How My Blog Got Its Name
Blogging December 1st, 2009 My good friend Babs wrote a post yesterday about how she named her blog, Beetle’s Memories ‘n Ramblings, or Beetle Blog for short.
I thought some of you might be interested in the evolution of my blog and how it came to be named The Junk Drawer.
I say evolution because that wasn’t the first name for it, at least not for the URL.
When I first started blogging in July, 2007, I joined up with Google’s Blogger publishing system and chose a name for my Blogspot address. For some reason, I picked my real name. My old URL used to be
While I strangely chose my real name for the URL, I had to come up with a name for the blog itself. At the time, I planned to blog about miscellaneous items that interested me or topics that could be of help to readers or at least entertain them.
1. Computing tips
2. Language and linguistics
3. Humor
Based on having a mish mash of topics I wrote about, my first choice for a blog name was Miscellanea. Now. Look at that word and how it’s spelled. Even the editing software I use to publish doesn’t think it’s a word. Could you spell it correctly with a gun to your head?
I quickly realized that it would make a bad name.
So where’s another place you throw miscellaneous things? Why, The Junk Drawer. Of course!
And so the name was born.
Over time I stopped writing about the first two topics, computing and language, and stuck to what readers seemed to enjoy more, the humor stuff.
When I moved off the Blogger platform in December, 2007, I had to register a new domain name and forward my old Blogspot address to the new one. After dropping two of three topics, I wasn’t really blogging miscellaneously anymore, but I still liked The Junk Drawer name, and so the hunt was on for that domain name.
Initially, I wanted, but that was already taken and I wasn’t prepared to spend almost $2,000 to buy it from the owner. was also taken. Strike two.
So I risked choosing a domain that was a little longer than those and settled with
My suggestion for anyone thinking of starting blogging is to think long and hard about a name. Think of it as your brand name. And try to get the easiest-to-spell and shortest domain name possible. You never know how successful your blog will become, and so you want it to be memorable.
I’m interested to know how you came up with your blog names. Are you happy with what you chose? If you had to do it over, would you have chosen something else?

December 1st, 2009 at 11:26 pm
Hi, Kathy!
Thanks for the visit. 🙂
I agree with you. It’s hard to think for a good blog’s name because it will be there forever and also for the SEO, I think he he… I’m not really good in this
optimization thing myself. ‘Miscellanea’ sounds pretty he he… but I like the name Junk Drawer more for a blog, it fits and creative.
Mine, is obvious. Choc Mint, my favorite flavor. The choc melts and the mint soothes, so, I hope my blog will produce the same pleasurable taste. 😉
Love this post as I have been thinking about it as well. Oh yes, I am going to follow your blog and add you in my Choc Roll. Love it! 😀
.-= Choc Mint Girl´s last blog ..Google Page Rank Checker =-.
December 2nd, 2009 at 6:36 am
My blog name is: My Work from Home Experience
I know it, it’s too long and lacks creativity but that’s what I did. I’ve neglected the blog for a long time too.
December 2nd, 2009 at 8:22 am
This was really nice to read about how everyone named their blog. I wish I had put a little more thought into my blog name. It sounds so self serving or something like that. I wanted a website about animals and just came up with that name in a hurry without any thought. But there are so many pet sites, that maybe it is all right. Great subject.
.-= Marg´s last blog ..Please don’t leave me =-.
December 2nd, 2009 at 8:43 am
I’ve thought about this before and am embarrassed to admit I can’t remember why I picked Cardiogirl. I mean obviously I like to workout, but why did I put those two together? No clue.
I am happy with it, but more importantly, did you ever consider a .net address?
I was resistant at first. Oh I was so peeved when I found out some punk owned the .com and he refused to sell it to me EVEN THOUGH THERE WAS NOTHING THERE BUT A HOLDING PAGE. FOR THE LAST THREE YEARS!!!
Yes, it was absolutely necessary to scream that. I was really pissed. And just recently, like in the last four months, he actually has a functioning site.
It CHAPS. MY. HIDE. That he exists out there. Truly. He and I are duking it out on the front Google page for a search on cardiogirl.
I’m still on top but he just created a blog to go with the sales page. Punk.
And I am very pleased to announce I beat him over at Twitter because he had to add 661 after his name. In your FACE punk!
Yes this is a serious issue for me and I’m trying to work through it.
.-= cardiogirl´s last blog ..The Party Posse’s destination — Under the Influence =-.
December 2nd, 2009 at 9:04 am
Thank you for playing along, Kathy! You have a lovely blog, and the name seems perfect. I agree we should take our time naming and also choosing the URL. I kinda wish I had a different URL, yet I like being called Ruthie – even though that used to be only used by family.
.-= Ruth´s last blog ..How I Named My Blog Day =-.
December 2nd, 2009 at 9:41 am
OneCreativeCat, I love cats, and I love to be creative and make things. I have done quilting, stamping, scrapbooking, jewelry, glass, crossstitch. I have to keep busy! I was able to get my name in .com and my blog, I just started a cooking blog but did not buy that name onecreativecook, it just links off my main blog.I also have my license plate on my truck as cre8vcat. How many have their plates match their blogs??
December 2nd, 2009 at 3:00 pm
Interesting story. Your brand name always made initial sense, but I had no idea there was a back story too. Good stuff. “the Junk Drawer” really opens up the possibility for any topics to be covered…which is a great place for a blog to be.
December 2nd, 2009 at 3:04 pm
Good tip and very interesting about evolution of your blog name. I was lucky early on to choose my brand for a dot com.
December 2nd, 2009 at 4:54 pm
YOur blog domain name has history…like the history behind the name
Well, my blog name originally originated from my Welsh bestfriend nickname – when I first met her on a British chatroom years ago back in 2000 – I knew her as Disaster_Area…lost touch with her since than but I miss her. So to keep her in mind I used part of her nickname in my blog name as I ain’t want to totally steal her nick name so not my style to be a copycat besides – wouldn’t really make a good blog name…so than I added Beautiful to it – “A Beautiful Disaster”…after awhile I realize that the name really and truly reflects on me as I am indeed a truly beautiful disaster…than I added “Just Waiting To Happen” as a tagline although I think it happened already – just made more sense to add that little tagline.
.-= Bella Rose´s last blog ..On A Brighter Note =-.
December 2nd, 2009 at 5:13 pm
Kathy: No, all they’re saying is it’s “company confidential” which of course only adds to the suspicion. Word on the street is the pilot and his co-pilot were… well, you get the picture.
JD: Thank you for using a Bill-ism here so I didn’t have to. But I still have no idea what the hell “higher than a Nazi spy” is supposed to mean. Maybe someday someone will explain it to me.
.-= Jeff´s last blog ..Important Alert: USB devices can easily transfer viruses! =-.
December 2nd, 2009 at 6:28 pm
absepa — Ooo! First I learned the genesis of “absepa” and now I know about your blog name! I’ve always liked Nerd in the Corner. And I bet lots of other nerds do too. Geek on, sista!
Curtis — Thanks and yes, get yer updates! Cool desktop you posted. If nothing else, Windows 7 has awesome backgrounds.
Lin — Hey, it works for you and that’s all that matters. I think I actually looked for a super duper shortie,, but I think it’s a lawyer repository. Whatever.
Regan — That is the coolest thing I’ve ever heard. Also, kudos for learning Latin. You’ll need that when you go to med school.
Cosmic Navel Lint — I love your name! So perfect and I can’t believe I’ve never heard that phrase before.
omawarisan — Deep, no, but awesome? Yes!
Nathalie Thompson — I’ve never thought of my junk drawer for art, but if you’re a creative type, I suppose you could find something good in there. I like your blog concept. All our blogs will be some sort of legacy, won’t they? I guess as long as I keep paying my hosting bills.
Fifthmarch — Too bad, because I love that name. But it is somewhat of a tongue twister. Good luck with whatever you choose!
Arie Rich — I remembered now. It was KPM Kates Peat Marwick, which is sort of wrongly remembered. I thought it was Pete Marwich. Close, but no cigar.
Jude — I’ve always loved your blog name. That’s how I want to be seen when I get old(er). Or now, actually.
Carole — Oh, Pooh! Yes! His thoughtful spot. So perfect. Love the Pooh man. You should be proud of both your name and your blog. I always like to visit. I’m glad people can find me just by googling junk drawer. It’s like I’ve arrived or something.
Choc Mint Girl — What? And you didn’t bring me any ice cream? I love your blog’s concept and I love the theme colors too, although it makes me hungry. I’m happy to be in your Choc Roll. {smacks lips}
Data Entry Services — My dear, tell us. What is your REAL first name?
Marg — That’s OK. I did the same thing. I really don’t know why I used my real name at first. Funny to think how few minutes went into that.
cardiogirl — Yes, I considered the .net address and I actually do own it, but nothing’s there. That punk is a punk! I hate domain squatters. Yeah, go ahead and hold out for more money, asshat. I’d be pissed too.
Ruth — This was the coolest idea ever! Thank you for creating the concept. You can see how far it went with all these stories. Tip my hat to you. Can we all call you Ruthie now?
jackie d — You are my hero. I would love to have my domain on my plate. Or maybe painted all over the side of my car?
Amanda Fern — Yeah, I sort of left myself open to blog about anything. There’s a great freedom in that, which is why I ditched the other specific topics. Too much work anyway, and not enough fun.
Lynn — Yeah, I sort of pity anyone trying now to find something short and memorable. Who knew they’d go so fast?
Bella Rose — Love your story. I think we’re all beautiful disasters to some degree. I love your attitude!
Jeff — I really need to get that thought out of my head or I’ll never get on a plane again. I think the door to the cockpit should be see-through, no? Higher than a Nazi spy! You gotta put that on a bumper sticker or something and turn some heads.
December 2nd, 2009 at 7:01 pm
When I first started blogging a few years ago, I thought I wanted an outlet for creative writing. I learned the basics of blogging with Mac’s iWeb software and their hosting service. I wrote several fact/fiction medical stories on my Crazy Medical Cases blog. I learned dumb stuff like SEO and experimented with ads and such, before realizing what blogging is really all about for me: connection with wonderful people like you!
So I left my little iWeb-created, Mac-hosted blog, and created something that is much more to the heart of me at this stage of my life. The Best Parts was started for the exact purpose as stated on the tagline: fostering an attitude of gratitude. I wanted, but that was taken by an auto parts company! I didn’t want to purchase it for thousands of dollars either, so I settled for I now use WordPress and host it on GoDaddy. I’m happy with it!
.-= Ferd´s last blog ..So Grateful! =-.
December 2nd, 2009 at 9:15 pm
Well, my original blog had my real name punned in the title and my actual name for the URL, just as you had. When I changed blogs, I wanted a one-word, easily identifiable title that somewhat describes me. Dipshit, I thought, would turn off some readers and get caught up in firewalls, so I went with Knucklehead. Of course, was taken so I added “humor” to the url. Seems to work just fine.
.-= Knucklehead!´s last blog ..A Heapin’ Helpin’ of Leftovers =-.
December 3rd, 2009 at 12:21 am
Thanks! That’s very kind of you to say! My blog has been largely neglected for ages, due to my work with my website, but that should change… sooon…ish
.-= Elisha´s last blog ..So much spam still =-.
December 3rd, 2009 at 3:16 pm
I couldn’t think of a name, came up with a long name for my blog, but since have another idea, but not sure about changing it, it would also make a good url.
And my name as a url is looong!
.-= LaTonya´s last blog ..My First Career Choice =-.
December 4th, 2009 at 11:04 am
I love this idea — telling about how you came up with your blog’s name.
I like it so much I think I’ll do the same thing…
.-= The Hawg!´s last blog ..Tell me Thursday – hearing aid =-.
December 4th, 2009 at 4:25 pm
My blog name Brimful Curiosities is partly based on a vintage children’s book called The Brimful Book.
.-= Janelle @ Brimful Curiosities´s last blog ..Full to the Brim – Kid’s Book Giveaway List (12/4/09) =-.
December 4th, 2009 at 5:38 pm
Hi Kathy,
I am always interested in the evolution of blog names. I was curious how The Junk Drawer came about for a while. Thanks for posting.
“Mr. Grudge” had a long growing process. I keep the blog up these days because the publisher of the magazine I am managing editor for links to it from their website.
Occasionally I’ll post something for my own amusement. One day, I might post something about how Mr.Grudge came about. Good to see all of the traffic here. The Junk Drawer offers so much-and you’re so funny. -Mike.
.-= Mr. Grudge´s last blog ..Public Relations & You =-.
December 4th, 2009 at 7:34 pm
Geez. Yikes. I probably won’t be saying something you haven’t already heard on the 53,000 other comments before this one!
1) I wish I’d realized that the web addy and the actual name of the blog shud match. But then again, I’ve never been much of a matchy-matchy kind of gal anyway.
2) Does it ever bother you that your ID on Blogger (comments) is JunkDrawerKathy? I mean, not that it’s a BAD name or anything….but….just curious.
.-= kathryn´s last blog ..No Static at All =-.
December 5th, 2009 at 6:06 am
Ferd — I remember your blog evolution leading up to The Best Parts. I loved the idea of “attitude of gratitude.” It’s so you! Too bad about the car parts place, but good for them on picking a really good domain.
Knucklehead — I miss your old blog name {sniff}, and it’s too bad about the circumstances that led to the change. Yes, I suspect Dipshit would have caused you some problems, but Knucklehead does just fine for you.
Elisha — Well, all you need is another ten hours every day, right? Don’t we all.
LaTonya — Maybe a tad long, but at least people can spell it!
The Hawg! — Yes, please do and I’ll check it out when you have it up.
Janelle — That’s good to know. So often I don’t get literary references. I wouldn’t have made the connection there (sad, I know).
Mr. Grudge — I know you keep the blog up and pop my head in to see if you’re posting new material. Wanted you to know I’m still checking it. Maybe during the holiday break you could put something new up? Pretty please?
kathryn — Well, I gotta say that it seems most people here didn’t worry about matching up. I thought many of us would have, but I can see it doesn’t matter much. Good question about my name when commenting. I actually do that on purpose as a way to try and brand myself when commenting. If anything, I worry that people will think it’s stupid when I do that. Now you’ve got me worried.
December 5th, 2009 at 11:53 am
I think that the name “junk drawer blog”, even though you gave up the computing and the other topics, still very much suits the vibe of your blog!
December 6th, 2009 at 11:11 pm
I began to blog in 05 and it was about a year after I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 29 years old. The blog was supposed ot be about my breast cancer journey. I have two daughters, Claire (whose name means Brite) and Nadia (whose name means Hope) and it just happen to work well with what I was writing about. BriteHope. Would I ever want to change it? Nope. Even got it tattooed with a pink ribbon on my leg. As the years have gone by it has been less and less about my cancer, and more and more about surviving just regular old life.
.-= Sue´s last blog ..Time to Catch Up. Again. =-.
December 7th, 2009 at 1:49 pm
I love the name of your blog. Truly memorable and brandable. Love it. Personally I named my main blog Embracing Home to encourage parents with their whole role. Then I named my other blog Embracing Blogging just to match the whole embracing theme.
Liked reading about your journey 🙂
.-= Eren Mckay´s last blog ..Follow me on twitter buttons =-.
December 7th, 2009 at 6:29 pm
I decided on the name ” Fluff ‘n’ Stuff” in unthinking moment: “Since I’m already blogging about serious things at Accidental Blogger, why not name my personal blog after the ‘fluffy stuff’ that I couldn’t talk about comfortably on the other blog.”
So Fluff ‘n’ Stuff is what it became, and remains, despite weird definitions for the term on the Urban dictionary, and the occasional searcher for porn who lands on pages talking incomprehensibly about fluffy bears, hamsters and baby cardinals.
.-= Sujatha´s last blog ..The Great Hamster Conspiracy =-.
December 8th, 2009 at 12:25 am
Ah! HA! I love finding out HOW people named their blogs!
.-= meleah rebeccah´s last blog ..Wherein My Parents Are Grounded =-.
December 8th, 2009 at 5:38 am
??? — Thanks, I think so too!
Sue — I love your story and how you melded the meanings of your daughters’ names into your blog. And I’m glad it’s not about cancer anymore!
Eren Mckay — I like your “embracing” them, as well as the design of your blog. It’s very easy on the eye. Very inviting!
Sujatha — Hilarious! Gotta love those accidental search terms. I’m not going to look it up on Urban Dictionary, though. That place scares me sometimes. Makes me think I’m using bad words or phrases without even knowing it. So much has been made into slang terms.
meleah rebeccah — Me too. This is been such an interesting and educational exercise.
December 8th, 2009 at 9:53 am
Ahhh…the move to WordPress…happy memories, huh?
Tarheel Ramblings came from my being a resident of The Tarheel State (North Carolina for those of you in New Jersey). And my whole reason for starting it was to ramble on about topics that interested me.
After a very short time, I started sharing my photography. I take a lot of pictures when I travel and go camping, so the name became even more appropriate.
There you have it. Kind of boring, isn’t it?
.-= Tarheel Rambler´s last blog ..Sunday Scenery – #91 =-.
December 10th, 2009 at 11:19 am
I live in the “boondocks” I ramble. A lot.
Hence the blog title.
So very boring, I know. *sigh*
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..We played in the snow . . . because nothing else would do =-.
December 10th, 2009 at 1:53 pm
I misspelled my own domain the first time I registered it 😛 Had to try again the next day once I realized it.
I can’t really say where the name came from, it popped in my head I guess. It’s an uncommonly used variant of the root word so in hindsight it’s great for getting my brand name at the top of search results.
.-= Self Deprecate Political Humor´s last blog ..Young outraged Conservative confused as to why others do not match his anger =-.
December 11th, 2009 at 7:37 pm
Tarheel Ramblings — Ah, yes. The WordPress move. I could not have done it without you and Blog Bloke. And I’m still using Windows Live Writer, thanks to your suggestion. Best thing since sliced bread. I never knew what a Tar Heel was for the longest time. I know, lame.
Lisa — Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
Self Deprecate Political Humor — It’s amazing how so many of us screwed stuff up with our blogs early on. Learning curve, I guess. Awesome on your search results. That’s a great way to go.
December 12th, 2009 at 9:03 pm
One day I looked in the mirror and saw a reflection of a middle aged fat woman. Wow, how’d that happen, I asked myself. Maybe I should write about it, and that’s how Reflections on a Middle-Aged Fat Woman started.
.-= MA Fat Woman´s last blog ..The Twelve Days Of Dieting…Day XII =-.
January 5th, 2010 at 10:30 am
Some of these are really funny, especially like the middle aged fat woman one, gonna have a look at that blog now! I think when blogs have witty names like that they are always going to draw in readers…
February 15th, 2010 at 6:45 am
Geez. Yikes. I probably won’t be saying something you haven’t already heard on the 53,000 other comments before this one!
March 10th, 2010 at 8:12 am
I know it, it’s too long and lacks creativity but that’s what I did. I’ve neglected the blog for a long time too.
March 23rd, 2010 at 4:06 pm
As I was pawing around in the “drawer” just now, I found your post on blog names and how they came to be. I had thought long and hard about what I wanted to call mine, did I want a domain name or just use blogspot? Decisions, decisions. Everything I wanted was taken. I was getting frustrated because a name is somewhat of a requirement, ya know, so I settled on blogspot. To shorten this story up a bit, the name roses2rainbows was chosen because we were getting ready to take a walk through a rose garden just after a summer shower when out popped a beautiful rainbow. My header is an actual picture I took with my cell phone, and I wrote a 2-part post on how I chose the name.
May 13th, 2010 at 6:30 am
I am now happy. But it does describe me. I’m helping people on my blog and that is what Being Me is all about. Maybe I just need to host my own blog and that way the url is a lot better than it currently is.
I do like the Junk Drawer name though! Much better than Mischellenandf? I forgot how it was spelled and don’t feel like scrolling up. 😛
.-= Alison´s last blog ..3 More Free Kindle Books =-.