Yes, I Completely Ignored You
Blogging March 27th, 2009 Hi, folks. Remember this post wherein I told you I was so worried about being picked for jury duty and lots of you said I probably wouldn’t get picked?
And then remember when you all left really interesting comments and I responded to them for a good stretch and then I stopped cold and ignored you completely?
Yeah, well, I got picked.
On the day of jury selection, I sat among a horde of prospective jurors, watching as batches of people were summoned while I remained unpicked. We broke for lunch and then afterwards started the waiting game again. I made it all the way until 3:30, thinking my day would soon be over.
Not so fast. The last 40 of us were called into a courtroom, where we were asked a series of questions that got some prospects eliminated. The attorneys spent about 20 minutes reviewing our questionnaires, circling the names of some, while crossing off the names of others. When they were finished, it was time to read off the numbers of those who were selected. I was Juror #3.
Right off the bat, they picked jurors 1, 2 and me. Crap on a stick. It didn’t take long to hear the rest and before I knew it, I found myself taking an oath in the jury box.
The judge told us we couldn’t talk about the case and specifically mentioned not blogging the details. So like a good juror, I shut up and didn’t blog about it. I ignored everyone who asked me if I got picked. Just disappeared. I’m sorry I left you hanging, but the judge made us swear.
So what kind of trial did I get put on? Attempted homicide. My first time being called for jury duty and I get attempted murder. Joy.
I spent the next ten days stressing about it until the day we were to report for duty, which was this Monday. We were told the trial could last up to a week, so I put up a post that could live without me. I needed to be laser-focused for this thing.
What’s the good news? The day of the trial, we were led into a jury room where we waited several hours before the judge came in and told us the trial was dismissed! He explained in detail why that happened, but all I really heard was dismissed, dismissed, dismissed. We were thanked for our time and sent on our way.
I could not be any happier that I didn’t have the burden of possibly sending someone to prison. I later learned the defendant was already serving time for another serious crime, and had we convicted him, it’s possible he would have seen a good chunk of the rest of his life behind bars.
Not sure I would have wanted that on my mind. Still, I would have done my civic duty and been proud of it. I’ll do it again if I must, but since I’m considered to have already served, I can’t be called again for at least three more years.
Again, sorry I couldn’t post about this until now. Glad you had fun with the Comment Game while I took a little break from blogging. I hope to have a What’s That post up this weekend. It’s time for something light and fun. I’ve had enough serious for the week.

March 29th, 2009 at 7:32 am
I know it’s our civic duty however I hope I never have to decide anything like that either.
Glad your back..
Dorothy from grammology
Dorothy Stahlnecker’s last blog post..Kids Sexting and Sex
March 29th, 2009 at 9:08 am
Wow attempted homicide? I am with you in your opinion. This is one I would not have wanted to serve on either. This could have gone on much longer than just ten days.
I am glad it was dismissed and now you have no need to worry about carrying the burden of the possible outcome.
Shinade’s last blog post..One Afternoon On My Porch
March 29th, 2009 at 10:27 am
I’m so relieved you didn’t have to serve, but I know you would have been the type of juror every trial should have. Welcome back! We missed you!
JD at I Do Things’s last blog post..I Got a Tube Shoved Up My Nose so you don’t have to
March 29th, 2009 at 10:35 am
My daughter in law got picked for jury duty and spent most of her time in the room where they keep members of the jury pool. Luckily, she had taken up embroidery as a hobby and was able to occupy her time with something productive for her. She had some pretty interesting stories about the other jurors that she met.
I was only picked once after I had moved out of the county I was picked in and had just changed my voter registration and mailing address. It took so long for the notice to get to me through forwarded mail that I found out there was a warrant out for my arrest for not showing up. I had to go prove that I was no longer a resident of the county when I was sent the notice and that I didn’t receive the notice in a timely manor in order to respond. Imagine how nervous I was. Ugh!
Mary Wehrle’s last blog post..Crimson Cup Taste Casting
March 29th, 2009 at 10:44 am
Well, good for you for not letting on. I guess the Internet is bringing new problems for the judicial system.
March 29th, 2009 at 11:21 am
I got tagged and guess what…You have just been tagged!
The Rules (if you have already been tagged or have done one of these skip it and tell me)
1) Link to the person who tagged you.
2) Post the rules on your blog.
3) Write six random things about yourself.
4) Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5) Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6) Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
grannyann’s last blog post..The Snow Was OK..
March 29th, 2009 at 11:41 am
I have never been called for jury duty, and I hope I never am. I always figured if I showed up wearing a “Death to Criminals” t-shirt, or a white hood or something like that, then I could get out of it. I hope I never have to try.
Stickman’s last blog post..Diner Dash Addiction Spreads
March 29th, 2009 at 2:23 pm
So relieved for you!
The one time I was called to jury duty I got out of it because I was homeschooling my four kids at the time. They’re all over 18, now, so I don’t have that excuse if called again!
Musing’s last blog post..What turns you on?
March 29th, 2009 at 4:47 pm
Dorothy Stahlnecker — That’s exactly how I felt. I’d do it, but I wouldn’t be cheering about it.
Shinade — Yeah, I would have been perfectly happy with breaking and entering or something like that. But someone somewhere has to have the burden, so I would have taken it.
JD at I Do Things — Thank you! I like to think so. It’s good to be back!
Mery Wehrle — Holy crap! A warrant for your arrest?! What a terrible mixup. I would have been sick about that, too.
Karen — It certainly is. I could have very easily researched and read up about the defendant. After it was over, I did go back and research. I still wouldn’t consider Twittering during the trial, like this guy did.
grannyann — You’ll think I’m lying, but I don’t know that I can eke out six random things about myself that I haven’t already written about. I don’t know what’s left! But thanks for the tag.
Stickman — Yeah, I’m kinda thinking the hood will get you kicked out the front door, much less the jury room.
Musing — Lucky you. You’ll have to get creative next time. Although one woman got out of it simply by saying she would be out of town on vacation. No proof needed. They excused her.
March 29th, 2009 at 6:22 pm
“I have a bad feeling about this. Something tells me someone is going to guess this object right away.”
This is how homicides occur. You better hope I don’t sit on the jury…
“it was justifiable your honor, she insulted all of them! (us)”
GoingLikeSixty’s last blog post..MidLife, MySpouse, MySport, MySpice Meme
March 30th, 2009 at 3:39 am
Not fair – I got to spend 2 weeks learning all about brain injuries one time when I served. I mean all about Brain Injuries from about 10 different highly respected experts in Brain Injuries – 2 weeks – not fair.
March 30th, 2009 at 9:26 am
Did they pay you a whopping four bucks or so for your time off? 🙂
Jenn Thorson’s last blog post..Hide the Children, Subversive Cabbages are Here!
March 30th, 2009 at 4:31 pm
There’s nothing quite like jury duty to undermine your confidence in the justice system. I found it such an eye opener. Let’s just say, innocent or not, I never want to face one.
March 30th, 2009 at 5:35 pm
YAY for missing the Jury Duty Bullet
meleah rebeccah’s last blog post..My Week In Review
March 31st, 2009 at 5:19 am
GoingLikeSixty — Hey, but I put up a hint. Forgive me now?
Beamer — No, it doesn’t sound fair at all, but my guess is that now that I’m “in the system,” I’ll get called back sometime and maybe I’ll be subjected to a trial equally excruciating.
Jenn Thorson — A whopping $25! I’m lucky that my employer gives me ample time off for jury duty. It surprises me that this isn’t the case everywhere.
Lbug — Well, at least we have a jury system. Imagine the fate of the accused in most any other country.
meleah rebeccah — Every time I wanted to tell someone “I dodged a bullet,” I shut my mouth. The case was for attempted murder with a handgun. But, yeah. I did.
March 31st, 2009 at 11:16 pm
Whew! That must’ve been quite a relief not to have to serve on a case like that. Reminds me of when I got called for jury duty (twice). Both cases were for injuries related to traffic accidents. I didn’t get selected by the lawyers though…kinda hurt my feelings…why, am I not good enough?!!! LOL!
Liggy Blough’s last blog post..Seether’s "Careless Whisper" remake
April 2nd, 2009 at 4:59 am
Liggy Blough — That’s funny. For all my wishing that I wouldn’t get picked, how much you bet I would have been sulking if they didn’t?
April 3rd, 2009 at 2:33 pm
And here I thought you were just taking a vacation. You couldn’t use kids as an excuse to get out of it? Ah well, at least you survived! Glad to see you back (clearly I’m several days late – sorry!)
My Autism Insights’s last blog post..Thursday Thankfulness: Autism Awareness Day
April 10th, 2009 at 6:22 pm
My Autism Insights — If I tried to use kids, I’d have had to rent some, as I have none of my own. Do you think they check that sort of thing?
October 15th, 2009 at 6:57 am
Is that a linking strategy that you use? Does it work? Please tell us more..