I’m Shaving My Head
embarrassing November 24th, 2008 I met with a client today to clean a virus from his computer. As I worked on his laptop, he mentioned he saw me earlier in the day.
I asked when.
He said “This morning, when you were parking your car.”
“Oh, I didn’t see you. Where were you?” I asked.
“I was behind you,” he replied. “I recognized your hair.”
OK, so now not only do I have a big fat head, but that head is now identifiable from behind, by its hair.
Apparently I have a Weird Al Yankovic thing going on, with a touch of Don King. It’s what every woman wants.

November 26th, 2008 at 5:31 am
Hey Kathy. I haven’t commented on your blog before, I didn’t realise how many comments you get! Good job!
I can’t say I’ve had this problem myself, as I shave my head. It’s low maintenance but not really practical for the laydeez. I actually WANT to go bald so I don’t have to shave it anymore!
PS I’m subscribing to your feed. 🙂
Ben Barden – Blog Tips’s last blog post..10 reasons to stay true to your focus
November 26th, 2008 at 6:08 am
Lord Likely — Oh, no. Can’t have that. We love your mustachio. And those haughty brows!
Jenny — Ah, the classic pyramid-shaped head! Such is the bane of the curly-headed woman’s existence. I think we sad/mad/snobby-looking women need to form a support group. It’s rather annoying to have to purposely smile so others don’t get the impression we’re mad when we’re not. Thanks for sharing that. I knew there were other people like me out there.
SavvySuzie — Ooo! Does he have long curly hair! He can join our club, too! My husband longs for hair. Any hair.
Shadowsrider — Oh, I have that problem, too. Mostly with names. I know faces, but damned if I can remember their names. I really have to write these things down. Not kidding. I went to work with some wet hair yesterday and it shrunk as the day drew on. Weird phenomenon.
Ben Barden Blog Tips — Hey, Ben! Yeah, we often have a comment party here. I have too much fun to be fair. I once heard a radio host, who is bald, discuss what it’s like to maintain a bald head. It was very interesting because I didn’t know you had to shave it. What do I know? Men are so mysterious in the grooming department. Thanks for subscribing and see ya around.
November 26th, 2008 at 10:12 am
Well, Weird Al hair isn’t too bad; unless you go all the way and grow a ‘stash and wear glasses from the 80’s.
Hell, even Al doesn’t do THAT anymore…
Maureen’s last blog post..Sam’s Last Day In Toronto
November 26th, 2008 at 10:15 am
Sometimes I just wish we were all bald :D, so we won’t have to wast so much time, and we’ll be more self-confident.
November 26th, 2008 at 10:20 am
Btw, I like your hair!
November 26th, 2008 at 11:57 am
Separated at birth?
November 26th, 2008 at 1:03 pm
I suggest you find something else to be known by (cause I AM an Al fan) like wearing crazy Hawaiian print shirts with outrageous shoes. You could dye it all different colors, or heck, invest in a straightener…cause we all know you got loads of time on your hands to do extra things like that.
If you’re going to go bald, I suggest you tan first…don’t wanna lose you in the snow. :oD
amber’s last blog post..Random Ramblings
November 26th, 2008 at 4:14 pm
Rejoice in the natural volume you have! Women spend stacks at the pharmacy buying products to get that kind of oomph in their mane.
I can empathise tho~whilst my hair is not as curled as yours, it is thick too. In the mornings I look like a lion-queen (just add lashings of black kohl and mascara and I could be a porn queen~ being an object is never a compliment);
during the day if I have not added moisturizer or at least one pin I get a don king thing that could pass for the soft coral fingers that are the home to Nemo’s cousins
Char (Online Tutor: Academic Mentor)’s last blog post..Degrees of Giving: Leading with generosity by Bruna Martinuzzi
November 26th, 2008 at 4:25 pm
When I started a new class once upon a time, I was the only one there who separated myself from the rest by only being on this one course, and all the others were on a program.
They identified me for months, only from behind, because they saw me from behind at the register day.
“Oh yeah *looks at hair* That’s you right?”
Wynn’s last blog post..Boobies extra
November 26th, 2008 at 6:29 pm
I’m usually on the other side of comments like that:
“You were in the parking lot? I’m sorry I didn’t see you because there was this huge glare that blinded me. I couldn’t see a thing until I got in the building.”
Turns out they were talking about the sun being reflected off the top of my bald head!
November 26th, 2008 at 7:08 pm
I’m not jealous or anything, but 60 comments on your hair!?! Wow. Not saying I don’t love your hair or your turkey leg — eh, more the turkey leg than the hair (backpedaling badly: not that I’m saying I don’t like the hair, because heck, I’m into big hair on big heads — oh, never mind…I see I’m just digging myself into a hole with this…)
Hope to see you in the spring with your big head of hair. 😉 BTW, The Wife (shieldmaiden) has a couple of funny posts today, if you haven’t checked her blog out today.
unfinishedrambler’s last blog post..WTF (Mostly) Wordless Wednesday #6: What you can expect to have, if you’re pregnant
November 26th, 2008 at 8:56 pm
Nah… you got a great head. Wait, that didn’t sound right.
Mojo’s last blog post..Thursday Challenge #3: “Soft”
November 26th, 2008 at 10:32 pm
Have a happy Thanksgiving.
Beamer’s last blog post..Woolworths Sign
November 27th, 2008 at 6:40 am
We definitely need to see pictures!
Isn’t it funny how we never like the hair we have? I’d LOVE floofy, naturally big hair, with curls!! I have babyfine hair, but lots of it. The kind that’s called ‘fine and thick’. It never behaves, It flops, or it fluffs out at exactly the wrong place. It kinks in one side and out the other! And it’s flat on top and sticks out in all directions at the bottom – which is EXACTLY the wrong look for my pear-shaped face. I look like someone squished the top half of my head in. Soooo attractive!
You’re complaining because someone recognised you from your hair? Ha!
Jay’s last blog post..ABC Wednesday – the letter S
November 27th, 2008 at 10:47 am
Kathy, look on the bright side. It could have been much worse. You could have been wearing a hat when out in the parking area. Think of how upset you would have been if he said he had been able to recognize you from some other large feature he saw when standing behind you. Not that I’m saying that’s the case; we’ve never met, so I have no way of knowing.
Joel Klebanoff’s last blog post..Dysfunctional Families
November 27th, 2008 at 8:42 pm
Sorry to hear this. At least you didn’t compare yourself to Buckwheat.
Father Muskrat’s last blog post..it’s called gratitude
November 28th, 2008 at 7:04 am
Maureen — Suddenly I feel a lot better!
virtual millennium — That’s the same theory that works for the policy of kids wearing the same uniform to school. Nobody has to worry about what they look like because they’re all the same. I was actually glad for the uniforms so I didn’t have the pressure of looking cool, which I never did anyway. And thank you for the compliment!
PaulsHealthBlog — Wait. You have unwieldy hair? That I’d like to see!
amber — Oooo! The straightener! I’d love to try that, but my stylist won’t let me. Says it’ll damage my hair too much. She’s probably right, but I still dream (literally) of long flowing straight hair. I love those dreams. I feel like a movie star.
Char (Online Tutor: Academic Mentor) — I know you’re right. I hear that all the time when I’m at the salon. I love how you described your hair. That’s quite an image, and I’m sorry.
Wynn — If you’re a little curious, Babs Beetle made a cartoon version of the back of my head. Check it out! It’s pretty accurate!
Lee — I shan’t complain (as much) about my thick head of hair lest the baldness fairy come down and poop on me. Sorry!
unfinishedrambler — Oh, that reminds me. I have to change the picture today since I ate up the leg (and then some). If we meet in the spring, you’ll see me coming a mile away. I’ll look like a lollipop (hopefully) — big head, tiny body.
Mojo — That’s OK, I got your meaning. Tee hee.
Beamer — I hope you had a wonderful holiday! We did, but of course, ate too much to be healthy. But I’m raking lots of leaves today and hope to burn off half those calories. I don’t care if I get a blister. It’s gotta be done.
Jay — I think the only kind of hair I’d like less is fine and thin, because it looks really hard to “floof.” Need some floof! I feel for you. I promise to stop complaining (much!)
Joel Klebanoff — True, true! Then I’d be wondering whether my head really was a melon and its size is its best defining feature (or worst?)
Father Muskrat — Oh, man. Yeah, Buckwheat bad. But some days? Gets pretty close. I don’t leave the house then.
November 28th, 2008 at 7:44 am
[…] owner of this hilariously, humongous head of hair, but if you haven’t here’s the link – Link to the HUMONGOUS hair post. Stumble […]
November 28th, 2008 at 10:20 am
Don’t shave your head, it’s completely unnecessary. All you need to do is comb it and you’ll be green.
November 30th, 2008 at 6:41 pm
Airsoft — If I could get a comb through it. I was watching some bad TV today, a show all about Brittney Spears’ life the last couple years. That girl’s crazy because even though I’d love the convenience of a shaved head, I’d really never do it. She’s cracked.
December 6th, 2008 at 8:21 am
your have beautiful hair, as most–if not all–the above comments attest…
i shaved my head, twice, in the last five years…i’m 47, now…it wasn’t a mistake, exactly, and each time it was a reactionary measure to some extreme life event…being male, i received very little ridicule (one person especially close to me reacted very strongly against it), though people who knew me well were understandably confused…
i think it’s been atrocious how the media and the public ostracized britney spears for cropping hers, the scrutiny kd lang received, and some few others…
if you wanna cut it, do…just keep in mind, it takes a long time to grow it back (i had long hair for a couple decades–i now keep it very short)…and hair or no hair, regardless how people behave, you are always you…
December 6th, 2008 at 11:01 am
kevin — That’s interesting. There seem to be rules about hair. If you’re a man and you shave it, it’s OK. If you’re a woman and you shave it, you’re crazy. There’s also the concern for anyone who shaves their head about whether it’ll grow back. It’s as though you’re risking your entire future as a human if you give up voluntarily that which could be lost involuntarily. Hmmm. Good food for thought. Thanks for dropping by.
December 13th, 2008 at 2:55 pm
You’re not alone. I have extremely-unmanageable curly hair that gets bigger and bigger with the humidity. By mid-afternoon in August, you can hardly find me beneath it all.
Hubby tells me I’m going to poke someone’s eye out someday.
Marsha’s last blog post..Stupid People Never Cease to Amaze Me….
December 13th, 2008 at 6:13 pm
Marsha — Oh, now I wanna see a picture! My problem is I over-dry it and then it expands. And, yeah, in the humidity? It can hurt someone. I can relate and I feel for you.
December 14th, 2008 at 9:23 am
Kathy….you can actually use a blow dryer on your hair? I have to let mine air dry….otherwise my hair would expand to record breaking heights.
December 14th, 2008 at 11:34 am
Marsha — Yes, I do, and therein lies the problem. I shouldn’t dare to give more volume to my hair. It doesn’t need it. But I also don’t have time to wait for it to dry, since it’s very thick. So I blast it with the hairdryer, use some scrunching gel to tame the beast back down, and hope for the best.
March 25th, 2009 at 10:55 am
I know that I am WAY behind commenting on this particular post, but I thought I’d let you know that the same thing has happened to me. People remember my hair more than they remember my name. I’ve actually heard people tell me “Oh, yeah. We’ve met. I remember your hair”. 🙂
Also, I have a five year old half-sister who once told me (she might have been about 3) that, and I quote, “Charlene, your hair is CRAZY!”. Thank you, lil’un, thank you.
I’ve learn to love my crazy, curly hair. At least I never have to worry about volumizing creams and sprays!
March 26th, 2009 at 6:07 pm
Charlene — Thanks for dropping in on an old post! I’ve heard “I recognized your hair” more than I care to admit. BUT! You’re right about never having to over-treat our curly locks. They’re going to do what they want anyway, aren’t they?
August 7th, 2009 at 9:51 am
Very nice information. Thanks for this. I’m a hair and beauty freak by the way:) Gotta have my perfectlocks no matter what it takes!
December 1st, 2009 at 1:09 am
My boyfriend shaves his head which is good I guess as he doesn’t have much hair!
.-= Melanie´s last blog ..Pink Straighteners or Chi Iron? =-.