NSFRWE: Not Safe for Reading While Eating
contests June 29th, 2009WARNING: This post is not safe for reading while eating. Put your forks and spoons down and proceed with caution. Even if you’re not eating, you still might puke.
I’m about to show you what the Friday What’s That? item is. Lots of you were really close, guessing it was some kind of nest, pod or cocoon, that if poked, would ooze spiders, bugs or other crawly things.
The correct answer is much, much worse.
The object pictured was part of an owl pellet. According to Wikipedia, a pellet is the mass of undigested parts of a bird’s food that some bird species occasionally regurgitate. The contents of a bird’s pellet depend on its diet, but can include the exoskeletons of insects, indigestible plant matter, bones, fur, feathers, bills, claws, and teeth.
Still with me? OK. The woman who took the picture was alerted to its presence by the keen eye of her daughter, who recognized it from a lab she took in grade school. Apparently she sends her daughter to a school whose teachers don’t mind their students blowing their lunch having to dissect these.
You might ask yourself where you can get one of these find specimens to dissect yourself (or not). If you do, you can order a variety from Pellets, Inc. Now don’t rush the site all at once!
I’ve had my fair share of school lab grossouts. In high school, we dissected frogs and I was glad to not be part of the group who discovered that their frog was pregnant at time of death. I remember someone screaming. I don’t know if they continued on with their dissection, but I’m very sure no one ate the rest of the day.
Sorry no one guessed this edition of What’s That? But I promise next time I’ll go back to regular household items that don’t have teeth and hair in them. Promise!

June 29th, 2009 at 6:03 pm
Oh my word!!! Now I can be honest and say that it almost looked like dog poo after a dog has been eating a lot of bones! I say almost because it looked too fibrous. Bone poo is more like chalk to look at ha ha! That was a HARD one!
babs – beetle’s last blog post..No smoking!?!?
June 29th, 2009 at 6:05 pm
P.S. You’d think these owls would learn to pluck and de-bone before eating!
Why did I do a P.S? I could have just added it to the comment above. I had three minutes. Doh!
babs – beetle’s last blog post..No smoking!?!?
June 29th, 2009 at 6:11 pm
Whaaat? Owl pellets? I hate owl pellets. We have to dissect them like every year and pick out the bones and say which animal they’re from. Oh, and we mainly have to use our hands.
But we get gloves. That are always 5,000 sizes too big for my hand.
June 29th, 2009 at 6:22 pm
After several decades, I’m still disappointed that the kids at the lab table across the aisle had a frog with a completely undigested grasshopper in it’s gut. Sigh. But I went on to dissect a fetal pig (in high school) and more pigs, a cat and a real dead human (in college). I cried over the cat. Sigh. Those were the days… before I switched my major to computer science.
Kelly’s last blog post..Fractal No. 52
June 29th, 2009 at 7:14 pm
EEwwwwwwww! LOL
Lori@Not Always Charming’s last blog post..You Are A Bad Momma
June 29th, 2009 at 7:25 pm
So the owl was eating tampons, then, right?
Man, we never got anything as cool as owl pellets when I was in school. Just stinky frogs. Ordering the owl pellets online seems like cheating. I think I’ll just go hang out where all the owls are and see if I can find some myself.
JD at I Do Things’s last blog post..I Wash Myself with a Rag on a Stick so you don’t have to
June 29th, 2009 at 7:27 pm
Hey kathy
Youhave to admit I was very close ~
The Mind of a Mom Says:
June 28th, 2009 at 11:49 am
“a animal coughed up something if you get what I mean (I am trying not to gross anyone out here)”
and like everyone else I am adding my ewwwwwww
The Mind of a Mom’s last blog post..WalMart Rocks
June 29th, 2009 at 7:34 pm
Well that’s the first I ever heard of that.
grannyann’s last blog post..My Great American Town Tour
June 29th, 2009 at 8:09 pm
I think there was an episode of “Dirty Jobs” where Mike was collecting owl pellets with a guy who sells them to schools for dissection. It was about as gross as you would expect.
The grossest things I had to dissect in school were the obligatory frog, and an enormous earthworm. The two guys I worked with as lab partners flicked earthworm eggs at each other across the dissection table. Bleurgh.
absepa’s last blog post..And now…the long-awaited product review!
June 29th, 2009 at 8:38 pm
Hey a science lesson, cool! I know a little boy who would love to get his hands on one of these, I’m not sure mom is ready though.
DJ’s last blog post..How not to Grow Tomatoes in Florida
June 29th, 2009 at 8:58 pm
See that’s why owls need to grow hands with opposable thumb so they can get rid of all that indigestible junk before stuffing it in their little hoot mouths.
Tracy’s last blog post..I am so ready for a 3 day weekend
June 29th, 2009 at 9:08 pm
I found this online. A virtual owl pellet dissection.
It was kinda neat but real tedious.
Nicole’s last blog post..Little Traitors!
June 29th, 2009 at 9:53 pm
At least it looks relatively dry … could be worse!
We got to dissect fetal pigs in high school …and then a shark. The shark was way cool.
flit’s last blog post..Happy to be Home!
June 30th, 2009 at 12:56 am
My favorite teacher ever happened to be my High School Math and Science teacher, including Biology. I had him 3 years and always got A’s. But the day I walked into the science lab and smelled that smell, I walked right out. He tried to get me back in but that was never going to happen. I told him I didn’t care what grades it effected, I wasn’t smelling that smell or cutting up little piglet. Ever. Yuck.
OK, what was your post about?
Barb – WillThink4Wine’s last blog post..i haz what?
June 30th, 2009 at 2:47 am
Well… I was sort of close… with rubbish… but I had no idea what Owl pellets looked like, or that they existed. If it’s good luck to be pooped on by a bird, how good must your luck be if you get hit with one of those babies!? XD
June 30th, 2009 at 5:10 am
Babs Beetle — Your comment is cracking me up first thing in the morning. “All About Bone Poo, with Babs Beetle.” Yes, it was hard and I apologize. Let’s blame Heather, OK?
Regan — I’m so sorry you have to dissect them in your class. I’m glad they give you gloves. I hope they disinfected them, too. They say you can disinfect an owl pellet by microwaving it. Hope your science class isn’t before lunch!
Kelly — You were disappointed? Good grief, woman! I’d have cried over the cat, too. I’d have passed out over the human.
Lori at Not Always Charming — Got that right. Every time Heather and I discussed the pellets, I could only talk about it for a minute at a time. Just the thought of it made me ill.
JD at I Do Things — It does look like a tampon, doesn’t it? Apparently, they’re not too discriminating, eating rodents whole. God, I hope they kill it first. You can order a pellet “replica” if you want. No stink! No ooze! But yeah, that’s cheating all right.
The Mind of a Mom — Ah! You are right! I shall email you for your address. I think you do deserve a magnet and a prize! I’m sorry I didn’t make the connection. Thank you for correcting me.
grannyann — Me too. I had to have it explained to me. And when I did, I wanted to vomit.
absepa — I cannot watch that show, no matter how educational it might be. As for the boys, the urge to flick gross things around the room is in their genes, I’m afraid. Ewwww!
DJ — Heather’s son wanted to cut one open when he saw them. Smartly, she forbade him. I can almost guarantee a girl would not want to do this.
Tracy — Funny! But, ugh. I’m growing more and more ill responding to these comments. I just had a vision of an owl trying to pick apart a mole and then shovel it in its mouth.
Nicole — That’s very cool! Thanks for linking to it. I guess it’s not as good as the real thing, but it’s a whole lot less messy, yes?
flit — A shark? Really? Wow, that’s amazing. I might actually be OK with that. Except I would not like to see the head with its beady little eyes staring up at me.
Barb WillThink4Wine — Isn’t it weird? I can almost smell the smell just thinking about it. Smell is the sense most tied to memory, you know. I hope the teacher gave you some other way to earn class credit.
Elisha — I never did, either. What a sheltered life I’ve led. I’m guessing that since Heather came upon the pellets in a pile like that, that the owls are neat about it. Unless Heather and her kids moved them to a pile. I have to ask her about that.
June 30th, 2009 at 5:11 am
Omg, I’m so happy I didn’t attend any school that forces young minds to cut up cute frogs.
Wynn’s last blog post..Widowed
June 30th, 2009 at 5:25 am
Uh, wow. That’s heavy. And the pregnant frog, damn sister. So glad I never went to your school.
cardiogirl’s last blog post..I’m trying to embrace all of you but your flaws are getting on my nerves
June 30th, 2009 at 6:23 am
What – “animal excretion” doesn’t count? we had to name the specific animal? So not fair! Actually I don’t mind dissecting stuff at all. In High School the girls all had a blast dissecting their frogs while a couple of the boys fainted. It was an honors bio class so the boys were kinda wussy…
Grace’s last blog post..Awww – Mondays
June 30th, 2009 at 8:55 am
I thought it was something to do with spiders too and I couuuuuld not stand to put my brain on that so I moved on! *shudder*
Those things remind me of those tumors that get taken out of PEOPLE that contain hair and teeth and stuff that are supposedly from an absorbed twin. Not makin’ it up.
HANDY LINK: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/95294/sacrococcygeal_teratoma_rare_tumors.html
Jenny’s last blog post..What You Do Is …
June 30th, 2009 at 9:11 am
I can’t believe I did not guess correctly! Do you want to know something interesting? My raw food is all ground up meats and organs and bones and such. Now my poops are very, very small and they do not stink at all. They are kind of like black olive pits. Was that TMI?
Daisy the Curly Cat’s last blog post..New Treats!
June 30th, 2009 at 9:27 am
OMG! poop
Kathy, no fair. Next time you ask us to guess poop, you have to take the picture yourself, with someone taking your picture zooming in on poop! LOL!
Sue’s last blog post..How come all the hot girls are stupid?
June 30th, 2009 at 10:53 am
I think my answer was ten times better than what it actually turned out to be.
Never seen an owl pellet before. the owls around my house are all secretive, and like to do their business elsewhere.
C.B.Jones’s last blog post..Holy shit, I just won the lottery!!!!
June 30th, 2009 at 11:15 am
Criminy- The Junk Drawer ain’t just fer laughin’, it’s fer learnin’, too.
I did not know about owl pellets.
Which makes me feel all the better for once again totally not guessing the What’s That.
Jenn Thorson’s last blog post..Who You Gonna Call? Dustbusters!
June 30th, 2009 at 1:37 pm
hi Kathy,
Thanks for the warning, but I think it’s cool!
My daughter had to “dissect” an owl pellet last year in first grade as a class project. I think her teacher got the pellets off of the internet. Anyway, I thought it was cool trying to guess what the different bone fragments were (she brought the pellet home to do it). Maybe it’s a guy thing. 🙂 Steve, the trade show guru
steve, trade show guru’s last blog post..Does Blogging Regularity Matter?
June 30th, 2009 at 2:34 pm
Well then… that’s just plain old not fair. We expect that these pictures are taken by you and not something that only hornedowlgists would know about. Not that I’ve ever gotten one of your “easy” ones either… but still.
Jeff’s last blog post..Dear Children: It wasn’t what you think… and no, we will not pay for therapy
June 30th, 2009 at 2:45 pm
Am I the only one here who thinks this is a great find???! I do!! I love dissecting owl pellets–and no, they are not gross. It’s all dried up and not smelly or anything. You just sort of pull out the hair and stuff, collect the bones, and if you are really lucky, you can find a complete jawbone or skull intact. They you can determine what your owl friend has been eating.
When they dissect these at schools, they sterilize them, so don’t be all girly and screamy and stuff.
Geesh, you all are a bunch of sissies. Did you all miss my post on dissecting opossum poo?? Sigh. I guess it’s just me, Ratty, and Sharkbytes who appreciate nature’s coolness.
Lin’s last blog post..Rivets and Bolts
June 30th, 2009 at 4:19 pm
I call “foul”. How the hell were we supposed to guess “Owl Pellet”????
Make the game fair, dammit.
Chris’s last blog post..The Dorks of Summer
June 30th, 2009 at 5:06 pm
Wynn — Well, in their defense, the frogs were already dead. Did you see ET? They wanted to make the kids kill them first!
cardiogirl — Yeah, shouldn’t they x-ray them first or something? That’s the stuff of nightmares. Although, since you have children, I’m sure they’ve brought you something equally disgusting at one point or another. Am I right?
Grace — All right. All right. I’ll email you and you can have your pick of prizes. That’s hilarious that boys fainted. Guessing none of them went on to become doctors.
Jenny — I don’t blame you. Ah, yes. Absorbed twins. I was going to suggest that in this post, but I was afraid someone might have actually had a parasitic twin. The chances would be one in a million, but you never know.
Daisy the Curly Cat — I’m so glad you have good tiny poops that don’t stink. Perhaps my cats should switch from Stinky Goodness to organs and bones and stuff? You know, because they have scary poops that smell. Was that TMI?
Sue — I won’t be getting too close to poop anytime soon. Although I have gotten close to pee once. See this classic post.
C.B. Jones — Ectoplasm was a good guess, and sort of in the ballpark. But I don’t know exactly what an ectoplasm is, since I’ve never seen Ghostbusters. I know, shoot me. I haven’t seen lots of classics.
Jenn Thorson — We have Heather to thank for teaching us all about regurgitated objects. She’s an egghead who’s working on her second Master’s Degree, though not in ornithology, thank God. I swear, the next What’s That will not be organic!
Maybe It’s a Guy Thing Trade Show Guru Steve — The first grade?!?! What they hell is wrong with your daughter’s school? I certainly hope she found the experiment as cool as you did. Or is she in therapy now?
Jeff — OK, OK. I promise the next one will be easier. That’s not saying much because so many still don’t get them right.
Lin — I’m sorry, but you just made me want to hurl. I think only you and Steve found it cool. No, I most certainly did not see your opossum dissection post. Do I dare go look for it?
Chris — I’ll make up for it next time. Maybe I’ll throw in a third prize. Like a real owl pellet. Are we good now?
June 30th, 2009 at 9:45 pm
Oh, you’re right. That was kinda gross. Did anyone guess it?
Wendy’s last blog post..Double Your Fun
July 1st, 2009 at 7:16 am
Better owl pellets than rabbit pellets, I guess. At least the owl pellets haven’t made the full journey through the digestive system yet. What I find even more disgusting is that there is a company that sells these things, and that people actually buy them. What do they do, stalk owls to get them? Now there’s a career choice for you! Be the first on your block to tell your friends, “I’m a professional owl pellet collector.”
Lee (Tarheel Rambler)’s last blog post..On A Carousel
July 1st, 2009 at 9:27 am
I was only kidding but I’ll be happy to have a prize. My HS bio teacher was a much older woman who was openly derisive towards the wussy boys. I suppose for that day and age having a female science teacher who was very supportive of girls who liked science was unusual.
Grace’s last blog post..According to Dr. Spock
July 1st, 2009 at 1:31 pm
OMG. That was truly disgusting!
July 1st, 2009 at 5:03 pm
Okay, that is quite nasty, though Lucy would probably find it to be a delicacy. I know…rrralph :o(
earthtoholly’s last blog post..We Should’ve Named You Sandy
July 2nd, 2009 at 4:31 am
Wendy — No, no one guessed it exactly. As far as I know, I don’t have any readers who are also ornithologists.
Lee — Seriously. Then again, anyone who does that for a living probably loves their work and that’s a good thing. For them.
Grace — No, really. You get a prize. I’m trying to get my head above water. You’ll hear from me this weekend. And you’re right, having a woman science teacher years ago would have been unusual. Who knows. Maybe she steered some girls into science or medicine.
meleah rebeccah — Truly! And I’ll never blog about organic matter again. You can count on it.
earthtoholly — Ewww, I bet she would. Hey, if she’ll stick her nose into sand and root around without knowing what she might inhale, she clearly has no fear. I love Lucy!
July 7th, 2009 at 6:16 pm
Become Young — Yeah, so I hear. And it’s recommended to microwave them first to kill all bacteria. Gloves, even better. Rat skulls? Um. Ew?
July 10th, 2009 at 3:18 am
ow I can be honest and say that it almost looked like dog poo after a dog has been eating a lot of bones!