Delurkify Yourself
Blogging March 21st, 2009I’m talking to you, the ones in the corner over there. I see you.
The ones who read Junk Drawer. The ones who stop by every post, maybe laugh a little and then click away.
Yeah, you. THE LURKERS! I know you’re out there.
What I don’t know is why you lurk. I’m proclaiming today Delurk on The Junk Drawer Day.
How did you discover Junk Drawer?
If you don’t usually comment, why?
Do you read so many blogs, you don’t have time to comment?
Do you lurk because you just like to read and not be seen?
Do you lurk because other commenters already say what’s on your mind?
Does the word "lurk" sound funny to you when you say it over and over? Lurk, lurk, lurk, lurk, lurk, lurk, LURK!
I will admit I’m a lurker on some blogs. On ones that receive hundreds of comments, I feel like I’ll get lost in the shuffle. Sometimes the people who comment are way funnier and creative than me and I don’t want to look like a fool. Imagine that. Me. Worrying about looking like a fool.
So what’s your reason? Why do you lurk?
Oh, and you do realize that if you comment now, you’re no longer a lurker? Congratulations! Feels good, doesn’t it?

March 24th, 2009 at 7:46 am
I discovered your site through P-Dub’s Blog (Confessions f a Pioneer Woman) when she was Twittering away during the Bloggie awards. You won something and I decided to check you out ’cause she’s one of my fav’s and I value her opinion. So there! Sign me, No-Longer Lurkin!!
March 24th, 2009 at 9:24 am
I don’t always comment here because you have like 100 comments and I figure…eh, like she’ll care if I comment. But at the same time I like to comment because you crack me up and I think it is cool you try to respond to everyone who comments — even with your busy life. Sometimes I don’t comment more than a few times because a person never comments on my blog, but in this case that’s not it. I just don’t have time many times to click through and comment. Just as I start to my son wakes up, the cat jumps on the keyboard or something else odd happens. So, there you have it. Why I don’t always comment, but yet…still love your blog. 🙂
Jonny’s Mommy (Lisa)’s last blog post..Whoa exciting news!
March 24th, 2009 at 9:39 am
I’m comfortable lurking, not so much commenting. I just like to pop in and see what you’re writing about – always good for a few chuckles.
March 24th, 2009 at 11:14 am
Aaaaand it’s just been announced. We Entrecard users who blog at have to remove our Entrecard widget by May 7th. Darnit.
March 24th, 2009 at 2:50 pm
I’ve commented a few times so I’m not *really* a lurker. I don’t comment more often just because I follow about 200 blogs and don’t have that much time to comment.
March 24th, 2009 at 6:54 pm
Hava — Thank you for the compliment. I’ve been to Nonfiction Lover and I’m sorry to read that Today blogs can’t use EC anymore. Sad day.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids — Thank you for creeping out of the shadows!
Sarah — Yes, I remember your being so busy with school (as you should be!) Jeff, JD and I certainly remember you. Maybe when you have more free time in the summer you can blog more?
marvelgoose — Yes, hubby is challenged in many ways. I just don’t always blog about them because I still kinda want to stay married. Yikes. Sorry about your laptop. I had a dream the other night that someone stole my laptop. I woke up in a terrible sweat. It’s basically an appendage. Can’t live without it.
Jenni-Lynn — Wow, that’s so cool. I had no idea she mentioned me or that I’d won anything. Weird, huh? Congrats for being a de-lurker now!
Jonny’s Mommy (Lisa) — Ah, but I DO care if you comment! The reason I can respond to every comment is that I do not have children. In fact, I doubt I’d be blogging at all if I had kids. I don’t know how parent bloggers find the time. I tip my hat to you. Maybe you need a blog assistant?
Marlene — Thank you, Marlene. I know you’re out there and it’s good to know my big sis is lurking even if she’s not commenting too much.
Phyl — Yeah, I just read about that. I’m really sorry. That stinks. I was hoping they wouldn’t penalize you because you can deny 3rd party ads. Is anyone contesting it?
Jodith — You’re not alone. I suppose I visit 350 blogs a day. If I comment on even 5% of them, that’s a lot for me. It comes and goes.
March 24th, 2009 at 8:03 pm
I’ve commented a couple of times, but for the most part, it’s like you said. When there’s already 60-70-100 comments, it kind of feels pointless. At the same time, you’re a pretty good responder, so maybe I’ll be a more frequent commenter. Commenter, commenter, commenter (it’s kind of like “lurk”.
Shawn’s last blog post..An Open Letter to the nake in my backyard
March 24th, 2009 at 8:07 pm
Hi Kathy,
I lurk for a number of reasons – sometimes time is a factor and sometimes I just don’t feel like I have anything useful to say. Funny, I lurk online and I tend to fade into the woodwork in real life. Such the social butterfly…
My Autism Insights’s last blog post..Slight Change of Plans
March 25th, 2009 at 2:33 am
I am kind of a quiet person by nature. So lurking comes “naturally” one could say. I enjoy reading posts but just may no have any 2cents to put in.
Ann’s last blog post..New iMac 20"
March 25th, 2009 at 1:17 pm
We have always wondered the same thing! We may be dogs but we do our best to bark it up on the web. We thought we didn’t have that much traffic to our site because we didn’t have a ton of commenters, then we upgraded our statistics program and OMD – there were a lot of readers – just not barkers. We try to bark as much as we can and be heard! We encourage everyone to do the same. I’d suspect most people just are worried that what they have to say may not come out as interesting but they are missing the point. If you smile – just let us know we gave you a good moment in the day. Doesn’t have to be some profound, cancer curing statement – just say HELLO!
Pruett and Daphne
GSD Adventures’s last blog post..Lazybear? At Least I’m Not An Overreacterbear!
March 25th, 2009 at 3:42 pm
I’m usually to way to busy with school to leave comments. and unless I have something truly peotic to say, I just don’t. I have hundreds of hits on my blog a day and hardly anyone comments. I guess it goes both ways, but some of us have different time schedules.
Lauren’s last blog post..The Pitfalls of Being a Small Business Owner in Florida
March 26th, 2009 at 9:10 am
I found you via Entrecard and glad I did. And why do I lurk? Because I can. Pathetic answer isn’t it. I don’t know why I lurk. Probably too many blogs, too little time.
Mommadosey’s last blog post..Goodbye Entrecard. Hello 12-Steps.
March 26th, 2009 at 5:05 pm
I lurk because I’m afraid people will laugh at my comments. I have a neurological condition that causes me to sometimes use the wrong word and my husband laughs at me.
I don’t like it when people laugh AT me. Just with me. So how about everyone laughing with me! lol…lol…
thematrix777’s last blog post..Links for 2009-02-25 []
March 26th, 2009 at 7:32 pm
hi! I started reading your blog cuz you live in the same area I am from….kinda lame i guess….. I kept up cuz you are funny….and now i will keep reading cuz in June I am moving back to the Lehigh Valley – the big never sleeps city of Bath… 🙂 Hopefully once we get settled I will have time to comemment
March 27th, 2009 at 11:14 am
I am proud to say I don’t lurk….in fact, I comment on every blog in my blogroll…..even thought most of my comments are superfical and annoying. I figure if you have time to write it, I have enough time to tell you how good or bad it is. Besides, I have lots of time….I am still waiting for the broccoli to cook.
Bruce’s last blog post..Thank You, Sharon
March 27th, 2009 at 10:56 pm
1) Regan has way more time than I have.
2) I’ve always been a lurker first. Commenter, second.
3) Everyone is WAY too funny here.
Big Nerd & Jaffer can slpit the last two of the patented 5 point comment system.
March 28th, 2009 at 4:28 pm
Shawn — I’m a pretty good responder, but I’m a little late getting back to these. Bad Kathy! Yes, commenter sounds weird to me now. Thanks. Thanks a lot.
My Autism Insights — I fade, too. I prefer it that way. Sounds contrary to how I share everything on the blog, doesn’t it? But IRL, I’d rather be unseen and unheard.
Ann — I am, too. Online it’s easier for me to share. But I lurk a bit in real life. Everyone else is so much more interesting than me.
Pruett and Daphne — I’ll take your advice and not worry about whether my comments are profound enough. That’s often the reason I don’t comment myself. I’m afraid of looking profoundly stupid. Keep on barkin’!
Lauren — You have a popular blog, so that’s a good thing. Incidentally, I’m afraid to make any kind of quiche. A good friend sent me the easiest possible recipe for quiche and I’m still afraid. Can you do it for me?
Mommadosey — Yep, same here. I do better commenting on blogs on the weekend when I have more time. But still, not as much as I should. Sorry about the thing with Entrecard. I’m surprised at their decision.
thematrix777 — Oh, but my whole blog is people laughing at me. I survive it and you can too!
Renee — Wow, Bath. You’ll be really close, then. But how would I know you if I ran into you in a store? Do you promise if you see me, you’ll comment at me in real life?
Bruce — I like how you think and good for you for saying everything that’s on your mind. The broccoli is finally done.
Amy who has a clear nose — Regan needs to waste all her time now, because she won’t have any later. I just hope she won’t look back and say “God, what I could have done with my childhood if not for The Junk Drawer.” I know you lurk. You are the Queen Lurker. Yeah, and I know everyone here is way too funny. In fact, I’m bequeathing my blog to everyone when I go. Thanks for delurking!
March 29th, 2009 at 7:05 am
Firstly – hats off to a hillarious blog =)
I came across your blog via EntreCard. The name just appealed to me as I love a bit of randomness in my life. I’m a new blogger (well had my blog for almost a year but just started writing more regularly over the past few months – but nothing like most of the Delurkers that vist you)
So why was I lurking … still grasping the concept of blogging; trying to find time to pen down my thoughts; sometimes I feel that what I have to say has already been said – so I just go off with a smile on my face.
I’ve really enjoyed your blog so far and shall now try to keep commenting instead of falling back to my lurking ways.
I’m now officially a Delurker
Dazediva’s last blog post..Behind the Scenes : Something to Think About
April 3rd, 2009 at 5:59 pm
Dazediva — Welcome to The Junk Drawer and thank you for the compliment. Thanks for delurking. I’m trying to keep that in mind myself. Stopping to drop a comment before surfing away. Hope to see you back!
April 7th, 2009 at 12:57 pm
Kathy you will know me..I will be the one with a shopping cart full of Birch Beer, Shoo FLy pies and tastykakes with 2 kids behind me screaming that they need food too!!:)
renee’s last blog post..PhotoMoto 0705.jpg
April 10th, 2009 at 6:18 pm
renee — I’m still loooooking! Where are you?
May 21st, 2009 at 6:52 pm
I am liberated from lurking. See! I’m commenting like wild fire.
May 23rd, 2009 at 2:58 pm
misspiggytoes — You’re burnin’ up the place! Keep ’em coming. Like I said, it’s fun for me to see older posts getting some new eyes on them. I appreciate your visits. So how come you don’t have a blog?
June 5th, 2009 at 11:44 pm
I’m back and this time to let you know that you’ve been mentioned in my recent blog post .. I’m trying to figure out how many Lurkers I have too hahahha 🙂
You shall be happy to know that since my last post to you – I have been blogging much more 🙂
Dazediva’s last blog post..More Readers or More Comments ??
June 14th, 2009 at 1:49 pm
Dazediva — Hey! I finally responded! You’ll see mine over at your place. Thanks for coming out of “lurk mode.”
August 18th, 2009 at 9:48 am
Hello. My name is Bobbi and I was a Junk Drawer Lurker for about a year. I decided to come out of hiding today. I have left comments on 3 o Kathy’s blogs and I feel amazing.
Why today? Why not. 🙂
.-= Bobbi´s last blog ..Living with Jonny P – The Electric Skillet II =-.
August 19th, 2009 at 7:09 pm
Bobbi — A year?!!? What took you so long? Hey, I love your blog. I subscribed yesterday. Glad you came out of hiding!
August 13th, 2010 at 7:17 am
I got here via a link from another blogfriend’s blog. Bloggy blog blog! It’s almost as good as “lurk.”
And, you’re hilarious and just neurotic enough to be socially interesting (vs. clinically; I’m a psych/detox nurse) so I keep stopping by, albeit sporadically.
Impetua´s last blog post ..OH OH OH! DROPBOX UPDATE! THIS JUST IN!
October 7th, 2010 at 10:30 pm
I am an acute rather than chronic lurker as I just discovered your blog this evening. You are fabulous and write beautifully! I am a bit flakey, a keeper of cats, and believe camping is what one does at Holiday Inn because there’s not a good hotel available.