Halloween Came Early
embarrassing, Stupid things I do October 27th, 2009 Because God hates us, my husband and I started a weeklong vacation on Saturday and then promptly got colds Saturday night. This is a first for us. In the twenty three years we’ve been together, we’ve never been sick at the same time.
Which means our first fear was “Who’s gonna get food for us?
While I was still looking and feeling like I belonged to the land of the living, I went to the store Sunday morning and picked up a few things to last a while. But then Monday night rolled around and I was tired of chicken soup and wanted something high in calories and sweet. And that meant donuts.
But how could I possibly show up at a brightly-lit store amidst the general non-sick population in my condition just to get donuts?
I quickly realized I didn’t care what I looked like, grabbed my car keys, headed over and walked right into my grocery store looking a sight. I appeared to be wearing my Halloween costume early. The costume is called Disgusting Slob. Let me set the stage:
1. At the time I had not showered for almost three days.
2. Unbrushed hair pulled back in a scrunchy with wayward hairs sticking out in all directions. No makeup. Chapped lips. Chapped nose.
3. I was wearing what I’d slept in the night before. Stretchy pants and a shirt with chocolate stains on it.
4. I was not wearing a bra.
Walking into the store was an exercise in sheer willpower. My legs felt noodly and my head was spinning like a top. In a fog, I made a beeline to the bakery and grabbed a container of one dozen glazed donuts.
I pretended that if I didn’t look any of the other customers in the eye, they couldn’t see me either.
I held my purse tightly against my chest so as to keep the braless ladies in place until I got to the self-checkout. Thank God for self-checkout. I would never have put a poor clerk in a position to look at me. That’s not playing fair.
I did NOT look at myself in the giant floor to ceiling windows at the front of the store because then I’d have real confirmation that I looked the way I did. Denial is a powerful thing.
p.s. I’m still wearing what I wore that night. I still haven’t showered. We still feel like crap, but the donuts were delicious. Now can one of you come over here and make us meals for the rest of the week? I promise I’ll shower for ya.

October 28th, 2009 at 9:37 pm
You should have ordered pizza. I know you didn’t want pizza, but most pizza places now have those dessert deals. Papa John’s has the cinnipies. Domino’s has some kind of chocolate dunker sticks. Pizza Hut has a cinnamon stick. While it wouldn’t have been the same as having donuts, it might have still satisfied your sweet tooth.
Do you want to know how many times I’ve been PMS’ing & ordered pizza just so I could get the dessert without having to get dressed and buy my sweets in public? Too many times. I’ve also done it when I’ve been out of caffeine and just wanted someone to bring me Cokes.
Another option–Quiktrip. Donuts without the grocery store crowd, or a Dunkin Donuts that has a drive thru. A few do. Ooh, and Mrs. Winter’s Chicken has fabulous cinnamon rolls that they sell all day long.
Just a few suggestions in cas you get hungry again.
.-= Staci at Just Bloggled´s last blog ..I’m an Honest Scrap, and Here’s Why =-.
October 29th, 2009 at 6:32 am
Over from Ron’s and Kathryn’s blogs. Being that sick is terrible. Going out in public is almost worse. Hair greasy, muscles aching and living in stinky clothes I feel for you. Get better and keep posting. Glad I found your site.
.-= Jen´s last blog ..From the Halls of Crap =-.
October 29th, 2009 at 8:13 am
Ferd — Be glad I didn’t post a picture! You wouldn’t be able to un-see that.
Heather — Oh, you’re such a sweetie. I felt well enough yesterday to shower (finally!) and run to the store again. This time I looked everyone in the eye and smiled. Thanks for holding down the fort.
Grace — And that there is a “what could make being sick together any worse?” story. Wow. That sounds miserable.
Pricilla — “It was like they were in some cheap motel with one of those add a quarter massage beds.” Hilarious! But sorry.
MzHartz — OMG. I hate you.
Buggys — I actually did try Dunkin’ Donuts’ drive-thru first, but they didn’t have enough donuts at that hour to soothe my craving. So I high-tailed it over to the store and grossed everyone out. Liquor store drive-thru? That’s priceless.
Patricia — In my defense, I couldn’t think straight. I would never have thought about that, but I WILL NOW! Thanks!
Go Go Hamster — Oh, that’s too bad. Once you miss your birthday, it’s gone. Sad day!
Heather — It was like the “un” fashion show. My own “What Not To Wear” episode.
Tracy — You’re right. And now that people pointed out that pizza places have pseudo-dessert items on the menu, I won’t forget it.
ann — Oh, I hope you’re not just saying that.
Jude — It’s weird. We have having the EXACT SAME cold. We’re going through the motions at exactly the same time. Right now, we’re done with the runny nose and sneezing. Working through heavy chest congestion. I’m taking an expectorant, but it doesn’t appear to be working. I wonder if I should see a doctor?
Desert Snow — For me, it was like the “run of shame.” I never shopped so fast before in my life. I probably should have just thrown money at a customer walking in the store and asked them to get the donuts for me.
A. Marie — I’m sorry your house was hit with H1N1. Scary stuff, and even worse that it wasn’t only one of you. I’ve had more canned soup than I care to admit, but the beauty part is I’ve lost 3 pounds.
frogmama — Yes! You can directly correlate how crappy you feel to the likelihood you’ll bother to put one on and care if you don’t.
Staci at Just Bloggled — Where were you on Monday when I needed you? I hadn’t considered all the sides available at pizza joints who deliver. You sound like a professional.
Jen — Welcome! Yes, going out in public the way I looked is almost criminal. I succumbed to the call of the donut. What can I say?
October 29th, 2009 at 9:16 am
Donuts are so worth it! Great post – I had a clear visual of you. LOL. Hope you and the hubby get better soon!
Visiting from Entrecard. -Lynn
October 29th, 2009 at 9:40 am
Hey Kathy, what is the saying a doughnut a day helps keep the doctor away? or was that an apple a day? hmm not sure anyways hope your a feeling better!
.-= Dan @ Blog about everything´s last blog ..How are People Using Twitter to Communicate in Everyday Life – Having the Right Mindset When Tweeting =-.
October 29th, 2009 at 11:16 am
You should have just gone to Walmart. Nobody would have even noticed.
.-= Jeff´s last blog ..4 Ways of Looking at… =-.
October 29th, 2009 at 11:44 am
Oh, you poor babies! I’m sure NO-ONE noticed that bra-less bag lady spending her food-stamp green on glazed donuts that night….really!
I’ll jump on a plane, a train and a cab to bring you some cans of soup, some pre-made frozen dinners and a box of Saltines. I’ll be there in about 3 days….go stand by the door and look for me.
.-= kathryn´s last blog ..24 Little Hours =-.
October 29th, 2009 at 12:04 pm
Kathy, you’ve got the donuts and maybe this comes out as a ‘Fashion Trend’ for 2010 😀 Wish you both a speedy recovery 🙂
.-= Hicham´s last blog ..Common Grounds =-.
October 29th, 2009 at 12:43 pm
I thought I was the only one who did this…it’s good to know others do the same thing.
I think they should have a grocery store for only those who are sick/been cleaning house/been stuck in the house with kids for a week. Then we could shop – in all our ugliness – and not worry about it. There would be laws against making anyone feel ugly in that store.
.-= Katherine´s last blog ..UPrinting.com Sticker Winner =-.
October 29th, 2009 at 12:50 pm
Oh, I know that feeling. Actually both of those feelings – being THAT sick AND having such cravings! Hope you’re feeling better.
.-= Sherry @ EX Marks the Spot´s last blog ..The Halloween Kiss =-.
October 29th, 2009 at 1:53 pm
Ok. I LOVE that you didn’t even put on a bra. That is fabulous, in a sorry-that-you’re-sick kind of way. My usually go-to for not wanting to put on a bra is a sports bra. Or a thick sweater. Believe me; I’m pretty sure no one would even notice for me. My chest looks like my back. 🙂 See, there are benefits to not being well-endowed.
.-= Charlene´s last blog ..Today I Wore… =-.
October 29th, 2009 at 4:19 pm
Oh man that stinks! I don’t think my husband and I have every been sick at the same time either. That would be hell! We are both babies when we are sick.
.-= Jill@ModernMommyBlog´s last blog ..Technology Update for all you busy Mom’s and Dads! =-.
October 29th, 2009 at 4:40 pm
This had me laughing pretty good. Thanks for sharing your early halloween. lol. Sorry to hear you are sick, though. It is funny because I was just discussing being sick at the same time as my girlfriend with her just the other day. We actually had the same question, who is going to handle the food. lol.
Thanks for the post.
.-= American Idiot´s last blog ..Yay for family … … =-.
October 29th, 2009 at 4:55 pm
Hey, you’d fit right in at the Walmart!
.-= Lin´s last blog ..I Love Hobbes Thursday–The Worm Hunter =-.
October 29th, 2009 at 5:37 pm
what a bummer..both of you sick… at least you have someone to share your time with. I send you other some good food, but alas you are far away. Hope you all get well soon.
.-= AuntieE´s last blog ..Schwabischer Zwiebelkuchen =-.
October 29th, 2009 at 5:50 pm
Next time, make hubby go;) I sure do hope your feeling better soon.
.-= Spicybugz´s last blog ..Horrible Friend =-.
October 29th, 2009 at 6:41 pm
I’m sure everyone else is just jealous you had the courage to go out in public like you did. You should’ve been rewarded with free donuts.
October 29th, 2009 at 7:28 pm
What do ALL woman do after a first date at a restaurant ?
Run home and put on their eating clothes (old raggy pajamas or something) and then Pig Out with no one looking.
It would only of shocked me if you ate the donuts in public.
October 29th, 2009 at 8:34 pm
Yeah halloween really came early this year. I celebrated it yesterday and today in my own, pwned by the universe kind of way. And I look like your description without being sick, so I haven’t even got a reason for it. Good luck to a better continuation! 😀
.-= Wynn´s last blog ..All shitless hallows eve coming up. =-.
October 30th, 2009 at 12:25 am
Hope you feel better soon to enjoy your vacation. It was fun to read about your Donuts shopping adventure but, like other readers, I wonder how could you feel good without showering for over 3 days… I feel like crap when I don´t shower one day even without being sick, lol.
Anyway, I see you can make a joke out of the worst moments and that´s very positive. I admire the capacity of laughing of ourselves.
Regards, Mizé.
.-= Mizé´s last blog ..The Plot is for Sale =-.
October 30th, 2009 at 9:52 am
Hope you’re feeling better now. It seems that every time I get sick, I end up going to the convenience store wearing my pajamas (usually rubber-ducky print but sometimes the striped pair) and buy ginger ale, orange juice and vanilla ice cream, the only 3 things I ever want when I’m sick. Oh yeah, and I generally can’t find the energy to shower when I’m sick either.
.-= Kim´s last blog ..Older, Damn It =-.
October 30th, 2009 at 2:19 pm
feel better!
.-= staciesmadness´s last blog ..Stop! Drop! and Roll. =-.
October 30th, 2009 at 8:58 pm
Hi Kathy!
Well…since you and I live in the same state, I could be over there faster than anyone.
Unfortunately I don’t have a car, but I’m willing to walk.
So, hold tight…
….I’ll be there in two weeks, ok?
Hope you’re feeling better!
Happy Halloween!
.-= Ron´s last blog ..Candy Corn and Halloween Costumes =-.
October 30th, 2009 at 10:39 pm
Get well soon! It sucks to be sick during your vacation. At least you didn’t bump to anyone you know while at the store. It never fails when you look your worst.
.-= avcr8teur´s last blog ..The Axis =-.
October 31st, 2009 at 8:43 am
Lynn — Oh, no. Wipe that visual from your head, please.
Dan at Blog about everything — It is a donut. I’m sure of it. I’m finally feeling better. Enough to start cleaning my house after a week of letting everything go.
Jeff — That’s what Dave said, too. I would have fit right in. In fact, I might have been over-dressed.
kathryn — I’m sure of it, too. Remember, denial! OK, so I think you’re due here tomorrow. I’ll be waiting outside. Sorry I don’t have any Halloween candy left.
Hicham — There are a lot of women like me in their 40s who would just love for that to be the new fashion trend for 2010.
Katherine — I love your new store idea. And don’t forget, the cashiers have to look like monsters too.
Sherry at EX Marks the Spot — I’m a bit better today. My legs don’t feel so weak and I actually got some cleaning done. Just mad we blew our whole vacation blowing our noses and coughing.
Charlene — There’s a certain amount of freedom going braless. AT HOME. Out in public? Only embarrassment.
Jill at ModernMommyBlog — It is hell. But what happens is neither of us were allowed to be babies about it. Sick together evens the playing field.
American Idiot — One word: Dominos.
Lin — Yes, I would have. And I might have even been considered over-dressed.
AuntieE — The only good thing about being sick together was that if just one of us was sick for the whole vacation, that person probably would have felt guilty the entire week. Small blessings.
Spicybugz — He went on a grocery store run the day before. We tag-teamed it. I wish I had asked him to get donuts when he went. Could have saved me a lot of misery.
Regan — Really! What I did deserved some sort of reward.
Alan — You are so right. There is nothing more comfy than a pair of stretchy pants or jammies. The best diet technique is to wear jeans all the time. No mercy there.
Wynn — Wait. With our without a costume on?
Mize — Oh, I did feel like crap and wanted a shower real bad. But the water hitting my skin would have felt like bullets. I laugh at myself constantly here. Stick around.
Kim — Can you imagine what clerks at convenience stores see day in and day out? They should start a blog like that Walmart one.
staciesmadness — I do! A little bit anyway. Enough to start cleaning my house. It’s a disaster.
Ron — I’ll be waiting for you and Kathryn. We would like cheeseburgers, mozzeralla sticks and a tub of chocolate chip cookie dough. Thanks so much.
avcr8teur — I don’t know if I knew anyone there. If I dared see someone I knew, I would have had no problem diving into the chip aisle and staying until the all-clear.
October 31st, 2009 at 9:10 am
Aww … I feel for you. For the last couple of US holidays I’ve been sick, and last time, so was OH – but he has that stubborn ‘I am not sick I am not sick I am not sick’ mentality that kept him (and me) going. I caught the bug from a friend who gave it to all of us staying in the house, then I gave it to OH. Three of the other people who caught it ended up with pneumonia, that’s how bad it was. Sheesh …
So when I woke feeling unwell in Denver this last trip, I thought ‘here we go again’, but in fact it never developed.
Glad you got your doughnuts, and good for you for just getting out and doing it – and for using the self check-out. How noble! Hope you feel better soon.
October 31st, 2009 at 11:34 am
Get well soon, Kathy!
.-= Cruciverbalist´s last blog ..Fascinating new facts on mosquitoes (or) Sani peyarchi nonsense =-.
October 31st, 2009 at 12:25 pm
Hope you are both feeling well again. Happy Halloween!
.-= Buggys´s last blog ..Fun Game =-.
October 31st, 2009 at 7:14 pm
When you need a donut you need a donut, and nothing is gonna stop you from your mission of getting that donut. I understand completely.
November 1st, 2009 at 2:42 am
Well, i do think my husband have never taken care of me when i got sick unless i ordered him too. Sounds bad huh. Hope you get better. Stop scaring people after this 😎
.-= Chubbymommyme´s last blog ..I’ll Scare you with A Giant er Man Thingie! Happy Halloween =-.
November 1st, 2009 at 10:26 am
I am so sorry you have been under the weather, wish I could bring you some chicken noodle soup.
.-= Angie´s last blog ..Roasted Pumpkin Seeds =-.
November 1st, 2009 at 6:00 pm
Uh huh. That whole “I won’t look at you and you can’t see me thing” is pretty effective. I use that most when I go bra-less to the corner store. Too bad I once ran into x-boyfriend looking a hot mess like that. And I had just had sinus surgery with gauze stuck up my nose.
.-= Yum Yucky´s last blog ..Pure Nastiness: Boogies in a Box =-.
November 1st, 2009 at 6:28 pm
I have that same outfit! Hasn’t won me any beauty contests, either, but it keep the weirdos away!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Ferret-ocity =-.
November 1st, 2009 at 9:18 pm
Sorry, just got a chance to read your responses to comments. I am feeling much better, but it took about a week from the last day that I had a fever. I hope you and Dave are feeling much better, too.
.-= absepa´s last blog ..This is your eviction notice… =-.
November 2nd, 2009 at 1:56 am
I hate it when that happens!! I always feel like I have to be ‘the bigger person’ and do the things I want done for myself! Hope you are all better soon!
.-= bettyl´s last blog ..Flashback time! =-.
November 2nd, 2009 at 3:00 pm
There’s always the drive-thru at Dunkin Donuts if you need donuts again. Bonus – You don’t even have to get out of the car!
.-= Surfie´s last blog ..They Make It Look So Easy =-.
November 2nd, 2009 at 3:11 pm
Ya, how about the time I went down to New York City for an interview with a firm and got food poisoning and spent the entire three days in my hotel room? Rest assured, I didn’t get the gig.
.-= Housing Grants´s last blog ..Campus Aid Programs =-.
November 2nd, 2009 at 7:01 pm
Women can align their periods, but you and your hubby never have colds together….a sci-fi miracle.
.-= Matt´s last blog .."Shower Time With Jim" Barbie Review =-.
November 3rd, 2009 at 11:00 am
Sorry the two of you are sick, but this post sure was funny! When I don’t want to be seen in our ONLYEST Wal-Mart in town, I pretend I have an invisible cloak. It hasn’t worked yet!
November 18th, 2009 at 12:37 pm
I love this blog.
May 4th, 2010 at 4:11 am
Intrigued by the ‘I promise I’ll shower for ya.’ comment.
Appears to imply some type of private show/performance in exchange for food. Or am I reading too much into it?
June 21st, 2010 at 11:58 am
when i get lazy cooking, i just order from food delivery services.**.