A What’s That Winner
contests, Stuff I hate June 5th, 2009Wow! I gotta tell you guys. Your guesses for the What’s That contest were outstanding! So many good ones, but only one correct answer and only one winner.
The first person to guess the object correctly was Maya, who said it was part of a Brita water filter.
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Congratulations, Maya! I’ll be in touch with you shortly about your prizes.
In other Junk Drawer news….
I spent Thursday in a hospital with my husband Dave, who had rotator cuff surgery. Despite an annoying four hour delay, all went very well and he’s coping OK with the pain, thanks to some delightful Percocet.
Commence mini-rant.
There is perhaps no greater annoyance in hospital waiting rooms than a too-loud TV mounted on the ceiling that you can’t turn down or control the channel. That is why I spent most of my waiting time in the cafeteria reading a book in peace and quiet.
After playing nurse and not getting enough sleep last night, I had a doctor’s visit myself this morning. While sitting in the waiting room, I was subjected to the horror that is early morning TV news, complete with inane chatter and all-too-chipper people for eight in the morning.
Is it just me, or wouldn’t people who are probably not feeling well rather just sit quietly waiting for their names to be called? Instead, we had listen to a performance by the Dave Matthews Band outside the news studio. Since when did morning news shows involve screaming loud music before people have had their coffee?!?!
For all the people who hate this sort of thing, I’m pleased to tell you that I risked getting yelled at by the office staff, stomped over to that TV and MUTED IT!
That’s right. I’m a badass. Fear me.
Next up in waiting room annoyance reduction? Throwing my shoes at loud cell-phone talkers.
You’re welcome.

June 5th, 2009 at 8:00 pm
Often in waiting rooms I’ll ask if anyone’s watching the TV; if not, I’ll turn it off. Strangely, people in hospital waiting rooms seem to be most likely to be watching whatever drivel’s being offered up. Why is that?
Hope your husband’s doing well.
feefifoto’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday: Why Are So Many People Searching For Oompa Loompas?
June 5th, 2009 at 8:06 pm
Aw, I hope Dave is doing okay… you’re such a good nurse.
And a badass alright đ
Have a good weekend Kathy!
Maureen’s last blog post..Beam Me Up Scotty
June 5th, 2009 at 8:15 pm
Go get ’em, Kathy! The loud-cell-phone-talkers drive me nuts.
My sympathies to Dave; part of my shoulder injury involves the rotator cuff, and it’s no picnic. I did manage to escape surgery, at least. I hope he’s feeling better soon! (And I’m sure he appreciates your excellent nursing.)
absepa’s last blog post..A Few Thoughts on My New Exercise Program
June 5th, 2009 at 8:23 pm
Get well soon Dave ! I’ll shoot a puck in for ya (well, let’s make it ball since it’s summer).
June 5th, 2009 at 8:40 pm
Televisions in waiting rooms are so evil that I not only want to mute them, I want to turn them OFF, remove all external control knobs and buttons, slice through the power cord, and do an Irish step dance on the remote. I will, however, wait until Ellen is over before commencing my mayhem. đ
Kelly’s last blog post..Fractal No. 28
June 5th, 2009 at 9:05 pm
Congratulations Maya!
In our doctors waiting room it is piped music, that is so quiet I can barely hear it. Lovely and soothing. There was, however a TV in the hospital waiting area! Do they think people can’t do without TV for an hour out of their day? Maybe it’s so that people have a focal point, which saves them all having to stare at each other!
babs – beetle’s last blog post..Sorry, Iâve got nothing to say.
June 5th, 2009 at 9:41 pm
Oh yeah!! You a badass!!
You’re my waiting room annoyance reduction heroine!!!
; )
Ferd’s last blog post..A Lovely Duet
June 5th, 2009 at 10:07 pm
I agree, public TV’s (except, you know, in sports bars and stuff) should be on mute, or at least VERY low.
But people are rude. What can ya do?
Chris’s last blog post..Sometimes They Just Need a Beatin’
June 5th, 2009 at 10:08 pm
I was just at a doctors office and a women on her cell phone there was competing with the television to see who could be the loudest, I just wanted to yell at both of them, I never felt so happy to be put in a freezing cold room naked all by myself for a half hour while I waited for the doctor.
June 5th, 2009 at 10:08 pm
Behold…the perfect waiting room:
1. Endless supply of coffee, soda, and water.
2. TV on mute, but tuned to a nature/travel channel.
3. Recliners.
4. Clean, private bathroom.
5. Plenty of current and interesting magazines.
6. Variety of snacks/finger sandwiches.
7. Plentiful and free parking outside the lobby.
8. 72 degrees.
June 5th, 2009 at 10:42 pm
Sorry about your husband. I didn’t guess, because I knew the winner was already guessed when I got there.
I love my eReader – great for any waiting room.
Stephanie Barr’s last blog post..I’m Thankful…
June 5th, 2009 at 10:49 pm
MMM, Percosets. My favorites.
Hope Dave is doing well, and recovers quickly. And, if he happens to have any Percosets left over…
Joe’s last blog post..Welcome to Downtown, New Jersey.
June 5th, 2009 at 11:40 pm
When I go for blood work or other tests at my local hospital I am always given one of those pager things. You know, the ones you are given at fine dining establishments, like Chili’s and Texas Roadhouse. For tests, you sign in at a computer screen, enter a pager number, confirm it, then go sit and wait.
Why can’t they utilize this system for hospital emergency rooms? I sat with my daughter like 15 hours the last time and neither of us had eaten dinner. If they had pagers we could have gone to the hospital cafeteria and spent gobs and gobs of money and not starved. One would think the hospital could quickly recoup the cost of the paging system with all the additional cafeteria sales they’d have. Goodness knows their vending machines in the ER waiting room have a captive audience. But they don’t take plastic.
Lola’s last blog post..TGIF! VGNO!
June 6th, 2009 at 12:28 am
You’re my hero!
June 6th, 2009 at 2:54 am
Damn, if I’d shown up yesterday, I’d totally have won that one! I’ve had one of those for 7 years and my husband thinks he’s a fish. I’ve never seen anyone drink that much water in my life…
As for the waiting room/hospital room annoyances… Sic’em Woman! I’d have applauded…
June 6th, 2009 at 6:59 am
feefifoto — I think people are staring at it and not even watching or listening. My peeve is really that they usually have the volume jacked up so high and you can’t turn it down. I consider it noise pollution. It’s my goal to rid the world of it. Dave’s doing better today. Thanks.
Maureen — Other proof I’m a badass? I dig around grocery shelves for the items that have the latest expiration dates on them, leaving the more stale items up front. I mean it. You should fear me.
absepa — I once listened to a woman in the same waiting room have a full length conversation with her kitchen remodeler about the kind of drawer knobs they thought they agreed upon, all the while talking to the receptionist about her insurance. I wanted to shove her cell phone down her throat. Dave’s doing much better today. Today we take bandages off, get him in the shower and hose him down.
Jaffer — Thanks. He’s doing well today. Weening off the meds and showering. Big day in the Frederick household!
Kelly — I love your mayhem! I just don’t understand why a TV has to be blaring the whole time. If you can’t be alone in your thoughts quietly for half an hour, we’re a sorry bunch. My feeling is that most people hate them, but are afraid to touch it or ask for it to be turned down. No more! I’m starting a movement!
Babs Beetle — I would love soft piped music, preferably music without words so I don’t get earworms (you know I have that problem). Half the people in the waiting room were sleeping, knitting or reading. Only one guy was even remotely interested in the TV.
Ferd — Thanks! I’m starting a grass roots movement to rid the world of unnecessary TV noise! You heard it here first.
Chris — Yes! Sports bars should be blaring. Waiting rooms should be quiet and peaceful. p.s. Loved your story about the bully getting his comeuppance. (I was cheering inside!)
Jackie — Oh, you poor thing. How I pity you. And they wonder why our blood pressure is up when they take it. We need to stand up and speak up!
ann of the junkdrawerblogfamily — Awesome. Just awesome. Since you work in the medical profession, maybe you can help me in my cause to silence the noise? Please, Ann! Help us!
Stephanie Barr — I’m guessing, as a parent, you have the ability to filter out noise so you can concentrate on your reading. Unfortunately, I cannot. When I found myself re-reading the same passage several times, I had enough and went down to the cafeteria, where it was surprisingly much quieter.
Joe — Too late. I’ve already been asked for the leftover supply. BTW, husband was in so much pain when the nerve block wore off that he made me count out the supply of Percs, fearful he’d run out. But he got 50 and I don’t think he’ll use even half of them. Enough pain will make you paranoid.
Lola — UNBELIEVABLE! Dave and I said they should have things like that, especially while we were waiting four hours for the surgeon. We would have killed for one of those. It makes so much sense, doesn’t it? God. Fifteen hours? You got us way beat. Hat’s off to ya. Luckily, a receptionist told me exactly when Dave went under the knife, so I knew I could slip away to the cafeteria for at least two hours. A buzzer thing would have worked, too.
Mama O — I do what I can. Annoyance sufferers UNITE!
Aria’z Ink — Our Brita filter was one of our best purchases ever. Would you believe we used to spend about $75 a month for bottled water? What a pain, and what a waste!
June 6th, 2009 at 7:10 am
I hate morning news. Seriously. Hate. Even mute isn’t good enough for me. Only Off will do! Coincidently, I feel the same about evening news.
Hope Dave is off the meds soon!
Barb – WillThink4Wine’s last blog post..cheeks, 6 weeks
June 6th, 2009 at 7:37 am
I hope Dave is feeling better soon! I can send over Nurse Shrill if you want.
Daisy the Curly Cat’s last blog post..Photo Hunters: Advertisement
June 6th, 2009 at 7:43 am
FINALLY! Someone who understands and DOES the will of the people! KATHY 2012!
You have listed but a few of the many reasons I would rather operate on myself with a rusty butter knife, anesthetized with naught but a picture of Johnny Depp, than visit a doctor’s office.
Jenny’s last blog post..I Have A Silly Dream
June 6th, 2009 at 8:42 am
I had to go to the doctor’s a few weeks ago and I thought the same thing about the TV with that annoying morning show on! I wonder if they have the same rules that my son’s dentist’s office did….”We can’t have anything controversial on,” she told us, while turning it to a cooking program. A cooking program on in an office where many of the children couldn’t eat before their procedure. Oh yeah, good thinking.
Lisa (Jonny’s Mommy)’s last blog post..Photo Story Friday: Feel
June 6th, 2009 at 8:52 am
i thought that was a sink stopper until i realized there’s no hole for the stopper. nix that.
hope your husband recovers quickly and when you’re done throwing your shoes at the people in the waiting room, would you stop by barnes and noble (any B&N) and take out a few punks who talk loudly on their cell phone when i’m trying to read.
Natural’s last blog post..Why Wait, Buy Now!
June 6th, 2009 at 9:10 am
You go, girl! I would have done the same. I have often wondered about that very same thing as well…doesn’t make a helluva lot of sense, does it?
Thank god for mute buttons. Now if they could only create one for kids and husbands…and mother-in-laws…
Mary @ Holy Mackerel’s last blog post..Romance At Its Finest
June 6th, 2009 at 9:38 am
Hey Kathy, I hope Dave gets well soon. I’ve had enough procedures to know what pain is. Percocet is a wonderful thing!
Now concerning the TV:
I’m with you. I also believe that all cell phones should be turned off or put on vibrate, and if someone needs to use one that bad go outside, and tell the receptionists that is where you will be.
I’m really not interested in hearing about your child’s problem with the teacher who won’t give them an A just because he/she hasn’t done their homework.
Doesn’t anybody want a shred aprivacy?
Oh Wait, I blog, what am I saying? LOL!
Chris Casey’s last blog post..Today is Mrs C’s Birthday!
June 6th, 2009 at 10:59 am
Kathy, you’ve been appreciated over at my blog. Stop by and have a look.
Preston’s last blog post..Youâre Appreciated! The Only Thing that Separates Us from the Animals is Our Ability to Blog
June 6th, 2009 at 12:02 pm
In lots of waiting rooms, the staff aren’t allowed to change the volume or the channel. They have been contracted by various companies to remain on a certain channel. In my area all of the stations are set for Fox News.
MA Fat Woman’s last blog post..Desperately Seeking Sodium
June 6th, 2009 at 2:18 pm
I could’ve used your badass self the other day. I went to a new doctor and because I wasn’t sure of the directions, I gave myself WAY more time than I needed, figuring I could get some work done in the waiting room. Except of course there was a blaring TV. Also no light.
Glad to hear Dave is doing well.
JD at I Do Things’s last blog post..I Watched 5 Minutes of a Movie so you donât have to
June 6th, 2009 at 3:43 pm
I would never have guessed that but see it now. You are amazing!
June 6th, 2009 at 3:49 pm
I loved it – You are my HERO!
grannyann’s last blog post..Does This Work?
June 6th, 2009 at 4:49 pm
Tell your husband to do his physio diligently, yet not too strenuously! It really, really helps to keep at it. Mind you, I’ve now torn my other one … *Sigh*
TVs in waiting rooms are pretty much always muted over here. Sometimes I’m so bored I could wish they weren’t, but on the whole, I’m with you!
June 7th, 2009 at 10:18 am
I have to agree with everyone – Percocet is wonderful.
My gyno’s waiting room always has soap opera’s on their TV, I pretty much want to hang myself when I leave there.
Hope hubby is better soon!
Sue’s last blog post..The Leather Ladies
June 7th, 2009 at 11:56 am
I hate TVs in waiting rooms too. I don’t have a TV right now, so it’s an even ruder intrusion than it used to be. The laundromat closest to my apartment has one, always set to a news station. But the worst is definitely TVs in airports by the gate–the same 20-minute news loop over and over, when being in an airport is punishment enough already! You are my hero for pressing mute!
Tamara Hellgren’s last blog post..Leafy lady
June 7th, 2009 at 12:20 pm
Your “What’s That Wednesday” is always great. For some reason I am really bad at it though. I think I have only guessed once. Usually I have not a clue. I have put up a few “what is it” posts on my site, but when I really did not know and wanted enlightenment. It amazes me that my readers always seem to come up with the answer.
The always on TV in a waiting area drives me nuts too. It does usually seem to be too loud and tuned to something inane. Did you know that the average American now watches 8 hours and 16 minutes of TV per day??!! That’s the average and includes people who watch little or none. That means many people are watching 9 or 10 hours at least. How is that possible?
Will’s last blog post..Banning Bisphenol A
June 7th, 2009 at 12:28 pm
Barb WillThink4Wine — I’m sure someone did a study somewhere and found that morning news actually wakes people up and puts them in a good mood. On Planet Not Here.
Daisy the Curly Cat — Dave is feeling much better, thank you. Oh, please keep Nurse Shrill. He doesn’t have a real license to practice, does he?
Jenny — I work for everyone. Well, at least my readers. Will that get me elected?
Lisa (Jonny’s Mommy) — I like Ann’s idea for turning on a nature program — MUTED. I can’t watch food shows. Except when I’m eating. Otherwise, it’s cruel and unusual punishment.
Natural — My other method for shutting up loud cell phone talkers is to stare straight at them. I feel no embarrassment whatsoever doing this, oddly enough. I quite enjoy the silent admonishment. Try it sometime. It’s a powerful feeling.
Mary at Holy Mackerel — The mute button is my friend. I hate excess noise, which is one reason I’d make a lousy parent. “OK, Junior. You can have your friends over any time. You can breathe quietly, but you can’t speak or make any noise.”
Chris Casey — Agree with you on the noise thing. Have we all forgotten about the beauty of silence? Aren’t we all so busy and crazed already that we can’t have five minutes a day of noiseless bliss?
Preston — Thank you, friend. I appreciate your appreciating my blog!
MA Fat Woman — Oh, please. I hope you are kidding. If I find out offices have contracts with TV stations, we’ll be seeing my badass self on steroids.
JD at I Do Things — Oh, I pity you. Remember the power of MUTE. Do it! We have the right to quiet!
Data Entry Services — I love the moment of recognition when people realize what the object is. I always have a test run at home. Most times, Dave can’t get it either.
Jay — He’s a good patient. He always did his exercises as instructed at home when he had a back problem. He starts therapy late next week. Sorry to hear you have another tear. You have my sympathies!
Sue — OK, soap operas have morning news shows beat by a long shot. Hubby is much, much better today. Still can’t raise the arm, but that’ll come with time. He’s just happy to be mostly pain-free and off the meds.
Tamara Hellgren — Gah! I bet you hate TVs out in public. There should be TV-free zones in airports. Maybe there are, like little library rooms where no one can talk or make any noise. Too much?
Will — You are not alone. Hey, I just looked at your lizard post from the end of May. It’s both cute and creepy! I do not know what kind it is. See? I’m clueless to. That TV-watching statistic only surprises me because I would have thought internet time would have chipped away at people’s TV-viewing time (as is the case with me). But eight hours? How does anyone get any work done?
June 7th, 2009 at 12:38 pm
i hope your husband is recovering well and will feel better soon!
we actually have one hospital in our area that has a waiting room almost as good as ann of the famlly described. it’s lovely, quiet, spacious, clean bathrooms and lots of seating away from the one television that is turned on and off whenever anyone desires tv. they even have a room with beverages and a few snacks!
however, we did have a bad experience with the free valet parking. the attendant felt free to rummage through my husband’s overnight bag and stole his cell phone. then the dork called his boss to call in sick, we found this out when speaking to the boss about all the calls that were made on the stolen phone. it was quite amusing when this man blanched and said “that’s my home phone number”.
we did get reimbursed for the phone and the dork got fired.
Puglette’s last blog post..Friday Fun
June 7th, 2009 at 4:08 pm
Congratulations, Maya!!!!
meleah rebeccah’s last blog post..Dear Facebook
June 7th, 2009 at 9:19 pm
Glad to hear Dave’s surgery went well!
And ah, yes, Percocet. I loved it after my hysterectomy…until my pain subsided and I started hallucinating.
When my husband began looking like a red-haired nurse in high heels, I switched to Tylenol 3 instead.
Musingwoman’s last blog post..You + cooking =
June 8th, 2009 at 8:25 am
Yes! Someone else who thinks like I do!! Thank goodness our surgery waiting room at the hospital is cell phone and TV free! There is nothing worse than whatever they choose as a channel while you are held captive. I hate Oprah–and of course, that is usually what’s on when I’m waiting. Or Maury. Or Jerry Springer! Arrrggghhhh!!
Thank you, on behalf of all of us.
Lin’s last blog post..Squishing Flax
June 8th, 2009 at 9:29 am
Luck to Dave for a speedy recovery! Maybe take a spare set of shoes along with you for these sorts of TV-muting, cellphone-user-whapping emergencies. That way your feet won’t get cold while you wait.
Jenn Thorson’s last blog post..Aerobics for the Hopelessly Uncoordinated
June 8th, 2009 at 11:03 am
Rant well justified. I can’t stand loud background noise or music either… which is odd considering I’ve been a musician all my life.
One thing I have to do is shut off all TVs in our house before we eat dinner. That’s a biggie for me.
Jeff’s last blog post..Ich habe Deutsche hier
June 8th, 2009 at 4:36 pm
Waiting room TVs are truly evil. University Hospital in Denver used to slap a locking contraption over the TV controls to keep helpless patients from turning it off. Eeeeeevil.
Why no comments from the people who *like* TV in the waiting room? I know they must exist. Maybe they can’t type. Or read. Huh.
Red Flashlight’s last blog post..Spot the Issues
June 9th, 2009 at 6:44 am
Your My Hero.
Beamer’s last blog post..Downtown shopper.
June 9th, 2009 at 9:57 am
You did the right thing by muting the tv. This has been quiet an week for you. I wish you joy and happiness and surprises.
navin’s last blog post..Days expression
June 9th, 2009 at 8:42 pm
Poor Dave, I feel for him. I had rotator cuff surgery last year. There are definitely other things I would rather do. I hope he is feeling a little better by now.
Anne’s last blog post..Randomly Thinking on Tuesday
June 10th, 2009 at 7:51 am
When you get ready to throw your shoes at the loud cell phone talkers, call me up. I’ll be there with bells on, and my spiked-heels-I-never-wear at the ready!
Wendy’s last blog post..Itâs Aliiiiiiiiive
June 10th, 2009 at 10:05 am
I applaud your badassness.
And why do people talk so loud when using cell phones? The little microphones work really well after all.
Terry’s last blog post..Measuring Up to Other’s Standards
June 15th, 2009 at 2:56 pm
What is rotator cuff surgery? Sounds like something to do with a tuxedo…?
Gosh, this “What’s That” was the hardest ever! I’ve never even SEEN a water filter, lol!!!
Oh well, someday I’ll get it right…. someday….
Rebecca’s last blog post..I Canât DecideâŚ
July 10th, 2009 at 4:39 am
Your âWhatâs That Wednesdayâ is always great.