Windy’s Not a Baby Anymore
Fun, Windy April 7th, 2009That’s right! Our little Windy turns one year old on Wednesday and I’m celebrating the day with cake and a party.
It’s not every day I order cakes for non-human entities. The poor guy at the bakery didn’t know what to make of it when I handed him a picture of Windy to put on it.
We spent a lot of time discussing what color and decorations I wanted on the cake. I thought violet and green would accent her tree quite nicely.
When we finalized the order, he said "And you want this written on it?" He held up the note I gave him at the start of my insane order.
Him: "Happy Birthday…. um….."
Me: "Windy."
Him: "Riiiight."
He told me it would cost a little extra to put her picture on it.
I said, "That’s OK. She’s worth it!"
I skipped away to do a little grocery shopping and I’m pretty sure he waited until I turned a corner, then called security and told them "Crazy lady in Aisle 9. Keep an eye on her."
I’m taking the cake to work so I don’t eat it all myself. If you work with me, swing by my office Wednesday for a piece in honor of Windy. It’ll be the craziest thing you do for a long, long while.
I mean it, too. I thought I was ordering a quarter sheet cake, but when I picked it up, I realized I ordered a half sheet. Seriously. SHOW UP FOR CAKE!
And try to excuse that the baker put Windy’s picture on upside down. Poor Windy. Stuck for a year and now hanging by her toes.
“Happy Birthday Windy, Sorry you’re still stuck!”

April 8th, 2009 at 11:19 am
I can’t believe Windy is one year old already!! Just the other day I was telling my husband and daughter about her and they were looking at me like I’ve finally gone over the edge. I’m sure they were contemplating calling the men in the white coats so I quickly changed the conversation.
Roxanne’s last blog post..List Building to Grow Your Business
April 8th, 2009 at 11:38 am
Happy Birthday, Windy! Blessed are those who persevere! Can’t believe you’re another year older. You look great.
Jenny’s last blog post..America Arrogant?
April 8th, 2009 at 2:02 pm
Do everyone a favor: when offered free therapy, reject it each and every time.
C.B.Jones’s last blog post..Random Tuesday: MyBLAH.
April 8th, 2009 at 3:03 pm
Happy Birthday, Windy, you crazy plastic bag you!
I have to say, that cake’s very existence is one of the more bizarre things I’ve ever seen. That’s not a bad thing, mind you.
Shawn’s last blog post..5 Entrecard Ads I Had To Reject
April 8th, 2009 at 3:18 pm
LOL! I love craziness, especially when it’s celebrated and there’s skipping involved! The fact that Windy is upside down is just the icing on the craziness cake. 😉
April 8th, 2009 at 3:44 pm
Happy Birthday Windy!
Tiffany’s last blog post..Snow again!
April 8th, 2009 at 5:24 pm
Mary at Holy Mackerel — I have to thank someone for Tweeting to Cake Wrecks about Windy. Cake Wrecks, who has 50,000 Twitter followers, retweeted it and I saw an extra thousand visitors here today. Woo hoo!
JD at I Do Things — I couldn’t get anyone to sing Happy Birthday, but we did light her candle and I blew it out for her. Now, the creme brulee thing. How ’bout we order that for Windy’s 2nd birthday? Ya with me?
Susan — Thank you so much for celebrating Windy today. It was great to see you again. Windy would have been pleased you showed up if she had a brain and understood what all this meant.
Regan — Windy appreciates the song. Alex Suarez? Am I too old to know who that is?
absepa — What? You can’t drive nine hours for a piece of cake? You disappoint me so. Hope you come back to read this comment, because JD wrote back about her delectable dessert. I want it for dinner.
JD at I Do Things — Baked french toast. You’re killing me. I think your dish trumps my cake. But, yes. It sounds like possibly too much of a good thing. Is it gone now?
staciesmadness — We thoroughly enjoyed the cake. Windy had about a dozen visitors for the party. I’ll post a picture tomorrow.
Cats~Goats~Quotes — She did! I think! I love the Windy song. So perfect for her.
Lori — Windy thanks you.
Lauren — I didn’t have the heart to say they put it on upside down. There was nothing that could be done about it anyway. Incidentally, a coworker got the Windy slice to take home to her inquisitive kids who could not understand the purpose of this.
ettarose — Oh, I had a slice alright. It was a small piece, but it was in the name of everyone who couldn’t make the party.
Joe — I am a proud Mama! I was weirdly excited when people came into the office to celebrate the day. And, better yet, no one made fun of me (at least not to my face).
Charlene — It was an awesome day. So fun and a nice change of pace from the usual drudgery. Cake DOES make everything better!
Peg at Lehigh — Would have loved to see you today. Windy had a good day. Check back tomorrow for pictures of the party.
Abbey R — Yep, hard to believe she’s in her Terrible Twos now. I hope she doesn’t give me any trouble.
earthtoholly — I was hoping they’d have used a thinner and darker icing in the writing so you could read it better. Next year, I’ll be more specific.
Trade Show Guru Steve — Ugh. Never again with the strawberries. I’d much rather order a cake and pick it up, even though the cake got screwed up. Gusty is gone. The landscaping crew must have come and taken him out because the pieces were reachable on the branches. So Windy remains alone again.
Lisa — Uh-oh. I hope I don’t disappoint you. By that, I mean I hope I’m loony enough!
Roxanne — I’m so happy that people discuss Windy outside the blog. It really warms my heart and she would appreciate it, too. And I realize how crazy that statement sounds, but I’m OK with it.
Jenny — She does look pretty good considering she’s made it through all four northeastern seasons. She hasn’t really lost any pieces, they’re just shreds is all.
C.B. Jones — Really! Who needs it!
Shawn — People who came to the party didn’t grill me too bad about the cake. They were carefully inquisitive, let’s say.
Sami Life, Laughs and Lemmings — Me too! And I care less and less how insane this whole things makes me.
Tiffany — Windy thanks you from the bottom of her bag.
April 8th, 2009 at 7:40 pm
Happy B-Day Windy; from another Spring baby lol! Nice touch with the upside down pic, then again wouldn’t that make Wendy’s vantage point upright? Maybe the baker guy was thinking of Windy in posterity…well before you guys eat up the cake XD
darksaturn7’s last blog post..News in Magecraft…100th Post!
April 8th, 2009 at 8:04 pm
We had something like that in our town for a long time, possibly a few years. It was this huge Mylar pooh balloon thingie that got lose from Wal Mart. Birthday Pooh Bear was stuck in the tree for a very long time.
Michelle Gartner’s last blog post..Random Funny Vintage Ad: Sears Kenmore Powermate from 1971
April 8th, 2009 at 8:46 pm
hahaha that is hilarious
sam’s last blog post..How To Really Use ShamWow
April 8th, 2009 at 9:00 pm
That’s a lot of cake for Windy … are you going to throw a piece up to her?
Or you could rent a helicopter and drop some down to her.
April 8th, 2009 at 11:17 pm
A cake for a plastic bag? Sounds like some of the, err, “off beat” stuff I’ve obsessed over through the years.
God help you 😉
The Hawg!’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday — Welcome to Benton, Ark.
April 9th, 2009 at 3:26 am
Now that is the funniest reason for cake I ever heard of! Since the baker got the picture upside down, I don’t think you should have had to pay extra for it! You crack me up . . . LOL!
Karen, author of “my Funny Dad, Harry”’s last blog post..Foolish Things–Gerard’s Goofs
April 9th, 2009 at 4:09 am
A birthday for a plastic bag! What’s the world coming to! Now, I wonder what its children will look like!
Peter McCartney’s last blog post..Suicide
April 9th, 2009 at 4:48 am
darksaturn7 — Depends on which way Windy was looking. Happy Birthday spring baby!
Michelle Gartner — I don’t know which is worse, a balloon or a bag. Yes, I can see Windy stuck for years.
sam — Glad you liked it. Crazy runs in my blog.
flit — Well, I did feel kinda bad. She didn’t know about the party and didn’t get to blow out her candle or get cake. I was thinking of tying her balloons around her tree, but then I had visions that they would escape and then we’d be looking at stuck balloons, plus Windy. I couldn’t take the thought of it.
The Hawg! — Yes, God help me. I think I’ve crossed waaaay over the line with this.
Karen — Yea, I thought for a split second “But it’s wrong!” I’m not one to complain too much, plus the baker was so excited about the job he did. It’s OK. Windy tastes the same upside down or right side up.
Peter McCartney — I think you mean ‘what is my world coming to?’ But I’m OK with it.
April 9th, 2009 at 6:54 am
such a nice friend!
storybeader’s last blog post..Almost Wordless Wednesday
April 10th, 2009 at 9:29 pm
OMG. This is hysterical!
Chrissy’s last blog post..Peep Show
April 11th, 2009 at 8:27 am
“Sorry you’re still stuck!” That is hilarious!!!
Holly’s last blog post..Poets Demand Bailout Money
April 11th, 2009 at 5:13 pm
I want to bestow my “blogging Purple Heart” on you (sacrificing dignity for the sake of your readers) but I can’t attach it here, so i’ll try and Twitpic you.
Happy Hour Sue’s last blog post..Back from Arizona!
April 13th, 2009 at 4:24 am
storybeader — I like to think so.
Chrissy — Glad you liked it. I’ve been waiting for this day for so long.
Holly — I don’t know what the bakery guy thought about that. He was probably still puzzled by the picture.
Happy Hour Sue — Ah, thanks! I do what I need to do for the sake of the blog. So far, it hasn’t gotten me arrested or put in a padded cell.
April 14th, 2009 at 1:08 pm
This is frickin hysterical!
October 8th, 2009 at 8:28 pm
HAHAHA, thank you for your cute and witty story.
HAve a belated birthday Windy..:)