The Trouble With Naps
Stupid things I do January 25th, 2010 I loves me a good nap. Naps that leave me waking refreshed are the best. Naps that leave me waking fuzzy-brained are the worst.
I’ve had one such nap.
I must have had a difficult day at work and laid down for just a bit, but when I awoke, I glanced at a clock and it read 6:30.
It was one of those sleeps where I didn’t dream, didn’t move, didn’t wake up once. I thought “Holy crap! I slept through the whole night. I must have been dead tired.”
I didn’t even remember Dave climbing into bed. Hmmm. That’s strange.
I pattered downstairs to make coffee and realized he was nowhere to be found. Uh-oh. He mustn’t have come home last night. This can’t be good.
So I got on the phone with my sister Marlene and immediately started screaming “Dave never came home last night! I don’t know where he could be! I’m worried!”
Marlene’s response? “Huh?”
Me: “He never came home last night!”
Marlene: “What?”
Me. “He never came home!”
Marlene: “When?”
Me: “Last night.”
Marlene: “What night? Tonight you mean?”
Me: “No! Last night!”
Marlene: “What are you talking about? What is wrong with you?”
Me: “Huh?”
Marlene: “Are you all right?”
Me: “What?”
Marlene: “You said Dave didn’t come home last night, but what did you do all day today?”
Me: Silence.
Marlene: “Kathy? You there?”
Me: “I’m confused.”
Marlene: “Ya think?”
Me: “What time is it?”
Marlene: “It’s 6:30.”
Me: “You’re gonna tell me PM, right?”
Marlene: “Yeah, what’s your malfunction?”
Me: “Um. I took a nap and woke up thinking it was 6:30 tomorrow morning. Nevermind.”
Marlene: “Good Lord, woman. Go back to bed.”
Me: Click.
A little while later, Dave got home from work and walked through the front door, oblivious to the fact that I’d almost filed a missing person’s report on his behalf and called all the hospitals in the area.
It would have been so hilarious explaining my mistake to the cops. Hilarious.

February 4th, 2010 at 5:32 am
Yup, read this and was all like “this totally reminds me of my life and stuff”, and then I was all like “I should totally comment”. <3
.-= Cath´s last blog ..Film industry flowers: Oscar nominations =-.
February 5th, 2010 at 7:05 am
I am blind as a bat and I take my glasses off at the computer and go to bed. When I get up (because I can’t see any of the 5 clocks in my bedroom, no lie) I click my computer and squint at the time.
Then I put my glasses on and go get coffee, or don’t and stumble back to bed. My clock graciously tells me AM or PM (and it doesn’t matter anyway, I work from home and have nothing to do but work, sew or sleep) and I can wake up…or not.
Today, I have a date and I already need a nap, so it will probably make a difference then. Might not, never can tell with me.
.-= SewDucky´s last blog ..No Camera! New Coffee Pot! I want Free Caps! =-.
February 17th, 2010 at 2:33 am
The sleep rhythm is a 80-110 minutes cycle. If you sleep for the full cycle you experience all stages of sleep. If you wake up during it, you’re likely to wake up in the later parts, which is deep and confusing sleep. For a nap to be consistently effective rather than “fuzzying” you must either know the exact length of your cycle, or keep the nap to less than half an hour.
So now you know.
February 19th, 2010 at 9:07 am
I make sure i never nap and always make sure i get up early. I used to have trouble sleeping, think it was because i drank to much coffee! But i don’t drink it anymore and stick to a routine and it helps me sleep!
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