Monday Mishmash
cats, Stuff I don't hate, Stuff I hate, Travel November 3rd, 2008To my best good friend, Tracey, who threw her back out lifting an object she could have thrown over her head twenty years ago, I’m sorry for your injury, but you’re old now. Welcome to the club.
To the guy who called me today and left his phone number at lightning speed, I didn’t get it. I had to listen to your message three times because you sounded like you had a mouth full of marbles. If you’re leaving me your number, it’s because you know I don’t have it. Slow the hell down.
To my colleague, Heather. Thank you for making a pot of coffee every day before I come into the office. You don’t even drink coffee. You’re good people.
To my cat, Lucky, who insists on burrowing under a blanket on the couch for whatever reason. I do not know you are there. Learn how to make a warning noise or you shall require a visit to the vet to get unflattened. And I’m not so sure they have a procedure for that.
To my other cat, Stinky, who just walked across my laptop keyboard, you know that screws me up, right?
To daylight savings time, you suck. I feel like changing into my pajamas before I even leave work.
To whoever thought of putting bread in a thin bag and then thought to put it in another bag, that’s just stupid. Trust us. It goes stale as fast in two bags as it does in one. One is less annoying.
To that guy who darted unsafely in and out of my lane this morning, it gave me great pleasure to time my speed such that you never got back into the lane and then missed the exit you wanted so bad. Me, 1. Jerks, 0.
And there you have it. Anything on your mind today? The more random, the better.

November 5th, 2008 at 2:29 am
Okay Kathy, you asked for it!
To the idiot fiddling with his eyeglasses while blowing past me driving 80 mph on the 10 East yesterday at 12:15 pm: thanks for nearly sideswiping me in MY lane.
To my ovaries: thanks for this little “trick” you’re playing on me. I’m SO enjoying my own personal summer.
To the parents of the 1st & 2nd graders at the school where I’m subbing for the librarian: please teach your children how to whisper!
To the office staff of Dr. Park, Dr. Hamid, & Dr. Berbos: please learn how to do your job, so I don’t have to do it for you.
To the drivers of the high profile vehicles on my street: the speed bumps were put there to SLOW everyone down. They were not meant to be a high-speed challenge.
To Yolie, my coworker: I’m a LIBRARIAN, not a LIBARIAN.
To Regan, my big bad Boxer: you’re smart ~ please figure out a way to give me a heads up BEFORE you gas me out of the living room.
So there you have it. If I were over this cold of mine, perhaps I could find something nice to say. Guess that will have to wait for another day
Mama O’s last blog post..My First Political Opinion
November 5th, 2008 at 4:01 am
Dear Kathy,actually,this is definitely not the first time I visit and leave you a comment here,no less than 100 times I guess?I had changed my name several times,sorry for that…and it’s sad to feel that you may think I am a new reader…who love your blog so much.
I do have something very important today…it’s my NO.24 Birthday today!And I want to share my joy with you.,And what makes this birthday so special is that it’s my last birthday in the campous of university.Oh…I will not be a student anylonger at the same time next year?!How time flies…
Good day!
Celia’s last blog post..
Welcome!A cup of milk or tea?
November 5th, 2008 at 6:09 am
I have an award for you at my blog
savvysuzie’s last blog post..Award day #3
November 5th, 2008 at 7:32 am
Hannah — It’s so stupid. The inner bag is too thin, it’s hard to open and has nowhere to go when the loaf gets smaller. Why bread people? Why?
meleah rebeccah — Maybe I wouldn’t mind so much if I lived in warmer climes. Darkness at 5PM and arctic temperatures form a recipe for depression if ever there was one. Ugh.
Babs beetle — Yeah, but being entertained by you is so much more fun than any cat toy!
absepa — I Love Randomness!! I pray you have a small dog. I think the butt of a large dog could wipe out the whole laptop.
Melissa — Now, didn’t that feel better? I always considered the Junk Drawer good therapy. If your mom gets out of the hospital soon, all the other stuff won’t matter, right? Sending good vibes to her.
kara — As long as we screw up other drivers safely, I’m all for it! Who says you can’t teach them any lessons? By morning quickie, do you mean shake and pour pancakes? Oh, wait. That’s not what you meant. Tee hee.
Mama O — Oh, boy. That’s a load off, isn’t it? The one that kills me the most is “libarian.” An adult says that? And do you also work at a “liberry?” p.s. My cat, Shadow, does the same thing. It’s deadly.
Celia — Oh, don’t do that! It’s hard enough for me to remember everyone when they don’t do the name switcheroo on me! Happy Birthday to you, but it’s possible you’ll miss college when you get into the rat race. Savor this last year!
savvysuzie — Thanks for the award! I’ve never been an “uber” anything before!
November 5th, 2008 at 7:33 am
Yes, the double-bagged bread! Hate it. Congratulations on your jerky driver defense maneuver. On my mind is the ghastly girl who would not let me over after I’d engaged my blinker well in advance of my exit. After driving exactly parallel to me no matter what my speed for about half a mile, I honked my horn and made a flicking motion with my fingers, as when you’re going to to flick someone in the head. She laughed, didn’t let me over and I missed my effin exit. Beyotch.
Vivienne’s last blog post..Walking the Line
November 5th, 2008 at 9:40 am
Now I’m thinking of change I can believe in – quarters, dimes, nickels …
November 5th, 2008 at 9:41 am
… and bacon, always bacon.
November 5th, 2008 at 11:16 am
You are so funny. To the guy who darted in and out of lane – I’ve done exactly you said you’d like to do. I drove along right beside him until he missed his ramp. Yeah! That felt so good. It was one time I loved being flipped off.
What about all of the people who call your phone in the middle of the night – and it’s a wrong number? I would love it if I could turn my phone into a Taser that would work on wrong numbers. How about 50,000 volts in their ear?
What about all the people who still insist on paying their grocery bill with a check? Gawd, it’s 2008 already. And to top it off, they wait until everything is cashiered and bagged before they even begin to write the check. And then they stand there and slowly record the check in their checkbook. I sincerely wish that their shopping cart would have a bad wheel. There, push that baby across the parking lot.
This list could go on and on, but nothing tops your subjects. Great post.
Happy trails.
Swubird’s last blog post..THE ENTREPRENEUR
November 5th, 2008 at 6:28 pm
Vivienne — So sorry about your missing the exit. See, there’s an important distinction in the “not letting people over” technique I employed. Nice people get in, a-holes don’t. I would have let you in!
Canucklehead — I all heard was bacon. Cue mouth-watering. I would vote for bacon for president if only it would run.
Swubird — Excellent rant, my friend. Your list is my list. We could compare notes. I have tried to shoot laser beams out my eyes at the people who write checks at the grocery store, but it gives me a headache, as I have not perfected it yet. One day, check-writing people. One day.
November 6th, 2008 at 12:48 pm
Dark & Cold? Ugh is right! *sorry*
meleah rebeccah’s last blog post..Another Personal Update. With Some Pictures, Charts, and Graphs.
November 6th, 2008 at 4:45 pm
Yes she is a talker, but she is really loud. It is just not like speaking loud it is yelling for me and you, but you never want to hear her yelling it is relly painful to your ears.
November 7th, 2008 at 5:53 pm
meleah rebeccah — And now that more partitions were put up in our office, I don’t see any natural light during the day. It forces me to go out for lunch. How many months of this left?
brooke — Oh, and you know how annoying noises already bother me. I’m glad I don’t have an Aubrey in my life. You have my sympathies.