Fangy McFang No More
Uncategorized September 28th, 2008I swear I’m not a vain person. If I was, I’d work out at the gym every day, in full makeup and a cute outfit. But I don’t and the result is something I think they call Letting Yourself Go.
But over the years, I’d always been bothered by a decidedly non-cute part of my body that I couldn’t tolerate anymore about the time I turned 40.
I had fangs.
My canine teeth used to be very pointy and I was always self-conscious of them, such that I hated smiling broadly, especially in pictures. The teeth are also positioned slightly higher up on the gum than my other teeth, making them more noticeable if I wasn’t careful to smile close-lipped.
I had been seeing my wonderful dentist for years before it finally occurred to me to ask if anything could be done about them. He said “Sure, we’ll just cut the tips off, file them down and then cap ’em.” God, I wish I had thought to ask sooner.
Before I knew it, I was fangless, happy, and smiling big again. I even saved the tips. For what, I don’t know. And evidently I lost one. Here’s the one that survived.
I’m not the first in my family to be introduced to cosmetic dentistry. One of my sisters used to have a space between her teeth, with which she used to entertain friends and family. She had a remarkable ability to squirt water through the space in a half dozen directions. Grab your raincoat!
I was sad when she got the space filled because isn’t it a sister’s duty to perform water fountain stunts whenever I wanted?
And my other sister got braces in her thirties. God bless her. Can you imagine? Of course, when you have braces as an adult, and anyone makes fun of you, my guess is you can tell them to go to hell with confidence. As a kid, not so much.
So have any of you changed something about your body that you hated? If you’re like me, you’re happy you did it and wonder why you waited so long.
Now everybody say cheese!

September 30th, 2008 at 10:07 am
I used to have such a complex when it came to my fang teeth and now every time I get self-conscious I just think about the amount of people who are either going out and buying fang-like teeth or getting their teeth pointed by some sort of dental surgery. Makes it all better!
Holly’s last blog post..What You Can Do Daily to Stay Fit
September 30th, 2008 at 11:25 am
When I was 11 years old, I smashed my two front teeth (I crashed my bike into the back of my friend’s and flew off, just narrowly missing the sidewalk with my head). One tooth was broken in a straight line, but the other was cracked on the diagonal. It was gorgeous!
In Grade 7 I had 2 root canals and gold posts put in the teeth and then they crowned them. (I had a little plastic case like yours with 2 extra porcelain caps.) Then I cracked one of the caps in my mouth and they used one of the extras. I still have the other one in the case in my bathroom (the cotton wool surrounding it has gone quite yellow). For years, my dad kept his HUGE molars in a plastic pill bottle – along with all my baby teeth. Weird huh?
Poetikat’s last blog post..Blue Monday?
September 30th, 2008 at 11:26 am
Dear Kathy, sorry for my delay to sharing with your teeth. What a sharp teeth you have gotten! It’s not good for your smile but it must be very convenient when you are trying to chew. I used to own two sharp tooth when I was a little girl. You know what,it’s hilarious to tell, I abraded the sharp tooth till they became flat. I can’t tell how long I did this, but I solved this problem by myself as a little girl.Hehe
Handbag for life’s last blog post..Gucci 2009 Menβs Bag Preview
September 30th, 2008 at 2:39 pm
I sort of have them too, though they are in line with the rest, only because a couple teeth around them were pulled to accommodate the pre-braces weirdness I had, then everything was yanked forward. (This was AFTER my hard palate was cracked in half. On purpose. With the turn of a key.) I kinda like them.
As for changing things; my sister has some ‘aftermarket parts’ because she is very tall and was sort of disproportionate. Now shes not, and doesn’t look like a stripper or anything. Her doc did a nice job. The woman who approved her recovery time off whispered to her as she handed her the paperwork “You’re my hero!”
Shieldmaiden96’s last blog post..Blogger’s Block
September 30th, 2008 at 6:15 pm
I have a fangy tooth. Every now and then I bite myself with it. Always makes me feel stupid.
Laura’s last blog post..The Chess Mess Test
September 30th, 2008 at 7:00 pm
So we can call you Cappy now, right?
Carla’s last blog post..Ahw maze ing
September 30th, 2008 at 10:22 pm
I have a couple of crooked teeth and have been told I should get braces, but at 25 I’m too embarrassed at the thought of wearing braces. I’ve decided instead that my crooked teeth give me character π
Erin’s last blog post..Cruisey six months
September 30th, 2008 at 11:26 pm
my teeth are nice and straight and white, all on their own. i was truly blessed in that department. One fun sliiiight dental issue i have, though? There is the tiniest of tiny spaces at the base of where my two top front teeth meet, not an abnormal looking space at all but thanks to it i have the innate ability to whistle in the highest, loudest pitched whistle ever. Its usually so high that it tends to make people’s ears bleed and Oh my god does it drive the local dogs bananas. I can do it on command and when I do it is really loud, but the fun part is the slightly toned down whistle that occasionally happens when I am just talking. THAT one i can not control. Its fun when it shows up in inappropriate places, like maybe during a job interview…:
Potential Boss Lady; “So, what do you think about Sands & Suns so far?”
Whistler’s Sister ((me)): “Well, so far i think that Sands & S(whiiiiistle)uns *pause* ….is s(whiiiiiistle)uper. *longer pause* Can I stop talking now, please?”
October 1st, 2008 at 12:08 am
I love the self deprecation: Fangy McFang. I wore braces for years, but apparently not long enough.
Bucky McBuck
Mike Foster’s last blog post..Streeeeeetch Your Life
October 1st, 2008 at 5:00 am
Jay — I can imagine having to explain my earrings to people! Yeah, my timing was all off. Who knew vampire love could be so popular? A smile is a terrible thing to waste. Think of all the ones we wanted, but suppressed.
Holly — And yours are authentic!
Poetikat — OMG, what a horrible accident. Wow, you had a lot of dental work at an early age. I totally get saving your “parts.” Your dad saving your baby teeth is adorable!
Handbag for life — I can’t believe you filed down your own teeth! It must have taken forever! My fangs didn’t help with chewing, I don’t think, but made ripping off corners of packages easier. Probably not a good thing for teeth anyway.
Shieldmaiden96 — Geez, you guys have had your fair share of dental issues. Non-stripper boobs are really the best in the long run. Good for your sister!
Laura — I used to bite my dentist with them. Actually, I still have that problem when I’m tense. Hey, if you’re going to stick your hand in there with pointy objects, someone’s gonna get hurt.
Carla — Call me anything you want, just don’t call me late for dinner. Ba-dum chhh.
Erin — You’re right. All our little differences make us unique (I know, I just sounded like an afterschool special). But it’s true. My husband loved my little fangs. He wasn’t quite right for a few days after they went missing.
Kara — Awww! I love your little space. What an awesome talent. And your example interview questions wasssssss priccccceles!
Mike Foster — Hey, I went over to your blog and bigified one of your smiley pictures. You have GREAT teeth! Lucky man.
October 1st, 2008 at 11:09 am
I love your site, fangless Kathy! π You’re a beautiful lady. I voted for you to get ‘Humor Blogger of the Year 2008’ award over at You rock, Kathy!
October 1st, 2008 at 6:08 pm
Laura-Junkfoodaholic — Oh, thanks so much. If I still had my tips, I’d show you a big, fangy smile! Appreciate the vote. That’s so nice of you!
October 1st, 2008 at 8:29 pm
Kathy that is definitely not vain at all! Listen to my story: When I was younger all my baby teeth had such big roots that none of them came out by themselves. Each one had to be pulled (at different intervals of course) over several years…and after that wonderful experience NONE of my adult teeth started to come in naturally. So I had a ton of oral surgery…part of which included gold chains to be surgically wrapped around the root of each tooth and they tugged on the chains to pull the teeth up. I swear I am not making this up! Then I had the retainers, the braces, etc etc….It was unbelievable and I always felt like such a weirdo! And I kept all my gross HUGE baby teeth and still have them!
oh well, all is good now though…except for the wisdom teeth coming in! π
October 1st, 2008 at 11:15 pm
You made sense. It sounds weird but I understood. There was always those teeth that meant something. I didn’t save every single tooth. I kept my wisdom teeth because I kinda wanted something to show for all the pain I went through to have them pulled. During the surgery I woke up with them trying to pull out a tooth and actually felt the pain of it breaking in half.
On a side note I’ve nominated you for an award. You can drop by and pick it up anytime.
ImitationAngel’s last blog post..Love Your Blog Award
October 2nd, 2008 at 4:47 am
haha… i thought you bought a very expensive ring or jewel!
anyway, if you had fangs.. i had very big front teeth (for my size)… the two upper front teeth squeezed each other that made them protrude and overlap the teeth beside them which pushed me to wear retainers.. but due to that my lower teeth were disaligned… so now.. i’m planning to get braces.. huhuhu…
clerihew’s last blog post..out of boredom
October 2nd, 2008 at 4:36 pm
kat — I don’t know about “weird” but you must have been in so much pain during that time. What you described sounds like torture. Oh, I’m so sorry. You poor thing!
ImitationAngel — Oh, cripes. I was pretty good having my wisdom teeth taken. It was getting sick from the anesthesia that I remember most. I loved that you saved that part of you! Thank you for the award. You’re such a sweetheart.
clerihew — I’m lucky my teeth aren’t misaligned. You really do have to go the braces route if that’s a problem. Good luck! I think you’re in good company.
October 3rd, 2008 at 1:03 pm
I think it’s great that you can look at something you consider a flaw and laugh at it. Congrats on getting the tips removed. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with altering something on yourself if it makes you feel better. Within reason, of course.
October 3rd, 2008 at 1:43 pm
Hi! You think that’s bad! I have a 52 year old baby tooth. A little worn but it still works! PS Love the “click to edit” function. Wish we could all have that!
Peter McCartney’s last blog post..What gets your partner’s goat?
October 3rd, 2008 at 7:43 pm
Skin Care Education — Couldn’t have said it better myself. The change I made probably went unnoticed by most people, but to me it was a huge improvement.
Peter McCartney — My, what a unique tooth you have! It’s a keeper — literally. I always wanted to have an edit feature here since I’ve seen and used it on other blogs. We all make mistakes, and it’s sure nice to fix them when we can.
October 6th, 2008 at 3:38 pm
Im sorry i have not commented in a while and i have braces and i think they are not that bad
October 7th, 2008 at 4:44 pm
brooke — I’m always here! I hope you don’t have to wear your braces too long. Just remember, you’ll have the most beautiful teeth when it’s all over.
October 22nd, 2008 at 4:24 pm
I had a mole removed in my 20s. From the time I started wearing a bra it bothered me because the band rubbed it. I swore for years that one day I’d have it removed. It was a little tender at first, but now I can’t remember which side it was on!
Grace’s last blog post..Halloween Micromitts!!!!!!!
October 22nd, 2008 at 4:59 pm
Grace — You know, I have a mole that I’d like to get rid of. Never get around to it, though. If it was rubbing against something, I’d probably rip it off myself! It’s part of me now.
November 22nd, 2008 at 4:54 pm
Bet you can guess what I have had worked on… yep a Tummy Tuck. Fortunately everything went well although it was extremely painful and long arduous process. I am glad I did. You just have to be careful.
November 23rd, 2008 at 5:16 pm
Maria at Tummy Tuck Gone Wrong — Wow, I’m impressed. Not a fan of longterm pain, so you have my admiration for going through it. All that matters is whether you’re happy with the results.
January 6th, 2009 at 11:55 am
In the same boat as you about Frugality… I had laser teeth whitening, except it wasnt laser, and it wasnt by a
April 15th, 2009 at 12:59 pm
Hey, nice tips. I’ll buy a glass of beer to the person from that forum who told me to go to your site π
August 19th, 2009 at 1:30 am
I got my braces in my 40s plus the laser teeth whitening. Got everything through at a discount. The trick with the professional whitening is you got to ask them to give you the strongest concentration, if you want super whites. Because they are licensed to do strongest concentration. The in=store whiteners can’t offer that. Katty
November 16th, 2009 at 2:47 pm
Thank you for sharing your story! People love or hate their “fangs.” Glad you are happy with your decision though.
February 4th, 2010 at 5:15 pm
I was really wondering about the title when I saw the new blog post haha. “Fangs” sounds more like a vampire. But now they are gone do you miss them a little? I just saw the picture so you were allowed to keep them.
Thanks for the article made me smile!