Do You Hate Me?
contests, Fun December 9th, 2008Of the 70+ guesses made on the Sunday What’s That? post, only one was correct. A hearty congratulations goes to Becca of the Gray and Becca blog!
The object shown was part of a paper towel holder.
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The hint I gave you might have thrown you off track. I said it may or may not be Christmas-related. Do you hate me? I didn’t mean to confuse or trick anyone. (Yes I did.)
And now for something totally random!
I hate my own name today. There are five Kathys at work with whom I conduct business regularly. It’s a nightmare when several of us are involved in the same issue, as was the case today.
It’s pretty much a given that half the emails I read or send today will be from a Kathy or to a Kathy. In one exchange I talked to four Kathys in two minutes. I’m all Kathied out! Kathy Kathy Kathy! Doesn’t my name sound weird when you hear it over and over?
My phone just rang. It was from a Kathy. A Kathy who doesn’t work here. That’s it. I’m being stalked by Kathys.

December 10th, 2008 at 1:58 pm
Oh yea – I’ve seen you p-towel holder before !! I shoulda known…Anyway, I will never have same problem with my name – I can count on 1 hand the Marlenes I’ve known in my lifetime. But I know 4 Kathys and I have to make sure to state their last names when I talk about them to my husband – that gets confusing when I say the wrong last name – oy.
December 10th, 2008 at 2:48 pm
I think ‘Bumbles’ or ‘Bumblie’ short for ‘Bumble Bee Katie’ What d’you think?
Babs – beetle’s last blog post..Oh Carol! Thanks for the memories.
December 10th, 2008 at 3:34 pm
Gee, I know how you feel. I have that problem ALL THE TIME. If someone calls my name out in a restaurant, 15 guys turn around. When I get introduced to foreigners, they usually say something like, “Don’t you American’s name you sons anything else?” It’s just the heavy burden we common-named people have to carry.
Preston’s last blog post..Shakespeare, I Thought I Knew Ye
December 10th, 2008 at 5:32 pm
Data Entry Services — There’s no way I would even know how to pronounce that. Cute way around that!
Kathy — Welcome to the Kathy Klub!
Lidian — I applaud you for your creativity and time management skills. Anything to avoid class!
pam — I’m so glad. I needed something impossible.
shai — They were getting too easy. I may pull out the tricks again next time. Who wants an easy one anyway?
robert bourne — You don’t strike me as a Bob anyway. Although Bubba doesn’t come to mind either. You will always be lower-case robert to me.
Maureen — I didn’t get a middle name at birth, but I chose Michelle for my confirmation name. It was in honor of both St. Michael and the fact that my dad wanted to name me that when I was born, but my mom won out with Kathleen.
Dan Brantley — Love the idea! A Jesus was recently hired in our building. Feels weird to email “Dear Jesus,….”
Karen — “…like a recruit.” Funny! My brother Michael was almost never called by his first name. It was always “Mess,” which is the first four letters of our last name. It never seemed weird to me.
Jenn Thorson — Funny. I only ever knew or worked with one Jenn. Actually, she hated being called Jenn, preferring Jennifer. I’m happy to be a singular Kathy in your world!
Linda — I swear, I change out a roll of paper towels just about every day. Cats. It’s always because of the cats. I can’t be a JD because a JD comments here regularly. Just don’t call me Junk!
Eric Speedcat Hollydale — I have wondered about your name origin. Should I know what Speedcat Hollydale means? Where did it come from? Inquiring minds want to know.
JD at I Do Things — Oh thank you! I’m sorry for my trickery, but it had to be done. You may call me Kat or Katrina, just don’t call me late for dinner. Ba-dum!
Shinade — Isn’t it pretty? Husband hated it in the beginning, because the curlicue thing would interfere with the towel ripping action. Told him “I like it. Get used to it.”
The Hawg! — That’s what wives do, you know. She’s only doing her job.
kev — Hilarious! Hey, gotta do what ya gotta do. The kev rises to the top.
Renee aka Mekhismom — I remembered two more Kathys with whom I do business (though one spells it with a C). So what’s that? Seven now? Chances are I will be stalked by at least half of them in any given day.
Marlene — I’ve known only two, you and my best friend’s mom! Funny, huh? I’m sorry it must get annoying announcing the full names of all the Kathys in your life. What a drag!
Babs beetle — Bumbly is cute. And it’s close to Bubbles, which I think I like even better. But Bubbles sounds like a striptease dancer, no? Probably no good.
Preston — Ah, Preston! I love, love, love your name. Were you named after another Preston in your family? It sounds so regal! Do you live in a castle?
December 10th, 2008 at 5:57 pm
Bubbles is not good. It’s also the name of a clown.
Babs – beetle’s last blog post..Oh Carol! Thanks for the memories.
December 10th, 2008 at 7:11 pm
Hey, I like Bubbles! I wanted to name one of our servers that, but got voted down. Obviously none of them watched Powerpuff Girls…
My Daughter is Catheraine, but we call her Katie. I am always reminded of Kate from the Taming of the Shrew.
As for Porn names, you know how to get that of course. The name of your first pet, and the street you grew up on. I would be Tinkerbell Rockingham.
And I totally get the multiple name thing, mine is Susan, there are 4 other Susans just on my floor, one in the office next to me. Fortunately, we hashed out the naming convention when I started working here. I am Susan, she is Sue. We also have a Suzie, and a Suzanne.
shadowsrider’s last blog post..College pranks..
December 10th, 2008 at 7:51 pm
hey Kathy,
I seem to always be a day late and a dollar short (I threw in that second part because that’s what people always say, don’t know why) getting to your posts, so I just signed up for your RSS feed. Maybe now I can be a bit more timely.
Anyway, I can’t believe it was a paper towel holder. We have one in our kitchen (almost identical but a single rod not double rod). It’s right by the blessed coffee maker, so I see it every day. Can’t believe I missed it!
~ Steve, aka the befuddled trade show guru
Trade Show Guru’s last blog post..Trade Show Secrets
December 10th, 2008 at 8:19 pm
Hey Kathy! Your blog is always a great read… what a cute idea to get things going…. I hope the Kathy’s stop stalking you soon! LOL
Mama and Hustler???
Great MOMS Think Alike
Emily’s last blog post..Back to school?!?! Maybe???
December 11th, 2008 at 1:22 am
My family is infested with Johns and Richards. My grandfather was John Richard (John), his son was John Richard Jr. (Richard/Dick), my cousin was Richard Joseph, others are John Raymond and John Patrick, and my nephew is (yet again!) John Richard. His father, uncle, and a brother are all Roberts.
At my high school, there were cousins Mary G. and Mary C. Collins. They went to the same schools from first through 12th; must have been a relief to get to college and NOT have to use their initials.
Grace’s last blog post..3 sales in 2 days!!!!
December 11th, 2008 at 1:50 am
Oh, boo hoo for you! Try living with a name like JENNIFER! Yeah, only the #1 baby name for, like, 10 YEARS RUNNING!!!! When someone shouts “Jen” in the middle of a store, I DON’T bother turning around. Cause it’s most likely NOT for me!
Jen@Happily-Ever-After-Land’s last blog post..11 Random Things
December 11th, 2008 at 9:11 am
When I read the triple Kathy all I heard in my head was “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!”
Damn you Ann! You beat me to the punch! At least I had 2 minutes to edit this.
December 11th, 2008 at 11:03 am
I was best friends with three Lori’s…we ended up calling each other by our last names only…it worked..better than nicknames like Big Lori, Dumb Lori, and the fat Lori. THat just didn’t go over to well! My name isn’t that common…but I share it mostly with strippers and Porn actresses…thats kinda cool.
nikkicrumpet’s last blog post..***NIKKICRUMPET COOKS***
December 11th, 2008 at 12:53 pm
Did you say ka, ka, ka, ka, kath, ka-Kathy?
Hap, hap, hap, hap, Hap, Hap, ppp trails!
Swubird’s last blog post..LOQUACIOUS VERBOSITY!
December 11th, 2008 at 12:53 pm
I grew up as Kathy Smith. The most common first name at the time, paired up with the most common last name. So even using the last name didn’t help. The worst was when there was another Kathy Smith at my school who kept ditching class and getting into trouble. I was always getting these call slips to the office and then they’d say, “oh, we don’t want you!”
~Kat~ Who’s Really Kathy’s last blog post..Simply Buttons and Banners
December 11th, 2008 at 1:17 pm
my birth mother was Kathleen (Kathy). My older sister was called Cathy (Her given name was Mabel Catherine, she hated Mabel!) So what does my younger sister name her 2nd daughter? Kathy!
and who does my youngest brother marry? Kathy! We Irish like that name!
Chris (Casey)’s last blog post..“They say it’s your Birthday….” and out go the lights!
December 11th, 2008 at 5:24 pm
Babs Beetle — OK, Bubbles is out. Bubbles the Clown? Is that a British thing?
shadowsrider — What? Powerpuff Girls? What’s that? Where have I been? Who? You’re lucky to have Susan variations. We’re all just Kathys! For the record, my porn name is Baby Ferry. Lackluster, huh?
Befuddled Trade Show Guru Steve — I’m sure you will get my posts earlier with a feed than if you are subscribed vie email. You aren’t the only one who missed it. My family sees my paper towel holder all the time and didn’t recognize it. Feel good about that.
Emily — Thank you! Oh, I’ll never stop being stalked. I saw three Kathys today and talked to another one by phone. They’re everywhere!
Grace — Infested. Love that characterization. And you weren’t kidding! Oh, those poor Marys! That’s rough to have the same name except for middle initial. One of my Kathys reminded me yesterday that until a few years ago, there were two of her at our university (full name the same).
Jen at Happily Ever After Land — I can’t believe I don’t know more Jennifers then. I only worked with one once. I feel bad for all the Ashleys and Emilys born today.
cardiogirl — It’s weird. I didn’t even think of that when I wrote it. And I call myself a Brady Bunch fan!
nikkicrumpet — Funny! Poor Loris. Hey, strippers and porn actresses know a good name when they make one up, eh?
Swubird — Hmmm, I wonder if you’ll reveal your real name? Is it Bob? John? Sean?
Kat Who’s Really Kathy — So funny. One of our five Kathys is a Kathy Smith. Oh, brother. Another one at your school? It sounds like you were the good Kathy Smith!
Chris Casey — Good Lord. You’re surrounded by them too! Hey, I can see in my stats that some people come up on my site searching for a Chris Casey who’s in government somewhere (forget exactly). I wonder how long they stay before they find out they have the wrong one.
December 11th, 2008 at 7:30 pm
Hey Kathy, I just saw an ad for the Chia cat grass with Sylvester and Tweety on TV. Is that on your wish list from Santa?!
If you want to see something truly disturbing, google my name. There is a Chris Casey experience, and a website for all the Chris Casey’s out there. They range from Neuro surgeon to serial killer. I kid you not!
Chris (Casey)’s last blog post..“They say it’s your Birthday….” and out go the lights!
December 11th, 2008 at 11:34 pm
My mother’s name is Cathy.
I just felt like I needed to throw that into the drawer. Just another Cathy to fill your day – know what I mean…
Mom’s last blog post..Featured Blog
December 12th, 2008 at 6:36 am
Oh my I could have never guessed that. Nobody could have unless you have really dealt with it.. Thats why becca could. And your hint.. Guess you use this during Christmas too.. 😉
December 12th, 2008 at 9:01 am
Yes, it’s a family name. My Dad and Grandfather were both Prestons and had I had a son, he probably would have been a Preston as well. And no, I do not live in a castle. Most people think I should have been some kind of movie star or royalty though because my full name is Lewis Preston Brooks, III. Pretty ritzy, huh? Now if I was only as rich as they name sounds I’d be set…
Preston’s last blog post..I Will Never Be Corky St. Claire BUT I Wouldn’t Mind Being Brini Maxwell
December 12th, 2008 at 11:02 am
I will say that working with a lot of people who share the same name makes it MUCH easier to use innuendo-laden phrases that border on sexual harassment.
“Yeah, that last round of e-mails was a mess of hot Sharon-on-Sharon action.”
Of course, you have to use phrases like that judiciously, or you don’t find yourself remaining in that workplace very long.
Stanley!’s last blog post..Teens Are Trying To Kill You
December 12th, 2008 at 1:15 pm
JD, I do not think my suggested names are porn names…I think I just made them up. But it is entirely possible that I subconsciously recalled them from elsewhere. I do have an entire wing of my mansion dedicated to pornography, after all!
Lord Likely’s last blog post..The Cream of the Crop
December 12th, 2008 at 1:25 pm
Kathy, I do not think my suggested names are porn names…I think I just made them up. But it is entirely possible that I subconsciously recalled them from elsewhere. I do have an entire wing of my mansion dedicated to pornography, after all!
Lord Likely’s last blog post..The Cream of the Crop
December 12th, 2008 at 1:27 pm
Heavens, I appear to have posted twice.
Too much gin again.
Lord Likely’s last blog post..The Cream of the Crop
December 12th, 2008 at 3:13 pm
I feel your pain at the “Kathy Konundrum.”
However, hope is in site.
For at least one day in March, your problem will be solved. Just hang in for another 4 months.
Joe’s last blog post..Awards and Such
December 12th, 2008 at 5:12 pm
Um, my name is Jennifer. Hands down the most popular girls name of all time. Held the #1 spot in babies names from 1970-1984. My entire life I’ve been known as Jennifer T. because there was always a Jennifer A. around. But it could be worse, we could be like my bofriend, uncle, two cousins, nephew, two ex-boyfriends, boss…and be named Michael. That was the #1 boys name for 45 years in a row!
Stiletto Sports Jen’s last blog post..The Funnest Baseball Gifts Ever!
December 12th, 2008 at 5:53 pm
Chris Casey — No, it’s not. I had a bad Chia experience once. One word: mold. Oooo! Serial killer! All I get for my name is a real estate agent. Humdrum.
Mom — Do you find you run into less “C” Cathys? All but one of our seven is a “K.”
Tim — If Becca hadn’t gotten it, I would have been doling out easier hints. I’m so glad I didn’t have to hint again. The first one was so obvious, wasn’t it?
Preston — Are you pulling my leg? You officially have the most awesome name of anyone in Junk Drawer history. I’m serious. If that was my name, I would print it on T-shirts and brag about it.
Stanley! — I love the way you think! But, yeah, could kinda get you fired. In this economy, gotta be careful.
Lord Likely — I’m pleased you found it within you to post twice. I take it as a compliment. One can never have enough comments from a lord. If I ever need a serious porn name, I know who to ask now. Thank you in advance for your services. Oh. That didn’t sound right.
Joe — I’m glad to read that the ladies can take part in Joe Day. As for me, I shall prefer Josephine. Thanks for the link! March 27. I’m there!
Stiletto Sports Jen — Good grief! I honestly didn’t know Jennifer was so popular. You have my sympathies. I have a brother named Michael. It’s a classic!
December 13th, 2008 at 11:00 am
Well, as for the picture, I was half right because I didn’t guess something Christmas related, but I would’ve never guessed it was part of a paper towel holder. That’s just impossible, even without the hint throwing people off, ha ha.
December 13th, 2008 at 2:03 pm
well, it looks like you’re being stalked by Elles too. (I spied another in earlier comments. hmph. I feel vaguely like I’ve been stuck at a party with another girl wearing the same sequined sweater as I’ve hunted down and conquered.) No one gets MY name at first. Ellen. It is always Elaine, Eileen, once Alice, and my personal fave, Helen. I had a friend who insisted on calling me Helen for years just because he knew it vexed me so. Oh, and at work? The new job?? I am currently known as Emily.
Elle’s last blog post..Why None of My Radko Glass Ornaments Made It Out of the Attic This Year
December 13th, 2008 at 8:07 pm
There is No Way I would have ever been able to guess that was a paper towel holder. A very pretty paper towel holder at that!
meleah rebeccah’s last blog post..Pink Eye
December 14th, 2008 at 5:54 pm
Airsoft — I’m thrilled it was near-impossible to guess. The first ones in the series were apparently too easy. Look for more difficulty in the future, as well as non-helpful hints.
Elle — That’s crazy talk! You’re telling me people can’t say your name? Or they can’t remember your name and they’re guessing? I think you need to hold an Ellen class. It won’t take long: “This is how you say my name. Ellen. Class dismissed.”
meleah rebeccah — I love it! Beats the plastic ones that you attach to the wall. We were always breaking them anyway. This one is indestructible!
December 14th, 2008 at 9:21 pm
I can’t believe the thing is a paper towel holder… Madonna called she still wants to dance around it.
December 16th, 2008 at 6:15 am
Michelle Gartner — Har! I wonder how long Madonna plans on scaring kids?
January 3rd, 2009 at 1:09 am
Test comment.
March 28th, 2009 at 11:48 am
Success always comes after failure 😀 So let’s cheer up. 🙂
April 8th, 2009 at 5:56 am
Hvorfor har jeg bestemt til Ã¥ meg gjennomstreife det ville landet av Hollabanogo i seks mÃ¥neder ? Svaret var enkelt… til Ã¥ komme unna fra folk og Ã¥ skriving pÃ¥ denne siden. Jeg var syk og trettet av Ã¥ kommentere og
Eric “Speedcat Hollydale”’s last blog post..Bare til Ã¥ Spise Frukter