We Have a Winner!
contests March 5th, 2009No, it wasn’t an owl. No, it wasn’t an alien. They certainly weren’t alien nipples (Sushi Freak, you kind of scare me). Thanks for all the guesses on Tuesday’s What’s That? challenge.
Teddi from Counters and Compartments got it correct early on. It’s a windshield wiper fluid sprayer on my car. Teddi, I’ll be in touch soon about your prize.
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Again, I wouldn’t have known what this item was if I hadn’t taken the picture myself. You guys are amazing!
I don’t think I even noticed these thingies on my car until the last year or so. I’m just not that into details. Which is bad, because I got called for jury duty next week.
Tell me, do they expect you to pay attention and take notes and stuff? Because that sounds an awful lot like school and I thought I had that all behind me.
I’m starting a prayer circle if you want to get in on it. Send me your prayers that I get out of jury duty! And if you need a little help with anything, I’ll pray for you too. I’m all about spreading the love.
UPDATE: I only now realized you have to register to join the prayer circle. Since that’s a pain, please disregard. I will, however, accept your offline prayers. Last I heard, deities don’t make you register.

March 5th, 2009 at 7:20 am
They DO look like aliens! But then again, sometimes my ewntire car acts like an alien!
Ummm, I’m sure it might vary from one county/city/state, but the jury duties I’ve been on do NOT let you take notes. They DO let you look at the transcripts and stuff. So you’re good!
WillThink4Wine’s last blog post..I’m starting to miss Florida
March 5th, 2009 at 7:38 am
In my limited experience with jury you are NOT allowed to take notes. You are also not allowed to read ANYTHING in the courtroom unless they give you something to read. That said, you CAN and should bring reading material for the wait, but you cannot look at it while you watch the video they show about being a juror when you get there. (At least that’s what it was like when I was called in Cook Cty, IL.) Once you watch the moronic video you can read until you are called for a case. Then you have to sit through voir dire. Check this out:
http://www.juryduty.org/JuryDuty.htm for 14 reasons you can be challenged and not have to serve on a particular case. Bias or prejudice is always good, otherwise you could go for insanity. Lol!
Lola’s last blog post..Blogojevich Book Deal/There Oughta Be A Law
March 5th, 2009 at 8:06 am
I’d love to join your prayer circle but I so don’t want to register for any more things – What I had typed in was: “What she said. Amen” It’s the thought that counts, right?
Grace’s last blog post..I got this lovely thing in an email – wanted to share
March 5th, 2009 at 8:13 am
They have artificial hips, knees, elbows and such, now that I’ve thought about it, they could have been artificial nostrils?
Chris Casey’s last blog post..A FISH CALLED "BOB"
March 5th, 2009 at 8:45 am
Which reminds me I have to buy and put in more fluid as I have none…not so good when you just had a snow storm huh?
Jury duty…HAHAHA! OK remember this when asked: well my friend who works as court officer told me that everyone is guilt.
Lauren’s last blog post..Some Simple Truths
March 5th, 2009 at 9:15 am
I would give you a lecture on civic responsibility vis a vis the jury duty thing, but I haven’t gone in many, many years, either.
That handy box for having children at home is a good reason to have lots of kids. I bet Nadya Suleman (sp? too lazy to look it up) won’t have to go for a long, long time.
March 5th, 2009 at 10:08 am
Where’s your jury duty? I had federal JD in Philly about 2 years ago – what an experience that was! But they did allow note taking, using supplied pens and paper.
Honestly, it’s not like school. I was too busy marveling at the 87 kilos of cocaine that were stacked 5 feet from me to be bored…
March 5th, 2009 at 10:15 am
Think of it this way – you might get on a really exciting case – my mom was a juror on a gruesome murder case once. Beats folding laundry….
Venom’s last blog post..Who wants Chocolate??
March 5th, 2009 at 10:28 am
Jury duty is tough to get out of. I used the “I’m in a wheelchair and it is a major problem to get to the courthouse” excuse and they didn’t care. So, yeah, it was great wheeling a few blocks in a February snowstorm.
Good thing I didn’t get on a case because I would have voted for execution whether they were guilty or not, and no matter what the offense.
Joe’s last blog post..Important Recycling Tip
March 5th, 2009 at 11:04 am
I have been so busy working for my son I didn’t get in on the guess. Next time. Wouldn’t have had the slightest idea anyway what that was….
while I am here:
I’d love to exchange links. You can find yours at: http://www.anntuckerblog.com/lists.htm
Mine is http://www.anntuckerblog.com
grannyann’s last blog post..I Got a Kindle2
March 5th, 2009 at 11:15 am
I can Give you the California version of Jury duty (Your mileage may vary.)
You get to sit in a large room with a number of other possible Jurists for one 8 hour day. If you get picked for a jury, they will give you a note pad and something to write with. Note taking is optional.
One jury I sat in on voted me as their ring leader (What in Gods name were they thinking?) It went from every one voting for the guy that got hurt except for me, to every one voting for the other guy, except for one hold out.
Lasted 10 days in court.
If you get called as an Jury alternate, I feel your pain. 3 days sitting in a trial, note taking like crazy, and as it turned out, I don’t even know who was found guilty or not. Just so ya know, I’m thinking the 25 lbs of Marijuana and the 30 bags of coke they found with the people watching TV in the same trailer as the drugs – Guilty.
Beamer’s last blog post..A furry Glowing Antenna
March 5th, 2009 at 11:29 am
This is one of the few times I knew right away what the photo was, but 15 other people beat me to the correct answer, LOL!
As for Jury duty, can get ugly. I ended up stuck in a room because we had one hold out, and the judge refused to accept we were ‘hung’ and told us to stay in the room until we worked it out. 13 hours later the judge gave up and let us go.
Next time I plan on telling the defense attorney I believe everyone is guilty and I believe in the death penalty. Should get me out of it.
shadowsrider’s last blog post..Black Friday
March 5th, 2009 at 11:40 am
I’m always so amazed at the people who guess these things right away. I’ve been driving for over 20 years, but I’ve never noticed that weird-looking little washer thing.
absepa’s last blog post..Another Note of Thanks…
March 5th, 2009 at 11:55 am
Jury duty is awesome – the best people watching EVER, and YOU, as a peer, get to give the thumbs up or down.
I had it a few years ago and I ended up with a drunk driving case. The girl tried to pin it on a roofie in her drink because….there was a man’s jacket in the back of her car. And she “parked” her car in the drive-thru of a KFC. The KFC was closed and the car was “parked” on ITS SIDE, driver door down. Nice parking, ‘eh?
Not that homegirl went and had any blood work done to prove she’d been roofied (or anything else).
Here’s hoping you get a good (exciting!) (quick!) case!
Jocelyn’s last blog post..When I grow up
March 5th, 2009 at 12:03 pm
Well, now I know why I’m not a car person. That thing looks archaic! Mo guessed right – she’s a car person.
I was on Jury duty in London and we didn’t take notes. That’s the way I like it. We just listened and tried to remember everything – not very good if you’re menopausal! I wasn’t, thank goodness. I quite enjoyed it.
babs – beetle’s last blog post..The day I almost thumped someone!
March 5th, 2009 at 2:23 pm
Wow I just can’t believe I missed again. But, I am stubborn and will keep this up until I get at least one right some where.
Prayer said. But, maybe it will be a real good juicy case and you won’t mind being there.
March 5th, 2009 at 2:24 pm
Oh my I forgot to congratulate the winner. Congratulations!! Great job!!
March 5th, 2009 at 3:54 pm
WillThink4Wine — I’m very worried now that I won’t get to take notes, although others here say I might be able to. Honestly, how could you remember everything? Transcripts would help, but notes would be better for me. I’m an awesome note-taker.
Lola — Ugh. Another vote for no note-taking. I will, however, bring a book. Salt: A World History. I know it sounds terribly boring, but it’s supposed to be riveting, as riveting as salt can get. So judging from that link, #4 will get me out of it? All I’d have to do is show them my Windy posts in the blog and I’m good, right?
Grace — Thank you for telling me the site required registration. I updated the post. And thank you for your prayer. I’ll take it!
Chris Casey — Good one. Really, it looks like that. I’m fascinated by this one guy who makes nasal prosthetics for people who need noses. They’re incredibly realistic.
Lauren — I’m always running out. More so in winter, of course. It’s something you never think to buy. I will take my duty seriously if chosen, but I just don’t wanna get chosen.
The Mother — Would you believe I’m 40-something and this is the first time I’ve been asked? Crazy! Crap. I’m childless. There goes one “out.”
Grant — It’s local, not the federal court in Philly. You know how happy I am about that, right? Me with my propensity to get lost. Can you imagine me driving there? Holy crap. 87 kilos of cocaine??? I’d have stared at it, too. Not something you see every day.
Venom — Part of me is intrigued. I would like to get something interesting. Maybe not gruesome, but not something like tax evasion. I want something in between like breaking and entering. Yeah. That’s good.
Joe — Oh, man. That’s rotten. But I’ve heard they don’t take people’s excuses lightly. I think you should have qualified, for sure.
grannyann — Me neither and not kidding. More proof positive that all my readers are smarter than me. Thanks for the link!
Beamer — See, now that’s exactly what I’m worried about. I wondered how the picked the leader. I’m no leader. I’m a follower! But you’re not supposed to follow the crowd on a jury. Gotta make up your own mind! See why I don’t want to do it? I don’t know if I could do 10 days, much less something like the circus that was the O.J. trial. Those poor jurors.
shadowsrider — But how do you “work it out?” Does it involve beating up the hold out because I would imagine that’s what the other 11 people want to do to them.
absepa — I’m with you, sister. All I knew is that when I pulled back on a lever in the car, water showed up on the windshield. Why do I care where it comes from?
Jocelyn — You know, Lola’s link (above) is a really good read. Reminds me of the amazing system we have here, despite its problems. It’s still better than a lot of other countries. Crazy case you got. I suppose I’ll be hearing everything if I get picked.
Babs Beetle — I’m glad you had a good experience, but the no note-taking rule (if that’s the case) has me worried a bit. I guess I’ll just have to listen extra carefully.
Shinade — Keep trying, girl! You’re in good company, though. Many people never get these. I hope it’s a good case, too, if I get selected. I want so bad for it to be a good experience.
March 5th, 2009 at 10:15 pm
An alien nipple?
They do look like a pair of eyes but a nipple.
thanks for the afternoon laugh my friend.
lunaticg’s last blog post..China Renminbi smallest denomination; Fen banknote
March 5th, 2009 at 11:08 pm
Jury duty is the worse, but so many people don’t end up having to serve in the end, FYI.
Beth’s last blog post..An Adventure in St. Lucia
March 5th, 2009 at 11:27 pm
I’ve been trying to get jury duty my whole life. I think I have a better chance of hitting the lottery than getting jury duty.
MA Fat Woman’s last blog post..Mom’s Sweet Tooth
March 6th, 2009 at 1:09 am
I have jury duty this coming Monday. I sort of want to get picked for a case, because, well, I don’t have a job right now so what else do I have to do, right? But then again, I need to be out there looking for a job, so I don’t know that I want to spend time on a jury when I could be looking for a job.
The last three times I got a jury notice, I was told I could leave/didn’t need to come before even entering the courthouse. I wonder though, if the fourth time is the charm?
laneerg’s last blog post..Experian and Your Credit Score
March 6th, 2009 at 1:54 am
I thought that was a pig’s snout. Man, I never win…
Hey, Kathy, take a look at my latest funny music video when you get the chance: Social Networking Blues
Mike Foster’s last blog post..Social Networking Blues
March 6th, 2009 at 4:51 am
Jury duty is not so bad. You only have to pay attention IF you get called but I don’t think they let you take notes–better check before you do. I may be wrong about that. Mostly it’s a chance to get some reading in and you get out earlier than if you were at work which isn’t bad. I’m sure you get a blog post out of it at the very least.
I just finished reading “Innocent Man” (a non-fiction book) by John Grisham and wow–what a shocker!
Karen, author of “My Funny Dad, Harry”’s last blog post..Where’s the Newspaper?
March 6th, 2009 at 8:16 am
Okay. You’re not gonna believe this. As SOON as I saw that picture, I said to myself: “That is the car windshield-wiper cleaner sprayer thingie.”
Then I said to myself: “That can’t be right; I’m never able to guess these things right or fast enough, so there’s no use logging on to The Junk Drawer and reading 85 comments of people who have already figured it out, and besides I’ll never own a Junk Drawer magnet so I might as well get over it.”
So here we are, with my excellent guess forever silent, just like when you’re watching Jeopardy with your family and you know the right answer but you’re too lazy to say it because to you it seems patently obvious, and then the contestant says what you were thinking and … well, you know.
I prayed fervently to get out of jury duty in federal court in the spring of ’07, and it worked. After pleading with the judge to let me leave before they even attempted to strike the jury — because my son was graduating from high school during the trial and we were planning a big party — and being turned down flat, they struck a jury and I wasn’t even put on it. So see?
But I’ll pray for you anyway!
Jenny’s last blog post..Fiercer Delight And Fiercer Discontent
March 6th, 2009 at 9:10 am
First time here. No way I would have figured that one out.
Janelle’s last blog post..Full to the Brim – Kid’s Book Giveaways (3/6/09)
March 6th, 2009 at 10:27 am
Alien nipple wha–??? Hey, my owl was WAY more realistic than that! 🙂 (snicker)
Jenn Thorson’s last blog post..Signs Your Evil Overlord Business is Being Hurt by the Economy
March 6th, 2009 at 10:45 am
yeah, i totally suck at this game, kudos to those that guessed it right!
staciesmadness’s last blog post..Who knew-Etiquette from Stacie’s Madness
March 6th, 2009 at 12:33 pm
Since that looks so much like my younger brother, that would have been my initial guess!
You sure are creative with your pictures.
Eat Well. Live Well.
PaulsHealthBlog.com’s last blog post..Are Vitamin Pills A False Hope?
March 6th, 2009 at 1:22 pm
I’m not a religious person but I think the only requirement there should be for prayer is the ability to pray. Anyway, I would have never guessed what that image was!
Preston’s last blog post..There Goes My Money Up the Chimney
March 6th, 2009 at 1:57 pm
hi Kathy,
Congrat’s to Teddi. If you wanted to have a Part 2 to this “what’s that” you could ask people to identify the make and model. If that’s too easy, you could also ask them for the mileage… 🙂 Steve, the trade show guru
PS. If you want to get out of jury duty, just say something like, “I believe in equal treatment for all… Hang ’em all that is!” and then let some drool leak out of the side of your mouth, and start dancing to that funk music in your head. 🙂
Steve | Trade Show Guru’s last blog post..Respect Authority
March 6th, 2009 at 4:05 pm
I’ll pray you get out of jury duty if you pray that I pass the PMP exam on Monday.
Lee’s last blog post..BREAKING NEWS: This Stinks
March 7th, 2009 at 6:51 am
lunaticg — Hey, I don’t guess ’em, I just post ’em. Incidentally, I can’t stop looking at the eyeballs now while driving. What have I done???
Beth — I’m hoping I’m one of the rejects. I never wanted to be discounted so much in my life.
MA Fat Woman — I’m shocked that it took this long for me. I know a woman my age who’s been called a half dozen times. You can’t tell me they don’t keep going back for the same people over and over. I thought it was supposed to be random-ish.
laneerg — You never know. You might find a job connection sitting on the jury. Good luck on both counts!
Mike Foster — Wow, Mike! You’ve outdone yourself. What a great song, it’s catchy and I can’t believe how many social networking sites you collected. Ironically, perhaps, I Stumbled it!
Karen — Thanks for making me feel better about it, but I still don’t want to go in. I find out Monday night if I even have to report. I’m interested in the book you mentioned. Read a good review about it.
Jenny — Well, between you and me, let’s say you won. It’ll be our little secret. OK, so prayer helps. I think I’ll swing by a church on my travels today. I’m glad you didn’t get picked.
Janelle — Come back again in a couple weeks. I’ll have another you can bang your head over.
Jenn Thorson — I know. Alien nipples are not the first thing I’d think of. I love seeing how people’s brains work here. The owl was a good guess, though. You’re in good company, along with my hubs.
staciesmadness — Me too. If this game was on someone else’s blog, I’d be getting them wrong on a regular basis.
PaulsHealthBlog.com — Does your brother realize how you see him? LOL. Thanks. I love doing these!
Preston — Then get prayin’, buddy! I know you have it in you. I’m really counting on everyone to get me out of this.
Trade Show Guru Steve — I think someone tried guessing make and model. It was wrong, btw. Wanna try? I never did say what my car was. I would love for my funk dancing to be the reason they let me go. I wouldn’t be insulted at all.
Lee — I got your back. Let me know how it goes.
March 7th, 2009 at 9:01 am
I would have never guessed. Hahahahaha!
Ron’s last blog post..How Low Can You Go?
March 7th, 2009 at 11:16 am
I was too lazy to sign up for the Prayer Circle, so here’s my prayer:
Dear Higher Power: Please do not pick Kathy for jury duty. Trust me, you’d be better off finding someone who won’t get lost on their way to the courtroom. Thank you and Amen, or whatever.
March 7th, 2009 at 11:24 am
Wow, I would have never guessed that was the water sprayer for your car windows. It looked more like the head of a robot!
March 7th, 2009 at 1:10 pm
Hi! I’ll pray for you, only if you let me take your place on the jury. Of course you will have to pay all my costs!
Peter McCartney’s last blog post..Wedding Vow Renewal
March 7th, 2009 at 2:41 pm
My dearest Kathy (clears throat….eham….said in my best “mother superior from the Sound of Music” voice),
Thou Shalt Not pray for an outcome. God is not Santa Claus. He doesn’t go around randomly granting requests of Ponies. What if you pray really hard for not going to jury duty, and God says…”mmm……well ok, if that is what you really want,” and God’s will is really for you to go because you will get the best blog post in the world out of it (thus making it a humanitarian effort), meet your new bestest friend in the whole world that day, and be in the right place to save a baby from being kidnapped. You could stymie the plan because you are lost and have to ask the person with the stroller for directions, thus slowing them down for enough seconds for someone to recognize the child from a back of a milk carton.
hee hee.
I will just pray that you will have all the wisdom and knowledge to deal with the experience that is in your best interest when it comes.
Sister Marie Mary-Margaret Margaret-Mary Maria Magdalena Joan of Arc D’Snackhound of the 2nd Church of Greater Baraboo, Wisconsin. (its on the historic register next to the giant car dealership Payl Bunyan made of mufflers.)
March 8th, 2009 at 12:01 am
It depends on the deity. Vishnu is very detail-oriented.
March 8th, 2009 at 8:31 am
Oh, kathy, I cannot wait for you to report on Jury Duty!
Which movie will it most likely resemble?
A Paulie Shore’s “Jury Duty”
B Henry Fonda’s “Twelve Angry Men”
C John Cusack’s “Runaway Jury”
Of course it could be TV’s “Style by Jury”, which could be just as interesting!
Chris Casey’s last blog post..Dogs don’t care about Time Changes
March 8th, 2009 at 9:57 am
Ron — Me neither. Be sure to check back occasionally for more contests. Sometimes they’re very easy.
JD at I Do Things — Thanks for reminding me that even if I find the parking garage I still may not make it to my appointed location. I suppose if I stood in the middle of a hallway and burst into tears, they’d dismiss me outright? It just might work!
Nick | Mom Most Traveled — It does, and now that I’ve taken its picture, I can’t stop looking at them while driving. They look like little faces starting at me now. Weird.
Peter McCartney — Wow, you drive a hard bargain. I’d love to send a substitute in my place.
TheSnackHound — OMG. That was the most hilarious prayer I’ve ever read and thank you for making me look at things differently. Yes, if I get picked, I’m hoping I’ll get a post out of it. And your signature? The longest and best one ever left in the history of blogging. I’m guessing you’re not kidding about the Paul Bunyan thing?
diesel — Yeah, and too many arms. Mine only has two.
Chris Casey — No, no, no! No jury duty! Oh, and that Style by Jury show is scary business. I’d punch anyone who set me up for that. That, and What Not To Wear.
March 8th, 2009 at 11:48 pm
I would have never been able to guess that either
meleah rebeccah’s last blog post..Random Things
March 9th, 2009 at 12:20 am
Congrats Teddi !!!
Eric “Speedcat Hollydale”’s last blog post..Music Monday Rock Fest
March 10th, 2009 at 2:46 am
I still say it look more like the head of an owl…
a really black and ugly owl, but an owl…
kevC’s last blog post..Pentium® Dual-Core Processor E2180
March 12th, 2009 at 5:52 pm
Haha… awesome idea. When I first saw the pic, I thought top of a spray can. So, close. I had an idea of doing the exact same thing. I saw something the other day that was very mundane, but looked interesting when viewed in a certain way. I might still take a pic of it and put it up.
BeverlyP’s last blog post..What Causes Wrinkles?