Ever Worked the Night Shift?
work July 31st, 2009 For a brief period between high school and my first real job, I worked the night shift at a mall.
One of the stores, a large pharmacy, was remodeling and needed people to unload merchandise from shelves, clean and reorganize while renovations took place. And they wanted it done round the clock so the store could reopen quickly.
It was the single worst job I’ve ever had.
My heart goes out to anyone who works 11PM-7AM. You’re basically living in another world. All the people with day jobs are relaxing or sleeping when you’re going to work. It completely messes up your view of everything.
I shot mental darts at people who were joyfully getting their days started, while I was going home to unwind and then sleep — in the middle of the day.
In the middle of sunshiny, action-packed, outside-noise-disturbing-my-sleep days.
Knowing that the rest of the world is up and active, while you’re unconscious, makes it that much harder. When I’d wake up, I could never really enjoy what was left of the day because I knew I had to report for work later.
I wouldn’t work the night shift again if you paid me ten times my salary now. Not worth it. Not kidding.
Anyone work a night shift? Anyone in a relationship with one who does? I’d like to hear how you cope.
I’d especially like to thank any medical or emergency professionals who routinely work the graveyard shift. You make it possible for us to call someone for help in the dead of night. Thanks for being there.

August 3rd, 2009 at 7:35 pm
I used to work an overnight shift at a residential treatment program for kids. Actually enjoyed it – until they went non-smoking (with NO notice) and suddenly I was expected to do 10 hour shifts without a smoke.
NOW I could do it – I have nicorettes – but back then it was TORTURE
August 4th, 2009 at 5:18 am
ettarose — Wow, five years of that? And how can people expect you to come in during the day. It’s like asking me to go in for a 3AM meeting. No fair!
globalwarming — I know I couldn’t sleep well during the day. Especially in the summer when everyone’s outside. And the lawn mowers. The lawn mowers!
Karen — I’m glad it wasn’t boring, because it sounds like it could be. Nope, you won’t find me workin’ 3rd shift, even if it was fun and made me gobs of money.
Dory — You ARE making a difference and the bonus is that you like the shifts. But 12 hours? How on earth do you manage? Good for you Dory!
Rob O. — I wouldn’t even be able to make it to 2AM, even if I got my body on that schedule. I’m not wired that way. Like you, I haven’t woken up to an alarm in years. Although I still set it because I’m afraid of the day I might not.
MA Fat Woman — Whoever made up that shift is evil. Messed up, for sure. Split shift sleep must have been murder. It’s also hard to say three times fast.
Kim — Ha! Yeah, I could start at 5AM, too. Lately I’ve been waking at 4AM, so it’d be perfect for me. And I could get home nice and early and still run errands when most of the world is still working.
Mortgage Modification — Good for you. Really. It’s a quality of life thing, isn’t it?
Ungirdled Passion — My sister used to say she wished there was a phone number you could call in the middle of the night when you’re nursing, just so you’d know other moms were up nursing at an odd hour. The loneliness stunk.
shadowsrider — Unnatural is the key. Same for me — I wouldn’t want to be out in the world, knowing I had to go into work later. I couldn’t truly relax and have fun.
Margaret (Nanny Goats) — How did you manage? Ugh! The money must have been good. Please tell me the money was good.
flit — Sounds rough. But thank God for the gum, right? And that’s not a regular, boring job. I imagine you had to deal with some pretty tough situations.
August 4th, 2009 at 8:19 am
I would hate the night shift. I agree with you … it would drive me crazy that the world was going on around me while I slept and that everyone could rest while I had to work. Just not any fun at all. The closest my husband gets is that he works about 3 to midnight. So I never see him because I work 8:30 to 5 p.m. Blagh! But we see each other on the weekends and work in the same office so there is about a two hour lap over period where we do see each other.
August 5th, 2009 at 9:37 am
Hi Kathy,
“The Night Shift?” Wow, it has a whole different meaning for me. I was a New York City police officer who spent a giant part of my career working the midnight “tour.” It’s nuts, I tell you. If you want to see the worst in humanity, deal with shootings, gang violence, domestic violence, drug sales, and deadly car accidents due to alcohol…then work midnights as a cop in some of the neighborhoods I patrolled.
Then, deal with the fact that you sleep most of the day, assuming you get home at a “normal” hour in time to see your spouse off to work and your kids on to the school bus, and maybe you need to hang out with your cop buddies and have a drink and talk about the mess of a human carcass you all discovered in a trash bin or the poor guy who was gunned down and took his last breaths before your eyes.
After getting a few hours of sleep, you crawl out of bed, strap on your pistol, and head off to your precinct to do it all over again.
I traded all of that in for the “four to twelve” tour, which is just like the midnights, but far busier, and you have the added benefit of having to work back to back tours to cover manpower shortages and because the midnight tours are notoriously understaffed.
God help you if you get caught guarding a crime scene, have to take a prisoner to the hospital, guard an EDP (emotionally disturbed person) in the psych ward at the hospital, or you make an arrest. You’ll be gone for the next three or four tours and your kids will have to look at pictures of you to remember your face.
All in all, I actually miss some of the times I had on the midnight tours. I also miss my longtime partner as he died three years ago from a heart attack at the age of forty eight. It was fun chasing bad guys, but it takes a huge toll on your mind and body.
I have new a career now, nine to five, Monday through Friday, and I sit in front of a computer all day. The only danger I face is if my computer catches a virus. Sorry to rant. It’s good to catch up with your blog. Take care. -Mike.
.-= Michael J. Kannengieser´s last blog ..The Business of Men =-.
August 6th, 2009 at 5:06 am
Lisa — I’m glad at least that you can see your hubby at the end of your shift. That’s something. And you have your weekends, so all is not lost.
Mike! — Welcome back, buddy! Good to see you here. I don’t doubt what a toll it takes on anyone in your former profession. Your story sounds harrowing. You must have loved what you did or you never would have done it. I tip my hat to you. Most people can only imagine what goes on in the life of a police officer. I’m most sorry that your kids missed you. I’m glad you have a “boring” job now that doesn’t put you in harm’s way. Keep visiting, Mike! It’s good to know you’re still with me!
August 7th, 2009 at 11:42 am
During college I worked at a hospital answering phones and admitting people. On occasion I would work the swing shift with a friend of mine and on break we would push each other in wheels chairs as fast as we could. If we got hurt we were already at a hospital, but that doesn’t really heal ‘stupid’.
.-= Carla´s last blog ..Seafair Saturday =-.
August 7th, 2009 at 6:51 pm
Kathy, thanks for the thank you to emergency personnel. I have worked EMS for 15 years, a 24 hour shift with 3 days off in between. The shifts are tough, but I love the 3 days off. I get to spend more “awake” time with my kids, so it’s very worth it to me.
August 8th, 2009 at 3:38 pm
Carla — Funny! No, in fact, there is no known cure for stupid. But it does sound like a fun way to keep yourself occupied during slow periods.
Connie — No doubt about it. We’d all be screwed without people like you. The 24 hr shift sounds like murder, but the three whole days off a week sounds wonderful. I know some nurses who do very long shifts like that so they can get a big chunk of time off in return. THANK YOU for what you do!
August 10th, 2009 at 4:31 am
I had a night shift but only until 10 or 12. I still could go home and sleep. However, I worked sometimes in weekend when someone having a break. What I hate from this when the new years, people celebrating the new years when I had to finish my job.
.-= Ruri´s last blog ..Designer Purses on a Tight Budget =-.
August 14th, 2009 at 7:19 am
I work on shifts, working the night shift for 7 days every month. Specialists say I am going to lose 5 years of lifespan in my entire career. It is a hard paid price for having a nice income…
.-= Gabe´s last blog ..Comfort Food Lens updated Fri Aug 14 2009 6:26 am CDT =-.
August 14th, 2009 at 5:14 pm
Ruri — I always wondered about people who had to work through new year’s eve. If it’s any consolation, I was thinking about you.
Gabe — Hey, if you’re being paid well, that’s something. And don’t worry about losing five years off your life. Those would probably have been bad years anyway!
August 21st, 2009 at 12:11 pm
My dad works night shift and about 10:15/10:30ish Sunday night to Thursday night he leaves and gets back about 7:30 or 8. Tonight he is working again, overtime. Ugh
.-= Abbey R´s last blog ..School – the most efficient way adults thought of to torture kids =-.
August 21st, 2009 at 12:22 pm
I’ve worked all three shifts. As a cop, I worked swing shifts. I hated both first and third, and greatly preferred second.
I hate morning jobs because I’m not a chirpy morning person. I hate getting up early and having to go to bed early and I always dragged ass every morning until after lunch. But I hated third, as I hated to have all my sleeping during the day and I felt as if I could never get enough sleep on third. Second splits the difference for me. I don’t have to get up early or ever use the hated alarm clock and it’s still dark when I finally go to bed. I work a second shift job now and I normally don’t go to bed until around 3 am, then wake about 10 or 11 in the morning. Perfect.
My son prefers working third shift as he likes sleeping all day.
.-= Libertine´s last blog ..Harry Truman on Health Care Reform =-.
August 24th, 2009 at 6:24 pm
Abbey R — Sorry to hear that. Can’t be fun.
Libertine — Glad you found a happy medium. I can see how third would have killed you. Pure torture on the body/mind. And kudos for your son for finding what fits him, too. I’m an early bird, so I could totally swing a 7-3. In fact, I’d just about kill for it.
September 5th, 2009 at 12:15 am
I love night shift because I’m not a chirpy morning person.I hate getting up early and having to go to bed early and I always dragged ass every morning until after lunch. So that i want to do job at night.for further information visit:http://www.gethiredhelp.com/
.-= Robbert´s last blog ..Recession almost at an end =-.
September 26th, 2009 at 2:44 pm
I’ve had a few jobs working the graveyard shift and I enjoyed it much better than working first shift. There were two different ways I usually handled my days. I would either get done work and do whatever I wanted until it was time to go to sleep for work or I would get done work and sleep then go hang out with my friends before work. I’m more of a night person anyway so that made it all the easier.
November 12th, 2009 at 5:08 am
I understand what you are saying. Even I have done some night shifts and it’s boring to go to work when other people are coming home. Even I was not able to sleep during the day time because of the noise outside, doorbells and phone calls.
January 17th, 2010 at 12:40 am
Working in the Night shifts is so Horrible.But being a Customer care executive my job is mostly in the night shifts.The timings up 2.00 AM is OK for any one,the work time between 4-5 AM is not possible to control the sleep to any one after that we can manage easily.11-7 is my work time