Walter the Wart
Bizarre June 16th, 2009 Though my husband Dave is recovering from very painful shoulder surgery, I consider myself the one who had the real major medical problem of late.
I had a wart. On my forehead. For any woman, a crisis of epic proportions.
After a day of searching The Google for wart remedies, including wearing duct tape on it (not kidding), I came to the conclusion that I really ought to ask a doctor about it before I go making things worse.
So I called my sister Ann. Ann is a nurse. Fact: If you work in the medical profession in any capacity short of the janitor in a hospital, you are the doctor in the family.
I asked her what I should do to get rid of Walter the Wart, who I’d gotten so used to seeing every day that I named him. Yeah? What of it?
She gave me a quick reply: Vitamin E.
Every night before bed, I pricked a capsule of Vitamin E and spread the miracle juice all over Walter and then put a Band-Aid on him. We slept like babies.
The next morning I would remove Walter’s bandage, wash up and go out in the world with a big wart on my face.
To my co-workers, thank you for not wondering aloud why I looked like a Cyclops for two weeks.
Gradually, over about ten days, Walter got smaller and smaller until he disappeared and I returned to looking normal, which isn’t saying much.
So there you go. Vitamin E, the wart remover and scar preventer, brought to you by my non-doctor sister. If you’re absolutely sure you have a wart and not something scary like skin cancer, give it a try.
Footnote: In my research, I learned there are several causes for warts, among them stress. You know what causes stress? A giant wart on your forehead.

July 16th, 2009 at 6:45 pm
Jeanne — Yeah, the vitamin E thing is so much less obvious and intrusive and horrible to look at. Aside from the wart itself.
modern sofa — Oooo, bleeding is bad! Don’t want to do that. I do have a picture of Walter, but I’m terrified to post it because I have an extra 10lbs on my face I don’t care to share with all you fine people.
Warren P. Bonds — You, sir, are correct. I was a triclops. Still nasty. NastiER, actually.
November 10th, 2009 at 1:23 pm
I had a wart removed two years ago and the guy froze it.
January 24th, 2010 at 6:53 am
Hello all who have this problem, I want to give a remedy instruction for them:
Ingredients: A pennie and guaze tape
Instructions: When I was little my cousin told me to do this,put a pennie on the wart and wrap with the guaze tape. Leave it on the pennie maybe a week or two…it well dependon the wart and severity of the wart…and it will be gone.I think it has to do something with the copper. The spot where the wart will be
green for awhlie, but it beats having the wart…
San Diego Scanning
February 22nd, 2010 at 4:18 pm
I’ve heard many people use a combination of Vitamin E along with Apple Cider Vinegar to help speed up the process of killing off the wart. I had one that lasted months despite cryo treatment and everything! Worst experience of my life!
.-= Eric´s last blog ..How To Remove a Skin Tag, Wart, or Mole – Review =-.