Windy’s 300th Day Stuck in the Tree
Fun, Windy January 16th, 2009Today marks the 300th day that our bag Windy has been stuck in the tree outside my building at work. I’ll have you know I braved single-digit temperatures and an intense fear of heights to get this shot.
No one is surprised anymore to see me out on the roof. I don’t know if that’s good or bad.

January 18th, 2009 at 10:53 am
300 days is kind of ridiculous…really.
January 18th, 2009 at 7:43 pm
I think everyone has one of those in a tree in their neighborhood. They are like cats, someone figures some day it will come down on it’s own so why bother. I know that seems mean but really how many cat skeletons do you see in trees?? :o)
The Mind of a Mom’s last blog post..At the Movies ~ Slumdog
January 18th, 2009 at 7:50 pm
I take the weekend off from blog hopping and there is finally an update on Windy! I’ve been wondering about her!
I cannot believe you actually shot video in that cold weather, but you rock – you already know that. Thanks for the update, I seriously cannot believe it is STILL stuck!
Nicole’s last blog post..Chicken Nachos Recipe
January 18th, 2009 at 7:53 pm
Soooo… those dates we submitted LAST year, they were just for the day and month, no? I do believe I may be back in the running if so…. 😉
Maureen’s last blog post..A Word To The Wise
January 18th, 2009 at 8:34 pm
Kathy – did I guess Feb 14 – coming up?
Kate Rawlins’s last blog post..More than a Miracle on the Hudson
January 19th, 2009 at 12:20 am
I’ve got windy’s twin sister stuck underneath my car somehow. I tried to get it out once but that didn’t turn out very well. I got down on the ground and it took me 3 days to pull myself back up out of the mud. Thank goodness I’m getting my oil changed soon. They’ll be able to pull it off when they put the car up on the racks. All that flapping while driving…damn thing gets on my nerves.
MA Fat Woman’s last blog post..The Big Chill
January 19th, 2009 at 12:55 am
Hi! I wish my money would last as long as that piece of plastic. If it did I would be a far happier man! By the way, I’m looking forward to watching the Presidential inauguration. Take Care – Peter
Peter McCartney’s last blog post..Do Nurses Make The Worst Patients?
January 19th, 2009 at 6:27 am
Babs beetle — Luckily, my camera (crappy as it is for macro shots) is pretty good on the zoom. I won’t have to climb the tree to see if pieces are left. Good think the bag is white! p.s. We got your nag message on the Wii last night. I’m getting there!
Jeff — That’s Alan Bamboo’s fault. He named it and called it a she and yelled at me once when I called her an “it.”
amber — You won’t get an argument from me.
The Mind of a Mom — Funny! That’s a good observation. Except bags aren’t hungry, so they have no motivation for coming down or falling out!
Nicole — Come back in two months for her one year anniversary. We’re having a DJ, open bar and a cake.
Maureen — Too bad. You’re out! You guessed May 13, 2008. There are only two people in the running now, Lee and Stephanie C.
Kate Rawlins — I couldn’t find a guess for you on the original post. I’m accepting only the guesses that came in on that one. And I have a feeling your guess would be too soon anyway. Seriously, she’s not getting out.
MA Fat Woman — I always worry about a bag getting caught up underneath my car because I heard about this once on NPR’s “Car Talk,” where a guy had that happen to him. A bag got stuck in some weird place and they had to take pieces out of the engine area to remove it. Good luck!
Peter McCartney — If only. I’ll be watching, too. Probably on the live CNN feed at my desk. Have a good week!
January 19th, 2009 at 12:08 pm
Ha ha ha! That’s pretty funny! Thanks for visiting my blog today. Come back any time!
January 19th, 2009 at 12:16 pm
Oh my GOODNESS – Windy is so hangin’ in there! I absolutely LOVE your blog. I get all the fun stuff right here!
Hang on Windy!
Monica’s last blog post..Good News and a Surprise from Hubby
January 19th, 2009 at 12:19 pm
Windy has lasted longer in that tree than many relationships have, er, not in trees.
Jenn Thorson’s last blog post..The Name Game: Product Marketing (Curios)ities
January 20th, 2009 at 4:38 am
Hi! I downloaded Three Dog Night’s “One” and played it while watching your video, in protest of YouTube’s sillyness. 🙂
Øyvind’s last blog post..Kickoff in Sweden
January 20th, 2009 at 7:51 am
I wonder if the bag stays there in the summer, I wonder if the bag will cause the leaves not to grow around that section, hehe.
Sausage Recipes’s last blog post..Sweet and Sour Sausage Spears
January 20th, 2009 at 1:50 pm
I wonder if Windy will ever come down? And, if so, if a certain someone will throw another bag into the tree for her (okay, our) amusement.
January 20th, 2009 at 8:14 pm
If people start chanting, “Jump, Jump, Jump!” that’s when you know it’s a bad thing you’re on the roof.
Just a Blogger’s last blog post..It’s Official. He’s Inaugurated!
January 20th, 2009 at 10:48 pm
Set Windy Free!! Why must you torture her so?
pinkrenegade’s last blog post..Tattoos, Why?
January 21st, 2009 at 5:45 am
Hannah Fanna — I’d follow Daisy anywhere! BTW, your blog always gives me an exceptionally good ROI when I buy an EC ad on your site.
Monica — She looked really thin and spindly yesterday. Something happened since I took this video. Thanks for dropping by!
Jenn Thorson — Got that right. She understands the meaning of the word ‘commitment.’
Oyvind — Awesome! Didn’t that song go well with the video? Stupid YouTube!
Sausage Recipes — I suppose it’s possible. The bag is really choking that one branch now. You know, it’ll be nearly impossible to see the bag in the summer. Last summer, it was still intact and bellowed out. It wasn’t hard to see her at all. I may need a better zoom lens come July.
Momo Fali — Oh, I couldn’t tolerate another bag in the tree. It’d send me over the edge. Of course, if I find a new one in that same tree, I’ll know someone here did it!
Just a Blogger — The closest anyone got to that was a man who walked by and asked nonchalantly if I was planning to jump. I suppose a question is better than a directive.
pinkrenegade — Believe me, we wanted her out long ago, considering what kinds of guns and projectiles could help her get out. Now, it’s gonna be impossible.
January 21st, 2009 at 11:27 am
Since Windy has been up there 300 days…will there be some sort of party on the 365th? I don’t know if a birthday party would be aprorpiate…but more so a commemoration or remembrance day of day one of Windy.
TheSnackHound’s last blog post..Fudgie the Whale
January 22nd, 2009 at 7:29 pm
TheSnackHound — Oh, absolutely! I will have a cake and plan to stand outside by the tree and have someone else take a picture of me with our little Windy. It’ll be a hoot!
January 24th, 2009 at 12:07 pm
I posted the picture of my string/rope in the tree. You can see it at
It is the picture in the photo daisy game.
diver daisy’s last blog post..Having Gas
January 24th, 2009 at 8:29 pm
I think I should say Happy 300th Anniversary!
meleah rebeccah’s last blog post..Had To Do It
January 25th, 2009 at 2:45 pm
I was just thinking about you and your bag this morning. LOL
Actually I was thinking about you because there has been a bag stuck in a near by tree at my place. I will keep and eye on it.
Your bag is really, really stuck!
janeywan’s last blog post..Hawk in Aurora
January 25th, 2009 at 4:03 pm
diver daisy — OMG. That string would drive me nuts. I want to cut it down!!!!!!!!
meleah rebeccah — 300 has a nice ring to it. I should have had a celebration of some sort. Like one involving cake. I almost never miss an opportunity for cake. At the one year mark, I will have a cake made for Windy. I know the bakery people will think I’m nuts, but I’m OK with that.
janeywan — I love how you guys are thinking of Windy when you see plastic stuck in places. I’m sure Windy would appreciate it. You know, if she had a brain and a soul. I thank you.
January 26th, 2009 at 1:38 pm
Amazing how such small things take on such importance in our lives … do they organize it? Touchstones? Simply amuse us?
I know I get comfort from several morning routines I do with my cat … I know Windy appreciates the daily notice in a cold, cruel, and “windy” world …..
Guru Schmooroo’s last blog post..The Guru Assassin Formulas: A Preview From My Advance Copy
January 26th, 2009 at 3:12 pm
It’s quite possible that your work isn’t exciting enough for you 🙂
Reminds me of when I was in high school and I used to stare at the clouds out of the window all day during boring classes.
Bidet’s last blog post..Coco Bidet – 6035R
January 26th, 2009 at 11:52 pm
I’m glad you put up the video. Now I can see what you meant in the first place. Yes, that would drive me crazy! Still pictures don’t quite do it justice. I want that sucker down! It’s just not right!
You want to use the dates we gave you last year, and use them this year?
January 28th, 2009 at 5:39 am
Guru Schmooroo — It’s amazing to me how I’ll check on her every day and wonder what I’ll do when I don’t see her anymore. Many of us in our building have gotten quite attached to her. Weird, huh?
Bidet — The problem is work is too exciting, and not in a good way. Windy is the one bright spot in my day.
Ferd — It’s worse because she’s out there alone flapping in the wind. When the leaves come in, she’ll have company. There are still two people in the running. One of them guessed into 2010, so we’ll wait until that time passes before taking more dates.
May 31st, 2009 at 5:38 pm
[…] The Junk Drawer Humor for the Masses Windy 300th Day Stuck Posted by root 1 hour 11 minutes ago ( I swear this is the last comment on the youtube video we had window washers at our building and i know their ladder could have reached the top of the tree i will have a cake and plan to stand outside by the tree and have someone else take a picture of me Discuss | Bury | News | The Junk Drawer Humor for the Masses Windy 300th Day Stuck […]
January 7th, 2010 at 12:19 pm
I know that the laser in CD / DVD roms can pop balloons maybe it might work here =P
Altought by Jan ’10 one would hope it would be down by now!