A Gross Question for Dog Owners
Bizarre, cats March 15th, 2009 One of the reasons I admire cats is their fastidious nature, especially with their bathroom habits. I love that my cats feel the need to bury their business.
It means I don’t have to see it au natural. A deposit covered in kitty litter is infinitely more tolerable to clean up than one that isn’t.
Which is why I was monumentally grossed out when one of my cats came running up from the basement and flung from his butt a large deposit that hadn’t detached itself at the litter box. Right there in the living room. Thanks, buddy.
He looked at me. I looked at it. Both of us ran away in horror.
I immediately went to the sink, wet some paper towels and, when I picked it up, almost vomited. In my hurry to get rid of the offense, I forgot that the deposit would be piping hot.
Now. Dog owners. Here’s the question. If you take your dog for a walk and you have pooper scooper laws where you live, how do you collect and carry away your dog’s business?
I’ve very serious. I want to know how you do doggie doo duty. Do you use a special glove? Do you use a plastic bag, grab it from the inside, then turn it inside out and knot it? I mean, plastic bags are thin. Don’t you want to vomit? Do you wait for the deposit to cool off before picking it up?
This whole process of having to clean up after a dog like that blows my mind. I once saw a guy dressed in a business suit, walking his dog before work. He held a cup of coffee in his left hand and a bag of poo in his right. I wouldn’t do it myself, but man, I admire anyone who can.

July 17th, 2010 at 2:30 am
Oh yeah, we DOG people have MASTERED the art of the one-handed grab, flip inside out, and twist. WHILE being tugged at by a four legged creature wanting to escape the scene of the crime. The bad days are when it’s… shall we say lacking structure? An un-grabbable mess.
September 19th, 2010 at 7:54 pm
I will never forget the first and only time I’ve ever cleaned after a dog. I was about 8 and walking someone’s dog. I’d seem the clean up, so I thought it was just so neat and tidy how you put your hand in the bag, grab the crap and turn it inside out and knot it. I had NO IDEA it would be warm. I was completely beside myself. It could be why I still don’t own a dog.
i’ve seen people actually sit there with the bag under the dog’s butt, waiting to catch it. This is great it if makes it into the bag and never gets near you to share its warmth. But you look completely ridiculous.
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