Gynecology and Banking Do Not Mix
embarrassing, Stupid things I do January 6th, 2009 I had to cash a check today. To have everything ready at the bank, I pulled my driver’s license out of my wallet and slipped it into the side pocket of my purse with the check.
When I got to the drive-thru window, I dropped the check and my driver’s license in the plastic tube and waited for it to come zipping back to me with my cash.
When I got home, I took out the bills and fished for my driver’s licence to put back in my wallet. My license fell out — but so did something else. My doctor’s appointment reminder card for my next gynecological visit.
I’m sure the bank teller was pleased to be informed that I have an 8:30 appointment at St. Luke’s Professional Building on August 9th, 2009 for my annual exam.
I’m just glad I sent the license with it. I’m pretty sure you can’t cash checks with a card from your OB/GYN.

January 7th, 2009 at 7:59 pm
Great story and it reminds me of something I’ve always wanted to do. Indeed, I’ve always had a burning desire to take a deposit slip, put down “one rat” for the amount, put a white rat in that plastic tube thingie, send it to the teller and watch the fun.
Of course, I’ve never had the guts to do that.
The Hawg!’s last blog post..The Hawg’s gift to the world
January 7th, 2009 at 8:31 pm
But what if you’re a guy?
January 7th, 2009 at 9:25 pm
That’s too funny! Mom would do something like that!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids’s last blog post..Wordless Whisker Wednesday with Allie
January 7th, 2009 at 9:38 pm
Steve with the “extra, extra small” :
Thanks a lot, I just laughed so hard coffee came out my nose π
Kathy, what is this bank tube thing of which you speak? I guess us poor old Albertans have to get by with the plain ATM machine drive-thrus.
Tim’s last blog post..Spot The Work Safety Violation
January 7th, 2009 at 9:51 pm
Kathy, at least you didn’t make any embarrassing notes on the card that you wanted to ask your doctor about when you got to your appointment. lol
Matt’s last blog post..Amazing Photos
January 7th, 2009 at 10:20 pm
Even funnier is the photo of a OBGYN’s office. I bet all the guys were wondering. Why not the stirrups???
Lauren’s last blog post..Watch This Video Before YouTube Takes It Down
January 7th, 2009 at 11:50 pm
Eh I’ve been handed all kinds of things when I managed a Mickey D’s from guns and beer to babies and dogs. I think there were days I would have rather SEEN an exam appointment card.
I will refrain on the whole tubing comment, I don’t think you’d find what hit my head as entertaining as I do.
SewDucky’s last blog post..I got tagged
January 7th, 2009 at 11:52 pm
When I read the title and started to get into the premise, I thought you were going to say that you put a maxi pad or panty shield through the tube instead of the check.
TheSnackHound’s last blog post..Fudgie the Whale
January 8th, 2009 at 12:09 am
I suppose you have heard the ‘story’ of the lady who quickly washed up at home before going to the gyn. She used a washcloth that happened to have glittery stuff on it and when the gyn was examining her he or she said, “Oh, feeling SPECIAL today, are we?”.
Carol’s last blog post..Local Teen Kills Her Newborn, Puts Him In Trash
January 8th, 2009 at 12:10 am
Oh Man…comments #10, 24, 27 & 31 had me rolling You ppl are TOO funny.
What is a men’s clinic (ref #1)??
I don’t like the tube-banking, it scares me…and fascinated me when I first moved south of the border cause they’re everywhere! My kids think it’s amazing and magical. I prefer to do it through ATM or just stick with getting to know the tellers inside the bank.
For the record, I think they could’ve cashed it with the appt card cause it shows you have consistency.
amber’s last blog post..
January 8th, 2009 at 5:36 am
Just-a-wallet-for-me-and-keep-it-small Trade Show Guru Steve — Well, the purse is fine. It’s the wallet that needs cleaning. My problem is that I don’t feel like finding out which cards are expired (esp. the benefits cards) and so I just keep them. They don’t have dates on them, so it’s hard to tell what’s current. Maybe JD at I Do Things can do it for me so I don’t have to.
fidget — Snorting is an acceptable response here. I deserve it.
Bryan — I know someone who used to work at a bank. I’ll ask her. And thanks for the award!
April — Agreed. Pantyhose are generally not something you carry around in your purse, especially once that have been worn. But I feel her pain.
The Hawg! — OMG, you scare me. Do you think the rat would enjoy the ride through the cool tube thingy? Or do you think he’d be kinda mad when he got to the other side?
PaulsHealthBlog — You mean what if you’re a guy carrying around an OB/GYN appointment card? Survey says you have issues.
Sniffle and the Florida Furkids — Tell your mom she’s in very good company. I see from the comments I’m not the only one!
Tim — You lean out your car window and pick up a plastic tube with a twist top. Untwist it and put your paperwork in the tube. Stick it back in the cradle thingy and press a Send button and it goes shooting up and over the drive-thru and into the bank building, where the teller gets it, conducts business and sends it back to you the same way. They usually talk to you through an intercom. It’s very George Jetson!
Matt — Oh, boy. I’m starting to see the countless ways this could have been so much worse. So much worse.
Lauren — Couldn’t find one with stirrups. I looked!!!
SewDucky — Oh, good grief. I remember workin’ the drive-thru at a fast food place I worked at in high school. The most interesting customers were the drunk ones, the ones who laughed and carried on inappropriately loudly and thought me wearing a cowboy hat as part of my uniform was too hysterical. Jerks.
TheSnackHound — Oh my. If I did that, I’d simply drive away, without my money, and change banks immediately. You couldn’t go back after that.
Carol — Yes, I have! Classic!
January 8th, 2009 at 7:25 am
That is hilarious. The darndest things happen to you, don’t they?
Healing Yourself Heals the World’s last blog post..My First New Year Resolution
January 8th, 2009 at 10:37 am
Funny. But don’t forget your appointment now. π
Relax Max’s last blog post..American humor: Benny Hill, only without the plot
January 8th, 2009 at 11:50 am
π – At least it was the OB/GYN appointment card to the teller and not the deposit slip to the OB/GYN.
Lisa’s last blog post..DC Urged to Telecommute on the 20th
January 8th, 2009 at 1:00 pm
LOL About two years ago, I headed for the bathroom just as one of the owners of the small company I work for stopped in my office to ask for something, and I scrambled to get it for him. After he left, I remembered the tampon in my hand. *sigh* Sometimes I HATE being a girl.
Laurelei’s last blog post..Black & White & Read All Over
January 8th, 2009 at 1:06 pm
OMG that is so funny.
January 8th, 2009 at 1:06 pm
“Iβm just glad I sent the license with it. Iβm pretty sure you canβt cash checks with a card from your OB/GYN…”
It depends on what bank you go to- I believe you need those cards to cash in at the sperm bank… π
Funny how it reminded lots of lady commentors about tampons. It reminded me of the time my Dad was yelling over aisles about what sort of tampons he could buy for me. Only my Dad doesn’t say “tampon” as in “on” he says “tampoon” like harpoon which makes it sound stupid and grossly embarrassing. Boy do I miss him!
Michelle Gartner’s last blog post..I’m a Vintage Fisher Price Girl
January 8th, 2009 at 1:44 pm
I worked for years in a bank (still do, just not the branch part of it) and we never received very many strange things in our tubes. However, one day, a man was cashing a large check and when I sent the tube back to him, someone hit a transformer and all the power went out! The tube was stuck in transport (underground) until the power came back on. Poor guy had to wait about 2 hours to get his money and driver’s license back!
January 8th, 2009 at 3:25 pm
LOL! That’s funny!
Sherrie’s last blog post..YEAH…I did it!
January 8th, 2009 at 4:05 pm
Im sorry, but I am SO LAUGHING OUT LOUD right now. HA HA. I guess I should be happy I do all my banking via ATM and online.
meleah rebeccah’s last blog post..He Said: I Love You
January 8th, 2009 at 4:44 pm
It probably reminded her she needed to make an appointment.
You may have just saved a life.
It’s all about the spin.
Joe’s last blog post..Living The Plain Life
January 8th, 2009 at 5:01 pm
Healing Yourself Heals the World — Yes. This blog is one big pity party for me.
Relax Max — Unless I lose my card. Actually, oh, never mind. Read the comment I left for Trade Show Booths Guru Steve. It’s a mess.
Lisa — At least. See, there are so many ways i can still screw up.
Laurelei — Oh, man. I’ve almost had that happen to me. Someone stopped me at the restroom door to chat (fun) and I had one tucked under the sleeve of my sweater. All I could think was “Please don’t fall out.”
Karen — For you.
Michelle Gartner — Ha, right! OMG. Tampoon! I love it! Dads don’t have a lot of finesse at times, do they?
mlm — Oh, now that would happen to me. Sounds really unfortunate and a little risque: “My tube got stuck.”
Sherrie — I’m glad you enjoyed it. I do what I can.
meleah rebeccah — It’s so messed up because I’m almost never cash a check. I have direct deposit for everything but that one. But they’re going PayPal soon, so I think my banking through the drive-thru days are over!
Joe — You never know. Could happen!
January 8th, 2009 at 5:07 pm
Kathy, can u imagine the teller loudly asking:
“Mrs Frederick, do you still need this reminder to see your Gynecologist? I can make a copy and blow it up for you if you like. I use that Dr too, aren’t they the best?”
Chris Casey’s last blog post..This just in..
January 9th, 2009 at 8:00 am
That is humiliating, the best kind of funny! I have to laugh at the teller, too. I would have had to joke with you about it, had I been her. Or maybe I would have just kept your card and cancelled your appointment. Sometimes I’m evil like that.
Vivienne’s last blog post..Metrosexual Smack Down: Are You Still a Guy?
January 9th, 2009 at 8:55 am
Thanks for the giggles. My office wonders what’s wrong with me now!
A Bay Horse’s last blog post..This dressage test brought to you by…
January 9th, 2009 at 11:53 am
Ahahahahaha! Glad it wasn’t me … but really, yes, it could have been worse – you know it could! LOL!
By the way, the Cooperative society used a vacuum tube system at the shop tills when I was a child in London in the fifties. They had their own money, too. I used to LOVE going into that shop with my Mum. They used to hiss and thrum when the cashiers opened them, and then ‘tthhhWUP’ when they closed up and sucked the tube away upstairs. Fun!
January 9th, 2009 at 4:58 pm
Hi! Having seen it, perhaps they thought you were hinting for a loan. Good medical care can be quite expensive, can’t it. As for cheques, they have to be the next thing to bite the dust in 2009. Why is it when we have to pay bills, we use cash or plastic. But when it comes to conglomerates coughing up money to give to us, they use cheques. They take forever to clear or worse still, we hang onto them for so long by the time we go to cash them, the cheque has passed its use by date, and we lose our money! What cheeses me off? Cheques! Take Care!
Peter McCartney’s last blog post..A funeral for a friend
January 9th, 2009 at 8:02 pm
Super post. I had one of the bests laughed I’d had in a long long time.
Happy trails.
Swubird’s last blog post..NICOTINE FIT
January 9th, 2009 at 8:53 pm
Okay this was really funny. I think it was sweet of your bank teller to let it slide though. LOL. I love your blog, just wanted to drop on you!
Lee π
Lee’s last blog post..Good Thoughts Paper Co. Review and Giveaway!
January 10th, 2009 at 7:56 am
Chris Casey — Stop reminding me how much worse things could have been. Of course, maybe all the other customers would have appreciated a reminder. People don’t go to the doctor as often as they should. Another service provided by The Junk Drawer.
Vivienne — That would have been bad, because that doctor does not phone you a day ahead to remind you. My nice dentist office does that. I know the Evil Vivienne has a flipside, and I bet that one keeps you in check.
A Bay Horse — Oh, I’ve been a victim of the blog giggles at work before. It’s a good affliction to have (as long as you don’t get caught).
jay — “ttthhWUP” is exactly how it sounds! You got it down pat! Press a button, make it go. Ah, the simple things in life.
Peter McCartney — I’m with you on the cheque rant! Everything should be electronic. I thought by now we’d be a paperless society. I’m afraid sending money has to be fast, but getting it is a different story. No fair!
Swubird — Oh, so happy to make you chuckle. High honor!
Lee — She didn’t say a word and I was blissfully ignorant until I got home and saw what I did. Glad you like the blog! Come on back, now, ya hear?
January 11th, 2009 at 4:24 am
A woman is getting an exam at the gynecologist. The doctor says, Have you ever had a checkup here? She says, No, but I’ve had a couple of Dutchmen.
atown-liker’s last blog post..Go Eagles
January 11th, 2009 at 7:54 am
LOL – that’s funny – I just hope she doesn’t show up at your appt. to stalk you!
Visit me @
January 12th, 2009 at 1:56 am
Ha, ha, that was funny! I always enjoy your posts, that being said, I’m honoring you with an award, π
Mira’s last blog post..Noblesse Oblige Award
January 12th, 2009 at 5:04 am
LOL That sounds like something I would do! That’s priceless. Stoping by via EntreCard π
Joelle’s last blog post..That appliance ate my socks!
January 12th, 2009 at 6:39 am
atown-liker — Ba-dum!
Mom on the Run — Here’s one thing we didn’t consider. Maybe she never saw it! Yeah, that’s a possibility.
Mira — Thank you. I’m glad you like the blog and I appreciate the award!
Joelle — Stop back for more dumb things I do and you can see how you stack up against me.
January 14th, 2009 at 11:27 am
Stupid things always happen because our life is a mixture of good, bad, and stupid things. I am accidentally a webmaster due to my stupidity because I thought it is the perfect thing for me.
January 14th, 2009 at 5:41 pm
Wheelchair Ramp — That’s hilarious! An accidental profession due to stupidity. I like it.
January 17th, 2009 at 12:27 pm
Kathy, Does it mean that we all are stupids!!! LOL…
January 18th, 2009 at 6:23 am
Allan Tyler — No, it means I am!
February 7th, 2009 at 6:08 am
LOL π I thought your post was funny but reading some of the responses, (still laughing) thanks I needed that, just lost a client and with it some of my income…sigh..
I get medical-related humor and needed that because the client I lost is a Neonatalogist,I did all his billing of claims and patient statements. A practice management company came along and paid him MILLIONS to buy and run his practice for him. Anyone need an experienced medical biller I’m your gal!!
Terri healthymoms’s last blog post..More money saving tips you can’t do without
February 7th, 2009 at 5:33 pm
Terri healthymoms — Oh, no. Sorry to hear about losing your client. Sounds painful in this economy. Here’s more medical humor for ya — again, at the gynecologist.
February 8th, 2009 at 8:57 am
medical humor……”sounds painful”
Yes I even had a nightmare about the loss until this morning when I turned the page on my calendar to Feb and lo and behold on the calendar was “when one door closes another opens” wow, that message sure came at the right time, amazing isn’t it? Guess I better concentrate on that new door.
Terri healthymoms’s last blog post..Gynecology, Banking and job lost.
April 17th, 2009 at 1:01 pm
Nice. I’m sure the tellers get a lot of these “surprises”. Lol.
January 11th, 2010 at 9:52 am
Haha, poor you, though it could have been worse!