Flowers are Scary!
Bizarre, Stuff I hate June 10th, 2009A few weeks ago, I glanced out at the back yard and noticed a patch of what looked like weeds. I didn’t think much of it until they started to grow larger like this:
I decided to bring this situation to my husband’s attention and it was only then that I found out he surreptitiously planted sunflowers.
Sunflowers?! How could you?!
I know. I should be glad. Sunflowers are…. well, sunny. And happy. And yellow and bright.
But they scare the crap out of me.
Because Dave planted them at our old house and at night, in the faint glow of a street light, they looked like PEOPLES!
Big, swaying heads of PEOPLES in the darkness!
So now when these things grow right next to our house, I’ll be jumping out of my skin every time I look out the window.
Would it be bad to call 911 because I think flowers are breaking into my house?
OK, let’s hear it. What irrational fears to you have?

June 11th, 2009 at 9:01 pm
Driving with my teens.
carol at A Second Cup’s last blog post..The Grandkids Are Coming: BeforeThey Come: Part 2
June 11th, 2009 at 10:24 pm
My biggest fear is relating to you and your stories every time I pop by… now THAT is scary!!! 😉
Maureen’s last blog post..The Fledgling
June 11th, 2009 at 10:38 pm
Hi Kathy, I can’t check my basement for dead bodies there are mutant crickets with calves bigger than mine down there. I didn’t mention it in my previous comment as mutant crickets are a totally rational fear.
Tracy’s last blog post..The Museum Of Snack Foods
June 12th, 2009 at 6:07 am
Snakes and/or alligators coming up out of the toilet. I have no idea where this fear originated from and it’s been more prevalent lately.
I’m not sure why that is. And no, I will never, ever watch that movie Snakes in a Plane or whatever it was called.
cardiogirl’s last blog post..The book of questions, Volume 46
June 12th, 2009 at 10:02 am
1) I think you should cut out round pictures of our heads and place them in the center of each flower.
2) Don’t use Jaffer’s face, or you WILL be scared.
3) Wait. Those aren’t flow-ERS! That’s Poison Su-MAC!
4) He could have planted Creeping Charlie.
5) My irrational fear: Being band for ever from using my patented, five point, commenting system.
June 12th, 2009 at 10:56 am
My daughter planted sunflowers in front of our house last year and they were very pretty. But you’ll need something to tie them to when they get real tall or they fall over. As far as irrational fears, I can’t sleep with the bedroom door open. Nope. Freaks me out.
BTW, have you entered my contest?
Preston’s last blog post..One Year Anniversary Blog Contest – Win a Super Deluxe “Out of the Box” Sampler Plus More!
June 12th, 2009 at 12:27 pm
I don’t like walking past darkened rooms. Darkened rooms should have SHUT DOORS. Why? The movie Salem’s Lot. And the character actor dude who was all vampirized and was sitting in a rocker in a dark room creeeaking that rocker and all you could see was his eyes shining in the dark. I saw this movie when I was 12.
All of my other fears are totally and completely rational.
Shieldmaiden96’s last blog post..The Time of My Life
June 12th, 2009 at 3:39 pm
I’m with SewDucky. I’m terrified of poisons and chemicals. I’m not sure why, except I’ve seen too many poisoned animals die (I was an animal nurse some decades ago). Now, I won’t even use flea killer on my dogs. I use Program and Capstar instead. And we have an ultra-violet fly zapper … but I’m afraid of that, too. Pathetic, huh?
June 12th, 2009 at 4:46 pm
Ok, just so you know I was channeling you my blog about our quest for Ice cream..
shadowsrider’s last blog post..Ice Cream Odyssey
June 12th, 2009 at 6:08 pm
So I take it your counseling sessions aren’t going very well? 😉
Unfinished Rambler’s last blog post..Continuing my intermittent summer concert series: Living Colour, Dickinson College, 1990
June 13th, 2009 at 5:07 am
Regan — You’re right. Little things do add up quick, but don’t even worry about the finals. You’ll do just fine. Now, stepping on a bee? That might happen. Don’t be like your dumb aunt and not wear shoes home from the pool, step on one and then get carried home by a good Samaritan, sobbing the whole time.
Lee — Wisenheimer!
Sherry at EX Marks the Spot — Yes, I have been so corrected. But I’d still like to be the judge of whether your fears are rational or not. Apparently “things lurking in closets” is a pretty popular one here in The Drawer.
Jen — Oh, man. I saw The Happening. The scariest part was when the old lady walks by her window on the porch and then doesn’t she die a horrible death out in a field? Yeah, be nice to the plants.
Document Scanning Services — I shall never know the sounds of forest noise while camping because camping is not on my list of things to do. They don’t have room service in forests.
carol at A Second Cup — Now THAT’S a rational fear if ever there was one. Do you do that whole “grab the door handle” thing? Or how ’bout punching the floor with your foot when you want them to slow down? Might I suggest some Zanax before your next drive?
Maureen — We are Sisters of the Bizarre. Just so you know, I feel the same way when I visit your blog (it’s a good thing. Makes me feel better.)
Tracy — OMG. Ew. Just thinking about that makes my skin crawl. I hate crickets because they can, you know, jump on your FACE! I once freaked out big time when I brought the vacuum cleaner in from the garage, where it had been used the day before and sat overnight. A cricket scooted out of it and all hell broke loose. Made the hubs find it and get it out of the house. Haven’t been right since.
cardiogirl — Oh great. Now I’ll be thinking about it. Of course, it’ll make for fast work in the bathroom. Get in – get out!
Geakz — Dude! Where’ve you been? Pasted-on faces is actually a fun idea. Don’t tempt me. There shall be no Creeping Charlie. Those are the kind that sneak up on you and strangle you, right? Never fear. Your patented five-point commenting system is not only welcome, it’s required. Good to see you!
Preston — Yes, I expect we’ll be tying them to the patio pole you see in the picture. Of course, we’ll have to be careful the string isn’t so tight it’ll behead them. {tucks idea away for future reference}. I’m heading over now to check out your contest.
Shieldmaiden96 — That’s so weird. Seems a lot of people have that fear, which is really a fear of the unknown. My advice? Don’t let vampire dudes in your house.
Jay — That’s really interesting. I’d think chemicals would be fairly innocuous, but I suppose if you’ve had a bad experience, fears will develop. Hate fly zappers myself. The sound!! Of death!!!
shadowsrider — Nothing stands in the way of a woman and her ice cream. Great story!
Unfinished Rambler — Actually, they’re going well. Next week, we try to get me past my fear of cottage cheese.
June 13th, 2009 at 5:29 am
I have a couple of those strange fears! 1) that when I come home after being gone for a while (20 min. or more) I’m afraid someone is hiding in the bathtub, behind the shower curtain, just waiting for me to go potty! And NO, I never watched Psycho! and 2) when we’ve been out of town, just as we turn into our neighborhood, I’m afraid we’ll get home and our house will be burned down or destroyed. Don’t know where that one comes from!
Becky G.’s last blog post..Changes . . .
June 13th, 2009 at 10:26 am
I still cannot, for the life of me, sleep with my closet door open. Quit laughing.
June 14th, 2009 at 2:00 pm
Becky G. — You know, I’ve actually thought about the destroyed-house thing, but only because a friend got a call at work one day that her house was “leaking.” Turns out the plumber who she had doing work didn’t fix a toilet correctly, and it wound up flushing itself over and over for hours. She has so much water damage. I hope I didn’t just give you a new fear.
Lin — This is so amazing to me. I never worry about open closet doors, but it seems like you’re not the only one with that issue. Seems like about 10% of you have it. Interesting. Now go shut your doors!
June 14th, 2009 at 11:55 pm
I can’t swim in the pool by myself. I’m afraid a shark will get me. Seriously.
Kim’s last blog post..Are status updates another way to keep up with the Joneses??
June 15th, 2009 at 2:51 pm
I’m not scared of sunflowers. I’m scared of the GIGANTIC, MONSTROUS, sunflower-eating spiders that look like wolf spiders but have more eyes and hairy legs!! Yickkk!
(well, you did ask about irrational fears. Irrational, yep, that’s me!)
Rebecca’s last blog post..I Can’t Decide…
June 16th, 2009 at 12:56 pm
Yes, Kathy. I have seen a scarecrow.People still use them. I see him all the time. Would you like me to introduce you to him? LOL
TheSnackHound’s last blog post..Sustain Your Party With Sustainable Cups
June 18th, 2009 at 11:55 am
Sun flowers are my favorite!!! Tried to grow some, but too much shade around my house. I guess if they’re sun flowers, they need, SUN!
My irrational fear is…Clothes hanging on the outside of the closet while I sleep at night. I wake up thinking someone is looming over me.
My husband loves to hang his clothes on the outside of the closet the night before. Drives me crazy!
LaTonya’s last blog post..A Tale Of A Fish
June 20th, 2009 at 2:14 pm
I always pop by here when I need a bit of a giggle, this hit the spot, thanks!
I can’t stand bats. When I was about 9 a bat got into my attic room in the middle of the night, and couldn’t get out. I was traumatized for life.
amber’s last blog post..I am so pathetic…
June 21st, 2009 at 5:21 pm
Kim — There seem to be lots of people afraid of sharks where sharks can’t swim. Hmmm.
Rebecca — More eyes! Ewwww! I bet you’re OK with tiny spiders. It’s the ones the size of your hand you have to worry about.
TheSnackHound — No, I would not like that Sam I Am.
LaTonya — Ours are growing fast. You should see them. They’re up to my waist now. You’re not alone with the clothing thing. I hate seeing an object in the dark and can’t make out what it is. Usually it’s a cat.
amber — OMG. I would never be able to sleep again. I would have to move. God bless you.