Celtic Fest Weekend
Bizarre, food, Fun September 26th, 2009Each September my town hosts the Celtic Classic Highland Games & Festival, a celebration of Celtic culture with music, food and athletic competitions involving big burly men.
In kilts.
Here’s an example of a kilt-clad burly man throwing a 56lb. (25.5kg) block across the grass, as I stood on the sidelines hoping the officials knew when to duck.
One of the longest food lines was at this stand. If you don’t know what it is, I suggest you stay ignorant. It’s not for the weak of stomach.
If you don’t look it up, perhaps you can guess what’s in it by looking at it on a plate. And, no, it’s not impolite to ask a complete stranger if you can take a picture of his haggis. As long as you ask nicely. I didn’t even have to flash my blogger badge.
Looks a little like cat food, no? Meow.
About a thousand men walked the grounds in really gorgeous kilts, some with cute knees to match. It’s easy to get used to seeing men in skirts when they look like this.
Not half-bad!
Or this. Beautiful!
But then there’s this. GI Joe kilt!
And then ….. well. This.
Gotta hand it to this guy. Nobody’s gonna make fun of him for wearing a skirt. Nobody.

September 29th, 2009 at 11:05 am
Love the post, it has reminded me that with winter on the way its time to buy some haggis, best served with “neeps and tatties” from the garden. yum!
September 29th, 2009 at 12:29 pm
I don’t care about kilts one way or the other. Of course, if they’re man enough to wear them and not get their ass kicked I want their phone number. I’m single, I wear aprons, and I’m attractive. Really. 🙂
The one and only period in my life I’ve ever ate haggis, I was pregnant. (So pregnant, actually, I worked a ren faire that year and had to go home in the middle of the last day to GIVE BIRTH.) I ate it like it was going out of style, and the lovely Scotsman that sold it used to pile it on me for free. It tasted good, but so did Jack in the Box egg rolls dipped in chocolate syrup, and I’m not about to repeat either of those culinary experiences.
.-= SewDucky´s last blog ..Wow. =-.
September 29th, 2009 at 1:20 pm
I’ve been to the games before. My favorite part of it was that they had a little spot set up for an arm wrestling competition. I don’t know if they had it when you were there.
September 29th, 2009 at 8:59 pm
There is something about a brawny guy in a plaid skirt that is sexy. There I said it!
.-= carol at A Second Cup´s last blog ..Aging and Whining: Meetings =-.
September 30th, 2009 at 4:34 am
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids — There’s nothing worse than getting mocked by cats. There really isn’t.
Tina — It was, and the weather held up the day we were there. Not so much the next day.
Leigh — Got that right. I’m disappointed in my camera. The batteries run out so fast, I couldn’t keep it ready for all the interesting people who walked by. Some pictures I missed, like the girl in the goth kilt. She had scary fishnet stockings on with it.
DC25 — Neeps and tatties sounds a little dirty. I had to look it up. Whew! It’s only yellow turnips and potatoes!
SewDucky — Yeah, you already know the guy is uber-confident and proud of himself if you find him walking around in public wearing a skirt. I think you could win a contest for most disgusting things eaten while pregnant. I tip my hat to you!
Manhattan — No, I don’t think they had that, but I would have liked to see it since the only other place you’re gonna find something like that is a seedy bar I think.
carol at A Second Cup — And I agree! (So do a lot of other women here, so no worries).
September 30th, 2009 at 8:02 am
You never fail to crack me up.
Is Haggis worse than Shepherd’s Pie? It doesn’t look worse. SP looks like black, fetid goo from the underside of a long-dead cat.
I want to go to this festival! That looks like great fun.
.-= Wendy´s last blog ..What Are You Getting Paid For? =-.
October 1st, 2009 at 2:08 am
Actually, I think pregnant snacks are about out. I don’t like chocolate, and I used to eat those ginormous hearts they have at Valentine’s day. Some old guy in line thought it was hilarious I was buying the 6 left in the store the day after (they were like 6 bucks, instead of 70), he actually paid for them. I had them ate in like, oh, 2 weeks.
But then, I only gained 12 lbs my whole pregnancy, and came out of the hospital 10 lbs lighter then before I even got pregnant.
.-= SewDucky´s last blog ..Wow. =-.
October 1st, 2009 at 11:24 am
The pictures are super funny…i cant help it.^^
.-= Bryan V.´s last blog ..PINOY BEEF BRISKET =-.
October 2nd, 2009 at 4:49 am
The last photo is awesome!
And a little joke:
-Is something worn under the kilt?
-No, madam, everything is in perfect working condition.
October 3rd, 2009 at 10:29 pm
Oh how fun! I have always wanted to attend one of these! I don’t think I’d be brave enough to try the haggis, though.
.-= CrAzY Working Mom´s last blog ..Camera Critters – Emily’s New Friends =-.
October 4th, 2009 at 7:34 pm
Okay, as soon as I get the disc from the Photographers I’ll put a few up and send you a like for it. 😉
.-= Henry Kessler´s last blog ..Eating Out in Breckenridge Colorado =-.
October 7th, 2009 at 6:07 pm
I found out that Yes, it’s totally OK to take a picture of another man’s haggis. In front of your husband no less. I got the idea to blog about it when attending our Irish Festival AFTER we ate our haggis. So yeah, I had to use the pick up line,”Hey can I take a picture of your haggis?” to a guy at the haggis stand. No lie.
.-= Condo Blues´s last blog ..Porch Chair Revamp Take 2 =-.
October 10th, 2009 at 2:10 pm
Would love to wear one of those Kilts and ask an Irish woman out using the pick up line, “Sorry, I couldn’t find you in time and they named it “Haggis”…It was my fault, the coffee is on me”.
Awesome snaps…..specially the last one.
October 17th, 2009 at 11:28 am
Anyone know of any pick up lines that would work at an event like this? How’s bout – dress up like this often. Hrm, something not lame like that would be good.
December 4th, 2009 at 11:39 pm
I had fun reading this post. That guy wearing a skirt, you should not mess with him! haha!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Buying A Special Wedding Gift =-.
March 31st, 2010 at 1:04 am
Gotta love the kilts! You need some real confidence to pull off something like that!
.-= Pick Up Artist´s last blog ..Engine of Survival =-.