You Really Won’t Believe This
Bizarre, contests, Fun, Windy February 11th, 2009I’m still in shock. Another bag flew up into a tree at my building.
All fresh and new and STUCK.
So which one of you put it there? I know you’re all trying to make me insane. You know this means war.
At least our Windy has a friend now. FOREVER.
I’m serious. If I find out one of you put it there, I’ll hunt you down and make you climb up and get it out. And I don’t care if you break all your bones when you fall out.
You know what this means now? New bag needs a name. Drop your suggestion in the drawer and I’ll run a poll after I’ve picked a bunch that I like.
I wouldn’t have believed this if I didn’t see it with my own two eyes. Windy got a mate.

February 12th, 2009 at 11:43 am
hey Kathy,
Are your commentors above completely devoid of any originality? How about Steve? Too original? OK, Windy Jr.
~ Steve, the I-like-my-name trade show guru 😉
Steve | Trade Show Guru’s last blog post..Watch This Video Or Else…
February 12th, 2009 at 11:52 am
hey Kathy,
I wish to withdraw my suggestion above (as inspired as it was) and go with “Ventoso”. To save you from googling it, it is Italian and translates as “accompanied by the wind”, or simply “windy”.
~ Steve, aka the sophisticated multilingual…not trade show guru 🙂
Steve | Trade Show Guru’s last blog post..Watch This Video Or Else…
February 12th, 2009 at 12:13 pm
Sorry if anyone else has suggested these, but I’m feeling too lazy today to read the whole thread of comments. How about Storm or Bagger Branch (a take on Bagger Vance)? It’s the best I can come up with at the moment. I’ll come back if I can think of something better.
Staci’s last blog post..How to Handle Living with Your Dog: The Misadventures of the Mighty Mister
February 12th, 2009 at 12:22 pm
I like the name Darrell Underwood. I think Windy Underwood is a nifty name. If they get married.
But they might be like the sculpture of the stone chick on the bench and the stone dude across from her. Sentenced to a lifetime of each other’s presence but never meeting or conversing.
cardiogirl’s last blog post..The book of questions, Volume 28
February 12th, 2009 at 12:53 pm
How about Hal? You know the wind was howling.
Melinda’s last blog post..Don’t Leave it on the desk!
February 12th, 2009 at 1:25 pm
Oh good grief… ANOTHER bag?!
Are we sure it wasn’t you who put it up there? After all, Windy has practically made you famous. Or maybe you put it there and you don’t even know. Do you take Ambien?
I’m not even going to try to come up with a better name than the ones that have been submitted.
Jeff’s last blog post..Skate Plaza Stimulation
February 12th, 2009 at 1:46 pm
I like gusty myself.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
Comedy Plus’s last blog post..Three Million and Counting
February 12th, 2009 at 2:18 pm
Stormy? Bagger Branch? Wally? (high probability of it being a Wal-mart bag…)
Jenn Thorson’s last blog post..The Save the Searchers Foundation- sniff, sob
February 12th, 2009 at 2:44 pm
Yep, Gus or Gusty, that’s the first thing that popped into my head. Seems I’m not alone.
lala’s last blog post..St. Augustine Lighthouse, Part 2
February 12th, 2009 at 3:07 pm
I put the new bag there.
Ronald the Zombie’s last blog post..“On Air”
February 12th, 2009 at 3:39 pm
the first bag is Windy the Second is Whiner!
Then you will have a Windy Whiner tree :o)
All you can hope for at this point is leaves on the tree to make it just go away… LoL
The Mind of a Mom’s last blog post..An Oscar, An Emmy, Golden Globes
February 12th, 2009 at 4:28 pm
Uhh…. Breezy? That’s all I got lol
February 12th, 2009 at 4:55 pm
Personally, I kind of like “New Guy”. Just in case another bag gets blown up there, and then you can name the 3rd one something totally random, like “Francisco” or “Guinevere” or something. Then you’d have Windy, New Guy, and Guinevere. Oooh love triangle. Etc etc etc.
Angi’s last blog post..Warning: Contains More Cakes
February 12th, 2009 at 5:35 pm
This is toooo funny, there was a bag in the tree at my work today too, and i thought wow now i have a windy too. But now you have two…wait is this fair?
February 12th, 2009 at 5:47 pm
That awesome! How about betting on how many bags end up getting stuck?
Heather’s last blog post..THREADKILLER!!! Winner picks 1 item $15 or less from my shop!!
February 12th, 2009 at 6:08 pm
lol all good things are 3? How is the weather forecast? 😀
I like Gus as well.
or eh Wanda 🙂 It kind of look like Windy’s sister.
Øyvind’s last blog post..Skywatch Friday – Noon skies
February 12th, 2009 at 6:12 pm
This blog might interest you.. lol :
I couldn’t resist sharing it. 🙂
Øyvind’s last blog post..Skywatch Friday – Noon skies
February 12th, 2009 at 7:41 pm
Let’s see, bags in trees, one named “Windy” and one named…
…let see…
…what makes logical sense…
…no, that’s the wrong tack, this is definitely not logical…
…magically appearing in a tree…
…well, maybe not magically…
…probably a vast Right Wing conspiracy…
…that’s it!!!…
…the new bag’s name should be…
…wait for it…
…here it comes…
…are you ready?…
…GEORGE BUSH, because there’s just no good reason for being there!
Lee’s last blog post..A Marriage Built in Redneck Heaven
February 13th, 2009 at 1:10 am
Not another one for all of us to worry about.
I’d go with Gale.
February 13th, 2009 at 12:47 pm
I hope they are not expecting benefits from the state since they moved in 🙂
Grog’s last blog post..How Long Will Ethanol Take?
February 13th, 2009 at 8:43 pm
I say we name it the new guy and i think it will come out on december 23,2009
February 14th, 2009 at 4:53 pm
I think we should call the new visitor “breezy”.
Judy’s last blog post..I Have a Secret
March 24th, 2009 at 9:24 pm
rename the first one, name one ‘jesse’ and one ‘james’
March 24th, 2009 at 10:54 pm
How about Stuckey.
February 28th, 2010 at 3:21 pm
I am sitting in the car in a parking lot at a shopping center in Oklahoma City and I look up and there is a tree in an end area and guess what? Windy’s cousin:
Windy has a huge family, they are everywhere. Are they trying to take over?
.-= grannyann´s last blog ..Chapter 2 =-.