Gross Food Combinations
Bizarre, food July 6th, 2009 Today’s post is short and sweet. I recently told a friend how I love the taste of uncooked instant oatmeal combined with a fruit yogurt.
That fact made her sick and it got me thinking about things people eat, specifically, foods we combine that have no business fraternizing in the same cup, bowl or dish.
So let’s have it. What foods do you put together that you love, but that make others ill when they see you eat it?
Grossest combination wins a Junk Drawer magnet.
Oh, and if you remember the circumstances under which you thought to put the foods together, include that too!

July 7th, 2009 at 3:18 pm
I don’t think this is gross, but others say it is.
Peanut butter and butter.
Potato Chips and Cottage Cheese
Anyway, dry oatmeal with fruit yogurt is yummy.
July 7th, 2009 at 3:46 pm
Ummm my favorite ‘gross’ combination is a breakfast food…If you can call it that..2 scrambled eggs cooked with lunchmeat and cheese in them. Then add sauteed onions on the side. Top it with some barbecue sauce, salsa, more cheese, mustard, and sometimes ketchup…There ya have it!
Abbey R’s last blog post..Happy Fourth of July!!
July 7th, 2009 at 4:31 pm
Not sure if you’ve heard of it but here in Australia, we have a spread called Vegemite. It’s very salty and is black. 95% of non Aussies hate it and 95% of Aussies love it. I love it on toast with honey which 99% of Aussies think is gross.
Sami – Life, Laughs & Lemmings’s last blog post..A Tribute to The Inspirational Professor Chris O’Brien
July 7th, 2009 at 5:53 pm
Chris — But you’re essentially putting cheese in your ice cream! Isn’t there a law against that?
JD at I Do Things — Why are all you people eating cottage cheese? Seriously. It stinks, doesn’t it? It’s odd. So many of you like ketchup with your eggs. Ketchup doesn’t get within a mile of my breakfast. Now maple syrup? That goes on everything!
Barb WillThink4Wine — Oh, that does sound wonderful. I was discussing it with a co-worker today. I could see showing up at a party with it and it being a hit.
Tracey B — But it was a little bad, wasn’t it?
Susan — Your husband and kids might be onto something. Your grandfather? Not so much. I cannot fathom eating raw beef, and it’s that a wee bit dangerous, nevermind the onion?
BabaBooey – OK, now I know what I’m getting you for your birthday. Stock in Heinz and a giant squeeze bottle. You do realize you have a problem, don’t you?
Kathy — I love how I have to re-read some of these combinations to get my head around it, like your pasta and jam thing. It does not compute no matter how many times I look at it. I wish I liked bananas. So good for you! And I bet it would taste good with a dash of sugar.
Daisy the Curly Cat — I’d have to wager that it’s the blueberries that make it extra delicious. Cuz it can’t be all that other gross stuff you listed. But they don’t call it Stinky Goodness for nothin’!
3carnations — OK, so did you put the pickle in it and then grill it? Does the pickle juice run all over the place? Your son is awesome if he can get a cheeseburger out of that.
diver daisy — Oh, I do too!! It started when I’d buy a small fries with a hot fudge sundae at McDonalds. Nothing better! Now why would you ruin a perfectly good beer by putting milk in it? Trying to get your vitamins? Though you make up for it with the iced pickles. That sounds pretty good.
Jackie — I like a bologna and chips sandwich myself, preferably on a crisp Kaiser roll. I can’t agree with you on the olives. I have a post in draft about the time a single olive snuck it’s way into a salad I ordered at a restaurant. I almost sent the whole thing back because it was contaminated. Yeah, the roll-dunking thing is vomit-inducing.
Tracy — Hilarious about your pepperoni discovery. Oh, poor Tracy! What the hell is a Cuttlefish ‘n Chocolate Poof? I’m so intrigued.
Mama O — I would totally do that, but I’m afraid to keep peanut butter in the house. Too many calories and not enough willpower.
Regan — It is not bad. It is divine. That’s how I eat my bacon in a restaurant. It grosses Uncle Dave out, but that’s what he gets for me having to watch him put mayo on his pizza. We’re even.
Kim — Damn. So does your friend send the fire department over when he/she leaves? Cuz I’m guessing your face is on fire whenever you eat it. As for the pb, banana and mayo sandwich, you had me until the mayo.
Jenny — I’m into the raw oatmeal texture too. It’s like soft granola. I’m thoroughly disgusted by your OJ in your cereal. I can’t even believe you thought to put those together. Hey, if you can gross out your kids, though, you done good!
Heather — What is with the PB and pickles? I would never consider marrying the two. Hats off to ya.
absepa — That doesn’t sound too bad, actually. Sounds like a nice comfort food. Yep, I can see jelly with bacon. It’s like my favorite: bacon swimming in maple syrup. {mouth watering}
kellybrown — I love mayo with any vegetable, but you’re right, the calories and cholesterol add up quick. Shame.
Candy — PB and butter? Too much creaminess and FAT for me! But the chips and cottage cheese thing is apparently popular enough that someone else mentioned it too.
Abbey R — Oh, for crying out loud. How do you find the protein underneath all that? Boy, so many of you are not afraid of the hot stuff.
Sami – I don’t doubt your statistics. I’ve heard of it, I’ve seen people eat it, and I’ve seen people gag. I’m guessing it’s an acquired taste or Aussies come with the gene that lets you tolerate it. I’m impressed. Very impressed.
July 7th, 2009 at 7:06 pm
But Kathy, Nacho chips make your McFlurry extra crunchy
I just saw a Taco Bell ad for an extra bacon Burrito of some kind. It is like extra extra bacon. I bet that would be great in a blender with ice cream! Yum Yum!
Chris Casey’s last blog post..Break time!
July 7th, 2009 at 7:52 pm
o.O I like oats with yoghurt too!
The most gross combination I ever had (as a guest) may be vinegar, soy sauce and curry on rice. My host recommended it to me so I tried…
July 7th, 2009 at 9:28 pm
I used to make myself white bread and mayonaise and potato chip sandwiches. I spread the mayonaise thick and put down a generous covering of potato chips. Slapped the two bread slices together and squished the whole thing flat with my hand. Yum.
I can’t do that anymore because my darn husband bakes our wholesome bread from scratch every other day. You can’t squish wholesome homebaked bread flat. It isn’t the same as the puffy air-filled loaves from the grocery store.
Christine Thresh’s last blog post..Waving palm leaves
July 8th, 2009 at 2:04 am
I do not have known better taste than cookie dip in sweet milk. umm yummy.
July 8th, 2009 at 7:49 am
My grossest thing, which grosses me out personally, is my penchant for warm bologna on white bread with globs & globs of real mayo (Miracle Whip need not apply). All three of these ingredients when discussed separately make me want to retch – white bread is like eating Elmer’s glue! – but put them together and… mmmmm. Though these days I can only eat these as a half-sandwich because after half a sandwich of this all I can think is “why am I eating this crap?”
BTW – I love raw oatmeal. I eat so much of it when I’m making oatmeal for the kids (a little pinch at a time!) that I don’t usually want any once it is cooked.
Wendy’s last blog post..Is That You Calling? I Am Not Picking Up
July 8th, 2009 at 7:50 am
Kathy wrote:
“BabaBooey – OK, now I know what I’m getting you for your birthday. Stock in Heinz and a giant squeeze bottle. You do realize you have a problem, don’t you?”
BabaBooey responds:
“Just one?”
July 8th, 2009 at 8:37 am
“Great minds think alike! Funny how people seem to be blogging the same things lately. Uncanny.”
I love when that happens!
meleah rebeccah’s last blog post..Why I Hate Popcorn, Wherein I Am Disgusting, Free Dessert, All Things Clean, And, Another Lesson In Spanish
July 8th, 2009 at 10:16 am
I thought of another thing I use to eat, can’t anymore due to mad cows…but back when meat was meat, I would watch my mom chop up raw steak for chili verde, I would sneek peices of meat and pour salt on them and eat them, I was in heaven!!! Grew up and found out they serve that in restaurants but never had the guts to order it, steak tartare!
July 8th, 2009 at 10:23 am
I had a friend in high school who would slice a raw onion into a bowl and cover it in white vinegar and eat it just like that. I shudder to remember it. And the author Janet Evanovich likes peanut butter sandwiches with green olives, made on cheap white bread. I’ve never dared to try this one.
While I don’t think this one is gross, I love to dip my french fries in sweet and sour sauce. YUM! It’s best if it’s the golden colored sauce, like you get from McDonald’s, but the red sweet and sour sauces are okay sometimes too.
July 8th, 2009 at 11:36 am
Mine isn’t terribly bad. I had a friend from California who got me eating veggies with mayo. Most of my friends here in Michigan think it is gross but apparently it is common on the west coast.
Another favorite is Wendy’s fries dipped in a Frosty, but there again it seems to me a lot of people do it.
Jessica’s last blog post..Midsummer Scavenger Hunt Challenge
July 8th, 2009 at 2:14 pm
I love to eat a big ol’ dill pickle whenever I have a PB&J. To me, they just go together perfectly!
July 8th, 2009 at 5:12 pm
Chris — OK, I’ll give you that. Everyone likes their ice cream crunchy, no? As for the bacon bacon burrito, bring. it. on.
Jeanie — I think your host was trying to kill you.
Christine Thresh — White bread is supposed to “moosh.” But I can’t handle a mayo sandwich, though I think you cut it enough with the chips. Now, you keep that husband of yours. If he’s making homemade bread, he’s a keeper!
Calladine Gladys — Ahhh, agreed. And thank you for leaving a good-tasting comment to cleanse my palate.
Wendy — I agree with you that Miracle Whip is mayo-wannabee. Blech! My husband has been known to eat a mayo-only sandwich, which also makes me want to retch. Too much of a good thing. Raw oatmeal eaters unite!
BabaBooey — Yeah, but it’ll be six feet tall.
meleah rebeccah — And it’s better when it’s so random!
Jackie — I’ll never understand steak tartar. Have you ever watched Anthony Bourdain’s “No Reservations” on the Travel Channel? He eats a lot of gross raw food and I often wonder if he gets massively sick afterward.
Melissa — Incredible. Onion is supposed to accompany something, not be the main course. Yikes. I like your idea of fries in sweet ‘n sour sauce. A little tang with your sweet is a good thing.
Jessica — I don’t mind veggies with mayo if they happen to merge with each other on a plate, but I wouldn’t purposely put them together. Mmmmm, now I want a Frosty!
Stephanie — Wow. I would never match those two up. Now my Dad likes a good sized dill with a burger or steak. That sounds like a match made in heaven.
July 8th, 2009 at 7:00 pm
I ate lemon juice on bread when I was a little girl.
July 8th, 2009 at 7:33 pm
Probably the most disgusting thing I ever ate was in college when I was almost out of food. I made spaghetti and put baked beans on top of it. (The last two things in the cupboard.) It didn’t sound that bad when I first thought of it, but it sure made me gag! It was definitely time to go move back in with the folks for awhile! That was 35 years ago and I can still remember it.
CatLadyLarew’s last blog post..I’m off!
July 8th, 2009 at 7:44 pm
What a great exercize I usually have at least three salad dressing on my salad and sometimes I put the tomatoes and mozzarella salad on my green leafy salad because I like them both and at dinner parties usually serve both…
Thanks for thinking of this great question.
Dorothy from grammology
Dorothy Stahlnecker’s last blog post..More Photos from the Fourth
July 8th, 2009 at 8:04 pm
I knew this would be a bacony conversation. Up to this point, I’ve counted 17 references to bacon. But I’m in the bacon/peanut butter camp. You DO know that Skippy made a bacon/peanut butter in the 60s right? It was my absolute favorite thing to eat. Of course now that I think about it, I have no idea if the bacon was even real or not. And if it was… then we kept a lot of unrefrigerated bacon in our cupboard. OOPS!
Jeff’s last blog post..Variant E
July 9th, 2009 at 8:19 am
Left over popcorn from the night before, with milk. (Butter and salt optional)
essentially: Popcorn Cereal
July 9th, 2009 at 9:51 am
I see recipes for watermelon salad with feta and onions all the time and I can not think that would be good at all, but a lot of people must like that shi..I mean combination.
Ungirdled’s last blog post..Jesus Loves Me. The DMV? Not So Much.
July 9th, 2009 at 10:08 am
Now this goes way back to my hill billy days. But when I was a kid I loved the taste of homemade cornbread in a bowl of buttermilk. Yummy! You eat it just like you’d eat a bowl of cereal. Another tasty favorite was a cottage cheese sandwich smothered in black pepper. You’re killing me Larry!
Happy trails.
Swubird’s last blog post..BUBBLEHEADS
July 9th, 2009 at 11:54 am
Many, many years ago my uncle asked me to make him a sandwich. I asked what kind, he said anything..I’ll eat it.
I fixed him a peanut butter, mustard, jelly and cheese sandwich. He wouldn’t eat it so I did. Pretty good. Lots of different flavors. Goes well with chips 🙂
Cats~Goats~Quotes’s last blog post..Thankful Thursday – The Boyz
July 9th, 2009 at 12:10 pm
Favorite snack is Fritos corn chips with cream cheese. Use the scoop ones if you can. They don’t break as easily.
Also try your french fries dipped in Thousand Island dressing.
July 9th, 2009 at 12:23 pm
while recently vacationing in amsterdam, i ate a bacon and apple pancake. amazing!
July 9th, 2009 at 8:04 pm
Hands down… anything mixed with stinky tofu has got to be the winningest gross combination ever.
July 10th, 2009 at 1:35 pm
My mother used to make me peanut butter and bacon sandwiches. I love them on white bread and the bacon must be hot and crispy. The peanut butter starts to melt and it gets all goey and yummy. I would still eat them today except that it represents three days of caloric intake in one sitting. (I’m clearing a place on my fridge for that magnet even though PB and bacon has already been mentioned.)
If you want a second choice, how about Chicken Ala King over waffles? It’s a popular Pennsylvania Dutch dish. (We always substituted mashed potatoes or toast cause putting chicken on waffles kinda freaked me out as a kid.)
Preston’s last blog post..POM Wonderful Pomegranate Juice – Put Some POM Wow in Your Life!
July 10th, 2009 at 1:53 pm
I had no idea the flavor combinations that lurked out there…
Sorta glad. Scared now. 🙂
Jenn Thorson’s last blog post..Help Cabbages Get Inked!
July 10th, 2009 at 5:29 pm
Document Scanning Services — That is disgusting. Sorry.
CatLadyLarew — At least I can sort of understand how this dish came to be. I’ve been in that “scraping the bottom of the barrel” position myself in my early years living on my own. I can’t imagine you got it all down.
Dorothy Stahlnecker — Three different kinds mixed in together? I’m intrigued. And grossed out if the answer is yes.
Jeff — Yeah, I’m shocked at how many people do the bacon and peanut butter thing. Me thinks I have to try that. I never heard of it being made in the 60s, but apparently some company thought it was popular enough. And presumably no one died eating the “bacon” they used.
Tamra — OK, at first I thought you meant stale popcorn with milk on the side, but am I to understand you put the popcorn in a bowl and added the milk to it? That’s nasty.
Ungirdled — Yeah, I go to a restaurant near work that has watermelon and cheese salad on the menu. I always turn my nose up to it, but maybe it really does taste good?
Swubird — Like a little cholesterol, do we? And I have to say again how little regard I hold for cottage cheese. But kudos to you for jackin’ it up with a whole lotta pepper.
Cats-Goats-Quotes — Did you blindfold yourself and head to the pantry? Cripes. Uh, yeah. Lots of different flavors, but did you keep it down?
Patti — I can see the Frito/cream cheese thing. And I love french fries in dressing, almost any kind!
audrey — I had one too! On my recent trip to Wellsboro, PA when I stayed at a B&B. Surprisingly good. I wanted more!
Rick at SIP Trunks — Who really eats tofu anyway? I know no one who does. I think tofu is an urban legend. Or something.
Preston — Wow, another vote for PB and bacon. Amazing. That’s the kind of sandwich you’re better off not knowing the calories. I’m in PA, as I think you know, but I’ve never had the waffle thing. I’m ashamed of myself.
Jenn Thorson — Oh, I’m very scared! Not giving you any ideas for dinner, are they?
July 10th, 2009 at 5:32 pm
Love eating raw hot dogs. Everyone seems to think I’m weird.
July 12th, 2009 at 10:03 am
I have to apologize for not reading that post. I stopped at the first photo and had to scroll down just to tell you how gross that combo is…that’s all.
Carla’s last blog post..Insurance whoas
July 12th, 2009 at 1:05 pm
What in the sam hill is with me getting my Junk Drawer RSS feed SIX WHOLE DAYS after you post? God created the world in six days and I can’t get a single Junk Drawer feed in less time than that?
Ahem. Kathy, this is all my fault because I didn’t specify, and I forgive you for not picking my wonderful delectably gross Cheerios and OJ combo … but girl, I gotta be honest with you: I didn’t know they even still MADE frozen orange juice concentrate. I haven’t bought that in approximately 30 years.
You absolutely must do this over, but do it with Tropicana Homestyle Pure Premium Not From Concentrate With Real Pulpy Bits and Rays of Sunshine …. you get the drift. REAL orange juice on your Cheerios! You will soon see what a terrible mistake you have made, O peanut-butter-and-pickle-sandwich eater!
Jenny’s last blog post..Gum Drop
July 13th, 2009 at 12:01 am
Well its not that gross, but it does smell like crap!
-Oatmeal with egg whites and grits…all heated up together as 1, mmmmm
July 13th, 2009 at 12:09 pm
I haven’t got any, but most of my friends have. I have this friend who loves to put soy sauce on peanut butter.
Fine Life Folk’s last blog post..Home-cooked: Mussels For Lunch By Mom
July 14th, 2009 at 11:14 pm
There are some gross combos listed so I am sure mine won’t be too odd, but I just gotta get this off my chest.
PB sandwich on white bread with potato chips or Fritos inside. I sometimes add jelly but then I can’t use the Fritos, just the chips. I mean, how gross would that be?
PB on a bun with baked spaghetti on top, even my fussy daughter likes it too. Cooked spaghetti noodles, tomato soup, ground beef, and a little ketchup mixed together and baked. The spaghetti has to be hot.
Toast with Miracle whip or white bread with Miracle Whip and lettuce.
Lettuce salad with sliced bananas with a sweet dressing of Miracle Whip, milk, and sugar.
Are we sensing a pattern here?
Cherry Jello with sugar and milk on top (I guess the Jello wasn’t sweet enough on it’s own).
Cap’n Crunch with heavy cream instead of milk.
I salt my apples, my daughter salts her watermelon and my mom used to salt her beer.
Oh, and raw beef is popular here in Wisconsin, it’s on the menu in pubs and it’s very high grade ground beef (almost no fat, like 2% or so) on rye bread with onion slices. The name is great….Cannibal Sandwich.
However, the most disgusting and gross and smelly combo that I ever had the misfortune to smell (not eat, mind you) is served in some small restaurants around here. *Gag* *Retch* sorry, it’s just the thought…..Anyway, they serve Family Style Chicken (broasted not fried) and for those who don’t know what family style means – They serve the meal just like you do at home, big bowls and platters that get passed around and refilled. Everybody at the table has to eat the same thing (oh yeah, beef tips w/ gravy are served), lot’s of sides dishes too.
Alright, I can’t stall anymore…it’s mashed potatoes topped with *dry heave* sauerkraut and gravy. The smell is so bad that I can’t eat at the same table.
Finally, I need somebody to tell me if my mom lied to my brothers and I when we were kids. We liked raw ground beef, raw potato slices and crunchy uncooked spaghetti noodles. If my mom caught us eating any of those she would tell us that we were going to get worms. Is that true? We didn’t do it too often because we wondered if she might be right and we did not want worms. Hey, wait a minute. I remember that when there was a thunderstorm she would close the front drapes and told us that if we looked out lightening could hit us. I used to duck really low and lift the drape up so that there were a couple of inches of visibility and I figured that I could trick the lightening and it wouldn’t see me. Whatever! What a dupe I was.
Well, I strayed from the gross food subject but I thank you all for just being there for me. It’s been quite cathartic actually. Ahh, I feel reborn and now I’m gonna go run with scissors. Ciao!
July 14th, 2009 at 11:22 pm
Dunno. I tend not to tell people I eat raw hamburger meat, since I’ve made my sister vomit and my son really worries about diseases.
I’ve done it my whole life, and I eat my steaks so rare I’ve had chefs get pissed and serve it to me uncooked (and I ate it and complimented on it actually)and I WANT a tapeworm*…but alas, it’s eluded me. (And I’ve never gotten sick from it either, knock on wood).
Although I have googled it and called my retired RN mom, and both say you can indeed get worms from raw meat. Not potatoes or pasta, tho. Mom says it’s rare to get it, but possible.
*very tongue in cheek. It would be awesome because you could eat what you wanted, but not THAT awesome I really want one.
SewDucky’s last blog post..Quickie post
July 16th, 2009 at 6:24 pm
paul — Not weird at all. I used to eat them raw as a kid ad I turned out OK. All things being relative.
Carla — Kudos for making it this far. Really, try the pickle and pb sandwich. Heavenly!
Jenny – Crap! Six days? I subscribe to my own feeds by email so I can see when they’re being sent and I’d swear this one went out on time. I promise I will do the Cheerio/OJ combo again, this time with Tropicana. (Thank you for being so specific, that helps!) I do want to give it another chance. Don’t you find it’s almost too sweet though?
CrimeCleaner — Eww. Too much mush on the same plate. That’s exactly something my mother would eat. She does love her grits, which is funny because we’re not from the south. She also enjoys scrapple. Do you know what that is? I guess the question is “what isn’t it?” I’ll just leave it at that.
Fine Life Folk — Wow, peanut butter seems to go with everything, doesn’t it. It’s like an all-purpose food.
thephantombloggerstrikes — Sorry, PB does not go with spaghetti in my universe. Kudos to your kids for eating it. Oh! I used to have lettuce and mayo sandwiches. Holy crap, what a blast from the past. As for the salted items, doesn’t it ruin the sweet? ANd I have to tell you how sorry I am, but the potatoes, kraut and gravy mix sounds delicious to me. I’m German. Does that explain it? p.s. your mother was RIGHT on both counts! So that means you should not eat raw meat during a thunderstorm. Thanks for your visit. Fun to read all your combos.
SewDucky — LMAO about the tapeworm. But, yeah, we say we want one, but we really don’t. But the thought of losing 10 pounds in 10 days is enticing, isn’t it? Do you hear that? That’s me knocking really loud on wood. Woman, you’re playing with fire!
July 16th, 2009 at 6:35 pm
Yes! Six days! Wholly unacceptable! Remember when I said, I loved it when you tweeted on Twitter that you had posted? Next time you do that, please direct the tweet @JennyPennifer! I’ll beat a path over here that will make your hair curl. Even more.
As to the Cheerios and OJ, it’s hard to get anything too sweet for me. I will eat a sugar sandwich. Seriously. My sweet tooth is as intense as Johnny Depp’s full bore stare.
Jenny’s last blog post..UPgrade … My New Favorite Word
July 16th, 2009 at 6:43 pm
Jenny — OK, I’ll go back to Tweeting new posts. I stopped doing that when I got Facebook to pick up my posts and auto-update. And you can’t possibly make my hair curl anymore than it is. Boing! Damn, girl. You do have a sweet tooth. I do too, but for now, I’m abstaining. Trying to get rid of some extra baggage. You can have mine.
July 16th, 2009 at 7:12 pm
I don’t do FB so you gotta tweet it, hunny. I’ve got to swear off the sweets too, or JD will never stare at me.
Jenny’s last blog post..UPgrade … My New Favorite Word
July 29th, 2009 at 1:25 pm
i like to drizzle honey onto potato chips. pretty delicious not nearly as gross as some of the responses i’ve read.
August 8th, 2009 at 4:18 pm
I have a friend that likes Peanut butter and Sardine Sandwiches cooked in the microwave and then topped with Muchroom sauce Even in winter it becomes Cream of Peanut butter soup with Sardines and mushrooms sauce in it oh and to drink is his favorite Anchovie flavored fish punch(like fruit punch but made with fish guts.)
However I like a Grilled cheese and honey sandwich with one or two slices of dill pickle and for desertSour cream cones topped with chocolate or caremel cheese slices
About 17 years ago on the week of Halloween My teacher gave me and two friends some money and told us to buy stuff for the party on friday. so we did that the teacher had not realised that we also had saved our allowences for buying stff as well so we spent recess all week keeping an eye on the candied apples that we were making then at the Halloween party some people found out that not all of the candied apples were apples one some people found Apples in them but others found chocolate or caremel covered raw tomatoes and raw onions. yes I had a caremel tomato and a chocolate covered onion too but how about Potato flavored Icecream Root beer with live worms swimming in it Oatmeal noodle soup with caremel covered vegtables and chicken sauce My cup of coffee without fail every morning when I go down to the coffee shop I have a sausage sticking out of the cup as a stir stick an ashtray as a saucer scince I don’t smoke and for instead of cream or milk I have a small block of cheese floating in the coffee sometimes I might use Rasberry or strawberry jam to sweeten it I used to see this lady feeding her dog at the table outside the coffee shop I did not like her dog comming to beg from me so one day I brought my pet rat to the table and shared my salad with him even the kids from the playground thought that was cute when they saw him doing tricks for them. Here is what I like to eat Cottage cheese cones Cottage cheese flavored Ice cream sundae Ice cream salad a salad with ice cream on top instead of the usual dressings Coke or sprite with sourcream I have yet to try that with cottage cheese Yougurt cones Blue cheese cakes cream cheese cakes cottage cheese cakes blue cheese flavored ice cream Cream of garlic soup with merricino cherries Horseradish flavored koolaid. Pickle flavored shirley temple Chillie powder in hot chocolate makes really hot chocolate I have an old list of food leftover from last Halloween. so I might repeat some of the above that is because I am just following the list while typing.
Soup of the day
Cream of Blue cheese soup
cream of cottage cheese soup
cream of coffee soup with doughnut chunks and cookiebatter
cream of hamburger soup with spinach sauce
cream of garlic soup with merricino cherries
cream of watermelon soup with cocnut milk
Cream of peanut butter soup with mushroom sauce
cream of horseradish soup with maple syrup
cream of Bannana soup with apple sauce
cream of sugar soup with salt and pepper
cream of grapefruit soup withpumpkin sauce
cream of pumpkin soup with pineapple sauce
pizza and pancake special
Garlic pizza with pumpkin sauce
grapefruit pizza with oatmeal
blue cheese pancakes
yougurt flavored pancakes
pancake flavored yougurt
Sour cream flavored pancakes
pancake flavored sourcream
Blue cheese pizza with cottage cheese
Pancake pizza with gingerbread onions
egg pizza with cocnut jam
Ham and cottage cheese sandwich
Ham and blue cheese sandwich
Noodles with pizza sauce
Cream cheese and blue cheese sandwich with cottage cheese
Cottage grilled cheese sandwich with blue cheese
Grilled cheese and honey with dill pickles
Oatmeal and cheese with pasta sauce
Peanut butter and sardine sandwich cooked with mushroom sauce
Main course
watermelon with pastrami sauce
Stacks of pasta with maple syrup
blue cheese omlet with cottage cheese
cottage cheese omlet with blue cheese
waffle salad with vinagur
ham and doughnuts with marshmellow sauce
blue cheese doughnuts
cottage cheese doughnuts
poutine split
blue cheese poutine
cottage cheese poutine
grapefruit pie
egg sundae
pizza yogurt
pasta pudding
cottage cheese pudding
blue cheese pudding
August 12th, 2009 at 4:57 pm
my grandma likes jam on her eggs and puts butter on the richest things like coffee cake, cin. rolls, and sticky cake. very gross..
August 17th, 2009 at 4:58 am
Well, you asked for it… I posted my “Gross Grub Series” at youtube and it’s getting a lot of gawkers. I moved to Thailand 4+ years ago and have found the local habit of eating insects quite addictive. I’m eating them every chance I get… yesterday it was bamboo worms and crickets. Both I HIGHLY recommend… Click my name above to see my Thailand Travel Channel – with about 10 videos that should bring you to your senses (or your knees 😉 )winky…. Vern
December 29th, 2009 at 7:28 pm
I actually use raw oatmeal to make protein-based pancakes. I also use egg whites, cottage cheese, and a splash of vanilla. No fat on the cottage cheese. So I guess I cook the oakmeal sort of, but I use it as a base for a pancake batter.
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December 30th, 2009 at 5:10 pm
This reminds me of the Gordon Ramsey show, with the restaurant owner with the complex menu and dirty kitchen
.-= ppo´s last blog ..PPO Insurance and Plans and deductibles =-.
June 28th, 2010 at 1:38 pm
I read some really interesting recipes in here. I’m not the fan of the irregular combinations so I think I will keep on with my classical menu. But sometimes I envy people who has the courage to try all kind of food… I would be interested to but I’m afraid 🙂
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