Nothing About Post A
Blogging October 6th, no is thing backwards This
.again forward move to want I.
.back come you time next the reading worth something have I’ll promise I .days more few a me Give
.nothing about post A .get you what is this So
.write to what over stressing ,hands my in head empty my with laptop the at me seeing of tired probably is husband My
.it feeling not I’m But .about write to ideas me give to trying helpful so been has co-worker My .Nothing .me of front in out pops hilarious something that hoping around camera my carry I .blog the on about write to fun something having not is most me bothers that thing The
?gives What
.mode hibernation winter into going is body my think I and shorter getting are days The .pounds 10 losing summer this success enjoying after again weight gaining I’m .week a for idea post single a had haven’t I
.backwards moving I’m like feel I

October 7th, 2009 at 5:18 am
carol at A Second Cup — .you Thank
BK — Oooo, you almost messed me up. I started reading your comment left to right. That was weird.
Leanne — I would love to crawl back in bed today. It’s dark outside and pouring. Oh, the joy.
warerrose — I sort of hope not. It would make Google searches for certain phrases impossible, yes?
Jeff — I’m on it. Any annoyances or just annoying noises?
Kim — !you thank ,Ah
free vector — Glad you liked it.
Will — !emosewA .eb dluow ti thguoht I sa daer ot drah sa t’nsaw ti dnA !taht did uoy woh evol I ,hO
Oyvind — !tnemegaruocne eht rof sknaht tuB .dab laer niarb ym gnitruh si siht ekil esnopser a lliW dna uoy gnitirw dna yadot tey eeffoc fo pis a dah ylno ev’I .sraeg tfihs uoy sekam yaw siht gnitirw taht gniddik ton er’uoY !eno rehtona ton ,on ,hO
Jen — !sknahT
October 7th, 2009 at 5:32 am
.mean you what know I .weight gaining also I’m
October 7th, 2009 at 6:57 am
.soon better feel you Hope .work of lot a like seems thing backwards This
.-= feefifoto´s last blog ..My Heart Was Breaking But It’s Feeling Better: Finding A New Home For Our Puppy =-.
October 7th, 2009 at 9:15 am
Any… the more the merrier!
.-= Jeff´s last blog ..The only things I watch on my 9 1/2" TV =-.
October 7th, 2009 at 10:07 am
.mean you what exactly know I
..about write to what out figuring problems having I’m
.ago weeks two since ideas no good or funny no had have I
.-= Rigney Abbey´s last blog ..Lyrics and my agenda. =-.
October 7th, 2009 at 12:22 pm
Whew! I think that one almost gave me headache… 😉
.-= Your Daily Cute´s last blog ..Guinea Pigs Love Watermelon! =-.
October 7th, 2009 at 1:34 pm
guru show trade the, Steve ~
.post Cool
,Kathy Hi
.-= steve, trade show guru´s last blog ..Are Trade Shows Obsolete? =-.
October 7th, 2009 at 5:13 pm
I am looking forward to a report on Windy.
I seen some of Windy’s cousins here in Calgary today and I was thinking for you.
October 7th, 2009 at 9:04 pm
Oh my… that was just too mind boggling.
.-= Mom´s last blog ..Gardasil Warning Video =-.
October 8th, 2009 at 4:38 am
Data Entry Services — The thing that scares me the most is that winter is coming and if I don’t do aerobics at home, I’m doomed. I won’t go to a gym, and I’m certainly not going to walk outside when it’s 2 degrees out. Good luck to us both!
feefifoto — ?backwards comment your write to hard was it think you did but ,Ah
Jeff — Good, cuz I have a few already.
Rigney Abby — !refresh and regroup to Time ?season of change the it’s Maybe .know don’t I
Your Daily Cute — I was afraid of that.
guru show trade the, Steve — I think I’m going to start calling you The Steve now.
tux — It was very windy here yesterday. If the trees were bare, I’d have had a good look at how much material there is left of Windy, blowing in the wind. I fear it’s not much.
Mom — .yrroS
October 8th, 2009 at 7:48 am
Rik got a concussion the other night.
After reading your post, I think I know how her head feels!
October 8th, 2009 at 9:37 am
work your love I. indeed clever Very.
.-= Peter McCartney´s last blog ..Windows Live Writer – Learn to republish without losing comments =-.
October 8th, 2009 at 10:19 am
Wo. Reading that post was like doing a classifieds. No, wait, a crossword puzzle. It was like driving on the opposite side of the road, and now my brain feels stretched and refreshed. Thanks!
.-= P.L. Frederick´s last blog ..Dang, Nobody Be Commentin’ On My Blog =-.
October 8th, 2009 at 2:20 pm
I am so feeling you. I’m short on ideas lately, and I really want it to be something fun! Hope you have better luck than I’m having!
.-= LaTonya´s last blog ..Feelin’ A Little Pink! =-.
October 8th, 2009 at 2:26 pm
KATHY!!! HONEY!!! You have got to be more CAREFUL than that!!! I got so dizzy trying to read that that I fell over on my head, almost fell on a pug, caused a parrot to have a near heart attack, and when I finally drug myself up off of the floor I had to take a pill to settle my nerves. And now I can’t write more because I have to put an icebag on my head and close my eyes and hope they settle down and stop rollin’ around in de sockets.
YOU, my dear, are an impish troublemaker!!!
Maitri, teetering about the room about to fall over on her head again…
.-= Maitri´s last blog ..I Was Going To Let The Pugs Write Today’s Entry, but… =-.
October 8th, 2009 at 8:48 pm
I’m with Maitri on this one. I have a headache now. I felt like I was trying to read legalese 🙂
.-= DJ´s last blog ..Mommy Guilt =-.
October 8th, 2009 at 9:01 pm
Tell it DJ! Tell it!!!
Kathy…. tsk, tsk….
Sampson, The Pug
.-= Maitri´s last blog ..I Was Going To Let The Pugs Write Today’s Entry, but… =-.
October 9th, 2009 at 4:54 am
BabaBooey — Oh, man. I’m sorry you must both be rubbing your temples. Hope Rik feels fine by now.
Peter McCartney — ?huh ,here expecting were you what Not .again you see to Good .Peter ,you Thank
P.L. Frederick — It’s a service I provide. You didn’t think you could come to The Junk Drawer and just read, did you?
LaTonya — I’m not out of the woods yet. My current post was only made possible because my sister emailed me something humorous. Maybe this weekend I’ll have something really original!
Maitri — Ruh-roh. I’m so sorry. Is it bad that I laughed all the way through your painful comment?
DJ — Oh, no no no. Legalese is waaaay worse! That never get easier the longer you do it.
Sampson The Pug — Did you mommeh almost crush you when she fell off her chair? Tee hee!
October 9th, 2009 at 1:22 pm
Kathy! Tsk, tsk indeed. Laughing at a broken down old middle aged minister/writer/fiber artist who has been given strict doctor’s orders not to speak to a SOUL because now my words are coming out backwards and they think this is very serious indeed. Several specialists have been called in, the parrots are whispering, “She’s faking just to see if she can get famous inventing a new disease because none of her damned books ever sell…” WATCH IT, I HEARD THAT! WHOSE GONNA NOT GET A TREAT TODAY FEATHERHEAD???
Ahem, excuse me, now where was I? You should respect your elders, especially those living with pugs on their person, and write something forwards for a change. Just look at all the trouble you’ve caused!
(“Tell it!” Sampson the pug who is laying low lest he doesn’t get his milkbone…)
I’m just in a terrible state. I see there’s a new entry up. It reads forwards. I think the tension in my brain cells are relaxing a little. I’m going to try to read it but I can assure you I’ll take a nerve pill first, just in case.
(Coco the pug, “She needs more than a pill if you take my meaning…)
Maitri, thinking milkbones are gonna be scarce around here today…. ~(@)u(@)~
.-= Maitri´s last blog ..I Was Going To Let The Pugs Write Today’s Entry, but… =-.
October 13th, 2009 at 5:11 am
[…] few days ago Kathy from the Junk Drawer was fighting bad blogging mojo so she wrote an entire post backwards. It was wild, but she said she […]
October 13th, 2009 at 12:38 pm
HIGH-LARRY-US!!! This was an awesome entry. I’m having the same problem these days, but you’ve truly found a creative way to deal with it. Well Done.
.-= LJ´s last blog ..I make no apologize =-.
October 14th, 2009 at 4:52 am
Maitri — You’re too funny! Your nerves should be back to normal now since I’ve been writing forward for a whole two posts since this one. And don’t worry. I know I won’t be doing that again. Especially if it means it’ll get you in such a tizzy. Now go lie down and rest.
LJ — Thank you! I can’t say that I’m feeling my groove again just yet. I wanted to have a new post up today, but alas, I do not.
October 14th, 2009 at 8:34 am
.it Love
.post awesome one is That
Okay I surrender thats enough for me lol! Next you have to try the letters backwards too so it’s olleh rather than just hello.
.-= Hannah ´s last blog ..The One With Early Excitement =-.