What Was That Crazy Contraption?
cats, contests December 30th, 2009We have a winner! Surfie guessed correctly that yesterday’s What’s That object was a bunion stretcher, used to stretch points in a shoe to allow more room for bunions if you’re so afflicted.
Surfie gets a Junk Drawer magnet and a mystery prize involving eyeballs. Surfie, if the package is leaking when you get it, don’t open it. Just kidding. Maybe.
In other news….
I’ve been enjoying a leisurely vacation from work this week. Leisurely up until the point when I had to take my cat to the vet. He’s been sneezing for two days.
Ever try to load an angry cat into a carrier? Yeah. I was all prettied up and ready to leave the house when the time came to introduce Lucky to his mode of transportation.
I quickly found myself in a fit of aerobic activity over what should have been a cinch. He always went into the carrier easily before. Today he challenged me to a duel.
I tried head first, then butt first, then any way I could first. The boy was having none of it. Ultimately, I had to unscrew eight connectors on the carrier lid, which is tedious, and place him inside that way.
I later learned it’s best to go butt first, holding the cat by the scruff of the neck with one hand, then holding said butt while securing the hind legs between the fingers of your other hand. Next, lower the cat into the carrier that’s been placed on its short end, or at least on a diagonal. Got it? Sounds so easy on paper.
My recommendation? Bundle up in your thickest clothing, cover all your skin, wear a ski mask if you must. Or pay someone else to do it. And throw in a box of Band-aids.
p.s. Lucky is fine, but I’m wondering about my vet. She suggested to me, in all seriousness, that my cat could have caught something from my husband who is sick this week. She said if he has the flu (he doesn’t) Lucky could have picked it up from him. Do I have to check my vet’s credentials or has anyone ever heard of such a thing? Daisy, you’re a cat. Can you confirm?

December 30th, 2009 at 5:07 pm
Congratulations to Surfie! I actually found a slightly more modern one in a Google search!
When transporting our cats we just get the carrier out the night before and leave it open. The cats are happy to use it as a temporary sleeping place, and they don’t connect it to a trip to the vets. They go in it happily on the day. Then poor Livvie spent most of her younger life at the vets, so it’s a second home to her 🙂
A cat catch a cold from a human? I’ve never heard such a thing!
.-= babs – beetle´s last blog ..Now I see it! =-.
December 30th, 2009 at 5:17 pm
Congratultions, Surfie-Lou-Who!
Yeah, I could’ve used one of these contraptions way back when I suffered from bunionitis. Now I have no use for this as a shoe-stretcher, but it still COULD be used as a kitten torture device, right? Because I already ordered four and what else am I going to do with them?
.-= JD at I Do Things´s last blog ..I Hate That Lady so you don’t have to =-.
December 30th, 2009 at 5:52 pm
Scrotum, you meant to say, grab him by the scrotum…
.-= GoingLikeSixty´s last blog ..The ROMEOs Have Organized =-.
December 30th, 2009 at 5:53 pm
Yes cats can get the flu – http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/11/05/the-cat-who-got-swine-flu/
.-= Grace´s last blog ..What are you waiting for? =-.
December 30th, 2009 at 7:08 pm
Reason #21 as to why I’m a dog person.
.-= Knucklehead!´s last blog ..Too Much Information =-.
December 30th, 2009 at 7:21 pm
I hate putting my cat in the carrier. What we usually do is get them in the basement, and close all doors. And put the cat flap blockers on the cat flaps. And make sure she can’t get under the sofa or anything.
And then I grab that cat and shove her in the carrier. I have a stubborn cat.
December 30th, 2009 at 7:54 pm
Yep, cats CAN catch colds from humans.
My last cat Henry was the sweetest thing UNTIL he got to the vet and he would go feral. Gees, it was U G L Y! My vet wrote in red warning letters all over his file that he was dangerous–even she was afraid of him. I went to pick him up from a procedure once and I heard this god-awful screaming from the back room. Yep, that was my sweet prince…..UNDER SEDATION. When his little heart blew out a year ago, he had to be sedated TWICE before they could inject the lethal dose to put him to sleep. We had to laugh through the tears. Man, he didn’t like the vet.
.-= Lin´s last blog ..The Dead List =-.
December 30th, 2009 at 8:17 pm
Woohoo! I’m a winner! I can’t wait to see what this eyeball prize is going to be.
I’ve never heard of a cat getting sick from a human. I wonder if the same is true for dogs. I have a cold right now, so I’ll have to keep an eye on my furbabies.
.-= Surfie´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Bamboo Forest on Maui =-.
December 30th, 2009 at 8:28 pm
It takes me, husband, neighbors and local police to get my cats into their carriers. I dread it.
I agree with Surfie. I’ve never heard of a cat getting sick from a human.
.-= frogmama´s last blog ..In hindsight, coming home smelling like fish would probably suck. Oh, and sorry about all the bags and asses =-.
December 30th, 2009 at 8:47 pm
Sorry, but you need to be checking your vet’s credentials. Both humans and cats can get “the flu” but humans can’t get it from cats and cats can’t get it from humans as the strains of flu viruses are completely different and do not cross from species to species.
Hope Lucky is feeling better soon (and your husband too).
December 30th, 2009 at 8:50 pm
Oh, getting cats into the carrier is always a challenge. Sometimes I can bribe mine to go in with food or a toy except for Manny. He is very wise and very strong and stubborn. Last time we had a vet appointment scheduled, he got out of going because we just couldn’t get him in that carrier. He doesn’t even let me pick him up anyway, the few times I managed it, he squirmed and screeched and I only had him about 5 seconds.
I even tried dropping him in but he got away. For little creatures they sure are feisty!
.-= Karen & Gerard Zemek´s last blog ..Spunky and Manny Had A Merry Christmas Too =-.
December 30th, 2009 at 9:01 pm
yay for surfie!! i was sure if i sounded all knowledgeable you would go for it. i am quite curious to hear about the eyeball prize!
December 31st, 2009 at 12:30 am
Yes cats can get certain viruses from humans. There aren’t many that can go cross species but there are some. Coughs are usually a sign of a bacterial infection which can be transferred easily.
.-= Jessica´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Arlington National Cemetery =-.
December 31st, 2009 at 2:25 am
Maybe take the cat to Dr. House? But not sure if he’s a “cat person”.
December 31st, 2009 at 5:33 am
Yep, there have been a few reported cases of cats getting the H1N1 virus from people! But I don’t know of any cold viruses that are communicable to cats.
We use a Sherpa pet carrier that unzips from the top; the hard part is getting it zipped back up. Isn’t it funny how hard it is to get us into a carrier, and once we’re at the vet, how we don’t want to come out?
.-= Daisy´s last blog ..All dressed up and nowhere to go! =-.
December 31st, 2009 at 6:03 am
Babs Beetle — That’s a good technique. I tried to “hide” the carrier in the kitchen while I went and got him, but as soon as he saw it, he flipped out. I’m afraid he’ll always associate it with the vet now, no matter what I do.
JD at I Do Things — Yes, you can still use it as a torture device. My advice is to poke them with it, no squeezing. Make sure you poke Gus and Pru when they’re trying to nap. No cat should have six naps a day.
GoingLikeSixty — Precisely. My bad.
Grace — Thank you for that article! So it seems it’s the flu they can get (though rarely), not a regular cold.
Knucklehead! — Yeah, and I bet when it’s time to take them to the vet, you just say “Come on! Let’s go!” and they step right into the car. I hate you.
Regan — That’s what I was worried about when I realized I couldn’t get Lucky to go in. I held him tight and yelled for Uncle Dave to help. If I let Lucky go, I knew he’d run to some small corner of the house and we wouldn’t see him again for days.
Lin — Awww, I’m sorry you lost your Henry. Our Calvin was just like him. He once bit through the rubber glove of a vet’s assistant and he was almost blacklisted from the vet. They said if we ever brought him in again, we had to sedate him BEFORE bringing him in. They used to have to put what I call the “Hannibal Lector” mask on him or they couldn’t examine him. He didn’t make it past nine years old, so we never had to do that. RIP Calvin.
Surfie — You ARE a winner! Congrats, my dear. In reading up about this colds-to-cats thing, people swear that their cats have gotten sick from them and say that they won’t share food off a spoon or anything with them until they’re better. I’ll send out your stuff on Monday when I’m back at work. I don’t have any magnets here at home.
frogmama — I don’t know how anyone who’s single can get their cats in carriers. I thought I could manage without my husband’s help, but no such luck.
Riayn — That’s what I thought too. But check out the link Grace left in her comment. It does seem like it’s possible to pass on H1N1 at least.
Karen — Sounds oh so familiar. Lucky was very strong. Luckily he didn’t tear my skin, but he got close. Boy, can cats squirm, or what?!
puglette — The eyeballs aren’t gross, they’re actually quite fun. If you win a contest, you too might get an eyeball prize.
Jessica — Yes, that seems to be the case (see Grace’s link above). The good news is Lucky doesn’t have a respiratory problem, nor any leakage from the eyes or nose. The vet thought it would pass on its own. But we’re watching him carefully.
Richard Catto — Wouldn’t that make for a hoot of an episode?
Daisy — Thank you for weighing in. I’ve thought of those soft zippy kinds of carriers, but I think any time you try to confine a cat, all bets are off. And yes! When Lucky’s appt. was over, he just walked right into the carrier when I opened its door. Made me laugh, considering what it took to get him in!
December 31st, 2009 at 7:58 am
Congrats to Surfie. Good job. I would have never guessed.
I know just how you feel getting a cat into a carrier. It is really pretty funny. I like your description. It is perfect.
.-= Marg´s last blog ..HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL YOUR FURBABIES =-.
December 31st, 2009 at 8:18 am
uh just the information i needed: how to get an angry cat into a pet carrier. we’ve been discussing this for months and I decided to have mr. do it and get all scratched up….cat has to go to the vet in 2010 and i don’t see myself trying to do this. she doesn’t allow anyone to pick her up, so how is she supposed to be stuffed in a little hole and zipped up. not w/o a fight. drugs maybe.
December 31st, 2009 at 8:33 am
I’ve been wondering what that was! Don’t know how Surfie “guessed” that! About your cat… since the hubbie’s not sick, you know for sure your cat didn’t get the cold from him. Watch out that you’re not too close to Lucky, though – not the greatest time of year to catch a cold.
I so enjoy your blog, and I wanted to present you the Kreativ Blogger award. {:-D You can pick it up at:
.-= storybeader´s last blog ..Kreativ Blogger award =-.
December 31st, 2009 at 8:54 am
it look soo scary to me for some reason i dont know, anyway i love your blog and every of of your going to bookmark it for later thanks alot
.-= eteleon Handy Online Shop ´s last blog ..eteleon o2 Genion L 2.0 4,99? Special Flat =-.
December 31st, 2009 at 9:17 am
I read once a neat trick to give your cat a bath, and if you could find the right size, it might work for a carrier too. Put your cat on an old window screen. When they freak out and those claws come out, they’re stuck. Granted, I’ve never tried it.
Although getting them into a carrier has never been a problem (sometimes I don’t even need to use the carrier for Sami, she just sits on my lap for the whole ride [although we sometimes take them out for rides just because so they don’t associate it with going to the vet]), our big boy Jack hated the last vet. He’s been good for every vet except her. He had to stay for the day once, and when I came to get him, they refused to bring him out to me. I had to follow the tech to the back (you know that one howling cat, yep, that would be him, although he doesn’t even meow at home) to get him out of the cage myself, and she stood as far away as she possibly could while still reaching the latch. We got a new vet after that, there’s got to be something wrong if he hated her that much, and he’s been a doll for the new vet.
.-= MzHartz´s last blog ..formspring.me =-.
December 31st, 2009 at 9:22 am
Doesn’t everyone have kevlar gloves to handle their cat?? Makes it much easier. I grab the scruff, grab the back legs with the other hand, and guide them into the carrier (on end)I have also rolled one up in a towel when they got all scrambly on me. Now the real challenge is getting a 140 pound wolfhound with legs longer than ours and a true terror into the high seat of a truck. Took two of us, a choke collar (he kept wriggling out of his regular one) and about 20 min.
.-= Shadowsrider´s last blog ..Merry Christmas! =-.
December 31st, 2009 at 10:45 am
I hope your cat feels better soon!
And how big are bunions that they require a stretcher? I am sure I do not want to google and find out.
.-= Tracy´s last blog ..2010 Won’t be another sequel =-.
December 31st, 2009 at 10:48 am
We once tried to put one of our (strictly indoor) cats in a cardboard carrier, the kind you get at the vet’s – we have a strong non-cardboard carrier now of course – and she is so big, and was so freaked out, that she grappled her way right out and started lumbering down the street, as we all fell about like Moe, Curly and Larry trying to get her and then patch up the carrier, all at once. That was fun.
Happy New Year!
.-= Lidian´s last blog ..You Say You Want A Resolution =-.
December 31st, 2009 at 12:28 pm
According to my vet, dogs can catch the H1N1 virus from humans, so it wouldn’t surprise me if cats could, too. Since I’ve never had cats, I was surprised to learn that they can render themselves virtually impossible to insert into a carrier. According to my cat-having friends, at least, your Lucky is not the only one (I’ve seen the scratches to prove it). Hope he feels better soon!
.-= absepa´s last blog ..Christmas in my corner =-.
December 31st, 2009 at 12:46 pm
Congratulations to Surfie and….eeewwww…a bunion stretcher…really? Do you suppose there are BIG ones to help get into leather pants? Just wonderin’…
I don’t know who to feel worse for…your husband or Lucky, so here’s hoping they’re both much better very soon.
Have a happy New Year’s celebration, if you so choose, Kathy, and here’s hoping that you have a riotous 2010! Lucy sends her good wishes to Lucky…arf!
.-= earthtoholly´s last blog ..SkyWatch Friday: A Rainbow Morn =-.
December 31st, 2009 at 1:01 pm
OUCH! HOpe your kitty gets better soon!
.-= Texan Mama´s last blog ..Unfollowing =-.
December 31st, 2009 at 1:11 pm
Our cat carriers are collapsible due to needing them to be small ’cause of living in the fifthwheel. The zip open in a semi circle on the side. I just stand that sucker up, zip it partially open from each side and shove the cat in before he/she knows what hit him/her. Bwahahahaha
.-= Pricilla´s last blog ..One of These is Not Like the Other =-.
December 31st, 2009 at 2:59 pm
Yes, cats can catch colds from humans. The 9 month old kitty, Irish, we got from the shelter had a cold when we got her. The shelter gave us medicine and told us that the 7 week old kitty, Maddux, we got would probably catch it from her and if he did to just come and get more medicine. Any idea how hard it is to give 2 kittys medicine twice a day? My hands were raw from scratches until I decided to take my fleece blanket and swaddle them, covering their paws tightly while I poke their mouth open to put in the medicine with the eye dropper. It takes considerably less time to administer the drops, but of course first you have to CATCH them. Lol!
And it’s so hard to be mad at them because they are so loveable. Maddux is laying on my chest sleeping as I type this. He’s so cute!
.-= Lola´s last blog ..New Year’s Eve Memories =-.
December 31st, 2009 at 2:59 pm
No way. No WAY your vet said your cat caught a cold from your HUSBAND. Did she have one of those handmade, wooden desk fronts that said “The Doctor is in” like Lucy did on the Peanuts?
.-= cardiogirl´s last blog ..Stephen King taught me how to remove blood from a T-shirt =-.
December 31st, 2009 at 3:38 pm
My 3 cats actually aren’t “too bad” getting them into the carrier. I have been scratched quite badly by my friend’s cats… they get about 6 feet wide when you try to get them in. I leave my carriers in the garage, which they have access to at all times, as their litter boxes are also out there. It’s just an everyday item to them, but they aren’t crazy about being inside the carrier with the door closed. They KNOW they’re in trouble then!
Then, as Daisy says, they don’t want to come out at the Vet’s… until it’s time to go home. Man! They can’t get in FAST ENOUGH once I out the carriers back on the table!
Happy New Year, Kathy! Thanks for the laughs in 2009!
.-= Barb – WillThink4Wine´s last blog ..Out Foxed =-.
December 31st, 2009 at 7:17 pm
So is it the feline flu? Did your cat start the feline flu?
And wouldn’t a bunion stretcher make for lumpy shoes?
.-= Margaret (Nanny Goats)´s last blog ..Is It Christmas Again Yet? =-.
December 31st, 2009 at 9:40 pm
I’ve heard of a few diseases transmittable from human to feline and vica versa, however I’ve never heard of influenza being one of those…
I found that trying to bathe our girl-cat, Puk, is about the worst thing I can do. Last time she got her little arm over my shoulder – I was bathing her in the bath so had to bend down to wash her – and she then hooked all her claws into my back and used them to lift her entire bodyweight over and onto my back to then run away. Ouch!
I have a satin backpack I made with a draw-string opening that I use to transport my cats to the vet. You stick them in the bag – I hold the cat, my fiancé slides the bag onto them – and then wear the backpack on your front, so you can pat and calm the cat whilst it’s in there, and they can pop their heads out if they want to look around, or snuggle down against you and hide. ^-^
Glad your kitty isn’t sick! Mr Taro – our boy-cat – sneezes ALL the time! I never think anything of it. ^-^
.-= Elisha´s last blog ..Notice how anything financial seems very dour? =-.
January 1st, 2010 at 12:11 am
I had no idea such a critter existed. But, I can see where it’d be handy for someone with the need. 🙂
♪ Happy New Year ♪
.-= CrAzY Working Mom´s last blog ..Happy New Year! =-.
January 1st, 2010 at 12:21 am
Grandma has bunions. Aunti had same surgery cure as you. Daughter on her way to bunions (maybe?) And me. I’ve got Flintstone Feet.
.-= Yum Yucky´s last blog ..I’m Gonna Have a Foodgasm! episode 4 =-.
January 1st, 2010 at 3:18 am
congrats 🙂
.-= dias´s last blog ..Losing Motivation? =-.
January 1st, 2010 at 5:17 am
It would be easier if you will just pay someone else to do it.
.-= Palabuzz´s last blog ..Tiger Woods Loosing another Sponsor =-.
January 1st, 2010 at 6:15 am
congratulations to the winner. I had no clue what it was but then I’ve never been able to figure them out…lol
Happy New Year
.-= ann´s last blog ..A New Years Eve Reflection =-.
January 1st, 2010 at 7:22 am
Marg — It’s funny AFTER it’s over. While it’s going on? Not so much. Last night my husband did much the same dance trying to get a pill in Lucky’s mouth. Quite a cardio workout.
V — Well, there’s always the pillow case method. We’ve done that before when all else failed. And wait. Drugs for you or drugs for the cat?
storybeader — Lucky sneezed in my ear yesterday. Yum. But I figure if I didn’t catch my husband’s cold, I won’t catch his. So far so good. Thank you so much for the award. What a nice way to start the new year!
MzHartz — OMG. I never heard of the screen method. The good news is you only have to really bathe a cat if they fell in mud. I’m so glad cats are self-cleaning devices. I’m so sorry your Jack had such a scary time at that vet. Some of them just don’t have a good bedside manner and Jack must have felt that. It’s stressful to hear your kitty screaming, especially if they’re so non-vocal at home. Poor kitty!
Shadowsrider — I’m going to try the new method in two weeks when I have to take Lucky back for a checkup. It’s going to be hard because I have to do it alone, as my hubs will be at work. I can guarantee I’ll be canceling the appt if I can’t get him to go. I’m surprised you have difficulty with your dog. I thought they always wanted to go for a ride!
Tracy — He’s still sneezing, but we managed to get a pill in him last night. I crushed it up and mixed it with butter, which he loves. I’m guessing if I had a bunion, I’d go get the surgery like JD had. I imagine they’d be painful in shoes you really can’t stretch well.
Lidian — Oh, I’ve seen those carriers! I actually think those might be a lot easier. I should ask for one next time. “Moe, Larry and Curly.” Funnnnny! Happy new year to you too.
absepa — The problem is they have claws and will grab onto anything they can find with them and then you’re screwed. They also become extremely noodly in the process. They know exactly how to foil the plan.
earthtoholly — Ha! The closest thing I got to leather pants was a leather skirt and the reason I can’t fit into them is because I have twice the ass I used to. A bunion stretcher wouldn’t help. Dave’s much better, thanks. Lucky’s still sneezing occasionally and so we have to keep giving him the antihistamine, which is only slightly less impossible than getting him in a carrier. Happy 2010 to you both. Pat Lucy on the head for me, will ya?
Texan Mama — He’s the same as before. Couple sneezes here and there, but not getting worse.
Pricilla — You make that sound sooooooo easy!
Lola – Lucky was sick at the shelter too. We had to keep him in quarantine from our other cat for two months. He took his (liquid) medicine twice a day like a trooper, but not any more. The “burrito” method works wonders, as long as you can get them swaddled fast enough. Give Maddux some ear scrinches for me. He’s such a good boy!
cardiogirl — Way. And thanks for the laugh. You kill me.
Barb — “six feet wide” That is the perfect description! I don’t know how they do it. I cracked up when it was time to leave the vet’s. I opened the carrier door, and BOOM, he was in. Happy new year to you, Barb!
Nanny Goats — I have no idea. I don’t know that they get flu, per se. I still don’t think he got it from Dave. Too weird. Yes, I would think one’s shoes would look a bit strange with a giant bump on the side. But I pity people who have the problem. Must be painful.
Elisha — Puk knows exactly what to do to keep you from ever trying THAT again. OMG. I love that backpack idea. It’s like one of those baby snugglies, right? Sneezing in a cat can be a sign of a serious problem, which is why I took him in just to be safe. Maybe Mr. Tuk is just sensitive to something in your house. The vet asked questions like whether we burn a lot of candles. That could do it.
Crazy Working Mom — Me neither! Where there’s a need, someone somewhere will come up with a solution. Happy New Year to you too!
Yum Yucky — Sorry about all the bunions your family has. Flintstone Feet, eh? Yabba dabba ouch.
dias — She did a good job on this, didn’t she?
Palabuzz — But would they even want to?
ann — Don’t worry. Plenty of chances in 2010! Keep your thinking cap on.
January 1st, 2010 at 8:48 am
I have a pet carrier, and after one day of my cat looking at me like “you are out of your mind, I already ride in that damn car” I snap a leash on him and go. MUCH less problems all around.
.-= SewDucky´s last blog ..My loss is your gain! Free copy of Blind Hemmer Attachment Instructions =-.
January 1st, 2010 at 8:34 pm
Wow, I learned two new things here today. I learned that thing is for a persons foot problems, ouch! And a cold virus can be transfered from human to cat. I’ve never heard of such a thing.
.-= Buggys´s last blog ..Happy New Year! =-.
January 1st, 2010 at 9:13 pm
Happy New Year! That bunion stretcher looks like an ancient torture device. It sounds like an adventure getting Lucky into his carrier no matter where he’s going.
.-= AVCr8teur´s last blog ..The Road Ahead =-.
January 2nd, 2010 at 8:56 pm
That’s sort of disgusting. I knew what it was but didn’t guess, as I knew I’d feel nasty writing about bunions.
.-= muskrat´s last blog ..2009: a muskrat odyssey =-.
January 2nd, 2010 at 10:07 pm
We actually are pretty good when it comes to our PTU’s (prisoner transport units). Tamir actually sleeps in one of ours all the time!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
.-= Sniffie and the Florida Furkids´s last blog ..Photo Hunters – LICK =-.
January 4th, 2010 at 3:39 pm
My Vet has told me many times that cats cannot catch colds or the flu from humans and vice versa. I had a cold last January and my cat started sneezing..my husband said I gave her my cold because I am always kissing her. The Vet said NO WAY….turns out my 22 year old cat most likely has a tumor or something in her head or sinus that is still causing her to be ‘snotty’ and sneeze alot. To properly diagnose the problem would require a $1,500 MRI….not going to happen!!!
January 9th, 2010 at 12:43 am
I don’t know about cats, but canine influenza is supposed to be a big deal this year. My vet had a poster up for the H1N8 (instead of H1N1) vaccine for dogs. I’m sure there has to be a cat version.
My mom said when she was younger her dog PeeWee caught strep from her so it is possible to catch things from humans, at least with dogs anyway. Again I can’t speak for cats.
As for what you went through to get your cat to the vet, I won’t complain the next time I take the dogs. They love to get in the car; they just freeze up and lock their legs the minute we get into the parking lot. Still I don’t get scratched to death–peed on a lot, and once my cocker spaniel crapped in my hand when I tried to pick her up in the lobby, but never scratched–so I guess I should count my blessings.
.-= Staci at Just Bloggled´s last blog ..Flat Ass Fridays: Take Cover, Arizona =-.
January 12th, 2010 at 4:16 am
Thanks for sharing your experience; it will help me to know about cats. After reading your blog post I also come to know that a cold virus can be transferred from human to cat. I’ve never heard of such things before. Keep sharing your experience with us.
February 14th, 2010 at 2:53 am
That’s great for Surfie. Lucky winner.
.-= Seguro Automoviles´s last blog ..Calcular Seguro =-.
June 17th, 2010 at 9:07 pm
PS (I’m reading backwards through your blog) Getting cats INTO a carrier was always a challenge…then a friend told us…just pop them into a pillowcase…stuff said pillowcase into the carrier…and voila. Cat in carrier.
We did that when we needed to rehome our cats for our move. Take unsuspecting cat from perch…snuggle and love and then place in pillowcase…take case to carrier with cat firmly ensconced and poof…cat in carrier with no yowling and fighting.
I’ve owned cats all my life and NEVER had an easier carrier experience