Oh, Canada!
Fun, Short stories, Travel August 20th, 2008 I’m back home from my whirlwind trip to Toronto, where I met three of my good bloggy friends, Jeff, Jaffer, and JD, a trip that will now be referred to as “The Three J Tour.”
Our goal wasn’t so much to sight-see when we got there. The crappy picture to the left is the best one I took, which proves how little I worked at pointing and clicking. Could I have possibly shot a bigger structure out of alignment?
Didn’t really matter because, for me, this trip was all about meeting my friends.
I’m left with an intense feeling of gratitude for everyone who made it a success and gave me memories to last a lifetime.
And so instead of a lousy photo travelogue, I give you The Three J Tour “Thanks a Whole Lot” Award Ceremony:
Thank you, adventure-seeking sister Ann, for taking off work and driving 1,000 miles to get me there and back. Thank you for dealing with the stress of driving to an unfamiliar place and for not making me feel it was an imposition.
You’re a skilled and steady driver who knew exactly when the GPS lady had her head up her butt. You remained calm under pressure, even when the third street car driver in as many days honked his horn at you. “Have mercy! We’re from Pennsylvania!” For this and more, you get instant membership to the Sister Hall of Fame.
Thank you, easy-going niece Regan, for surviving two 8-hour car trips without complaint. I know in kid time, that’s an eternity. Thank you also for snagging that cab for us after we walked non-stop for six hours the first night. With my newly developed blister, you saved my pinky toe from further damage. You rock.
Thank you Jeff and your three delightful children, Brandon, Austin and Roseanna, for entertaining us while we walked approximately 23 miles exploring the city. Yes, I got a blister. Yes, my legs were lead the next morning. But I forgot all the pain because that night was a jam-packed, Amazing Race-like funfest I’ll never forget.
Additional kudos for not mocking me too much when it was clearly me who messed up the meeting time. You said in your blog last week, and I quote: “But the best part is, Kathy is sure to screw something up big time…” All I can say is you know me too well.
To Jeff’s wife, Charli, I’m sorry I sounded like such a goofus on the phone. I had just seconds earlier met your husband, had a dripping chicken wrap in my hands and a soda can wedged under my armpit. Forgive me?
Thank you Jaffer, for taking a bus 50 miles to meet us in the city. I don’t know anyone else who would do that for me. Hell, I wouldn’t do that for me. Thank you for our Sunday morning coffee klatch, entertaining me with your interesting life stories and being our personal tour guide. But what am I supposed to do now that you treated us to the world’s best gelato and I can’t find it around here?
Our relaxing and delicious lunch was one of the highlights of the trip. I’m so sorry you were the victim of that loose-stool pigeon who had you in his sights. I believe in my heart it was because you were sitting next to me, since wherever I go, trouble follows. Please accept my apologies.
Thank you JD and your husband Dave for letting us glom a day from your vacation to meet with us. I don’t think the hotel staff thought we were too weird for screaming and jumping up and down like fools right there in the lobby when we first met, do you? Thank you for agreeing not to walk 20 miles that day, because I’m quite sure some of my piddies would have fallen off otherwise.
Dinner that night was a blast and I felt warm and cozy, surrounded by friends and family, despite the torrential rain and lightning going on outside. You are exactly the fun and hilarious woman I knew you would be from your blog and our countless emails over this last year. I’m so thankful I had the chance to finally meet you (and your dear, charming husband!)
Thank you nice lady at the border crossing, who let us in the country even though you got suspicious when we said we were only there to meet people instead of truly vacationing. Thank you for not detaining us, even though you rightly questioned why Ann didn’t even know the full names of the people she drove there to meet. We know it sounded a little terrorist-y.
I suppose when you asked what we were bringing into the country, and we answered “Oh, just some whoopie cushions,” (gifts for JD) you realized we were only harmless idiots. Thanks for not probing any further.
Thank you Earth, for putting a small jutting ledge out beyond the railing on the U.S. side of the Niagara Falls, so that I could get close enough to take video. That ledge meant that if I did slip and fall, I would drop only five feet instead of hundreds, straight down to a skull-crushing, body-splattering death.
And one more thanks, while I’m at it, goes to my local newspaper for picking me up for a new feature they call Blogger Tuesdays, where they spotlight posts from “local bloggers of note.” They published my John Deere gift bag story while I was still in Canada. You hear that? I’m a Blogger of Note! Drinks all around!
I’m off now to bask in the afterglow of my Three J Tour and to figure out how I can meet the rest of you guys. What do you say? Junk Drawer Blog-A-Palooza in 2009?

August 22nd, 2008 at 5:44 pm
Toronto! My former home and perpetual source of plaintive nostalgia. I’m jealous of your trip – and also glad you had a great time and got to explore a delightful city.
August 22nd, 2008 at 7:58 pm
I am SO happy for you!!!
I’m sure most of us dream of meeting some of our best blogger buddies. I know I do. So I would FOR SURE be up for Blog-A-Palooza 2009! Count me in right now! And Princess Gail, too. Where do I send my eReservation and eMoney?
I’m sorry (not really) for all those loud capital letters, but I am REALLY happy about your trip!
: )
Ferd’s last blog post..Thank you, my friends!
August 23rd, 2008 at 7:24 am
Great post, really enjoyed reading about your trip 🙂
CharmaineZoe’s last blog post..Scrapbook Saturday 23/8: Caravanning Capers!
August 23rd, 2008 at 10:14 am
I’ve sent you a little bloggy love. Check my site to see…
Jennifer’s last blog post..The Weirdest in All the Land…
August 23rd, 2008 at 11:11 am
Margaret — Jaffer wasn’t cracking up. Felt so bad! And thanks! Hope they keep publishing me. For all the times I write about my butt, I’m not sure they’ve vetted me enough.
Tammy Warren — Yes, it was fantastic. Much more about the people I met than the sights I took in.
Elle — I highly recommend it if you can get a number of your best e-buddies in the same place. Hmmm, Louisiana? Doesn’t sound too bad. I think I can talk Ann into almost anything. She always up for an adventure.
Monique — It will. It was everything I imagined it would be and more! And thanks.
Beamer — A friend of mine drove cross-country recently. I was exhausted just reading about his trip on his blog. I’d never survive it. Sorry. You’re going to have to come here.
Jay — We don’t keep our big mouths shut because we’re nervous for the ten miles before the crossing and lose our senses. Glad your knife-wielding self made it through. But you’re going to have to work on your menacing look. You can’t look cute carrying a knife. No one will take you seriously.
Alda — It’d have been more delightful without a blister and figuring out the parking meters sooner than the last day. Poo!
Ferd — You sound like me for the whole week beforehand. I was so jazzed to go and it was every bit the fun I expected it to be. If there’s a blog-a-palooza, you know you’ll hear about it and in plenty of time to plan.
CharmaineZoe — Thanks. Just wish I had better pictures to show.
Jennifer — Thank you for the award! BTW, I would totally marry my DVR, too, if I could. Don’t know how I lived without it so long. Best thing since sliced double fiber bread.
August 23rd, 2008 at 12:11 pm
Well I’ve been pooped on many times before (by hens, sparrows, pigeons, ducks, babies) and I’ve always managed to turn them into a good laugh !
But not when I’m having food ! And there’s no way I’m handling a knife with poopy hands. I don’t like surprise toppings !
Jaffer’s last blog post..My thoughts on bottled-water-containers
August 23rd, 2008 at 3:17 pm
What a lovely post! And I’m definitely up for a Junk Drawer Blog-a-Palooza in 2009. As long as there are golf carts and heating pads. And ice cream. Plenty of ice cream.
Jeff and I are on the same wavelength. I’m transcribing text messages as soon as I’m done commenting.
May I add my thanks to Ann not only for driving and making this possible but for being so fun and funny? I’m so glad I got to meet both you and Regan.
And for the record: It was mainly me jumping up and down and screaming. I was clinging to Kathy who kind of had no choice but to bounce up and down with me. She may have screamed. I couldn’t tell — I was screaming too loud!
JD at I Do Things’s last blog post..I Buy Stuff Online so you don’t have to
August 24th, 2008 at 8:55 am
Jaffer — Incredibly, I have never been pooped upon. I mean, doesn’t it just seem like this would have happened to me already? I think I’m due.
JD at I Do Things — Junk Drawer Blog-a-Palooza will involve no effort beyond getting to the location. We will sit around on our butts, just like we do when we’re blogging. And eat. While blogging.
Oh, no. You’re showing text messages too? Ruh-roh.
We came. We saw. We screamed!
August 24th, 2008 at 8:04 pm
Ok oK……….I clicked on the video (now why do I do that??) and watched it in it’s entirety…………….so when’s the sequel??? Or is that water over the bridge now???
Alan’s last blog post..My question to a 99 year old woman about life after death
August 25th, 2008 at 5:43 pm
Alan — It’s mesmerizing, isn’t it? It took me 25 years to get back to the Falls, so I wouldn’t expect a sequel any time soon. Sorry!
August 25th, 2008 at 6:52 pm
I saw the Falls a few years ago…Meh to be honest.
But I did go up the CN tower……never again……I was so……let’s just say……..leaky. And NO I did not even go near the glass floor
Alan’s last blog post..My question to a 99 year old woman about life after death
August 25th, 2008 at 6:55 pm
Alan — I was at the top of the CN tower years ago, too. I had zero interest in going back up on this visit. Since that first visit, I’ve developed an intense fear of heights. No thanks. I’ll just gaze at it from the ground!
September 21st, 2008 at 11:18 pm
I have a teacher who is living in Toronto either. But I haven’t been there to visit her. I guess the most exiting travel I can recall is Beijing. I love the ancient monument there. Those palaces, lanes and food are great.
Handbag for life’s last blog post..Can you smell that sexy taste of Matthew Williamson?
January 22nd, 2009 at 3:04 pm
[…] Toronto, can you guess where I went to college ? Ok, one more hint, we also took this street during Kathy’s tour of the neighbourhoods near the Casa Loma. Alright, I’ll help you Google […]
January 28th, 2009 at 9:51 am
Your three J tour seems very interesting.Even I like to visit such places but I haven’t visited Toronto yet.
March 25th, 2009 at 7:17 am
I am glad that you guys had a blast there, next will be me so wish me luck.
July 6th, 2009 at 3:58 pm
Sounds like an awesome trip! I love meeting my blog/twitter friends in person. It’s always an adventure!