Overheard in an Elevator
embarrassing, Stupid things I do March 11th, 2009 Woman #1: What is with this thing?! Why aren’t we moving?!
Woman #2: Because you keep pressing the square with the Braille dots on it. That’s not a button.
Woman #1: Oh.
Any guess who Woman #1 was? Any guess how fast she ran from Woman #2 when the doors finally opened? You just do not know how hard it is being me some days.
Be happy and grateful. For when you think you have done an unimaginably stupid thing in public, say it loud and say it proud: At. Least. I. Am. Not. Kathy.

March 14th, 2009 at 3:56 pm
Mary Wehrle — I would have died of embarrassment. I was stuck in an elevator only once myself (off hours, like you). Thank God for the emergency button. I wasn’t worried, just bored. The only thing I had to do in there until I was rescued was read accounting reports I’d just picked up. Didn’t help. Still bored.
Peter McCartney — Ah, the classic “any key!” What key is that again?
Steve — Oh, I remember that one like it was yesterday. The list of stuff people admitted to on that post was priceless. Thanks for sharing it again. It was a goodie!
shelly wagar — Which is why no one ever holds the door for anyone. By the time you’ve figured out the console searching for the open door button, we’re long gone.
Linda — If I was faster on my feet, I’d have told her “I meant to do that. I was just making sure the dots worked.”
Comedy Plus — Thanks! Hope you’re having a good weekend. I’m having a decidedly lazy one, which is why I’m so late commenting back here.
TheSnackHound — I’m terrified I’ll get crushed in revolving doors one day. Thankfully I don’t have much access to them. Hate a G force in an elevator. I prefer to think I’m not moving at all.
Rick’s World — And there ya go.
Sniffle and the Florida Furkids — Tell her she’s in good company.
Thomas — You know, I always thought that was an urban legend. Still not sure because different sources are conflicted on its veracity. One guy wrote to the Otis Elevator Co., and they wrote back that it’s not true. But many other people have said it works on certain models. I’m tempted to try it.
ettarose — See, that would happen to me all the time, which is why I hate making assumptions. They never turn out good for me.
Karen — Yep usually to the left of the button that actually makes you go up and down. I still do not know why I kept pressing it, except for exhaustion and stupidity.
Lauren — Oh, yeah. I have that technique down. Why aren’t we moving??
March 14th, 2009 at 4:27 pm
LOL – great little post. I tend to generally be the sharp one in the group, but when I do have my “moments of absolute brilliance” they tend to be absolutely epic. Like forgetting my own name when ordering pizza in college. With ten witnesses. Ten years later I still get made fun of for that one.
Elmer’s last blog post..Glue for Styrofoam
March 14th, 2009 at 4:35 pm
Elmer — Oh! Oh! Another name-forgetter! I remember in high school, our bus broke down and by the time we finally got to school, we had to get pass slips from the principal for being so late to our first classes of the day. Asked for my name, I completely blanked. God, the stuff we remember, eh?
March 14th, 2009 at 5:49 pm
Oh, that’s saa-weet! I feel better now about the stupid mistake I made at work a week ago Friday. It cost me $140 to fix it – and that’s all I’m gonna say about that. 😀
WillThink4Wine’s last blog post..Heard the year after I was born
March 14th, 2009 at 5:59 pm
Well this was clearly no fault of your own. It was the fault of stupid elevator engineers and planners. And I finally got a blog 🙂 I think I posted this last night, but I can’t find it so I’m gonna guess something happened or I was imagining it.
March 14th, 2009 at 7:17 pm
Oh, dear. This could totally be me. *sigh* But I’m glad it was you this time. 🙂
Lisa (Jonny’s Mommy)’s last blog post..They eat what?
March 14th, 2009 at 9:55 pm
ah, I can do you one better. My stupid blind friend ALWAYS presses on the braille buttons and then curses.
marvelgoose’s last blog post..The Stem Cell Riots of 2016
March 15th, 2009 at 1:41 am
oh! i also have my share of stupid moments… i’m glad i have it. at least i have something to share 🙂
March 15th, 2009 at 2:54 am
Most people just run when they see me on the elevator… so I can’t say I can relate. Or, can I?
Dwacon’s last blog post..Dead Like Me: Life After Death
March 16th, 2009 at 2:19 pm
You are definitely Woman # 1! HA HA HA HA HA
meleah rebeccah’s last blog post..My Grandmother Manga
March 17th, 2009 at 5:26 am
WillThink4Wine — I can beat that. I once backed my car out of the garage before the door opened all the way. The door scratched the entire length of my trunk and I had to pay $500 to replace the whole thing. D’oh!
Abbey R — Thanks for making me feel better. And congrats on getting your blog up and running!
Lisa (Jonny’s Mommy) — Wait a while. Your turn could be next.
marvelgoose — LMAO.
aimee — Me too. Otherwise, what else would I talk about?
Dwacon — Yes, anyone who knows me says “I’ll take the steps.”
melean rebeccah — You make a safe assumption. It’s always me.
March 17th, 2009 at 2:54 pm
I know how you feel about wanting to get out of there fast. That’s how I feel when I do something silly while driving, and then I end up at a traffic light with the same people who saw me make my driving error. x_x
Little Scarf Girl’s last blog post..Stampede in the Theater
March 18th, 2009 at 12:01 pm
I did something very similar once at the gas pump. I kept hitting the yellow square next to the price, thinking that was the button. It wasn’t. The guy in the gas station finally came over the speakers at the pump and told me and everyone else who was listening that it wasn’t the button. I haven’t been back to that particular gas station since.
Staci’s last blog post..So My Vet Thinks I’m an Idiot
March 19th, 2009 at 4:50 pm
If eveyone counts the stupid things he/she does, I think the world is not enought 😛 Cheer Up and keep up on the good work.
Hicham’s last blog post..InSight
March 20th, 2009 at 12:39 am
Your point is very clear. But most people are shy to tell stupid things they have done
Shanavas’s last blog post..Create a Blog at a Mouse Click
March 20th, 2009 at 5:13 am
Little Scarf Girl — Hate that! I always pretend I’m looking for something in my purse then.
Staci — LMAO. Sorry. That’s so something I would do. Yeah, we don’t need our mistakes broadcast to the entire place, thankyouverymuch.
Hicham — Yeah, but I think I have more mistakes than the average bear.
Shanavas — Not me, as evidenced by my entire blog.
March 24th, 2009 at 1:12 pm
Found this today. Do your elevator buttons look like this?
Wendy’s last blog post..Live & Let Die
March 28th, 2009 at 6:08 pm
Wendy — Oh, fer crying out loud. Who the hell could figure that thing out? I would exit the car immediately if I saw that and take the steps instead.
April 11th, 2009 at 12:23 am
Well All Those things happen in life, But if happens then there are only 2 ways to not 2 feel shy in front of the same person in future
first one is completely ignore the situation and get out of there without giving any reaction and don’t even show in the future that you know the preson if you face him or her in the future
Well and second one is that you accept that you have bluffed yourself and laugh and make other laugh too so may be you can build a new relationship out of it (It can be a relation of a friend also)
So I think second one is quite good.
Mayuresh’s last blog post..Changing default settings for text boxes
October 24th, 2009 at 9:00 am
Yikes! :)) It is better not to ride that elevator again! Or better be sure that next time you’ll be pressing those round buttons! 🙂
October 24th, 2009 at 3:14 pm
Mayuresh — Yeah, and the second reason you mention is why I have a blog. It makes a nice home for all my gaffs and laughs.
Bread Maker Matt — I can’t get into an elevator now without thinking about the Braille dots. It gives me a little chuckle every single time.