For Those of You With Kids in College
Bizarre January 21st, 2009 I work on a college campus. If you have kids in college located in a city where it snows in winter, I’ve got some helpful advice.
Your kids need pants. Particularly the boys.
See, it’s been like 10 degrees for the last week, and yet I’ve seen at least four students walking around campus in shorts.
Any kid smart enough to attend the university where I work is smart enough to know about hypothermia.
So the only reason for this insanity is that you haven’t been sending them enough pants. They need a care package, pronto!
Oh, and send socks, too. I saw a kid yesterday wearing flip flops.
If you want to know what else your kids are doing at college, ask me. I’ve seen everything. Strike that. You don’t want to know.

January 22nd, 2009 at 5:26 pm
I’m so with Maureen on this one. I completely don’t understand how and why kids wear their pants down off their asses so they have to spread their legs while they walk just to keep them up around their thighs. Are there some girls out there going… “Oh baby, the way you waddle like a duck really turns me on. Lower! LOWER! See if you can walk with them around your ankles baby!”
Jeff’s last blog post..naethaune
January 22nd, 2009 at 7:31 pm
Hahah nice article.
Unemployed Asshole’s last blog post..Breaking News From The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
January 22nd, 2009 at 8:36 pm
My husband walks around in shorts in this weather. I will have three layers on and he’ll be wearing shorts. As you can imagine, there is some disagreement over the thermostat setting.
Momo Fali’s last blog post..They Played Me Like a Fiddle
January 22nd, 2009 at 10:21 pm
I worked at a University until recently and I saw the same thing. All I could do was hope that my sons who were away at school were not doing the same thing. I doubt they are that bad, but I’m sure they don’t wear warm enough jackets.
Connect with your Teens’s last blog post..Lost: 20 observations on Because you Left and The Lie
January 23rd, 2009 at 2:29 am
I was one of those kids! Just last year I was going to film school in Regina, Saskatchewan which is a deep freeze 8 months of the year. Although, I have an excuse, I lived in the dorms which were directly attached to the campus. I could easily go a week without having to go outside so took full advantage by sporting a t-shirt, shorts and flip flops. It was a lot easier for me to get through the halls than those waddling around in snow gear. But, come one, I think we all know the real people we should be complaining about here: those who are going to class in pajama pants! π
Luke’s last blog post..2009 Oscar Nominations
January 23rd, 2009 at 4:47 am
LOL. Didn’t think anyone would run around in their shorts in that kind of weather.
choopixie’s last blog post..A Warning Sign From Antarctica
January 23rd, 2009 at 4:57 am
they want to look cool and pretend to b strong
miss those college life
cheethai’s last blog post..Patch 3.08 is Live Now
January 23rd, 2009 at 6:07 am
Data Entry Services — I think ignorance is bliss. Same with not being able to access their kids’ Facebook accounts. Best not to go there.
Chris Casey — You’re right. The girls don’t know how to dress either. But I’ll save that rant for summer, when we see girls showing up to class half naked. I’m quite sure there are no complaints from the men, though.
Jennifer — I hate giving into winter myself, mostly because I hate getting all bulked up with coats, scarves and gloves. But I hate being cold, too, so I acquiesce.
Paparazzo Lee — Thanks for the tips. Remind me not to do anything stupid in front of you. Fumbles for wallet.
Susan — We should be glad they wear clothes at all. Gotta pick your battles, right?
Linda — I really don’t get the low-hanging shorts thing. I do understand the desire to be “in” but not when it’s uncomfortable. They must consider comfort the price they pay for coolness. But still!!!
karen — I know every day must bring you some kind of new challenge, raising teens. Which is why I’ve always been terrified to have children. I’d be a mess every time they left the house. I’d have to plant agents everywhere.
carol at A Second Cup — You can lead a child to pants, but you can’t make him wear them.
Jenny — If I bared my legs to 10 degree weather, I’d have to take a bath in hand lotion. Yes, it’s wasted indeed.
Jaffer — LOL. That’s deep. Too deep before coffee.
lenoxknits — I’m guessing the scarf is for decoration only. Crazy kids!
Keli — I can’t even wear flip-flops, as my feet are fairly gnarly. Get ’em wet? No thanks!
Patricia — I remember seeing a piece on TV about a guy who never wore shoes. Ever. I can’t remember what his reasoning was. It was beyond not liking the feeling of shoes. To each his own, I suppose. But ewww.
TheSnackHound — I keep having to be reminded about a kid’s perspective. I suppose if the clothing doesn’t move across the room on its own energy, it’s clean enough.
The Mind of a Mom — I love that your kid wearing a coat warrants a phone call. Funny! And that video? Priceless! So funny and it’s dead-on! Thanks for the link.
Elle — That’s an accurate assessment, I’m sure. I keep forgetting that beer makes you immune to most discomforts.
Chris — It just seems like such a basic need, doesn’t it? And they’re not fooling anyone. They’re freezing!
Unfinished Rambler — Oh, I toy with the idea of sharing stories about students and other collegiate-related things. But I’d like to keep my job. Kind of a bad economy.
Joe — They especially don’t want to know the conversations I’ve overheard from girls planning their weekends when they think no one’s listening.
Carmen — Good Lord, that’s cold! I think we need a shoe drive for the needy and the stupid.
Jeff — Seriously. They must be uncomfortable every second of the day. And I do see them walking around pulling them up constantly. It couldn’t be a less efficient way to walk. Drives. Me. Insane.
Unemployed Asshole — Thanks.
Momo Fali — My husband would walk around naked if I would let him and it was socially-acceptable. The man just isn’t into clothing. I feel your pain.
Connect with your teens — And I’m sure if you asked if they’re warm enough, they’d say yes. Yes is relative.
Luke — You are right about the PJ pants. I’m embarrassed for people who do that. I do get the whole “gotta be unique” thing, but that look is wrong on so many levels. I’m surprised professors don’t tell those kids they can’t come to class like that. For all I know, maybe they do. A little respect, people!
choopixie — I think it’s because their brains are frozen.
cheethai — Yeah, but they’re not fooling anyone. Ironic.
January 23rd, 2009 at 6:08 am
A care package. Now there’s a business idea. Send us money and we will send you a care package… socks, pants and a big fruit cake.
It could work.
Ken Armstrong’s last blog post..Stumbling Upon Ghosts
January 23rd, 2009 at 6:12 am
OMG! I dropped off somethings for my daughter last night (who happens to be at that very same unnamed campus) and SHE HAD SHORTS ON!Of course there had been a heat wave of 34 yesterday and she had a basketball game but omg.
January 23rd, 2009 at 6:51 am
You would think pants in the winter would be a common sense thing OH WAIT these are the same kids that drink themselves into an alcoholic comas just to be accepted
dizzblnd’s last blog post..Now That we’re married
January 23rd, 2009 at 8:14 am
Bah, they were just probably hung over π Back in my college days I remember I used to wear shorts all the time while indoors and didn’t care enough to change them if the trip outside was short enough.
Probably that’s the case π
January 23rd, 2009 at 8:33 am
Having actually attended that university where you work, I know that being smart enough to know about hypothermia in no way guarantees that they can put that together with the need to wear pants (that assumes a certain leap in logic that may strain an engineer). I have mounds of evidence demonstrating that lack of common sense (often with photos).
College students are dumb. I am embarrassed to have run into someone that was part of the administration when I was in college (that would be you). I have my own stories of dumb things I did and am just hoping that there is no permanent record of them anywhere around. That would just be mortifying.
Anne’s last blog post..Go Vote, But Not for Me
January 23rd, 2009 at 10:35 am
I have a feeling that “smarts” has nothing to do with it so much as its easier to throw on shorts and flops when you’re running late to class.
Besides, its more important to keep your chest and head warm then your legs and when running back and forth to class at a hurried pace, you’ll actually warm up to the point where you don’t need pants…
mcangeli’s last blog post..Have you been toβ¦
January 23rd, 2009 at 12:44 pm
When I was in college, many of the girls would wear boxer shorts to class.
How crazy is that?’s last blog post..Flu Shot Proven To Be Ineffective. Again.
January 23rd, 2009 at 1:03 pm
It snowed her on Monday–saw a DAD with shorts and flip flops at the grocery store. Crazy!
The Nester’s last blog post..To Flash or Not to Flash
January 23rd, 2009 at 1:31 pm
You’re right! I don’t want to know, but tell me anyway!
January 23rd, 2009 at 3:21 pm
cute blog!
staciesmadness’s last blog post..*hmph*
January 23rd, 2009 at 3:53 pm
Tell me a story of what one of the stupid kids that are “smart” do?
January 23rd, 2009 at 4:12 pm
Sandals really aren’t that bad in the middle of the winter – Up until this past Christmas I’ve worn sandals everyday for 3 years.
. . .I used to go to school up in Oswego which last year had to shut down school for a week because of 10 feet or so of snow.
Justin’s last blog post..Kids these days don’t watch enough ninja movies.
January 23rd, 2009 at 5:30 pm
Hmmm… well I hope my mom keeps this in mind when I’m in college. I have enough common sense to wear jeans in the winter, and sweaters. Not long sleeves though. They bother me most of the time. I prefer short sleeves. Until I’m in college, I’ll stick with normal clothes.
January 23rd, 2009 at 5:35 pm
You made me laugh with that, inparticularly the flipflops.
Kreations’s last blog post..The Worldest Laziest Toddler
January 23rd, 2009 at 11:16 pm
Brrrr! That post made me cold! Poor kids without pants. π Maybe we should start a Pants for College Boys fund? LOL
January 24th, 2009 at 1:08 am
My daughter will complain about being cold while wearing shorts, tank top and flip flops, but she has a wool scarf around her neck…go figure.
Carla’s last blog post..Change, weβre doin it right
January 24th, 2009 at 8:49 am
Ken Armstrong — Oh, not the fruit cake. That would probably wind up hidden at the bottom of some poor kid’s closet as a prank. Oh, wait. Those things don’t actually rot, do they? Nevermind.
MT — Did you shake your head, roll your eyes, ask her where she left her brains or all of the above?
dizzblnd — I know. It’s sort of a given.
Setai — I suppose the bigger battle is just getting kids to go to class. If they have some clothing on, it’s a win.
Anne — Silly me! There may not be photos, but you may be the subject of “Remember when we saw…” stories. Close enough.
mcangeli — And there you have it. How to live in the northeast without pants. — It’s crazy and sounds really unattractive. Did I miss that fad?
The Nester — It amazes me that I see men in shorts at the store. I have a tendency to make myself up before going to the store because I always seem to run into someone I know who wants to catch up with me for the last ten years I haven’t seen them. Oh, I forgot. Men don’t care!
Kirsten — I used to walk the hill on campus with my sister on Saturday mornings, early, like 7AM. The kids are still up from the night before. You can hear them. Through the walls of the fraternities and sororities. We changed our schedule to be a little later. We didn’t want beer cans thrown at us. Or worse.
staciesmadness — Thanks!
brooke — See 2 comments back.
Justin — Really? Oh, my feet are cold just thinking about that!
Regan — You’re a smart kid. Don’t get stupid.
Kreations — Happy to oblige.
Corrina — I know! Me too! Sometimes the school runs a collection drive for needy kids. I think they should sort through the boxes for themselves first.
Carla — I don’t figure it at all. I’m sure you’ve given up the fight, yes? Probably doesn’t pay to argue it.
January 24th, 2009 at 12:15 pm
A friend of mine wore shorts and tee shirts all year long in college. Well, if there was snow on the ground he would put on a coat.
Hell, we all thought we were bullet proof back then.
The Hawg!’s last blog post..It’s about time
January 24th, 2009 at 12:35 pm
The pants around the knee thing just reminds me of all the times I pulled the pants up on my toddlers.
I actually commented that to one young man, he just looked at me like I was nuts. π
January 24th, 2009 at 5:50 pm
I am proud to say that my son wears pants and closed shoes! π
Elizabeth’s last blog post..The Art of Studying Strangers
January 25th, 2009 at 3:59 pm
The Hawg! — Funny. That look says I’m lazy, but I’m also freezing. He got it half-right.
Susan K — Must drive you extra insane to see it. You were brave to ask a kid about that. I’m to scared I’ll get punched. So I stare long and hard instead.
Elizabeth — Score one for pants and shoes! You raised him right.
January 25th, 2009 at 7:23 pm
That reminds me…do you have any pictures of the nurse using the makeshift “shelf” at your doctor’s office? Want some?
Lee’s last blog post..Sunday Scenery
January 26th, 2009 at 9:53 pm
They don’t have pants because they have sold them for beer money. Parents do not send your kids more pants you will just be supporting drinking by your child.
pinkrenegade’s last blog post..Living Frugally Doesnβt Mean Living Unhappily
January 27th, 2009 at 6:17 pm
Lee — Ah, you remembered the infamous butt shelf! Hey, wait a minute….
pinkrengade — You’re probably right. Beer trumps all.
January 27th, 2009 at 10:36 pm
[…] Kathy (aka the Countess of Comments) over at the Junk Drawer wrote a post about college kids that wear shorts and flip flops in the snow. […]
January 28th, 2009 at 2:59 pm
This is one subject I know a little about. My daughter teaches English Lit. and I hear about her students every day.
I am mostly amazed that some of them even made it to college.
Are you still running your guessing games? I love to read all of your post. But, I was always so good at guessing the object correctly that I came here looking for it.
I am back after a long hiatus. and as always I have so enjoyed my visit here today!:-)
Shinade’s last blog post..Rejoice America We Have Hope Again-Give Praise, Shout and Sing-Glory Be To You God
January 28th, 2009 at 3:00 pm
that’s not my last post. I forgot to uncheck the box. Today we have a lovely ice show. I am freezing!!
January 28th, 2009 at 7:27 pm
Shinade!!! Good to see you back here. We missed you. Your daughter must shake her head every day. Either that, or she’s laughing inside. Yes, I’m running my What’s That? Wednesday posts yet. I don’t always have one for Wednesday, and sometimes I post one on another day. So always check back. I do 2-3 a month. We got snow and ice today too. Spring, hurry up already!
January 29th, 2009 at 1:14 am
Hey, if you see that kid with flip flops again, can you give him my sister’s number? I think they’re soul mates. My sister wears flip flops year round. If she ever loses her toes to frost bite, I swear she’ll just duct tape the flip flops on.
January 29th, 2009 at 12:24 pm
Staci — So she doesn’t live in warmer climes? She’s lucky she still has all her toes (assuming she does!)
February 3rd, 2009 at 6:01 pm
Raging testosterone + pig-headedness = a boy running around in shorts in 20 below weather, and a mom running behind him yelling, “When I’m cold, you put on pants!”
Don’t blame the moms!
The Mother’s last blog post..When You Absolutely, Positively Have to Have More than Six
February 7th, 2009 at 5:36 pm
The Mother — OK, moms are off the hook! It was funny. Yesterday, I was trailing behind two girls walking to my building. Girl 1: Do you know I was standing outside last night in only my t-shirt, shorts and flip-flops? Girl 2: Why?
February 23rd, 2009 at 4:07 pm
Think about this. The parents do not want to ask questions or know about their kids running around in shorts in the 10 degree weather. If they say something to the kid, that same said kid may come back home and take online college courses. π
Seriously though – have you tried the shorts and and sweathshirt. It works well enough for short periods outside – such as going from one class to another. The flip flops though – I don’t get that one.
February 24th, 2009 at 7:33 am
too funny! Good idea with the Stumble Upon. You got a thumbs up from me – very handy. And I noticed your BlogHer on the side bar – Sounds like a lot of fun!
storybeader’s last blog post..Etsybloggers Carnival – Feb 27th
February 24th, 2009 at 6:24 pm
online colleges Rick — You’re right. I expect a lot of parents and their kids have a nice “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy going on. I always want to ask the flip-flop kids point blank “You’re toes are falling off, right?” but I always chicken out.
storybeader — Thanks for the stumble! Yea! I’m going to BlogHer, provided I don’t get lost. I’m terrified I’ll wind up in Wisconsin somehow and will have to call my husband to come get me. I have a problem with directions and flying alone.
February 1st, 2010 at 9:29 am
That behavior starts in childhood. It is freezing today, and my kids are ready to go to school in shorts. My wife and I threatened to make them walk to school (about 3mi) if they didn’t start dressing appropriately FOR THE WEATHER. They still would do it. We just don’t understand. When we were pre-teens, shorts were not allowed in public school, except at PE. Is it tied to the bee die-out? Cosmic clouds of dark matter? Perhaps. All I know is that my wife and I are not going to put up with it! So there.
February 2nd, 2010 at 5:36 am
REZ — I don’t understand it either. My mother would NEVER let me out of the house half-dressed. NEVER! Laughed about the bee die-out. Yes, let’s say that’s why! Thanks for commenting.