We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Remote
Stuff I don't hate, Stuff I hate December 2nd, 2009Remember when your TV had twelve channels, 2-13, and that was enough on the dial?
And then we thought it was all cool and progressive to have channels that went up to a hundred or so?
My cable service just sent some hocus pocus through our receiver and suddenly my favorite channel is 1,129.

December 4th, 2009 at 12:03 am
Yeah, we get all those channels too, so the hubs goes and rents a freaking movie. I don’t get it.
.-= Karen´s last blog ..Oh, Just ZIP It! =-.
December 4th, 2009 at 6:26 am
It makes me wish I had of paid more attention in my math classes.
.-= FishHawk´s last blog ..Sites To See =-.
December 4th, 2009 at 5:31 pm
Hi Kathy,
Okay, I always forget that my Verizon FIOS offers me more than one channel. I mean, I only click around the stations after baseball season is over. I’m happy to see that The Junk Drawer is still filled with fun stuff. have fun channel surfing! -Mike.
.-= Mr. Grudge´s last blog ..Public Relations & You =-.
December 4th, 2009 at 5:52 pm
I grew up with one local channel and PBS. Now I don’t have any idea how many channels we have or what the numbers are. My TiVo season passes mean I don’t even know which network is which.
1,129 is Bravo? Did you make the mistake of watching The Fashion Show? What a stinker that was. I was even in a focus group about it and everyone hated it. The guys on the other side of the glass must have been tearing their hair out.
.-= kathcom´s last blog ..Fun with Un =-.
December 4th, 2009 at 6:25 pm
i prolly have the same cable company and it irks me cause now i watch only like 3 or 4 channels cause they change the number so much i can not even come close to remembering them. Ugh
December 4th, 2009 at 7:30 pm
That is completely insane. NO-ONE can use THAT many channels. Even a GUY.
I’m just happy they finally have HD channels for things other than golf. And football.
Who needs HD for a stupid little white ball, anyway?
.-= kathryn´s last blog ..No Static at All =-.
December 4th, 2009 at 7:48 pm
The old days were…. less confusing! I don’t have any kind of cable, and I kind of like it that way.
.-= Anna´s last blog ..Protecting the Bonsai =-.
December 4th, 2009 at 11:16 pm
Got rid of cable, have 0 channels now. Although, miss Bravo!, love the time & freedom gained.
December 5th, 2009 at 8:37 am
Auntie E — I have yet to figure out how to cycle through only the channels I’ve marked as a favorite. Seriously, there is no way I can channel surf otherwise.
Buggys — Yes and they’re charging us insane prices for the privilege.
meleah rebeccah – Count your blessings and hope they don’t make it worse!
FishHawk — Ha! Yeah, practically requires a degree now.
Mr. Grudge — The other channels are for you kids, don’t-cha know?
kathcom — That’s the beauty of DVRs or TiVo. You really don’t have to know the channel numbers. I typically watch all my programs recorded, not live. Yes, 1,129 is Bravo. Nope haven’t seen The Fashion Show. That’s cool you were in a focus group for it. Hubs and I were in one for a show that only aired a few times on TLC I think. Was like a game show involving a guy and a girl. The guy would look around her apartment/house and get a sense of her likes/dislikes and then pack a suitcase that captured that sense. If she liked what he packed, the show sent them on a week’s vacation together. Stupid concept, crappy show.
Melissa K — I have RCN. Honestly, I’m not even trying anymore to remember the numbers. On the HD set, we tend to hang out in the cluster of HD stations. On the other sets, I’m totally lost.
kathryn — I have to admit, I like watching almost anything in HD. Makes a big difference in my viewing experience. It’s so good, you can make out the stitching on the cap of baseball pitchers when they zoom in on his head. It’s amazing.
Anna — Sometimes I think people without cable are better off in many ways. Really, you’re not missing much. It’s mostly a habit for me. If I had to do without, I’d watch whatever I really wanted online.
Amy who loves a clear nose — Good for you! Hey, doesn’t Bravo offer up full episodes on their website? A lot of networks do. That’s how I caught up with Mad Men (AMC).
December 5th, 2009 at 10:39 am
I usually only select from the first 100 channels and even then, I only use about 6 channels regularly. My son actually knows what some of the other, higher numbers are. I haven’t a clue.
.-= CatLadyLarew´s last blog ..I Get By… =-.
December 6th, 2009 at 10:12 pm
One key word you used was “dial.” My children would have no idea why you used that word. They don’t even know that television sets had such things at one time.
Yes, I remember when most people had only 12 channels. That’s when we could receive only ONE!!!
December 6th, 2009 at 11:50 pm
Ha. I am just barely old enough to remember seeing a television with a dial on it and only having 12 or so channels. It does seem like the number of channels is getting a bit out of control these days. I don’t even KNOW how many I have! Which means I have too many.
.-= erin´s last blog ..Organizing Your Bedroom =-.
December 7th, 2009 at 5:20 am
I do remember before remotes and also before TV. I remember our family was one of the first ones in the neighborhood to get TV. thanks…
.-= sell your condo´s last blog ..Top 3 reasons to buy a condo =-.
December 8th, 2009 at 5:30 am
Cat Lady Larew — I finally figured out how to minimize the number of channels to surf through. There’s a thing called skipped channels. It took me ten minutes, but I was able to skip about 400 channels, so now what’s left are only the channels I want to see when I click through with the remote. Yeah!
Sherry — I know! The word ‘dial’ seems so antiquated to use. Good thing most of my readers are adults and would remember.
erin — That’s right. If you don’t know how many, there are TOO MANY!
SYC — I can’t remember a life without a remote. God bless the guy who invented it.
December 8th, 2009 at 8:57 pm
I grew up with one channel. ONE. And I liked it.
Since Tivo, I don’t even know what the new shows are any more. I have my 3 shows that I watch and that’s that. I don’t know what I’ll do when those are finally canceled.
.-= Tracy´s last blog ..Argh, my Gmail was hacked =-.
December 11th, 2009 at 7:33 pm
Tracy — I just cannot get over people growing up with only one channel. It’s incredible to me. I don’t know what new shows are on either, with our DVR. No time for new shows either.
February 15th, 2010 at 6:46 am
I think you need a bigger TV 🙂
Get a LCD and a good remote 🙂
.-= Seguro Automoviles´s last blog ..Seguros Automóviles =-.
February 15th, 2010 at 8:31 am
Yes, i can see that. I think a new TV also. But one thing, old is gold.
February 21st, 2010 at 11:10 am
I always feel a little panic when people with digital TV hand me the remote and say, “Here, you can watch whatever you like,” because I’m all “NO!! I can’t FIND anything!”
And I am both my mother and my grandmother, simultaneously. And then I read my book.
April 13th, 2010 at 1:00 pm
the old tv picture bring me old memories back 🙂
it`s feel i`am in nostalgic
.-= Logitech Harmony Review´s last blog ..Logitech Harmony Review =-.
April 17th, 2010 at 9:14 pm
I’m just barely old enough to remember watching television with buttons on it. It seems like the fewer number of channels out of control today. I did not even know how many of me! Which means I have too many.
April 27th, 2010 at 6:12 am
In the UK our channels go to over a 100 if you include cable. I found that using a universal remote worked best with information button on the handset.