Melon Head or Not?
Fun, Stupid things I do November 19th, 2008In a previous post, I made mention of getting my head stuck in a wrought iron fence when I was a kid about the age you see me pictured here. All of my memories of it come from the memories of family members who repeatedly bring up the story at holiday and other gatherings. Always when there are enough people around to hear the story and laugh at me.
Yeah, well. I’m having serious doubts that this event ever took place. Why? Because my own mother can’t remember the details. And neither can my one of my sisters who’s a little older than me and likely was there when it supposedly happened.
I think this has all been made-up so that, as the last born child in our family, there will be always something to ridicule me about ’til the day I die. Stop picking on me already!
The story goes that I was playing around on this porch. I got the idea to shove my head through the fence (the fence at the top, not on the steps) and then couldn’t pull it back out.
It’s been said that the fire department had to come rescue me and that they had to cut out one of the rods to make enough room to release me. Indeed, one of the rods was missing for years. But something tells me that it fell out or was taken out for some other reason and that this whole story was concocted to validate my lifelong suspicion that I have a gigantic freak head.
So what is it, my dear siblings? Did I really get my head stuck in a fence, or has this been a 40 year joke at my expense? Was there some truth to it, but over the years it gathered steam? I call bullsh*t on the fire department showing up.
I’d appreciate if you didn’t tell the story again at Thanksgiving. I can withhold pie, you know.
p.s. If that picture doesn’t prove I’ve been a cranky pants my whole life, nothing does.

November 20th, 2008 at 10:17 am
Years ago there was an episode of Emergency where a kid got his head stuck in the fence and they were called out to rescue him, firetruck, emergency vehicle and all.
Moonshadow’s last blog post..The WordGuy has Spoken!
November 20th, 2008 at 10:18 am
Awe, you were so cute. And I don’t see a melon head there. Not at all. When I was a really little boy, I remember a chicken getting caught in a fence–is that the same thing? Hmmm…
Preston’s last blog post..I Am NOT Corky St. Claire
November 20th, 2008 at 10:19 am
I don’t know about the size of your head, but that is the biggest JPG filename I’ve ever seen!
Jeff’s last blog post..That’s what I’m talking about!
November 20th, 2008 at 11:02 am
If I didn’t know better I’d swear that either you were raiding my grandfather’s photo albums, or you and I are the same person. I wore the same clothes. I stood on the same steps. I had the same unkempt hair. I wore the same squinty expression.
Are we, perhaps, related?
feefifoto’s last blog post..Thursday Thirteen: Things That Are Hard
November 20th, 2008 at 11:22 am
I think they made it up, too. Families are like that. One says something, other people laugh and back them up and a myth is born. Don’t take any notice of them – they’re only doing it so you won’t remember the scandalous stories about them!! LOL!
Jay’s last blog post..The missing Depp!
November 20th, 2008 at 12:38 pm
That picture looks like it was from 1920…c’’re not that old.
Big melons hold big brains.
Matt’s last blog post..Mr. Matt goes to Washington
November 20th, 2008 at 2:01 pm
I still get my head stuck in wrought iron gates all the time. It’s really not hard to do at all.
November 20th, 2008 at 2:37 pm
I think they probably made a lot of stuff up about you too Speedy.
With that aside I just had to stop off and say that you are the first person other than my oldest daughter that I have heard of doing this.
She got her head stuck in a railing of a stair way when we were inside a theater at Six Flags.
I have no clue how she ever got her head in there because it took nothing less than a small miracle to get her head out.
LOL…i am happy to report though that she learned her lesson. She is 37 now and as far as I know she keeps her head where it belongs!!:-)
Shinade’s last blog post..Sepia Scenes #5
November 20th, 2008 at 3:51 pm
Oh Geez, we all have to have one ridicule story in our lives. It gets receited at your funerel to lighten the mood before they spread the ashes…….just let it go.
Bruce’s last blog post..My – POV [Bottles]
November 20th, 2008 at 5:36 pm
This is a funny story. Okay now did it really happen? lol
Jodi’s last blog post..Petland Incorporated is the nation’s largest retail supporter of puppy mills
November 20th, 2008 at 6:38 pm
brooke — Grandma saves the day! Oh, I feel so much better. We fat heads have to stick together.
Heather — Drinking easier. Yes. Will do!
Chris (Casey) — OK, so it did happen? That explains a LOT. You can have pie now. Oh, and you’re wrong about crankypants. I’m Queen Crankypants. There is a scale from 1-10 that everyone is aware of. They rate me often.
MT — Ah, thanks! Yeah, the hair is weird. As long as I remember, my hair’s been dark brown. I swear, it’s me. Unless my mom wrote the wrong kid’s name on the back of the picture.
Karen — Cruelty-by-family. Is that punishable by the withholding of pie?
Kathy — Invisible Kathy! I loved, loved, loved your story. It’s so creative and funny! I hope you weren’t damaged by the experience. And now every time I see you, I’ll pretend I can’t. Tee hee!
MT — Awesome. Why do I get such joy out of that? Oh, yeah. Because a jerk learned his lesson!
Canucklehead — Is it hard to walk around with a melon head? Like, do you have to hold it steady like you do babies’ heads? Thank you for calling me a pinhead. That’s the best compliment I got all day.
JD at I Do Things — You need to punish him for, um, let’s say FOREVER! Chomp!
kev — I don’t think we’ll ever get to the bottom of it. Mysteriously, my sisters have been silent about it.
Tiffany — Oh, thank you very much. Even though I measured my head now and it’s not much larger than normal, I still feel like Charlie Brown.
Karen — Yeah, what’s with that? Did I do that? I must’ve done that. It looks like hell.
Maggie — ..big-headed family Does the rest of your family know this? God. Another fake adoption story. Kids are so cruel!
Moonshadow — I think I remember that. Oh, how I loved that show. I was madly in love with Randolph Mantooth (what a name!) until Lee Majors came along. I’d have killed to have Randolph unstick my head.
Preston — The chicken wouldn’t have cried. Did it survive or did you have it for dinner?
Jeff — I never looked at the file names after I upload a photo. Geez Louise, that’s long! Oh, and I guess you got to see how I originally named this post. You’re so observant!
feefifoto — Oh, really?! That makes me happy. Most of my pictures look like this and, believe it or not, this is neatly combed hair. Can you imagine unkempt? It’s a freak show.
Jay — I say I turn the tables at Thanksgiving and make everyone share an embarrassing story about themselves before they get to eat. Make it a new tradition. It can’t be all about me!
Matt — Swear to God, it was from 1967. Aw, and I’ll take that compliment and put it in my pocket.
eve — I don’t know why that image makes me laugh so hard. Could you see some adult getting stuck in a railing? The question is, would I laugh my head off, or would I render assistance? Not sure.
Shinade — And why is it that kids even dream of shoving their heads in between the slats? God should give kids the common sense not to do that. So, do you still make fun of her?
Bruce — Oh, please don’t give them any ideas.
Jodi — We may never know.
November 20th, 2008 at 6:53 pm
I have to say it again. You are soooo sweet in that photo! It makes me want to give you a big hug!
Babs – beetle’s last blog post..A House in North London – Part 2
November 20th, 2008 at 7:30 pm
I think they were jealous of your cute curly hair.
Beamer’s last blog post..Red Hanging
November 20th, 2008 at 8:19 pm
I didn’t believe it when my folks told me that I got my head stuck in the railings of the food court at the Paramus Mall in NJ.
SavvySuzie’s last blog post..MomDot Blog Party – Day 7
November 20th, 2008 at 8:21 pm
I don’t know about the tall tale but we could go to town on that bottom lip …
That is an adorable pic, Kathy!
Jenny’s last blog post..Fall In All
November 20th, 2008 at 10:50 pm
My brother is the middle child, but was the youngest for a long time because our sister is 7 years younger than him. At least the story you get blackmailed with doesn’t involve nudity. I was out riding my tricycle (I was in kindergarten at the time) while my mom was getting him ready for a bath. The phone rang, so she gets it and he runs out the door and down the driveway with just his socks and saddle shoes on with his hands up above his head. I just sat and laughed. Shortly after, my mom came out chasing him. He doesn’t believe it happened.
TheSnackHound’s last blog post..Me and the GIANT APPLE
November 21st, 2008 at 6:41 am
Babs beetle — I accept all hugs, virtual and otherwise. Thank you, my dear!
Beamer — Oh, geez. Thanks for giving my mop top a thumbs up!
SavvySuzie — It’s so specific. I think it’s true.
Jenny — I don’t know why I look cranky in half my pictures. If I’m so cute, what did I have to be pouty about?
TheSnackHound — Nice! I think boys are prone to “showing it off.”
November 21st, 2008 at 9:29 am
It’s most liekly made up, just a way that they can laugh at you, one for the thought of your head being caught in the bars and another for you falling for their story every social gathering 😛
November 21st, 2008 at 9:30 am
Well, I say you flip this family tale on its “head” and take advantage of it. Can you guilt anyone into not watching you well enough to prevent you from jamming your melon into a rod iron fence? Can you start complaining about serious neck pain that perhaps your chiropractor thinks must definitely be related to this childhood injury? Can you blame a possible irrational fear of enclosed spaces on this traumatic incident?
Psychological warfare…it’s what’s for dinner.
Vivienne’s last blog post..Bail Me Out, Mom
November 21st, 2008 at 10:50 am
I need to know if its TRUE or NOT!
meleah rebeccah’s last blog post..Casa Buena Suerte, Riviera Maya, Mexico!
November 21st, 2008 at 11:01 am
I’d say that if your head is long and narrow with two narrow indentations on each side, the story is probably true. But the only way to tell for sure is to stand with your legs about two feet apart, close your right eye and bend way over. If the top of your head touches the floor, the story is definitely true. But if you fall forward, then you just have a big head.
Happy trails.
Swubird’s last blog post..911 CALL!
November 21st, 2008 at 11:03 am
You kind of look like you are about to throw down in that picture! And the dress is ADORABLE – I want one for my kiddo! Also, I think it is completely made up! Those bars are way too small for that precious head!
Athena’s last blog post..Love her
November 21st, 2008 at 7:04 pm
Caribbean Holidays — Yeah, I think it’s more fun to watch me take the brunt of their jokes. No pie!
Vivienne — All of the above. Boy, I sure have some smarter-than-me readers here. Thanks!
meleah rebeccah — I’ll be resurrecting the story at Thanksgiving. Let’s see if anyone caves.
Swubird — LMAO! Thank you for letting me know how I can prove once and for all whether I have a melon head!
Athena — I rather like my little petticoat. I wonder if they make ’em anymore. Your kid would probably hate it. So old-fashioned! Me and my tiny head thank you for your kindness.
November 21st, 2008 at 7:11 pm
I’m betting on the conspiracy. Siblings will go to great lengths to keep the “weaker” sibling in check. I’ve got two sisters, so I know these things. The made up stories they tell about me would just cause you to shudder.
November 22nd, 2008 at 10:09 am
My siblings are always telling me I make things up. They don’t want to admit to “abusing” me. LOL
Karen’s last blog to Make My Wishes Come True
November 22nd, 2008 at 6:56 pm
You know, I never even complimented on that picture. You look so cute in that coat !
And no that is definitely not a melon-head !
Hoping this will throw off smart-alecks who think that can do counter-math !
Jaffer’s last blog post..5 point 1 Me
November 23rd, 2008 at 4:29 am
Some families are remarkably better than others at embellishing stories from childhood, especially the childhood of the most vulnerable kid. The only good thing is the relatives have already heard it so many times they get to a point where there is nothing to add. That is so much better than it used to be when they had to tell all to the first guy who came along to take you out for a date.
Fisher’s last blog post..Mouth-to-snout for breathless cat
November 23rd, 2008 at 7:58 am
My kids have big heads my son at 3 months had the head of a two year old, talk about packing a bowling ball on top of a pinhead that is about what he looked like!
CF’s last blog post..My Dad’s Hands
November 23rd, 2008 at 8:17 am
Lee — Well, let’s hear some of those stories on your blog, man! Don’t leave me hanging here!
Karen — I think abusing your siblings is a God-given right. But the elder ones should worry if the baby of the family gets a blog some day.
Jaffer — Ah, thanks. After reading all the comments about the picture, I’ve decided that I am indeed a cutie.
Fisher — All the better if they break out pictures.
CF — LOL! Poor kid. Is is hard to get shirts over his noggin?
November 23rd, 2008 at 12:37 pm
My husband got his head stuck in a fence at disneyland. It would be a better story if he was like 30 when it happened but sadly he was like 7. Still, the pictures are awesome.
November 23rd, 2008 at 5:19 pm
Jenny, Bloggess — Have you posted the pictures on your blog somewhere? That I’d like to see. I hope you ridicule him on a regular basis.
November 27th, 2008 at 12:20 pm
I don’t think your head is anything to write home about. I know this one red haired kid. And I swear it’s like a orange on a toothpick.
Hopefully his body will catch up with it at some point.
Harvey’s last blog post..Laptop Deals
November 28th, 2008 at 7:36 am
Harvey — LMAO. Here’s hoping he evens out.
November 29th, 2008 at 7:46 pm
lol …my mom used to call my brother Melon Head …ahahha. I love it.
…love Maegan’s last blog post..Playing Dress Up
December 3rd, 2008 at 8:38 am
…love Maegan — Oh, he must have loved that. Thanks a lot, Mom!
For anyone’s who’s interested and still reading this post, my mother says my head “just kinda fell out.” SO THERE! There was NO FIRE DEPARTMENT CALL! I knew it.