Bye Bye Birdie
Blogging January 28th, 2009There’s been a meme floating around the interwebs lately. Instructions are to locate the sixth photo in the sixth picture folder on your PC and write about it.
Mine is a very sad picture:
But that’s not a sad picture, Kathy! It’s a cute birdie!
No, it’s a dead birdie. See? There in the corner.
He sat on the chair a while, then crawled over in the corner sometime that night, chirped his last chirp and fell fast asleep. Forever.
I’m just glad little birdie found comfort under our artificial Christmas tree we’re too lazy to put in the garage. Oh, and the dog dish? We don’t have a dog. Discuss.

January 31st, 2009 at 10:36 pm
Oh I hate little dead bird bodies–so sad. I work in an office building with that reflective glass wrapped around the whole structure and poor little birds are always crashing into it and smashing their little skulls to pieces. I dislike that design for that reason.
Interesting broom with its two-tone bristles, by the way! Are the pinks the stronger ones or is it purely cosmetic?
Vivienne’s last blog post..World to Caylee Anthony Doll Maker: You’re a Filthy Tool
February 1st, 2009 at 6:13 am
Hey, y’all. I’m alive, but barely. Apparently Airborne isn’t all that and a bag of chips. I managed to get a cold despite its best efforts. I’ve stopped blowing my nose long enough to respond to the latest comments. Not sure when I’ll get a new blog post up. Maybe a What’s That? item.
Babs Beetle — That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard! Poor little guy. Yes, an instant death would be a blessing.
Angi — That happens at our building, too, mostly at the front door because of the giant windows right above. I don’t know who or what removes the dead birds, but I’m glad someone does. So sad to see that at the start of a day.
Lee — Yipee! Good luck with exam. Now don’t wait til the last minute to study. And no partying the night before!
chat blanc — It is indeed. And life marches on.
Wendy — I choose to believe he had a good life and at least met his end peacefully. Let’s hope.
Henson Ray — I like to think our house is a comfortable place to lay down and die. At least he could take cover under the tree and not get attacked by a larger animal who could see he was weak. At least that’s what I’m telling myself.
shadowsrider — Well, they can’t all be good pictures. Digital cameras let us screw up more pictures than before, eh? I always enjoy a good bacon post. Thanks!
Ken Armstrong — I debated whether to do it because the ending was so sad. But, that’s life. And death. Oh, yeah, the second we fill it, the word gets out and birds and squirrels queue up for the buffet. Mostly the damn squirrels.
hindleyite — We did wonder for a second if we fed it bad seed. Looks like his stomach blew up and couldn’t digest something, doesn’t it? Poor little guy.
Mary at Holy Mackerel — That’s nothing. I’ve had pumpkins at Christmas.
Vivienne — We do, too, especially in the front of the building where the windows are two floors tall. Never noticed about the two-toned broom. What’s up with that anyway?
February 1st, 2009 at 10:45 am
That’s a regular Greek Tragedy.
With all that potential symbolism maybe this is a vignette from an independent film wherein Kevin Spacey has a role and is all angsty and stuff, and realizes that the bird’s tragic life cycle is a parallel to his own turmoil
TheSnackHound’s last blog post..Own a Magical Apple
February 1st, 2009 at 1:56 pm
Kathy, it’s a perfectly tragic picture, “All good things must come to an end,” and yet funny in spite of the poor dead birdie. Don’t feel bad. Last year I left the Christmas tree up so long, the kids had almost decided to hang Valentines on it.
Laurelei’s last blog post..Please, Officer, I Can Explain…
February 1st, 2009 at 5:33 pm
We think he came to your house to enjoy Christmas one last time. We don’t think having a dog dish (minus the dog) is a bad idea at all. (what does that say about US???)
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids’s last blog post..Easy like Sunday Morning
February 2nd, 2009 at 5:08 am
Rest in peace! What a tragic for the bird. Anyway.. i enjoy reading your posted article on your blog. I find it very entertaining and informative. keep it up the good work…
February 2nd, 2009 at 8:24 am
how tragic… 🙁 the birdie looked pretty fine on that chair…
Sannydrops’s last blog post..Scam Alert
February 2nd, 2009 at 12:59 pm
What a sad story for this meme. I ♥ birdies very much.
Have a terrific day and week. 🙂
Comedy Plus’s last blog post..Awww…Mondays
February 2nd, 2009 at 2:09 pm
I just want to thank you for posting a picture of your messy corner, so that I can feel better about my back porch.
February 3rd, 2009 at 1:31 am
poor dead birdie.
meleah rebeccah’s last blog post..I *Heart* The Internet
February 3rd, 2009 at 5:28 am
TheSnackHound — I could so see that.
Laurelei — We did have that tree plugged in for one Christmas, out back on the patio. We could see it from the living room and the cats couldn’t get to it. Then it stayed there until spring, along with rotting pumpkins it took me months to throw out.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids — I didn’t know it would be birdie’s last visit when i took the first picture. I just thought he was cute. I’m glad he had a safe place to go out.
Kate — He was a good little birdie, while he lasted.
Sannydrops — He did, didn’t he? So plump and cute!
Comedy Plus — Yeah, I debated whether to do it, but it seemed a poignant post. Have a good week yourself!
Momo Fali — Oh, it’s been worse. What you see is clean!
meleah rebeccah — May he rest in peace.
February 5th, 2009 at 12:46 pm
aww, poor thing! we had a very badly injured bird that the hub decided to “humanely put out of it’s misery”. so he broke out the bb rifle. yeah. it took about 5 shots to do it. and it jammed after the third so a good 20 minutes went by as he tried to unjam it. the poor thing just blinked at him as he went back to finish the job. poor thing! i’m scarred for life now!
Kelly’s last blog post..A Thousand Words Thursday
February 6th, 2009 at 7:04 pm
Kelly — OMG!!! Now I’m scarred for life!! Poor little thing. I’m so sorry it took so long for it to get to the other side. Now get me a tissue. *sniff*
February 8th, 2009 at 11:23 am
Yikes Kelly! That is so sad. It hurt my heart to read that. Please pass the tissues, Kathy.
Cats~Goats~Quotes’s last blog post..Easy Like Sunday Morning ~ Napoleon