Do You Have a Monkey Butt?
Bizarre May 12th, 2009Do you have a monkey butt? If you do, I’m very sorry. But don’t worry. Apparently there’s a product on the market to cure your ill. I found this stuff at my local Rite-Aid pharmacy and gasped when I saw it.
It’s the kind of thing that’s easy to mock, but I’m also guessing people actually need it and buy it. Kudos to the company for trademarking "Monkey Butt." I would have loved to sit in on the marketing meeting where the name was suggested and agreed upon.
And, yeah, I took pictures right there in the first aid aisle. Luckily I was wearing my Blogger Press Pass. It helps if you look official.

May 14th, 2009 at 5:33 am
good heavens. were the marketing execs smoking crack? that is just bizarre. congrats on POTD as well.
lime’s last blog post..Where My Technological Limits Are Demonstrated Along with a Kitchen Aid
May 14th, 2009 at 6:04 am
That sounds so weird. If people didn’t look at the description, no one would buy it.
Regan’s last blog post..Girl Scout Cookies
May 14th, 2009 at 8:09 am
That’s completely mad and yet, well, useful. I’ve never heard the term ‘monkey butt’ before. Fabulous. 😀
Jo Beaufoix’s last blog post..Girls Aloud and Proud
May 14th, 2009 at 8:42 am
Hmmm, this sounds vaguely familiar. Where have I seen this kind of thing before? Oh yeah… it’s called BABY POWDER! But nice try Monkey Butt people. I’m sure yours is much better.
Jeff’s last blog post..Mr. Know-It-All
May 14th, 2009 at 9:56 am
I swear I will pay you back if you bring some this weekend. My husband calls our son Chunky Butt, Monkey Butt and Monkey Boy all the time. That is too funny. Though I will have to read the comments here to see if anyone can explain what a Monkey Butt is!
Lisa’s last blog post..WordFUL Wednesday. Grandpa Gets a Beat Down
May 14th, 2009 at 10:42 am
This is hilarious! I’m over from David’s authorblog. Congrats on the Post of the Day Award!
May 14th, 2009 at 10:59 am
I’ve seen Monkey Butt in Wal-Mart recently, while waiting in line for a prescription. I couldn’t believe it either!
LaTonya’s last blog post..A First At 40
May 14th, 2009 at 11:39 am
How does putting it your shoes stop your butt getting sore? I’m confused.
Tiggy’s last blog post..Testing, Testing: Tiggy’s Mock Exam
May 14th, 2009 at 1:28 pm
Just the type of product you want to be seen purchasing at your local small-town drug store eh? Right up there with Depends and jock itch onitment.
Marsha’s last blog post..Mother Nature is a Cruel Beotch
May 14th, 2009 at 3:31 pm
i am enjoying my butt
May 14th, 2009 at 3:48 pm
Looks fantastic! Great product to buy a mate for Christmas!
CJ xx
Crystal Jigsaw’s last blog post..The Eye Doesn’t Lie
May 14th, 2009 at 6:46 pm
Trade Show Guru Steve — Yes, it’s a very good thing that you don’t know what it’s for. If your butt starts getting red, chafed and apparently the size of a watermelon, then you’ll know you need it.
Jay — Yeah, I can see them all sitting around a table “No, no! The butt has to be BIGGER. And REDDER.” Well, remember the product if your butt starts getting red and growing. Or see a doctor.
Edward — Aren’t we all? I’d never leave my house if my butt looked like that on the container. I also would not be able to find pants that fit.
Vicki Archer — Well, I bought it tonight! Lisa (see above) wants it, so in I went. The cashier commented how “cute” it was and chuckled. I didn’t say a word.
lime — Yes, crack-smoking marketing execs about sums that up!
Regan — You’re right. The label should be pretty and have flowers on it. Not a big, red disgusting behind.
Jo Beaufoix — I never really did either, except for the monkey butts at the zoo, which BTW, always grossed me out.
Jeff — Seriously. I will be able to see what it looks and feels like this weekend. I’m taking a container of it to Lisa (Unfinished Rambler’s sister) this weekend. I guarantee no one will be testing it, but we’ll at least get to see how close it seems to baby powder.
Lisa — I want you to know what I’ll do for my readers. I bought it tonight! It’s coming with me! I’m sure we’ll all get a kick out of it, especially your son. Fifteen hours to liftoff!
Debbie Davis — I’m glad someone thought it worth of a post of the day. I’m so proud of Monkey Butt!
LaTonya — Monkey Butt gets around, doesn’t it? I actually bought it today for someone I’m visiting this weekend. It’ll be a hoot!
Tiggy — Yeah, I don’t get it either. It’s like they threw that in as an afterthought. Feet? Who are they kidding? That’s going down people’s ass cracks.
Marsha — I wonder if pharmacy cashiers really look at what people are buying and make judgments. I’m going with yes.
ugg boots — I’m glad. Everyone should.
Crystal Jigsaw — Serves as a good gag gift, or a serious one if the recipient has butt issues. It’s a no-lose proposition.
May 14th, 2009 at 9:01 pm
here from POTD. This is the classic example a picture is worth a thousand words!
meredith’s last blog post..Men in Black and White and Khaki
May 15th, 2009 at 11:06 am
I sometimes get a dry and itchy butt BUT it never looks that puffy and red. In fact, I have what they usually refer to as old white man butt-flat and slightly saggy. Yes, it’s sad. And if you get a chance, Kathy, check out my most recent post. I could really use some help.
Preston’s last blog post..Update: Andrew’s Fighting Cancer and Losing His Insurance
May 15th, 2009 at 1:37 pm
well it seems that it’s selling, I noticed it’s the only think on that shelf~
Kyooty’s last blog post..Friday Fill-ins
May 15th, 2009 at 3:57 pm
Just thinking…there will probably be a rush on them now that you blogged about it. Everyone will have to have one. You’ll have to buy them all so you can sell them on this blog for 20 bucks a pop.
TheSnackHound’s last blog post..Don’t Just Think about the Big Picture: Win It!
May 15th, 2009 at 4:06 pm
that is just too funny! I’m going to try and find it at my local rite aid. heh!
retroDan’s last blog post..30 Rock – Kidney Now – Milton Greene
May 16th, 2009 at 1:49 am
No, not monkey butt, but I do on occasion suffer from gorilla testicles…not a pretty sight.
Mike Foster’s last blog post..We Have A Winner!
May 16th, 2009 at 8:36 am
We were at the farm store getting poultry food for our ducks and chicks. My hubby looks at me and says,”Look! There’s that Monkey Butt powder they were talking about on that blog you read!” And sure enough there was a whole entire center aisle display of Monkey Butt powder. I so wish I had my camera with me because I definitely thought “Hmm, Kathy would find that hilarious that I have Monkey Butt too.” LOL
May 16th, 2009 at 3:12 pm
Kathy, Thanks for the post and a product which I was not familiar with. By reading the title, I thought that it would be a joke but I am surprised.
May 17th, 2009 at 2:09 am
And you found it right next to the Zim’s Crack Creme, didn’t ya? Yes, crack creme, google it (though it’s probably not exactly what you’re thinkin’ it’s for!)
earthtoholly’s last blog post..No Lucy Was Harmed During The Filming Of This Video
May 17th, 2009 at 3:22 am
I have motorcycle buddies that swear by this stuff!
Dory’s last blog post..Epiphany
May 17th, 2009 at 12:16 pm
This is hysterical and so sad if someone needs it.
Dorothy from grammology
Dorothy Stahlnecker’s last blog post..We’re moving our site
May 17th, 2009 at 3:09 pm
I would like 3 bottles of Monkey Butt please, I may have nefarious uses for that later on tonight 😉
nipsy’s last blog post..The Tweets You Don’t See
May 17th, 2009 at 3:40 pm
Hmmm it’s not available over on these shores. But luckily I’ve no need for it
Wiggy’s last blog post..A few more funnies
May 18th, 2009 at 8:16 am
OMG ~ This is a wonderful LOL for a Monday morning – thanks for sharing!! Hilarious! Hmm. . . actually, I think there are times when I’ve HAD monkey-butt – Gasp – you know, like when you’re power walking and your “cheeks” feel like they’re getting chaffed????
Ollie McKay’s’s last blog post..It’s a Fabulous "Aloha Friday"
May 18th, 2009 at 10:29 am
I think this is a MAN problem. At least in my married experience. Then again, maybe I just don’t do the right activities that would create this situation….
Wendy’s last blog post..Peking Dog
May 18th, 2009 at 5:38 pm
Sorry, everybody. Late getting back to comments since I was out of town over the weekend.
meredith — I’m honored to get highlighted as a POTD. Especially for a monkey butt.
Preston — Thank you for that…er, very detailed description. I’m sorry? Oh, no. I just saw your latest post. I’ll drop a comment soon.
Kyooty — Actually, as all good bloggers do when taking pictures, I cleared a shelf to make room for the subject. The monkey butt bottle was originally on a very high shelf, so I had to move it over to diapers, which I quickly tossed aside to make room. I stop at nothing.
TheSnackHound — Brilliant idea. Or, we could eliminate the middle man and the company could just send me a big check. Oh, to dream.
retroDan — Go for it! And report back if you feel the urge to share your experience.
Mike Foster — OMG. I’m sorry. I think. I’m not even going to ask any questions about that. Let’s leave it a mystery.
Jessica — That’s rich. I love how someone would remember reading about it here and announcing it right there in the store. Awesome. I’m pleased you have Anti-Monkey Butt too. You never know when you’ll need it (but let’s hope you don’t).
Steve | Bape — You and many others. It totally sounds like a gag joke kind of thing. And now you know it exists and you might thank me later if you need it. You don’t need it, right?
earthtoholly — Zim’s Crack Cream? Geez, totally not what I thought it was. Yep, I was thinking of a much bigger crack. But kudos to them for picking a name that catches your attention.
Dory — That’s great! Another testimonial from sore butt sufferers.
Dorothy Stahlnecker — Sad, yes. Grateful if you do? Most likely.
nipsy — That’ll be 18 bucks! Should I sent it COD?
Wiggy — Glad you don’t, but Jeff’s right. I think it’s just baby powder. You got that, right?
Ollie McKay’s — Sounds like you could use some. Walking and chafing do not mix. It’s bad enough to be sweating and walking, but sweating and chafing down there? No thanks.
Wendy — I think it’s an equal opportunity problem, though I’d bet women are the ones who would never buy it. And certainly not talk about it. Men, on the other hand, would probably buy a case to share with their friends.
May 20th, 2009 at 3:23 pm
LOL – that is funny. The truth is, this stuff is popular among motorcyclists – particularly cruiser riders. I ride a motorcycle, and believe me, monkey butt describes what you feel like after 200 miles.
Tyinh Trout Flies’s last blog post..The Parachute Adams Dry Fly
May 21st, 2009 at 11:26 am
I recently had a problem requiring a visit to an Upper East Side proctologist. It was a minor cyst, okay. That’s enough with the oversharing.
As a joke, I gave him a jar of Anti Monkey-Butt. Not only did he think it was hilarious, but he put it in the treatment room cabinet for everyone to see. I’ve since been back to see him and it’s still there. He said everyone notices it.
By the way, a sense of humor is a good thing to find in a proctologist. That didn’t come out right. Oh, I did it again. I’ll stop writing now.
kathcom’s last blog post..7 Signs I’m Getting Old
May 22nd, 2009 at 2:12 pm
Comedy…the thing people sell. I am not sure what is funnier, the company that come up with the idea or the “brave” people that say “hey, my butt is chronically red” and actually buy it.
alicia’s last blog post..Fashiona on Hanky Panky and Essie
May 23rd, 2009 at 2:54 pm
Tyinh Trout Flies — I don’t doubt it. But, can I ask you something? Does the stuff get all cakey down there? Inquiring minds want to know. Or maybe it’s just me.
kathcom — Oh, that’s THE perfect gift for a proctologist! You really had your thinking cap on. Awesome. Man, do you ever wonder how people decide to become proctologists? I mean, what’s so special about that specialty? Do we have a proctologist in the house?
alicia — And what the cashiers think when people do!
May 23rd, 2009 at 3:12 pm
Kathy – I’ll ask him that at my next (and hopefully last) visit. He’s also a general surgeon who travels the world doing free surgery of any kind for those in need. I really admire him.
That said, it’s still not fun having such a humanitarian looking at my butt. To his credit, it’s less monkey-fied now. More than you ever needed to know.
kathcom’s last blog post..7 Signs I’m Getting Old
May 25th, 2009 at 12:02 pm
Hmmm, I doubt goats will ever need this, although I suppose we get goat butt. By birth.
The publicist though cannot stop laughing
Pricilla’s last blog post..AbbyDay – Jillian is a Pain in My Neck
May 28th, 2009 at 12:13 pm
I must confess, I *stole* the last pic and made it my avatar for my cycling forum. So far, so good.
Wait. What?
Oh, yeah.
May 30th, 2009 at 6:08 am
kathcom — That’s awesome and admirable. I’m happy to hear you don’t have a monkey butt and that you were comfortable sharing that. Too much information is what this blog is all about.
Pricilla — Now there you go. A goat with a monkey butt. Is that a goat equivalent of a unicorn?
David — You did? You must be getting a lot more replies then. You can’t ignore a monkey butt. You just can’t.
July 1st, 2009 at 7:46 pm
I’m so wishing we had a Rite-Aid in our city! Somehow I can definitely see this working its way into one of our bedtime stories…
Rob O.’s last blog post..Pearls Before Swine
July 2nd, 2009 at 4:18 am
Rob O. — You mean fodder for nightmares?
July 15th, 2009 at 1:55 pm
Who is this “magazine” person who just copied my comment to you to get commentluv for his post on buying a bike?
What a jackass.
kathcom’s last blog post..Good Samaritan Gone Bad
July 15th, 2009 at 1:56 pm
kathcom — Yeah, I noticed that. I read it before and knew it wasn’t from a magazine. I’m killing it.
July 15th, 2009 at 2:05 pm
Thanks, Kathy. His site looks like it rips people’s stuff off and reprints it. I didn’t stick around to see, though. That would send me to the moon.
kathcom’s last blog post..Good Samaritan Gone Bad
July 15th, 2009 at 2:07 pm
kathcom — Just so you know, I do actually monitor comments that look spammy, but that slip past my Akismet. I won’t ever let anyone publish something here they didn’t write. I’m pretty militant about that, esp. since my writing’s been ripped off on several occasions.
July 15th, 2009 at 4:56 pm
It’s actually pretty clever to just grab another person’s comment, especially in a popular blog like yours. I would never have noticed it if I hadn’t been subscribed to the comments and thought, what are the odds that someone else took that to her butt doc’s office and described it in exactly the same way?
You get a much higher class of spam on your blog than I do!
kathcom’s last blog post..Good Samaritan Gone Bad
July 16th, 2009 at 6:36 pm
kathcom — And you know what else I’m noticing this week? Spammers are actually leaving me relevant comments. Strangest thing I’ve seen so far. High class spam? I guess I’ve arrived, eh?
November 27th, 2009 at 10:26 am
Haha I have seen this stuff before at tack shops, hardcore western riders (rodeo etc) actually DO use it… but as I don’t spend more than 6 hours in the saddle at one time I’ve never needed it…
January 6th, 2010 at 9:07 am
I’m guessing that’s not a product sold in the west? 🙂
.-= Fan of BoA´s last blog ..BoA – Rock With You (video) =-.
February 15th, 2010 at 10:22 am
I hate it when I am the butt of the joke, butt I often seem to be!
August 11th, 2010 at 9:44 am
Thanks to comment #98’s link, if I die of monkey butt, I’ll know where to have my body sent for cremation! Cremation Florida, give thanks to you well done
kathcom´s last blog post ..Magick Mini Movie Review- Bad Lieutenant