A Reminder from Stinky
Blogging, cats, contests November 21st, 2008Stinky doesn’t want you to forget about the chance to win cool prizes. And I want to make sure you know it’s possible we’ll reach the magic number this weekend. Please don’t miss the window of opportunity.
Cancel your life for a while if you have to. Just be there at #9,999!
UPDATE: I removed the counter since we’re getting so close. The removal of the counter ensures that no one will really know when we hit 10,000 and we can keep the winning comment truly random.
***** The Winner’s Circle *****
The latest winners of the Random Comment Picked-by-My-Husband Contest are:
From the last post, comment #42, Karen of A Strange Life Revisited.
From the post before, comment #84, Gandalf and Grayson.
Congratulations on winning a Junk Drawer magnet! I’ll be in touch with both of you shortly.
One final thing, I’m tired of hanging out in the basement of Humor-Blogs.com, so if you click this link and smiley me, it might get me up to the first floor where all the cool kids hang out.

November 23rd, 2008 at 12:15 am
did i win yet
November 23rd, 2008 at 12:15 am
i would like to win that box of cheese you got in the mail and the cat…
November 23rd, 2008 at 12:17 am
never mind i just read the cat’s name is stinky- just send the cheese and the pringles in your blogher widgit
that will be all..
November 23rd, 2008 at 12:18 am
I predict the winner will be very soon 🙂
Jeff’s last blog post..I don’t understand it but I sure ain’t complaining!
November 23rd, 2008 at 1:14 am
Is it me? 🙂
November 23rd, 2008 at 1:28 am
By the way, I’m very impressed with so many comments. I can hardly get my own kids to comment! Guess I need to write better stuff, which I could do if I weren’t so dang tired! I want my life back! Arrrrghhhh.
Mama O’s last blog post..Earthquakes, Wildfires & Mudslides
November 23rd, 2008 at 1:35 am
Sitting here surrounded by my lucky (scary) trolls and (creepy) rabbits feet…THIS BETTER HAVE BEEN WORTH IT!! 😉
Athena’s last blog post..Love her
November 23rd, 2008 at 4:09 am
Whooot! Athena! You are up early! Er… or haven’t slept.
So, what comment # now?!
Monica’s last blog post..Design – Is Temporary
November 23rd, 2008 at 4:12 am
You SO have to be over by now! LOL Hugs hugs hugs hugs, gotta go to sleep now.
Monica’s last blog post..Design – Is Temporary
November 23rd, 2008 at 4:19 am
Good morning! I’m off to church soon and thought I’d pop in to see what’s what :O) I expect you are all in bed!
Babs – beetle’s last blog post..A House in North London – Part 2
November 23rd, 2008 at 5:03 am
So, who won already?!
Gandalf and Grayson’s last blog post..Sunday Mewzings with Grayson
November 23rd, 2008 at 5:05 am
You’ve created a Monster, Kathy! hahaha!
WillThink4Wine’s last blog post..Can You Identify This Tree?
November 23rd, 2008 at 5:27 am
have a nice day
tha’s last blog post..Credit Card: Bank Secured Credit Card
November 23rd, 2008 at 6:43 am
Are we there yet, Kathy?
Ian’s last blog post..Just wasting their breath
November 23rd, 2008 at 7:18 am
After looking yesterday and seeing the counter at 9948, I’m pretty sure you have received your 10,000th comment and just wanted to say Congrats! You truly deserve it.
Shelly’s last blog post..Everyone Deserves a Christmas
November 23rd, 2008 at 7:37 am
Hey, Wassup? I just dropped by to see if you had announced your winner, since like Shelly I figured it must be all over by now…
Tim’s last blog post..Spam-a-Lam-a-Ding-Dong – Spametry Lives On
November 23rd, 2008 at 9:55 am
EVERYONE: Please check the latest post. I announce a winner! Thanks for playing. And now we work on the next 10,000! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!
Babs beetle — Thanks go to Jaffer, again, for suggesting I remove the counter to level the playing field. I know. It’s evil. But let’s blame him, shall we?
Karen, author of “My Funny Dad, Harry” — Oh, so sorry you thought you were the winning Karen. Don’t fret. Lots of chances to win something here. There’s always the What’s That? Wednesday contests.
David — She’s been named Windy for a while now. Where’ve you been, dude?
chat blanc — Stinky rules around here. I’m just happy she lets me blog (we had a meeting about it and she said it was OK as long as I stopped doing it the minute she walks in the room).
muskrat — Sorry! You were a little early. Hey, thanks for validating me on Facebook. I thought it was kinda weird that’s how they accept a blog, but it was better than the alternate method, which I have since found out has blown up a friend’s blog by using their code.
Shieldmaiden1196 — Yeah. My mouth watered reading that comment. You expect anything less than a Pavlovian response? Hope it was delicious. I hate you.
Preston — Well, you’d have gotten more than a magnet for winning, but alas, you didn’t. Never fear. There will be plenty of other opportunities down the road.
Ronald the Zombie — ACK! He’s back! Stinky says you scare her, so she declines your nibble and tickle. She might also poop on you.
Tess — Sneak!
Mama O — Don’t say you’ll never win anything. That’s the wrong attitude! Come back and try for my What’s That? Wednesdays. I have a feeling you’ll be standing in the winner’s circle in the future.
Babs beetle — As it turns out, it wasn’t for five more hours after you left your comment. Ronald the Zombie mustn’t like cats. But cats don’t like zombies, so it all evens out.
Shinade — You must get a winning attitude! There will always be chances for a magnet here. I’m stockpiling them.
amber — Yes, but we’ve decided to blame it on Jaffer. His idea!
Lori — Nope! You had to stay up a little later to be the winner. Better luck on the next 10,000.
Ricard Bueno — No, no, no you didn’t. Thank you. I’m so thrilled to have gotten this far with blogging. The high comment count is a testament to the great group of people I’ve managed to collect along the way. I’m still so thrilled about it.
Broadway Matron — Sorry. Humor Blogs requires you create an account to smiley people. Please don’t worry about it if you don’t care to sign up. But if you’d like, here’s the link to do it: Create Account. All smilies are very much appreciated.
Jeff — Yeah, but you either miscounted and missed it, or you fell asleep before the moment came and went! Boo!
Sare — It was exciting. I love a big milestone and this was a doosie!
Ronald the Zombie — You are not welcome here. You are scaring all the children.
Matt Oxley — I hated to think someone would try and cheat, but with the awesome prizes and all…. Well, it really wouldn’t have been cheating, per se. It just made it harder to be the winner. Laughs maniacally!
Comedy Plus — If you had been 4 hours later, you might have won! BTW, I love the Comment Game on your blog. Very fun idea.
Riayn — I’m lucky to have such a great readership. Believe me, when I started I had no inkling of what was to come.
SavvySuzie — Yep. And Stinky gets every single thing she wants. She’s 16 years old, so she rules the roost around here and pretty much complains that way all the time about something or other.
Sara and Rocky — I bet! I don’t know how pet owners with long-haired friends deal with the stinky end of business. I don’t envy you.
Cindy — She’s pretty much always been that way. We let her boss us around… well, because she can.
Vivienne — Who the hell gave her a show deal? I predict she’ll go down in a ball of flames. Here’s a match.
Kara — It was genius. Evil genius.
Maureen — Of course I’ll be. Do you know that you were one of the first bloggers I put in my blogroll? Stinky’s original name was Hobbes, which she hated. She much prefers the new one because it makes people laugh when we say it. She knows it makes her special.
PanoArtist — Who? They yours?
MA Fat Woman — Pootability? Oh, that’s funny! Stinky found hers when she was just a kitten. She dropped a bomb and I said aloud “Boy, for such a little thing, that girl sure stinks!” And so it stuck.
Chris (Casey) — Stinky was not offended at all. In fact, she believes she should appear in every one of my blog posts. She’s got that queen complex goin’ on.
Puglette — Thank you! I’m so excited to have reached this milestone. I was in the single digit comments per post for months. Yeah, we love Stinky’s name. How can you not?
AND HERE COMES THE WINNER!!!! ImitationAngel — Congratulations on beating out all the other commenters. Your kitty belly rub must have sealed the deal! Way to go!
Babs beetle — You were THAT close!! Two minutes sooner…. It’s the one that got away. Sorry babs!
Ronald the Zombie — Listen. I told you you were scaring everybody. I’m sorry I missed not only the 10,000th comment, but the party you started on Twitter. I think they’re thinking of renaming that place Jaffer.com.
Fancy — You caught me with my counter up! I did figure out the winner manually by counting forward from 9,983 or so, but then had to stick the counter up to be sure and count back. You almost made it!
Michelle Gartner — Nope. Nope. And thanks for the cheese and pringles! Stinky says “I love cheese!!!”
Jeff — It happened to be an hour before you left your comment. You were close, but no cigar! Sorry, dude. But hey. You got to meet me, so that’s reward enough, right? Right?
Laura Junkfoodaholic — Nope, but you were close! Better luck next 10,000!
Mama O — Didn’t come easy. Slow and steady wins the race. Of course, in the beginning I thought only my family would comment. Somehow I won the lottery and have all you fine people showing up.
Athena — You were so close. I think you were missing rosary beads and were you chanting? You needed to chant, too.
Monica — Thanks for staying up for the big moment. Sorry you missed it by a hair! And yes. By the time you left your comment, we were already 12 over.
Babs beetle — Not everybody! And here comes Gandalf and Grayson and a bunch of others wondering who won!
Gandalf and Grayson — Check the latest post. We have a winner!
WillThink4Wine — I know and it was FUN!!! But I have to admit also a little bit stressful, waiting and wondering and knowing I wasn’t even going to be home for the big moment (see why in my latest post).
tha — And you as well.
Ian — Yep! Check the latest post. We’ve got a winner!
Shelly — Yes, you’re right! And kudos to anyone smart enough to remember the count earlier in the day. Although it didn’t actually help anyone since I took the counter down during the critical period. Thank you! It’s very exciting for me.
Tim — Your comment stressed me all out because I was trying to get the announcement post up when it came in. Made me all sweaty and nervous. Of course, I might have been sweaty from digesting that gigantic meal from last night, but still.
November 23rd, 2008 at 10:59 am
I would love to rub your belly and give you a treat ! Mt cat bites me if I rub his belly though!
Mark’s last blog post..Global Warming Hits Alaska
November 23rd, 2008 at 8:49 pm
6. i was 6 off. i want a consolation prize, dammit.
maybe a nifty cheese box? keep me posted. =p
November 24th, 2008 at 6:42 am
Oh my! Guess I missed the prize narrowly.. 🙁
November 25th, 2008 at 5:19 am
Mark — Yes, it’s a fact that the kitty belly is a sensitive area. Proceed with caution. Stinky’s an old gal, though. She pretty much lets us pet her anywhere.
kara — You gotta go see Carla if you want a cheese box. As for the consolation prize, try for a What’s That? Wednesday next week.
Time — Lots of people did, so you’re in good company. Loser company, but company nonetheless.
November 25th, 2008 at 9:27 pm
Eh, i’ll survive w/o a cheese box i suppose. I just really was kicking myself later, bc I had figured out what number post I needed on that thread and had completely forgotten that, just posting a general message w/o thinking about the goodies. Oh well, it was still amusing to watch. =)
November 26th, 2008 at 5:33 pm
kara — I love that some of you tried to estimate when the big number would roll over. Kudos to you for trying. Better luck next 10,000!