I’m Dropping Entrecard
Blogging April 18th, 2009 The time has come. I’m saying good-bye to Entrecard.
My decision to leave didn’t come easily, as Entrecard had been very good to me. I developed a drop addiction, which helped me sustain a Top 5 position in the humor category for many months. And I saw traffic. Lots and lots of traffic.
I don’t object to paid ads like other members do, but it bugged me that people who bought ad space with me at a premium (usually over 4,000 credits) simply were not getting their credits’ worth anymore. Sharing airtime with paid ads at that cost is insane.
In addition, dropping cards for at least an hour a day meant that I spent the equivalent of one work day a week on EC, also insane.
Despite the negatives, I’ll miss EC. It was a great way for me to find other bloggers and I’m grateful to have discovered a lot of entertaining blogs in the process. Entrecard made that easy to do and I thank them for it.
My fear now is what will happen to Junk Drawer traffic. I know, as a Top Dropper, I’ll lose a good chunk of what Entrecard brought me. And by the way, I’ve never been part of the camp of people who think EC delivers junk traffic. I always felt it was my responsibility to keep people coming back.
What I like to think I did was draw in the very best readers in the network by consistently giving people something decent to read. No network, Entrecard or otherwise, can make people keep reading our blogs. WE have to make traffic stick.
Now, about that fear. If my blog can’t stand on its own two feet without Entrecard, then it’s not a good enough blog. In a way, leaving EC will challenge me to be a better blogger. And now, with extra time on my hands, maybe I’ll finally get my book off the ground.
To prepare for my departure, I’ve bookmarked many favorites that I used to visit during my 300-drops-per-day rounds. I’ll still be reading a lot of blogs I found through EC.
I’m also canceling most of the ads in my queue. If you had a spot, I’ve been assured by EC that you’ll receive a full credit refund.
Now here’s where I beg.
If you normally visit Junk Drawer via EC, and you would like to continue visiting, kindly add me to your feed reader or bookmark me. I’d love to keep you as a loyal reader! In fact, I’d like to make you dinner if you stay. Too desperate?
There are a couple other ways you can keep in touch with me, if you’re a fan of micro-blogging:
Follow me on Twitter or friend me on Facebook. I’m active in both places.
Thank you, Entrecard, for the great ride! You helped me build a solid readership over the last year. It is my sincere hope that you can make improvements that’ll put smiles back on your members’ faces.
As for my addiction, I expect I’ll get the shakes the first day I don’t drop 300 cards. Does anyone know of an EC rehab center in my area?

May 4th, 2009 at 10:45 am
Caledonian Jim — Thanks for dropping by. I occasionally see your discussion over on the forums and I know you are longing for the old days, too. Yes, I saw a spate of EC exits over the last couple months. I know a bunch of my favorites left, so I feel in good company. Good to see you here.
July 7th, 2009 at 4:51 am
Just stopping by because I also am thinking about dropping EC. I just don’t think I’m getting much out of EC compared with what I put in it.
I still think EC is great for beginner bloggers who are completely obscure, but once you’ve built up your readers, EC is less valuable.
I still use Adgitize–it cost a little money, but it is very low maintenance.
Strength and Fitness Blog’s last blog post..Strength Training: Powerlifting Routines and Periodization
July 7th, 2009 at 6:15 pm
Strength and Fitness Blog — I did get a lot of visits out of EC and since leaving, I’ve stopped getting new subscribers at the rate I was when I was with EC. But I’m fine with it. I’m less stressed about getting my max drops in and I can concentrate on other things — like my blog!
August 6th, 2009 at 5:44 pm
I am facing the same issues myself currently. My own traffic sharing system has proven to work just as good without having to drop constantly and the enormous amount of time it takes. The paid pads nearly pushed me out. Now with the sell off of EC, I’m having some serious doubts about the future of EC…
Please have a look at Along for the Ride! and let me know what you think:
.-= Mar Matthias DarinĀ“s last blog ..Along for the Ride! updates for June/July =-.
December 29th, 2009 at 6:58 pm
It will be fine. If you ever decide to go back, you can always do that.
Good luck.