So Which Was Worse?
embarrassing December 12th, 2008I generally try to avoid showing my underpants and boobs to others in public, but I’ve done both when I was 12. Gather ’round kiddies. I’m going to see if I can make you cry.
First up, the crotch: Gymnastics class, YWCA.
I took an introductory gymnastics class at the Y the summer of 1977, and quite enjoyed it until my panty-revealing experience. Let’s begin.
Know that my gymnastics instructor was drop dead gorgeous. He was dreamy and delicious and just about the best thing that could happen to a 12-year-old girl who kept a diary with a tiny lock on it. Dear Diary, Please make Mr. McDreamy show us again how to do a handspring. Note to self: Keep sucking at it so you need extra help.
We were practicing backbends when it became apparent I was going to have problems. My one-piece leotard had snaps at the crotch. Three of them. At. The. Crotch. Why anyone wants metal buttons down there is anyone’s guess and I have no idea why I chose that one when I needed attire for my class.
As I bent over backwards, with Mr. McDreamy spotting me, all three snaps labored to stay connected — but didn’t. One! Two! Three! Helloooo, undies!
I do not recall the degree of horror I experienced. In fact, I think I blacked out for a while. I just know I never returned to class. Once you reveal your underthings in front of a man you wanted to marry someday and a gym full of laughing classmates, you can never go back.
Next, the boobs. Wait. Make that singular booby: Neighborhood swimming pool.
As I waded into the four foot section of the pool in my cute, hot pink bikini, I dunked my head under water and came up to find a young lad the age of eight or so staring at me. Blink. Blink. Mouth agape.
My first thought was “Hey, jerk. What are you looking at?”
My next thought was “Why is one of the strings to my bikini top floating on the water?”
Hellooooo, left booby!
Mortified, I dunked myself back in the water and retied my top, as the 8-year-old lad swam away yelling to all his friends “That girl over there just showed me her boob!”
I did no such thing, you perv. “And you can stop looking already!”
So kids, which was worse? Flashing my underpants at Mr. McDreamy or flashing my boob to a lucky young boy who’s probably never forgotten the experience?
You know what’s coming next. Let’s hear about your involuntary flashing experiences. The more mortifying, the better. Make me cry.
Extra points to any woman who’s had the misfortune of inadvertently tucking the back of her skirt into the waistband of her pantyhose after using the ladies room. I’ve seen it done and can’t believe it hasn’t happened to me. Yet.

December 13th, 2008 at 9:04 pm
Fantastic post! The episode that comes to mind immediately is the time my parents were looking at my kindergarten class photo and my mom pointed out that, the way I was sitting (on the bench in the front row), it looked like I wasn’t wearing any underpants. I was, of course, but the way my little fat thighs came together from the front, it sure gave the visual impression that one was looking at something more, shall we say, intimate. Oh, the shame. I still can conjure that awful feeling up in about 2 milliseconds when I remember that little conversation. It’s never fades…
:^) Anna
Anna Lefler’s last blog post..We Mock What We Don’t Understand
December 13th, 2008 at 10:20 pm
I’m just going to have my parents call you, they can tell you every mortifying incident of my childhood. (and would!)
I say undie flash is the worst. You didn’t even know the kid in the pool, but to be embarrassed in front of your dream guy, horrible!
As for me, lets just say all of them. I remember the snap-crotch onsies (what were we thinking??) and as it was the 70’s, halter tops were in. had a one piece bathing suit with a halter top that came untied. Have done the toilet paper, skirt in the waistband, 50 strangers in the room with childbirth (emergency C-section)
Now, nothing fazes me, I have no shame.
Shadowsrider’s last blog post..Too much time on their hands…
December 14th, 2008 at 2:27 am
Hmm… where is your pool located? I think I should visit…
Dwacon’s last blog post..Metallica is Back, Baby!
December 14th, 2008 at 6:49 am
Jeff — Guys probably wouldn’t care if they walked around naked. Am I right? Well, not where you live. Kinda cold. LOL about Brooke’s comment. I love getting a tweener’s perspective.
Elle — Yours is my worst nightmare. There are times I “just throw something on” and run out the door. I’m really sorry about your accident, but glad it was minor. I’m more sorry you withstood the terror of an EMT almost revealing your commando self!
Carole — It’s a known fact that people who work in the medical field, whether they be doctors or staff, have seen it all. It’s also a known fact that that doesn’t matter to a patient.
Diana — Gross is right!!! A one-piece suit is a girl’s best friend. A one-piece suit with a little skirt on the bottom is a better friend to women with lots of things to hide. If I ever swim again, here’s what I’m wearing, but I need something to cover my neck.
Chris Casey — Maybe that’s why I haven’t kept in touch with any of my classmates. They have too much on me.
Mike — Happy Birthday, Mike! I knew something like this was coming. I just didn’t think it’d take this long. Sorry for your slippage. Yes, that’s good indeed. (Not for you, for us).
Momo Fali — I’m sorry I’m laughing again. I love how you were looking for your sunglasses, oblivious about the show you were putting on. Oh, that moment of horror. I know it well.
Data Entry Services — Passes you a tissue. It’s amazing we remember these things. Have you ever seen the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? I’d like to have my mind cleared of all these embarrassing experiences. Oh, wait. But then, what would I blog about?
meleah rebeccah — It wouldn’t have been so bad, I suppose, if I’d been able to resnap the buttons quickly and easily and without anyone noticing. Not a chance. I ran out, beet red, clutching the open flaps.
Dan Brantley — A classic!
Stephanie C — LOL. Yeah, would love to know if that kid remembered my flash. Your bra story reminds me I’m still nervous trying on clothes in a crowded dressing room. When I hear kids running around while their moms are in a stall, I always check the lock. I suppose a kid could crawl under a door, though. Great. New thing to worry about!
Anna Lefler — Amazing. I’m sorry you know that picture exists, and worse, that all your other classmates have the same picture. Geez. The stuff we remember.
Shadowsrider — snap-crotch onesies. God, I just realized when you said that that what I was wearing was basically a gigantic baby onesie!!! Wow, for all your experiences, it’s a good thing you’re not fazed. More power to ya, sister! I envy you.
Dwacon — Har! Careful, the only way you can leer at another kid is if you’re a kid yourself. Sorry, Charlie!
December 14th, 2008 at 1:03 pm
Oh No! Running out clutching the open flaps is AWFUL.
Why in the heck did they make those like baby clothes anyway? Three snap crotches are not a good idea once you are out of DIAPERS!!
meleah rebeccah’s last blog post..Dear Santa,
December 14th, 2008 at 1:17 pm
Funny you should mention the skirt tucked into the pantyhose thing. Just the other day the Queen and I were in a buffet place that is frequented by senior citizens. Sure enough a heavy set old lady came out of the Ladies Room with her skirt caught way above her backside. It wasn’t a pleasant sight. Thankfully, my Queen leaped to the rescue and covered the poor matron’s behind before any serious damage was done.
Happy trails.
Swubird’s last blog post..LOQUACIOUS VERBOSITY!
December 14th, 2008 at 1:54 pm
Hands down, the underwear shot. I can’t think of any nudity moments. I’m sure I had a bikini top slip upwards at the beach or something, but nothing too dastardly!
Jen@Happily-Ever-After-Land’s last blog post..PhotoStory Friday – O, Scoliosis Tree!
December 14th, 2008 at 2:28 pm
Grade Five – pool party before summer started. No changeroom, as such, just a small space in a garage with a grimy window. I didn’t see the window and took off my wet bathing suit to change back into my clothes. The entire male population of my class was watching me! Talk about mortified! At least there was no male teacher in the group. I feel for you!
Oh, and I didn’t tuck my skirt into my pantyhose, but I did walk through a narrow restaraunt with a trail of toilet paper (clean) hanging from the back of my jeans!
Poetikat’s last blog post..The Easy-Bake Oven Mystery
December 14th, 2008 at 7:51 pm
My mortification story is about wearing too many undies as opposed to losing my undies. When I was in kindergarten, while getting ready for school, I somehow managed to place the day’s fresh undies OVER the undies I was already wearing. Off to school I went….later in the day, I found myself with my panties in a twist, literally, as I stood in the bathroom stall. I remember crying, and the teacher coming in to see what the fuss was about. Imagine her surprise to see me wearing two sets of panties. Mrs. Durbin, I love you, wherever you are. You were so sweet and kind. You straightened me out without any fanfare.
Oh yeah, I remember another underwear story involving a teacher. Third grade. Sister Eugene. Lunchtime. We sat in rows, and the boy sitting in front of me turned around and elbowed my thermos. A tsunami of milk washed over my uniform. Sister Eugene walked me a half block to the convent, where she had me undress down to my slip, and she promptly threw my uniform into the washer. That wasn’t even the scariest part! After it was dry, Sister Eugene told me to walk back to the classroom. I got lost in the convent!! It was dark and all those crucifixes! I couldn’t find the door. I was so freaked out. Somehow I managed to find my way back to the class, where no one even questioned my absence!
December 14th, 2008 at 10:28 pm
I am sure the young boy who got the boob shot is still thanking you till this day. You never forget your first boob shot, or kiss, or…. well enough of that!!!
Sandy’s last blog post..Breakfast Is The Most Important Meal
December 15th, 2008 at 10:38 am
You just reminded me of the stupid purple houndstooth 70s bodysuit my mother had bought me as a kid, with the snaps in the crotch. I HATED that thing. And the snaps were hard to do and they were in a very bad place. And I always needed help, and I hated that, too.
WHY? WHY did they think this was a good idea? YES, kids need to pee occasionally, but surely, if we could put a Man on the Moon we could work out a better clothing installation system???
Phew! I feel better now.
Jenn Thorson’s last blog post..With Friends Like These: Abusive Spam Relationships
December 15th, 2008 at 11:04 am
I was in kindergarten and afraid of my own shadow, so asking for permission to go to the bathroom was out of the question. I waited instead until the class was instructed to go as a group β but that was too late, and I wet myself. I donβt remember how the teacher knew this, but I do remember my panties drying on the radiator IN THE CLASSROOM. I was mortified and even more scared to ask for them back, so I walked home without them. When Mom realized this, she walked back to the school and got them back for me.
December 15th, 2008 at 12:59 pm
Waterskiing, in a VERY small one piece and I went down pretty hard thereby leaving my one piece somewhere WAY back there… I was the only girl on the boat, they had to haul me in throw a ton of towels on me as we looked for about 10 mins for the bathing suite… never found it. π
Good thing was, my boyfriend was driving the boat so he kept yelling “You look, and I’ll kill you” hey, it worked a bit….
as for your snaps, I totally had one of those darned things and they ALWAYS would come undone… π
Monica’s last blog post..I Heart Movies – Neat!
December 15th, 2008 at 1:43 pm
I have never accidently flashed anyone, but I can recall waking up late on morning and throwing on some underwear that was laying on the floor, only to find that a small lizard that my cat had brought in from outside, had managed to find a hiding place in my Haynes without me realizing it. Once they were on, and I felt the little reptile scuring around the family jewels, I set a record for exiting ones underwear. I think it was less than .45 seconds.
Bruce’s last blog post..Meet Mr. Sympathy
December 15th, 2008 at 4:00 pm
I think I may have to relinquish my “Hussy” title to you! Seems like you were hussing it up at 8 years old! lol! Thanks for sharing:)
The Hussy Housewife’s last blog post..I don’t care what side of the bread you like buttered rant!
December 15th, 2008 at 5:58 pm
meleah rebeccah — I don’t know. And I was too stupid to buy them. Another example of how I lived and learned the hard way.
Swubird — Oh!!! Thank God the Queen ran to that lady’s aid. How mortifying! I know it’s only a matter of time before it happens to me and I hope someone as sweet as your wife keeps me from making an ass of myself, literally.
Jen at Happily Ever After Land — You’re lucky, for now. There’s always a first time…
Poetikat — Oh no!!! How could you ever look at your class again? It’s a wonder we make it out of childhood safely to the other side. As for your TP streamer, you’re clearly not alone. That blunder seems to be popular.
ann of the junkdrawerblogfamily — Double panties!! I’m sorry, but I’m still laughing about your stories. Especially the convent/laundry event. I remember the convent myself. Very dark and scary and lots of Jesuses staring at me. I think I went there to help clean or something (slave labor). If anyone would have asked you where you were, they never would have believed you.
Sandy — Got that right, sister! I’m positive I was his first strange boob. His expression was priceless. Wiping away the water from his eyes, I’m sure he couldn’t believe what stood before him.
Jenn Thorson — Glad you got that off your chest. It really was a ridiculous design idea. How hard is it to lower the whole body suit to pee?
Marlene — OMG. That pained me to read it. Dried in the classroom???? How does one survive that??? You’re getting a big hug from me when I see you next.
Monica — OMG. These stories are killing me. How horrible getting your clothes ripped off you? I can’t imagine. Wow.
Bruce — Geez!!!! I can only imagine the horror. That is not a place for crawling things.
The Hussy Housewife — Yeah, baby! I’m sure I was the talk of the pool and my gymnastics class. But luckily I didn’t get involuntarily nekkid in school. There were other embarrassments, but none involved skin. Luckily.
December 15th, 2008 at 7:39 pm
My boyfriend and I went to one of the nicer restaurants nearby for a special dinner last summer. The town we live in is a beautiful, eclectic community with a laid back bohemian mindset. Wearing old jeans and a sexy top is considered “dressing up” to most. So, I put on my favorite jeans, cool vintage boots and a hot little top. I was feeling great as I led the way into the busy restaurant with my boyfriend following close behind.
There were a couple guys in the front of the restaurant playing music. We were seated at the very back, but could still see and hear them quite well. The music was really great and we wanted to leave a tip on our way out.
We finished our meal, paid, and I followed my boyfriend through the restaurant to the to leave the tip. Not wanting to interrupt the beautiful, but long song they were in the middle of, we waited patiently just a little off to the side so we wouldn’t block the view for the large table of men sitting next to the musicians.
The song ended. We left the cash, gave thanks, and walked out to the car. The second I sat down on the leather car seat I knew something was not right and I immediately jumped up to see why it felt so weird. I looked. Nothing. It wasn’t the seat.
Apparently, my jeans felt the need to have one last hurrah as if all those fun places we’d been together over the years hadn’t been enough. As the final act of ensuring my sexiness in denim, my frail, thin jeans had split in the back, an inch or so to the left of the middle seam, from the waistband, vertically to the bottom of my left cheek. And yes, sexy jeans must always be worn with sexy thongs. Thongs that appear non-existent when you parade through a large busy restaurant and stand next to a large table of men, next to the entertainment with half your naked butt on clear display. I should have kept the tip for myself.
December 15th, 2008 at 9:24 pm
i was doing cartwheel in front of my stepdaughter and our nieghbors kids ages 9 and 12 one was a girl tracey and older one was matt. I didnt tuck my sweat shirt in and when i did the cartwheel my sweatshirt showed off my boobies,lol.. i was so mortified,lol
melody’s last blog post..FOR SWEET LOVERS
December 15th, 2008 at 10:12 pm
Well at least you didn’t poop in the pool. There’s always that, right?
Rickey Henderson’s last blog post..Rickey’s Monday Kickoff
December 16th, 2008 at 3:21 am
Nothing can outdo a boob on the loose to me, especially a young little boobie like your story. Horrifying beyond measure. I say this as a grown woman who was nearly horrified into tachycardia when my beautiful man candy orthopedic surgeon checked on me the morning after reconstructing my busted elbow. After I’d done my very best flirting while still dopey from anasthesia and he’d gone on his way, I looked down to see my IV line all tangled through the neck hole of my hospital gown and out my sleeve, bringing the gown all the way down below my left boob. Please. No. Nooooooo!
Vivienne’s last blog post..I Told a Stranger She Wore Too Much Perfume
December 16th, 2008 at 4:24 am
indeed it’s hilarious! and embarrassing too! especially when that kid saw your boobie! =P
schizoshrink’s last blog post..On Unfounded Fears, Heartaches and Breaking-Up
December 16th, 2008 at 6:40 am
YM — Indeed, your favorite jeans had one last hurrah! Talk about going out with a bang! I knew right away what you meant when you felt something weird on the seat. My heart sank. Hey, at least you had some good years together. RIP favorite pair of jeans! And, yeah, the tip was all yours. You probably put on a better show.
melody — Ah, that gravity. Always gets in the way!
Rickey Henderson — Baby Ruth!
Vivienne — Don’t worry. It doesn’t count when you’re hopped up on drugs. No one can see your boob when you’re medicated.
schizoshrink — I’m glad it was only a booby and not a fully-developed boob. There’s a difference.
December 16th, 2008 at 8:58 am
Both those experiences were so funny but I’m sure they were horrifying at the time. I’ve been fortunate to not have any super embarrassing moments in my childhood (unless I’ve blocked them out) but I was doing The Rocky Horror Picture Show in a local theatre and the girl who was playing Magenta had her boob flop out while she was tap dancing. She was a school teacher and there were teenage boys (from her class) in the front row who got quite an eye-full. For the rest of the performances, I had to help her tape her boobs down. (It helps to have a gay man around in situations like that.)
Preston’s last blog post..O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree…
December 16th, 2008 at 1:49 pm
The snaps in the crotch of the bathing suit is definitely mortifying, I can see me bursting into tears in that situation. I remember in 6th-8th grade we had to take a swim class and a guy who was always talking to me and being really friendly was in my class and on the first class I got into the pool and we were talking and he started talking to my chest. I lifted his head right up to look in my eye, smiled and said ‘You can feel free to look at my face, it’s more entertaining than my chest, I promise.’ Good times.
Woman Tribune’s last blog post..Moderate Alcohol Intake Associated with Higher Levels of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
December 16th, 2008 at 7:59 pm
Wow, I think the gym class snappoff would have to be the worst!
Now for mine, I was the very shy, bookish type in high school, and I was wearing a top that was a bit snug, but I had fallen in love with. During class I leaned back to stretch and as the boy in front of me turned around the top button popped off the shirt revealing my sheer bra (so yeah he could see EVERYTHING) I ran to the bathroom mortified and the teacher brought me a safety pin, but by the end of the day everyone knew what my bra was like…not as bad as yours but bad enough for me π
CrystalRaen’s last blog post..Who Knew Paper Clips Could Be Exciting???
December 17th, 2008 at 2:06 am
Hmmm. Since I find both situations appealing, I can not choose one over the other. Though, forced to pick I would like to be the boy in the pool. Oh, wait, that wasn’t what you were asking.
I just can’t relate….we boys were always dropping trou–embarrassment never played into the equation–even when we were unceremoniously “pants” in front of the girls. That just gave us amo to get revenge.
I’m guessing, for you, the boob was worse than the undies.
December 17th, 2008 at 3:06 pm
I had my own little embarr-ass-ing moment scheduled before you posted this super stuff. It’s up now.
I think you win though. π
December 17th, 2008 at 6:17 pm
I’m a closet exhibitionist. I’ve come to the point when nothing like that embarrasses me any more. I’ve gotten dressed in front of big windows looking onto the street when there were kids in the bathroom and others hanging around outside my door. Maybe it’s the old fashioned idea of ‘if I don’t see them, they can’t see me’.
Laura’s last blog post..Folksy Snowflakes
December 17th, 2008 at 6:31 pm
Preston — I cannot imagine the horror that teacher felt! How did she go back to class again?! My God. I would totally let a gay man tape my boobs down. Of course, they’re very awesome and you’d have to give me that, gay or not.
Woman Tribune — Good grief. At least pretend you’re listening! Reminds me of someone I used to work with. He always looked at my chest when he spoke to me. I never said anything about it, but our conversations never lasted more than a few seconds. Guy. Creeped. Me. Out.
CrystalRaen — Um. No. That was as bad! I’m so sorry! Why must these things happen in school when our mortification is magnified by a hundred???
Mitch McDad — LOL. Glad you made it back to the question at hand. I do not understand the male species. I no longer ask why. I only thank the lord God that I was born a woman. Yes, boob was worse for me.
Ken Armstrong — I’m headed over to check out your ass. Post.
Laura — Awesome! You go girl! Your free-spiritedness is to be commended.
December 19th, 2008 at 7:50 am
the underwear was way worse. You can easily convince people that 1 eight yr old boy is lying but a whole class full of peers and Mcdreamy? fat chance!
fidget’s last blog post..Growing boobs and making mice
December 19th, 2008 at 10:42 am
I was the one with the skirt problem. Only it caught on the back of my chair one day when I sat down in Art Class in 8th grade. Yipes!
Allison’s last blog post..Food 4 Thought Friday and Friday Fill-ins week 3
December 20th, 2008 at 7:16 pm
fidget — Luckily, none of my friends were in the class. They’d be all like “What’s wrong Kathy? Come back!” and then giggle amongst themselves.
Allison — Oh, yeah. That’s another hazard. I once wore a skirt so long that it caught in the wheel of my chair and when I rolled it to untangle it, my skirt came halfway down my leg. Luckily, my slip stayed put.
December 25th, 2008 at 1:03 am
Ha! Glad I found your blog. I did have a laugh looking at a few of your posts and I will be back.
I had a similar experience as that lucky 8 year old boy when I was about the same age. I am a LOT older now, but your are absolutely correct, I have never forgotten it!
Will’s last blog post..A Happy, Merry, Christmas Everyone!
December 25th, 2008 at 6:57 am
Will — Good to see you! Ah, so the boy probably never forgot then! I suspected it, but now I have proof!
December 27th, 2008 at 9:05 pm
I was in San Antonio last year and saw this woman I have had a crush on for about 10 years. She spotted me at the same time and enthusiastically waved and stepped off the curb to meet me in the crosswalk. I attempted to return the gesture, waving my hand above my head. I had recently lost a lot of weight and didn’t realize that my gesture, coupled with stepping off the curb would allow my jeans to slide right off my non-undied hips.
I had not intended to share the full Monty with her or the other 30 or so people in the intersection. I don’t even remember what she said to me as I was hiking my pants back up and apologizing to everyone around me.
Erik’s last blog post..Morning Music – Delbert McClinton
December 29th, 2008 at 6:37 am
Erik — Non-undied hips????? You have my deepest sympathies. Hey, if you’re gonna make an impression, go all the way!
December 29th, 2008 at 12:03 pm
That’s OK. Once you share a moment like that, you never speak again or it brings you closer together. She calls more now. π
Erik’s last blog post..Playing for Change – Lean on Me
December 29th, 2008 at 6:36 pm
Erik — That’s awesome. And you are right. It’s either/or!
January 1st, 2009 at 12:48 pm
There are girls who are scarred for life by accidental reveals. The ones that happen at school for all to point at and laugh about are the worst. After we reach a certain age, I think most of us are like… oh well, look if you want to!
January 1st, 2009 at 7:24 pm
DM — Absolutely. That’s the idea behind all my posts about embarrassing things that happened to me as a child (and as an adult, for that matter). I don’t really care anymore what people think. But growing up, I was scared of my shadow and always, always worried about what people thought of me.
January 19th, 2009 at 12:34 pm
Thankfully, I have not exposed my chest yet! I usually wear a one piece suit. Underpants is another story. When my daughter was 3 years old, I was in a store and she kept fussing and tugging at my skirt. I tried to concentrate on what I was doing and she seemed to quiet down. Right as I reached for something, she pulled up my skirt. I couldn’t believe she did that! My skirt was up around my waist!!!!I pulled it down and grabbed her by the hand and shot right out of there. I don’t know how many people saw me, but I’m sure there were a few. Yes, I think exposing my underwear was one of the worst things I’ve ever experienced!
January 22nd, 2009 at 1:25 pm
Nancy — Sounds horrible, but I feel your pain. I bet you turned beet red. I know I would. The horror!
May 22nd, 2009 at 9:57 pm
One of my biggest regets is freezing up when I was 13 and letting my landlady exit the elevator with her dress tucked into the back of her pantyhose. In those few seconds, I couldn’t get up the nerve to tell her and even let her walk next door to the busy grocery store. In complete seriousness, it has kept me awake wondering how I could go back in time and just tell her. Women are supposed to tell eachother these things, but I failed.
May 23rd, 2009 at 2:26 pm
Audrarian — I think it says a lot about your character that you remember that incident after all these years and still feel bad about it. You’re a good person. It’s OK. We know you wanted to say something. It still counts.
June 10th, 2009 at 9:27 pm
Oh goodness, I think the gymnastics leotard becoming unsnapped is worse! I can’t imagine that happened in front of the entire class! It’s a good thing that they are no longer made with snaps. How uncomfortable!!