geez, you make travel sound so easy. When Dave and I went to Paris, no shuttle came to pick us up from the airport. I was no help whatsoever getting us there. Dave had to do everything. I suck.
robert bourne — Tell your sister I can sympathize with her. It does not take me long to lose my way, sadly. And then I get all weepy. Not pretty.
sue — Yeah, I thought of getting drugs to even me out, but that couldn’t possibly turn out well.
Jenn — See, you make that sound so easy. But when I’m confronted with that, I freeze and can’t think straight. I wonder if there’s a support group for people like me. You know, give them little trips to take themselves. Small ones at first, then bigger. Seriously. Is there such a thing?
Singular Girl — Your African story is the stuff of my nightmares. Thank you for the airline advice. I haven’t been on a plane in 4 years. We’ve decided to drive, thank God, but your advice will come in handy for future flights.
Lori — Oh really? You’re so nice! We’re driving now. We’re also trying to get a hotel near my friends so we don’t have city travel to contend with. We will have GPS. Amtrak didn’t pan out. All possible trains were fully booked already.
Ferd — You know now we’re driving, and Regan’s coming with! The three of us are so excited we could bust! I’m totally up for a planned blogger meeting at different points, but it’ll be much better-planned, believe me. This is insane what we’re doing, but I saw a chance and needed to take it.
Claire — Oh, how great you are coming to the States! You will love Boston! I was there in ’86 I think. One of the best vacations I ever had. I wish you good luck and good travels. I feel for you, I really do!
Stephanie C — Maybe next time, I will! With three of them so close together, I just had to do this. I’m sure I’ll blog from there, perhaps once each day, so you can read how we’re making out. So awesome!
Poetikat — You travel about as much as me. I plan to load up all the phone numbers of the people who offered, so we have ample choices for assistance. I’m thrilled to have this much help. We made need it, especially right after we get there. Thanks for adding me to your blogroll. I’ll check you out. And thanks for the tip about the 401. Although that sounds like my drive to work. Pennsylvania drivers are notorious for crawling up your butt on the highway.
Joe — Thanks. Safety is the one area I can help with. If I can’t read a map, at least I can watch for crazy drivers and warn Ann.
Jaffer — Thanks. We’ll be fine. I’ll be writing you tomorrow with more details of the trip, once we get the hotel locked in. So excited!
Alan — Pennsylvania. I talk so fast because that Voki thing only gives you 60 seconds. I should use those for way shorter posts, huh?
Lee — Yes, we all have our passports. My other niece might have joined us, too, but she doesn’t have one. The last time she was in Canada, you only needed to show your birth certificate. On coming south… don’t tempt me. That might be a trip I actually could drive on my own. You’re not terribly far from me.
Blog Bloke — That’s what we like to hear! We plan on trying everything! Ah, is there nothing better than stretchy pants? Of course, I wouldn’t been seen in public wearing them (much). I know. The short notice makes things harder on all counts. I’m up for a Blokester thing, blogger thing, anything! This is an idea whose time has come.
Swubird — Have your way with me. As for the laptop, it’s an appendage. The first thing we needed to check was whether there was internet access in the hotel. I’ll be blogging from there, I’m sure.
Tricia’s Musings — August 16-19. I’m sure we’ll have lots of walkin’ around time. Looking forward to seeing the sights as well as my friends. I’m so glad you said the streets were laid out like that. It’s really the only way I can manage. I was there over 20 years ago, but I remember it to be extremely friendly and wanted to live there!
Natural — I’m sorry my Voki didn’t talk to you. She didn’t mean to be mute. All you need to know is I’m not flying now! Woo hoo! Watch for a couple posts next weekend for an update.
Bruce — Don’t think we haven’t thought about it! If we can’t be on TV, at least we can get lost trying to find our destinations. (Pray we don’t, though).
Blog Bloke — I can’t imagine anything worse than D.C. I’ve heard horror story after horror story. I love a grid layout. That’s going to prove very helpful. As for the post, I left it in the Dash. I may get back to it after being away from it a while. And now I have 52 comments…
August 7th, 2008 at 7:07 pm
Chicken! 😉 You can finish it on the car “dash”board on your way to TO.
That’s #53 Do I hear 54? Going, going…
Blog Bloke’s last blog post..Blog Bloke’s Tweets for 2008-08-06
August 7th, 2008 at 7:10 pm
#54… By the way, your avatars still don’t like me. You’re not using MyAvatars are you?
Blog Bloke’s last blog post..Blog Bloke’s Tweets for 2008-08-06
August 7th, 2008 at 7:35 pm
Comment #54 ! Sold to the guy in the blue T-Shirt.
Jaffer’s last blog post..Recuperating an old Laptop – Part 2
August 7th, 2008 at 8:14 pm
Considering the weather here for the last week I’ll drive. Everywhere. Just get me somewhere that isn’t sitting at or near 100 degrees and I’ll be your love slave. And driver. Massuer. Cook? umm… what else you need?
Mojo’s last blog post..55 Flash Fiction Friday (#6): “Synchronicity”
August 7th, 2008 at 8:59 pm
Woo hoo! You’re coming!!
fragileheart’s last blog post..Today is a geeky day indeed
August 7th, 2008 at 9:18 pm
have fun! road trips are awesome!!!
Kelly’s last blog post..Thank You God, Thank You Airborne
August 7th, 2008 at 10:07 pm
Your voki is absolutely hysterical. Because I am stupid? That alone practically had me peeing! Be nice to yourself dear. 🙂
Lauren’s last blog post..China revokes visa of gold medalist, Darfur activist Cheek
August 8th, 2008 at 5:10 am
I must say I continue to be fascinated by your fembot. After she finishes talking to me, I have fun moving my cursor all around for a few more seconds. I tried to make her cross her eyes, but no luck.
I’m glad you’ll be in good hands for your trip. Safe travels!
Vivienne’s last blog post..The Pea Questions the Pod
August 8th, 2008 at 7:17 am
Kathy! I can’t wait to read the “on the Road with Kathy and family” posts that are sure to result. With your luck, they will probably ask for Passports at the Canadian Border and search your car! don’t wear a scarf! You know that Rachel Ray made those popular for terrorists?! Lol Have fun, and have a safe trip!
Chris Casey’s last blog post..New Lamps on the Garage…ZAPPPP!
August 8th, 2008 at 8:03 am
Whit a GPS you shouldn’t have any problem. Those things are so helpful–I love mine! Somehow, maps only work if you know what direction you are going in. They are very cumbersome too! It really annoys me when it’s time to fold it back up and I can’t get the folds to go right. (I am a perfectionist)
Have a great time and a safe trip!
Karen, author of “My Funny Dad, Harry”‘s last blog post..A Very Fun Game Site: Pogo.com
August 8th, 2008 at 12:50 pm
Oh I’m so glad for you. You will have a trip to remember. I wish I could be a fly on the wall ;O)
See, you don’t need a silly TV programme – You can create your own Amazing Race!
Babs – beetle’s last blog post..Look what I got!
August 8th, 2008 at 4:57 pm
Blog Bloke — Well, I will have my laptop, so you never know. I might just finish it. I tried using the MyAvatars plug-in, but I couldn’t get it to work. Not sure why. Will look at that down the road.
Jaffer — Hey! You never show up way down here! You’re always in my Top 5. Your job is to get the party started in comments!
Mojo — That’ll do it. And don’t tempt me. Sounds like my kind of vacation.
fragileheart — If you have some tips for traveling in Toronto, please email me at kathyblog07 [at] gmail [dot] com and thank you!!!
Kelly — My sister and I had a great roadtrip when we went to the Amazing Race audition, which sadly, we weren’t selected for. It’s gonna be a great trip, provided her trusty GPS keeps us on the right path.
Lauren — Then you don’t know me very well. You need to take a trip through my “embarrassing” category in my sidebar. Your head will spin.
Vivienne — I love the eyes, too. Kinda creepy, kinda fun!
Chris Casey — When they ask for identification, I’ll just explain that I’m Kathy of The Junk Drawer. They’ll know me, I’m sure.
Karen — I’m waiting to get one for Christmas, so I can start learning how to drive further than my own neighborhood. I’m annoyed with maps because I can’t read the fine print, even with my contacts in. I need reading glasses for them and I lost my last pair after using them only once. I’m hopeless.
Babs — We’re really looking forward to it. Booked the room today. It’s really happening! I’m sure I’ll have a road trip blog entry when I get back, or maybe even while we’re still there. ROAD TRIP!
August 8th, 2008 at 5:35 pm
Okay, I totally think we should organize regularly scheduled blogger road trips. And one of those should be to my house. No really: you, JD, Les Becker, Cardiogirl, there’s about half a bus’ worth I’d like down here in the South so I could take you on the Elle tour of New Orleans and ’round about the swamp. Blogista Travel Agency… there’s an idea.
Elle’s last blog post..Portrait of a Mad Woman On Hold With ISP
August 8th, 2008 at 6:09 pm
So I started the party, stayed during the whole party, got drunk and I’m the last one to leave.
Now you’ll have to call a cab to send me home. X-(
August 8th, 2008 at 7:27 pm
i’m going to give her another chance. i thought i was going to have to break out my sign language on her, but i’ll see if she’s ready to talk now.
you know i was supposed to go to canada aug. 16. we’re not going. bummer. everybody is broke, including me, but i wasn’t paying. oh well.
Natural’s last blog post..Are You Feeling Guilty Over Something?
August 8th, 2008 at 7:34 pm
thanks for the laugh, she spoke to me. had to give her chocolate and $2, but hey whatever works.
now i have your solution. you need 1 seeing eye dog and 1 bomb sniffing dog 1 pointer dog and you’d be straight.
did i miss it, how are you getting there again or are you going. bus, drive, train? dang, i’ll go back up and read down.
Natural’s last blog post..Are You Feeling Guilty Over Something?
August 8th, 2008 at 7:35 pm
nope. i’m really that dumb. i’m leaving now. i found my answer. da*&! my stupid is showing. sorry.
Natural’s last blog post..Are You Feeling Guilty Over Something?
August 9th, 2008 at 10:37 am
Wow! You’re awesome. I want to marry you and make all your dreams come true. 🙂
Richard Catto’s last blog post..South African women, cats and stats
August 9th, 2008 at 11:25 am
Oh! too bad I am not from Toronto. It’s 45 to 1 hour drive from my location but I don’t drive either lol! How I wish you and I will meet, maybe on your next trip. I guess i am already driving when that happen.
Take care on the road!
manilenya’s last blog post..Weekend in Niagara and my mutterings
August 9th, 2008 at 12:00 pm
Elle — Careful. If you suggest it, you have to organize it. I’m up for traveling most anywhere if someone plans it and gives me enough time, especially so I can bring my husband with me!
Jaffer — Don’t worry. I’d take good care of you. You’re necessary for the continued success of the Drunk Drawer. Oops, I meant Junk Drawer.
Natural — Oh, my dear, you make me laugh! It’s too bad we couldn’t squeeze you in on the 16th. We’ll be getting there in the afternoon. Crap! The Voki might even sing for you if you give her chocolate and $2. Don’t tempt me. As for the seeing eye dog, a woman I work with suggested that I wear large dark sunglasses and look pathetic (back when she thought I was traveling alone). I’ll still look pathetic, just without the glasses now.
Richard Catto — That’s what everyone says. Get in line. And if you believe that, I have another story for you.
manilenya — You never know. All this talk about bloggers meeting up is causing a stir. It’s exciting to finally meet some people I’ve only known online. It’s about time!
August 9th, 2008 at 1:48 pm
Oh! so you’re coming here for the Blog meet up only? that’s cool!
manilenya’s last blog post..Rambling of my deranged fingers
August 9th, 2008 at 2:28 pm
take me i have went on a plane 8 times and i know how to get around and i have a gps (my mom does)and i have money
August 9th, 2008 at 11:19 pm
If you are in need of Tex-Mex…DO NOT go to the police station for restaurant advice in T.O. WE did that about 20 years ago and had canned chili in a taco bowl for taco salad. Gross. Also China Town is an area to either see or miss depending on your sensibilities of seeing dead things hanging in Butcher shop windows.
Above all else…Have fun.
Go see Casa Loma!! Plan at least half a day to tour it. It was the highlight of our trip to T.O.
Rattln Along’s last blog post..Happy Fourth Of July
August 10th, 2008 at 2:43 am
First, don’t listen to the GPS it lies.
Second, I’m a little scared.
DrowseyMonkey’s last blog post..Hump Day
August 10th, 2008 at 10:19 am
Well, if you had taken the plane, and ended up in Nebraska, I would have driven to pick you up, but then you’d end up in Missouri. Well, actually, you’d end up in Texas, since that’s where we are headed…and that’s windy west Texas. Soooo, it’s a good thing your sister is driving you to Canada. Hope you have a good time!
kpasa’s last blog post..Get Your Stuff Before It’s Too Late
August 10th, 2008 at 3:09 pm
Hey Kath… just for your information, I have checked 100 ways to Sunday to be sure, and you DON’T need a passport to cross the border either direction (by land) until 2009. So if it’s preventing you from bringing others along make sure you don’t let that stop you.
I made double sure because neither me nor my kids have passports.
Jeff’s last blog post..I’m taking off to Canada eh, you hosers
August 10th, 2008 at 3:36 pm
To be sure, I would never take the chance of leaving my country without a valid passport.
Too big a risk to take.
When the big armed men say (in German accents), “Papiere, bitte.” You don’t want to be the one stammering, “Uh, I must have left mine at home.”
Red tape and bureaucracy will nail you every time.
Richard Catto’s last blog post..South African women, cats and stats
August 10th, 2008 at 3:45 pm
manilenya — Yep. I’m just that dedicated. Or crazy. Or both.
brooke — It sounds like you’re a world traveler already. But you haven’t traveled with me. I could kill all your ideals about world travel.
Rattln Along — Um, need to know why you were at the police station. Any details you want to reveal? Oh, and you needn’t worry about Chinatown. I don’t do hanging animals on a hook. We expect to have more fun than is fair.
DrowseyMonkey — We do actually trust the GPS. Hasn’t let Ann down yet. But we’ll also have directions printed out and maps. Oh, please don’t be scared. You’ll make me nervous!
kpasa — Yeah, but then I’d get to see a lot of the country where I’ve never been! Wouldn’t be a total loss and you’d have a story for your friends. Yes, it’s good Ann can drive. I’ll be erecting a monument in her honor.
Jeff — Yeah, I checked everywhere, too. Once I realized you didn’t need a passport, I asked my other niece if she can come. She doesn’t have one and thought that was the deal breaker. With any luck, 4 of us will be coming. Since Charli’s not going, you may want to have a Travel Consent form that she’ll sign, saying it’s OK to take your kids across the border. I’ll write you with the link.
Richard Catto — We feel better knowing we all have our passports. It’s a good thing to have, especially since the rules will change soon. Everyone should have one if there’s a remote chance they need to travel.
August 10th, 2008 at 4:20 pm
I am totally onboard with Elle’s Tour of New Orleans!
JD at I Do Things’s last blog post..I Had a Colonoscopy so you don’t have to
August 11th, 2008 at 6:14 pm
WE stopped at the station thinking that they might know of a good restaurant but we were wrong.
Don’t forget Casa Loma!!!!!!!
Rattln Along’s last blog post..Happy Fourth Of July
August 12th, 2008 at 5:09 am
JD at I Do Things — So am I (if someone who’s smarter than me will plan it!)
Rattln Along — OK, good to know you weren’t in handcuffs. I’m not sure we’ll have time to visit too many sights, except perhaps on Sunday. Casa Loma looks beautiful!
August 12th, 2008 at 11:30 am
The invitation still stands for a trip to Tioga County…leaf peeping season is coming soon!
Shieldmaiden96’s last blog post..Downstate
August 12th, 2008 at 7:18 pm
Shieldmaiden96 — Seriously. I need to meet you. And I think I could actually drive myself, except if you live in the boonies and don’t have any road signs.
August 12th, 2008 at 7:56 pm
Umm… Still here reading comments.
Hesisating to Cross off quick walk through
China Townfrom the list !But Kensington Market is right there !
Sure you don’t you want to see roasted pigs hanging off hooks ?
Casa Loma is up the road on Bathurst near my college.
August 13th, 2008 at 7:58 am
Bloody hell 200 word post and thousands of words in comments?
this is ammazing Kathy you and your community members are having a blast here
Sunil Pathak’s last blog post..By: Barbara Swafford
August 13th, 2008 at 7:13 pm
Jaffer — No! No hanging animals from hooks! I’m not coming if you take us there! We’ll go wherever our feet take us (or car if we’re pooped.) So looking forward to this trip!
Sunil Pathak — It happens sometimes. I am the luckiest blogger in the world to have this kind of community. I don’t take it for granted for a second.
August 19th, 2008 at 4:54 pm
[…] Secretary, scouts have reported of intruders from south of the border. Unconfirmed reports point to a certain Hamiltonian attempting to show them a good […]