How to Make a Grown Woman Cry
embarrassing, work October 28th, 2008A client came to my office today to ask for password help on his laptop. While I worked on it, he glanced around my cubicle and noticed a movie poster for It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World on my wall.
That’s one of my all-time favorite flicks and I learned it was one of his, too.
After exchanging a few laughs about the film, he asked me if I saw it in Cinerama when it first came out.
He remembered watching it in a theater with three screens side by side, where the film was projected in widescreen across all of them.
He said at first it was weird to view a movie like that, as you were distracted by the lines separating the screens from one another. But after a while you got used to it and your eyes stopped noticing it.
This post is not a study of cinematography. This post is about the crime perpetrated upon me.
Did you catch it? He asked me if I saw it when it first came out.
The movie was released in 1963.
I wouldn’t be born for another two years.
I know I have a couple gray hairs, but is it worse than that? Do I need a face lift? Maybe a little Botox? God, how old do I look?
Pass me a tissue. I think I’m going to cry.

October 29th, 2008 at 4:38 pm
Data Entry Services — I promise I won’t, but can I still be mad at him?
Marlene — I won’t (anymore) and whenever I look at him I’ll think “Hey, pal. I’ll always be younger than you!” Ha!
Mulled Vine — I’m very lucky in that area, not having children of my own. I don’t need daily reminders of how ancient I am. I can see my own damn gray hairs, thankyouverymuch.
PaulsHealthBlog — So sorry, but you’re in good company. I have bad news and good news about my own hair. There are grays there and I pull those suckers whenever I see them. But luckily, my hair is so curly, somehow the remaining grays get lost in it and they’re not so noticeable. I’m very thankful for that.
Lori — Funny! Yes, I do need a trim. They tickle me.
DJ — That seems to be the going explanation here. I almost feel sorry for them, being so disadvantaged and all.
Babs beetle — Oh, no. No unhappy bunnies allowed in here. Does it help to know my 83-yr-old father reads my blog? He’s around, but he just doesn’t comment. Feel better? You’ll never be oldest one in The Drawer.
lala — That movie is classic for a reason! I think I was first called ma’am in my mid-thirties. I killed the person who called me that. He had it coming.
haleyhughes — Yes! Yes! That proves it!
Kirsten — Yeah, and I think they were even talkies!
Patricia — Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. You must have wanted to pummel them. Here, have a tissue.
Kelly — Thanks Kelly! Very funny post and I’m glad you found inspiration to write about it. Love, love, love the first bumper sticker!
Sarah — Thank you, my dear. And I don’t even feel old for you calling me Aunt Kathy. I’m flattered you’d call me that!
Mama O — It’s under a big W!!! I need to see it again. It’s been too long. And thank you!
robert bourne — Yeah, be glad. I’m liable to trip him in the hallway next time I see him. “Thanks for nothin’ jerk!”
October 29th, 2008 at 5:08 pm
Oh, please don’t cry. Men are well known for saying stupid things. They can’t help themselves. It’s a genetic flaw!
AngieSS’s last blog post..Almost Halloween…Let The Inadequacies Begin!
October 29th, 2008 at 5:50 pm
We just watched it again a couple of months ago & we laughed like loons! Makes you appreciate “real” comedians. I wondered why my replies weren’t posting. I was afraid you had me blocked because of the political climate here in CA. I can’t wait for all of this hoo-ha to be over. Thanks for being my blog friend!!
Mama O’s last blog post..Halloween Fun
October 29th, 2008 at 7:34 pm
I was 2 when that movie came out but my parents wouldn’t let me see it.
Jeff’s last blog post..To buy or not to buy?
October 29th, 2008 at 8:12 pm
Ok, wait a minute…I was born in 1955 and I don’t even remember witnessing Cinerama!!!!
And thank god…because it sounds just AWFUL!
I don’t think I could EVER get use to a SPLIT screen. It would make me go INSANE to see Vivian Leigh with a crease down her face!
Anway…you don’t look OLD, I just think his EYES are bad from watching Cinerama!
Ron’s last blog post..Bubble Wrap Popping
October 29th, 2008 at 9:24 pm
Nah, you don’t look more than 40… 😉
Michael’s last blog post..Unable to Install Printer: Operation Could Not Be Completed
October 29th, 2008 at 10:49 pm
I think someone asking you if your dad is your boyfriend is much much worse! For me anyways, lol.
You look great for someone in their 50’s!
(I am joking, I can count, don’t hate me)
Claire’s last blog post..Witching Hour
October 30th, 2008 at 12:11 am
Oh you poor thing! I assure you, you do not look a day over 25! At least in the photos I’ve seen – besides, you’re only ever as young as you feel right? Right!
fragileheart’s last blog post..It’s the final countdown! (to Halloween)
October 30th, 2008 at 12:31 am
Here are some genuine 100% effective ways to make a grown woman cry:
* Yell at her;
* Tell her she’s fat;
* Tell her that she’s no longer allowed to spend your money on fancy new shoes she doesn’t wear anymore;
* Take away her cell phone;
* Break her heart;
If the grown up woman is Sarah Palin, to make her cry just tell her that John McCain isn’t going to become president.
Dwayne from Probably Sucks Blog’s last blog post..10 Signs You’re Probably Going To Die
October 30th, 2008 at 1:31 am
Isn’t it lovely when you’re shot with an age dart? When it happens to me (often), I freeze in time for a moment and miss a sentence or two of the conversation while I’m spiraling down the vortex of truth. I get a lot of age darts when discussing music, mostly because my coworkers are mere puppies. I’m 40, but still get carded everywhere I go to drink. Whatever. I am woman. Hear me roar.
Vivienne’s last blog post..Repossessed
October 30th, 2008 at 6:54 am
He probably wasn’t thinking when he asked because you don’t look old enough.
I, however, was 6 when it first premiered. 😉
pam’s last blog post..I learned so much today…
October 30th, 2008 at 10:33 am
October 30th, 2008 at 10:39 am
Sorry about the wrong URL earlier!
October 30th, 2008 at 12:52 pm
I’m trying, I really am. But I just can’t summon much sympathy here, Kathy. Given that I was in 7th grade when you were born, and I don’t even have enough hair left to turn gray, it’s just not happening. I wish someone would mistakenly place my birth date in 1963, or that general area. Instead, when I went to purchase a ticket for my museum tour last weekend, the guy asked if I wanted the senior rate…for those over 65. {sigh}
October 30th, 2008 at 1:53 pm
I’ve got a great plastic surgeon. I was born in ’51 so I could have said yes. Bwahahahahaha. Have a great day. 🙂
Comedy Plus’s last blog post..The Story of Adam and Eve’s Pets
October 30th, 2008 at 3:27 pm
Then you should have done it or you could go get a voodoo doll and torture him right now. It would be good for your Halloween spirit.
October 30th, 2008 at 3:49 pm
Oh dear…. well, you know, some men are just incredibly bad at judging women’s age, it’s probably as simple as that! Don’t blame yourself, blame him! 😉
Jay’s last blog post..Andrew Sachs
October 30th, 2008 at 4:33 pm
AngieSS — I’m getting that here. I guess I gave them too much credit!
Mama O — You will never see another movie like that again. If they tried to put that many top level stars in a single movie, there’d be too much infighting for it to work. Oh, and don’t get me started on the election. I’ve had more than enough. Can’t wait til it’s over so people can start bitchin’ about something else.
Jeff — That’s too bad. I’m sure you were a mature 2 year old. How dare they?
Ron — It does sound awful. I guess there’s a reason they stopped doing it! Thanks, buddy. I feel lots better now.
Michael — Thanks! I’ll take it!
Claire — I’ve experienced the opposite of that. My husband was none too pleased.
fragileheart — Oh, bless your heart. And I think I’ll be perpetually 18. Don’t know if that’s good or bad.
Dwayne — The fat remark will also get the person who said it killed. Sarah Palin. Good one!
Vivienne — I stopped talking to the students at work about famous people. One kid never heard of Howard Cosell and I died a little.
pam — I’m trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. That’s really the only way I can cope with this. Thanks!
KellyK — I’ll check out your blog in a minute. Thanks. Although I think I’ve exhausted all the weird stuff about me already. Nah!
Lee — I’m sorry, Lee. Did you kill the guy who offered you a discount? Because it’s legal in all states to do that.
Comedy Plus — So that’s the trick?!
brooke — Ah, yes! Voodoo dolls! How could I forget that? I can torture him silently.
Jay — I’m just glad he didn’t try to guess my weight for some reason. The tears would have been flowing big time.
October 30th, 2008 at 6:21 pm
Kathy, if it makes you fee better, or scares the hell out of you, I am having dreams with bloggers in them. I need help! I’m older than you I think, as is Mrs. C, and we like that Movie too. I like the airplane scene the most. Buddy Hackett was the best. I liked him in the “Herbie” movies as well, but you probably don’t remember those, right? they were before your time! LOL!
Chris (Casey)’s last blog post..Goodby Wall to Wall Carpeting, Hello Wood Floors!
October 30th, 2008 at 6:36 pm
oh no… um… oh no. :O
you were born in 1961? you don’t look anywhere near that age!
kouji’s last blog post..autumn haiku poem, wind
October 30th, 2008 at 8:40 pm
1)It is a known fact that Blogging takes 5-10 years off your [insert body part here].
2)Practice responses like, “You must have enjoyed the release of “Nosferatu” (1922). Did they butter popcorn then too?”
3)And then finish them off with, “your new password is: AARP_2009”
4)Don’t become a victim of a co-worker’s perception.
5)When the going gets tough, think of standing in line behind Jaffer at your local grocery store.
Geakz’s last blog post..New WordPress Plugin: Directory of Love
October 30th, 2008 at 9:08 pm
I did catch it! And I would have been forced to sit there, unable to speak and stare for a very long time at this person. The nerve! Makes me think of my first “ma’am,” for a good hour afterward I kept bringing it up, “I’m a ma’am now!? REALLY!?”
Woman Tribune’s last blog post..Halloween-Inspired Cocktails
October 30th, 2008 at 9:56 pm
Do NOT panic! He did not also ask you when your baby was due. It could be worse. 😉
Grandy’s last blog post..Uh-Oh Na-Blo
October 31st, 2008 at 12:13 am
You’ve been boo’d!!! Go to my page and see what I am talking about…
Joey’s last blog post..BOO…
October 31st, 2008 at 12:44 pm
Chris (Casey) — Yes, the airplane scene is one of the best. “What are you? The hostess??” God. Herbie the Love Bug. I think I saw that at the State Theater when they ran movies, oh so long ago!
kouji — 1965. Does that sound about right?
Geakz — I think it’s more like it puts 5-10 lbs on your butt. I can’t think of Jaffer at all now, ever since he became a zombie.
Woman Tribune — Yeah, I blacked out for a minute. Wasn’t sure what he was talkin’ about. Couldn’t get past the “…when it first came out” remark. When I came to, I wanted to punch him. Don’t worry. There are lots of ma’ams here.
Grandy — Oh, man. Now I’m REALLY grateful. That has never happened to me, thank God. I suppose there’ll be a first time. I better prepare for it now.
Joey — Boo to you, too! Happy Halloween. Save yourself some candy!
November 2nd, 2008 at 2:20 am
oops. yikes. where was my brain?
1965? you look way younger than that… 🙂
so will you be flipping your title around, as per griz? 🙂
kouji’s last blog post..children letter haiku poem
November 2nd, 2008 at 10:26 am
He is a man, nuff said. Dry your eyes, crying encourages wrinkles.
Alicia’s last blog post..Fashiona’s Pre Holiday Thoughts
November 2nd, 2008 at 5:00 pm
kouji — I likely will not swap the phrase positions in my blog title. There are a couple reasons for that. One is that this has always been The Junk Drawer. It’s my brand and it always has to come first. Griz did give me some good food for thought. I’m still toying with what to do next. I may even write a post about what he suggested and what I want to do about it.
Alicia — Yes, it dries your skin! I’ve all but forgotten about this (until the next time I see the guy).
November 9th, 2008 at 3:40 pm
Yep, have that film on dvd, love it.
And yep, saw it on Cinerama ’64/65 or sometime around then, they toured the UK with a Cinerama screen inside a circus tent, saw the “Mad” film and “How the West was Won” in it – it gave my ten year old head a big headache that wouldn’t go away 🙂
Gary’s last blog post..Video Rememberance Sunday – Eric Bogle
November 10th, 2008 at 6:49 pm
Gary — That’s so cool! Sorry about the headache, though. If I could see that movie in Cinerama, I would. The movie needs to be seen on a BIG screen!
March 1st, 2009 at 12:30 pm
Hi Kathy
Nice reminder of a wonderfull comedie.
It was one of the best comedies i ever watch …
Blogueiro from Fazer Blog’s last blog post..Fazer Dinheiro