The Summer of a Thousand Legs
Stuff I hate July 19th, 2009 I once lived in an apartment that saw two kinds of bug infestations. Bees one spring and thousand-leggers one summer. That summer tested me and tested me good.
If I came home late, I feared flicking on the light since the time I found a thousand-legger chillin’ out just above the switch. After that, I kept a little flashlight in my purse to survey the area for critters in the dark.
Another time one fell out of the dishwasher onto my bare foot, which triggered a spastic freak-out dance that my downstairs neighbor later told me made her wonder if I was going to crash through the floor and land in her lap.
The last straw was when one particularly ballsy thousand-legger tried to take a shower with me.
Soaking wet and washing my hair, I turned around and opened my soapy eyes to find a giant specimen crawling up the back end of the tub.
I let out the kind of scream suitable for any decent slasher movie. The kind of scream that comes from deep within and shocks you that you can even make a sound like that. Is that me? The kind of scream that should prompt all of my nearby apartment-dwellers to call 911. Don’t do that! I’m naked!
My first course of action was to pummel that thing into submission by shooting it with water and sending it down the drain. I jump out of the shower and aim the showerhead at my intruder. Die! Die!
What? It’s not moving.
Oh, wait. It is moving. Just not toward the drain.
Oh, nooooo. My little visitor evidently works out at the gym. Pilates much? Every single one of its creepy, crawly legs fought against the current and it was making remarkable progress up the tub wall. Of all the bugs in the world, I get Arnold Schwartzelegger.
A jet stream of water clearly wasn’t going to save me.
I was going to have to crush this thing with my bare hands. Well, not bare. These hands would have to be covered with a half roll of paper towels.
Dripping wet, I run off to the kitchen, trying not to slip on the floor, crack my skull on a counter, fall to the floor unconscious and have a new problem. Not the bleeding cranium, but returning from the ER with the knowledge that the freak insect is still in my apartment!
I pull at the roll of towels like I’m starting a lawn mower and scrape up enough courage to smash that thing with my paw — and then what? Where do I put it? No, not in the toilet. We know now water is no match. It swims!
It needs to go outside. I need an exit hatch. Yeah, yeah. An exit hatch. My bedroom window!
A woman on a mission, I dash to the bedroom with my enormous supply of Bounty towels. I thrust open a window and then head to the bathroom.
Stay cool. Breathe.
OK, Mr. Not Welcome Here, prepare to meet your Maker. And why, by the way, did your Maker make you? Are you good for eating other bugs? Is there something beneficial about you that only entomologists know about? Regardless, you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time and you need to die today.
I position the wad of towels over Leggy McLegs and grab and squish with all my might. I spin around, run to the bedroom and toss the whole crushed-appendage mess out the window.
I am safe now. Safe from a thing that weighs less than a postage stamp, yet has the power to make a person a million times its size and weight turn into a quivering idiot. I don’t get it. That. Shouldn’t. Be.
OK. Now where was I? Oh, yeah. Taking a relaxing shower. Fat chance of that now or ever again during the Summer of a Thousand Legs.
Epilogue: I moved to a nice, bug-free townhouse that fall and I haven’t seen a thousand-legger since. It is bliss.

July 21st, 2009 at 10:20 pm
“Arnold Schwartzelegger” that’s classic! I hope that you were able to enjoy that “relaxing shower” after all of that. I think I would’ve just given up. *LOL*
CrAzY Working Mom’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday – Spread Your Wings and Fly!
July 22nd, 2009 at 9:48 am
Oh, a great story, Kathy! I have some thousand-leggers in my basement.
I see them in all their leggy splendor while I’m working out in the mornings.
Out of the corner of my eye, I will notice a small, thousand-legged horse go galloping along the wall.
July 22nd, 2009 at 12:26 pm
Yuck! could have lived without looking at that picture. Yes, I have seen those too, fortunately not at our current house. My cat will take care of crickets and flies, but not ants and things with too many legs.
I do ok, as long as there isn’t a surprise factor. Years ago we live in an apt complex on the edge of a field. Always had lots of wolf spiders around outside. Big, hairy, move very fast, and they jump. One night I got into bed and felt something cold against my leg. I turned the light on and pulled back the sheets, and my leg had trapped a humongous wolf spider under it. It’s squishy body was the ‘cold spot’ I had felt. I have never moved so fast in my entire life. I shrieked, teleported, and went after the spider with a book. I then had to change sheets, vacuum the room and take a shower before I could sleep again.
Always make your bed..if you don’t, something could crawl in there..just say’n.
shadowsrider’s last blog post..Why can’t I walk?
July 22nd, 2009 at 6:06 pm
The Mind of a Mom — Can you imagine if I’d forgotten, then thrown the thing at it and it bounced back at me? {shudders at the thought}
Document Scanning Services — I love your husband. No way would mine get near it. We’d have to call 911. Think I’m kidding?
Susan K — LMAO. Yeah, I was loud. And I sounded like someone I didn’t recognize. I made a very unintelligible sound. And wanted to die. And wanted someone else to deal with it.
Michelle Gartner — Oh, how gross! Do you kill them when you see them, or do you let them go about the business of crawling all over your stuff? Oh, no. I’m itching again. I can’t even write about bugs!
DJ — We used to have swarms of them in the little alley way between our house and the next. We’d ride our bikes down there and then get all giddy about crushing them and hearing the sound. Now, I would probably faint and then die.
Chris at The Snack Hound — I could probably take spiders, as long as I could shoot them down the drain with water. And then let the shower run for … oh, I don’t know…. a week?
Elisha — You need to know that your story totally trumps mine by a factor of a thousand. I wanted to scream just reading about it. Seriously, I don’t know how you survived something like that and aren’t in therapy because of it. Are you? GAD!!!
Crabby Blogging Lady — Tee-hee. Oh, I can still picture all its little strong legs, working mightily in tandem to crawl up the tub. Ugh. I’m so ill thinking of it again. I gotta stop writing about this stuff.
Crazy Working Mom — I know that after that, the first few showers I took, I gave it a good inspection. I would shake out the shower curtain liner and make sure nothing big and ugly dropped out.
Jenn Thorson — Ewwwww! Sorry, I can’t cope with them. I can handle stink bugs, spiders and other small ugly things, but not a thousand legs that can all work together to chase me down!
shadowsrider — Yeah, there’s definitely a leg threshold. Once you have more than six, you have to die a horrible death. Between you and Elisha, I don’t know who has the worst freak out story. OMG!! I would have done everything you did afterward, and then I would have moved. Hats off to you. SQUISHY! Ewwww!
July 22nd, 2009 at 6:47 pm
XD No, no therapy for that. It was worse to grab a straw out of a cupboard, take a sip of my drink, only to find there had been an earwig in the straw that had, for a few seconds, made it’s way inside my mouth, before I grabbed it out, not knowing what it was, to then shriek and send it flying. I have also been trying on outfits not worn in a long time, to find that after I took them off (there was a reason I hadn’t worn them in a long time) that a spider had been inside the dress, and was now on my side. Again with the shrieking! XD
I’m okay though, no therapy. But I’m afraid of caterpillars… -_-
July 22nd, 2009 at 7:53 pm
I have two flyswatters and two cans of Raid at my access because I hate bugs as well and I have to be prepared and I agree having a flashlight is a great idea glad your in a different place.
Dorothy from grammology
July 23rd, 2009 at 2:40 pm
We have these huge roaches that sometimes march across the floor as if they where the ones paying the mortgage. They are to big to squish…ugh
July 24th, 2009 at 4:51 pm
Mom says she forgot about thousand leggers until she read this post. We have palmetto bugs which are like roaches from Chernobyl!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
July 26th, 2009 at 12:11 pm
Umm no I don’t let them crawl all over my stuff. The just run down the wall and as they pass by me working, they look up at me and bow in homage, before running off. Or maybe they are curious as to how I get around with only 2 legs.
July 26th, 2009 at 3:03 pm
I’m still thinking about your bug in the shower..yuk
Dorothy from grammology
July 26th, 2009 at 5:23 pm
That was horrifying. I wish I hadn’t clicked on the picture. I guess it’s payback for putting that Pointer Sisters song in your head over and over again, huh? Auto-matic. Automatic. 😉
July 26th, 2009 at 8:11 pm
I loathe bugs. I’ve never seen so many since i moved to the suburbs.
July 26th, 2009 at 10:51 pm
yikes, this just brought back memories (nightmares) from my previous apartment. i used to see those exact same awful things fairly frequently. *shudders* your telling of this story was quite hilarious though.
July 27th, 2009 at 2:26 pm
Hi Kathy,
VERY funny post… centipedes are my worst nightmare! It was nice “speed” meeting you at BlogHer! Take Care. Heidi
July 29th, 2009 at 6:58 am
Elisha — All I can say is that bugs love the hell out of you. I simply cannot imagine the horrors you’ve been subjected to and seem OK after all that. I would need some sort of therapy to get over that. Hats off to ya!
Dorothy Stahlnecker — Every time I respond to comments from this post, I feel like bugs are crawling on me. Stop commenting!
carol at A Second Cup — Oh, God. I hate the bugs that are too big to crush. I once had a cricket jump out at me from the vacuum cleaner. It went behind the TV and I made my husband go find it and rid the house of it. Wasn’t easy. Jumpers are the hardest to catch.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids — Roaches. Bleh! How I’ve gotten this old and never run into a roach is beyond me. Watch. Now, after having written that, one will crawl out of my coffee cup.
Michelle Gartner — Funny! “Hey, look at that bipedal over there! How ever does she do it?”
Dorothy Stahlnecker — Make sure you always check the shower curtain first. You never know what could be lurking.
Unfinished Rambler — Yeah, and thanks for reintroducing that to me. You will pay.
the mama bird diaries — Suburban bugs are pissed that people moved into their territory. That’s my theory for why they torment us.
erin — Thanks, it wasn’t funny at the time. Or months after. I’m so grateful I haven’t seen one since. I hate the way they spread out all their legs like a fan and look so freaking big.
Heidi at TrulyEngaging — Heidi! Thanks for dropping by and I’m glad we met at speed dating. Although I think you know how freaked out I was with the level of noise during the process. That was one of the weirdest things I’ve ever experienced, but glad I was able to meet so many great people in such short order. See ya!
August 29th, 2009 at 11:01 pm
I have this SAME issue!! This past week I have killed 4 of those many legged insects! Is there ANYTHING any one has tried that kills these things & a spray that can be sprayed that HOPEFULLY will keep them AWAY????? PLEASE HELP!!! 🙂 lol
September 9th, 2009 at 2:55 am
You have a delightful personality and an incredible sense of humor. You took a simple story about an unwanted washroom invader, and turned it into and interesting delight to read. The world needs more people like you.
I enjoyed reading this very much, thank you.
amazing the things you can find while surfing google trying to identify a creepy-crawly with an unnecessary amount of legs that surprised you in your basement. . . haha
September 13th, 2009 at 7:42 am
Renee — No, there is nothing. You are doomed.
Joe — Why, thank you! I have to admit I had a real hard time Googling for a picture of a thousand-legger. Nothing grosser than seeing screen after screen of images. I’ll never do that again.
November 8th, 2009 at 8:59 pm
Here in Florida we have brown widow spiders which are all over place, especially in the bathroom and just one bite can have you hospitalized for a week or more! I can relate…
November 10th, 2009 at 5:48 pm
walk in tubs — I could never live in Florida because of the bugs. I’ve heard they’re so big, they set themselves a plate at the dinner table. No thanks!
December 10th, 2009 at 2:04 pm
Bee infestations can be the worst! We had one in an older home, a huge hive.
July 25th, 2010 at 8:49 am
It is so nice to know I’m not the only person who happens to be terrified by those darn thousand-leggers! I’ve seen a few in the house this summer (more than other summers) and three were in my bedroom! Two small ones in the bathroom. I woke up this morning, in fact, to see a pretty large one running up the wall toward the ceiling. My eyes were like saucers as terror ripped thru me. Please don’t let it go on the ceiling (that would mean it would surely drop right on my head or my bed!!). It stayed on the wall and went all the way around the room and stopped at the head of my bed. (GULP!) I jumped off the bed to dash for the vacuum cleaner to suck it up… I turn one last time to check it’s progress… IT WAS GONE!! Chills went up and down my whole body and the hair on my arms was standing up!!! Now I’m terrified to go into that room. The funny thing is bugs don’t usually scare me, but these things turn me into a big baby!!
August 10th, 2010 at 9:28 am
Thanks for your post!
Silverfish is a real plaque here where I live.
It’s very humid even inside the house -haven’t an aircondition, so these bugs are everywhere in the washroom.
You Post covered good facts from that was helpful for me a little to get rid of silverfish.
I was able to dry out the wet walls, so my silverfish plaque isn’t that terrible any longer.
Thanks again for your helpy article