We Have a Winner and Another Item
contests September 24th, 2009Congratulations go to Grant, commenter #7, who was the first to guess that yesterday’s What’s That item was a Scrabble tile rack. To make things more challenging, I turned the rack on its side and shot it on the short end. Grant, you have a keen eye! Your prize is in the mail.
For those of you still in a guessing mood, head over to Bill White’s blog. Bill is a columnist for my local newspaper, The Morning Call.
He found an item in his basement that he can’t identify and wants some help from his readers. He also gave me a nice shoutout for my little What’s That contests and made it sound like I know what I’m doing. Thanks, Bill. You’re aces!

September 24th, 2009 at 5:42 pm
Nooooooooo! I MISSED it! And I loooove your “What’s That?” posts.
See? If I’d taken computer programming when I had the chance, I could hack into the system and pre-date my comment to win the magnet.
Hmmmmm. I wonder if that’s doable…..
.-= kathryn´s last blog ..The Horror =-.
September 24th, 2009 at 5:47 pm
Oh well OK, you ARE cleverererer with your camera than I gave you credit for 😉 I am sitting in the corner now.
.-= babs – beetle´s last blog ..I must go down to the sea today…. =-.
September 24th, 2009 at 6:05 pm
That was a verrry smart thing to turn it upside down so that it would look exactly like one of those things that cats scratch on! 🙂
.-= Cats~Goats~Quotes´s last blog ..Thankful Thursday ~ Anna Sue =-.
September 24th, 2009 at 7:17 pm
I totally suck at these but I do love reading the “reveal” and seeing just how far off I was! You’ve definitely got some very clever readers.
.-= Katie´s last blog ..How To Bathe Your Cat (without losing an eye) =-.
September 24th, 2009 at 7:20 pm
I always seem to miss your “What’s That” contest. It was a pretty good one but, alas, I would not have guessed correctly!
.-= Preston´s last blog ..Iced Coffee from PomWonderful =-.
September 24th, 2009 at 7:24 pm
Now I knew that……..
.-= grannyann´s last blog ..Observations on Growing Old =-.
September 24th, 2009 at 8:42 pm
I went to the other blog and knew it, but too late. Story of my life. And there wasn’t even a prize or anything.
.-= Barb – WillThink4Wine´s last blog ..But what do I know… =-.
September 24th, 2009 at 9:25 pm
And here I was sooooo sure it couldn’t be a Scrabble rack because it looked too flat in that photo.
Congratulations, Grant!
.-= JD at I Do Things´s last blog ..I Do Nude so you don’t have to =-.
September 25th, 2009 at 12:37 am
Dang, I so would’ve gotten that one. Thanks for coming by my new place. I appreciate the loyalty.
.-= Daniel@Knucklehead´s last blog ..What Ever Happened to . . . Davey Hansen? =-.
September 25th, 2009 at 4:25 am
kathryn — I’m sorry you missed it. I think the next time I do one, I’ll Tweet about it a few hours ahead of time so people know when to check. Those who get my updates via email have a long lag to deal with.
Babs Beetle — I have to be cleverer because you guys are so smart!
Cats~Quotes~Goats — I had to turn it or everyone would have gotten it. The hardest part about doing these is figuring out what’s not too easy to guess. It hurts my head, actually. I suffer for my craft.
Katie — I love reading all the guesses people make, especially the incorrect ones. It’s fun to see where their heads are at.
Preston — I’m sorry, Preston. I’m going to Tweet when I have a new one of these posts. Hours in advance, so that people know one is on the way.
grannyann — Yes. Yes you did.
Barb WillThink4Wine — Keep his blog link handy. He wrote me last night that he’ll be running one of his popular Guess the Movie Quotes posts sometime today. I’m not very good at them, but they’re a fun challenge. Check it out later.
JD at I Do Things — I had a photo before this one that looked a little 3D, and Dave said “Oh, don’t use that one. It’s too easy. It has to be flat and indistinguishable.” So you can blame him.
Daniel at Knucklehead — You and everyone else. And p.s., I’d follow you anywhere.
OL — That’s done on purpose to mess you up as much as possible. Tee-hee!
September 25th, 2009 at 5:05 am
It is very hard to believe my guess was wrong. Rats.
.-= Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog ..Fashion Friday: Let Them Eat Cake! =-.
September 25th, 2009 at 5:32 am
Wow – I missed that competition! I’m sure I’d have known what that was, I love playing Scrabble!
Of course, hindsight is the best sight, and all that! LOL!
Love the ‘Grant won’ picture!
September 25th, 2009 at 5:57 am
Wow – I missed this one and I would have known it! I’m in a flooded county in GA and been a bit distracted.
September 25th, 2009 at 7:52 am
Well, at least I figured it was upside down. LOL, Congrats, Grant! I should have known this one. Funny how things look so different sometimes close up.
.-= Karen, author of “My Funny Dad, Harry”´s last blog ..5 Things I Learned This Week–Part 38 =-.
September 25th, 2009 at 8:46 am
My guess of “Swedish sex toy” was WAY off.
.-= moooooog35´s last blog ..Feelin’ Loopy =-.
September 25th, 2009 at 10:56 am
Congratulations to the winner. I can’t even remember now if I guessed or not. I am getting old.
.-= Pricilla´s last blog ..AbbyDay – I Can’t Believe How Much Jeffrey Looks Likes My Nora! =-.
September 25th, 2009 at 10:08 pm
How in the world did Grant guess that???? Remarkable!
.-= Sherry @ EX Marks the Spot´s last blog ..It’s Time for Honey and Pleasure and Even More! =-.
September 26th, 2009 at 8:10 am
I love the title of your twitter follow “Follow me or the bird gets it”…cute
.-= Roschelle´s last blog ..When Your Child Lies =-.
September 26th, 2009 at 3:58 pm
I really loved the “Grant Won” scrabble thing. That was very cool.
.-= Wendy´s last blog ..Speaking of Vacs =-.
September 26th, 2009 at 5:39 pm
Daisy the Curly Cat — I know. It’s very hard for me to believe, too, what with you being such a smart kitteh.
Jay — Sorry you missed it. I’ll try to Tweet about it in advance to give people a heads up. I quite liked that “Grant Won” shot, too. I’m surprised my camera did such a good job. It’s a piece of crap.
Data Entry Services — I’m sorry to read you’re flooded. I hope your house is dry. Is it?
Karen — That’s half the battle. Orientation is key. You have to look at these things differently because I’m trying very hard to screw you up.
moooooog35 — Well, maybe your Swedish sex toy looks like that, but mine doesn’t.
Pricilla — Yes, you guessed “petrified goat horn.” You were close.
Sherry at EX Marks the Spot — He told me that he played it frequently growing up. Well, so did I, and I guarantee if I didn’t take that picture myself I wouldn’t have known what it was.
Roschelle — Thanks. So you gonna follow me or not? You’re making the bird nervous.
Wendy — Thanks! I kinda liked it myself!
October 2nd, 2009 at 4:51 am
Sharp eye!
January 18th, 2010 at 10:04 am
Hi, I just came across your blog. Reached all the way back here before I decided to comment. I play Scrabble a lot and I would’ve been able to guess this at first glance too. 🙂 Love your blog!