A Junk Drawer PSA
Travel February 25th, 2010I’m sorry for this humorless post, but I wanted to share a powerful commercial about seat belt usage with you. It’s only 1.5 minutes.
If that doesn’t make you wear your seat belt, perhaps this will. It’s a comment that a volunteer EMT friend of mine left on Facebook after I posted this video there. I don’t know how she handles picking up the pieces of car accidents, but God bless her.
Her comment:
From the kind of first hand experience that sends you home with blood on your jeans for a nap and a shot of Maker’s Mark:
- 225 pound men in the back seat unbuckled will launch over the back of the seat and push the rearview mirror through the glass, landing in the lap of the front seat passenger and filling the footwell with blood. Impact under 45 mph.
- 14 year old girls break like glass.
- The mother of that same 14 year old, at age 34, lives in a nursing home. She has permanent short term memory loss. About five times a day, she says, with alarm, “Where’s Kelsey?” The nurses tell her, “Kelsey died.” She cries. She forgets. A couple of hours later she asks again. This is pretty much how the rest of her natural life will go. Neither she, nor her daughter, who was launched into the woods through the back window of a pickup truck, had seatbelts on.
I beg all my bloggy friends to wear a seat belt and make everyone you’re in a car with do the same. The most important thing in your family’s life is YOU.
Protect it. Save yourself the agony and that of all the ones who love you.

February 25th, 2010 at 7:15 pm
1000 times yes and make sure your children are in the right car seat for their size and that it’s properly installed. Thank you for sharing this Kathy.
.-= Tracy´s last blog ..I’m totally testing you =-.
February 25th, 2010 at 7:17 pm
Dammit, lady, I come here to be entertained, not to be educated. 😉 Really, though, I think that volunteer EMT friend of yours sounds like a pretty smart woman. I think I like her…in fact, I think I LOVE her. 🙂
.-= Unfinished Rambler´s last blog ..This blog don’t have shit on Ramblers =-.
February 25th, 2010 at 7:19 pm
Thanks so much for posting this. I love the commercial.
And thank you to that EMT volunteer for her terrifying descriptions. I don’t always buckle up when I’m in the back seat, but I will now.
.-= JD at I Do Things´s last blog ..I Announce the WINNERS of the Simply Caramel Milky Way Contest so you don’t have to =-.
February 25th, 2010 at 7:24 pm
This is a very good message. We always wear our seat belts.
.-= Karen, author of “My Funny Dad, Harry”´s last blog ..A Poem For You, Dad =-.
February 25th, 2010 at 7:26 pm
Thank you for posting that. What a moving video. The Emt’s input really gives one pause. Wow!
.-= Bernie´s last blog ..Giveaway – Baby Girl Thank You Notes 3/12 =-.
February 25th, 2010 at 7:40 pm
Powerful video! I was driving before it became a law and it was hard for me to remember to do it. Now that I have a son, it’s much easier to remember 🙂
.-= DJ´s last blog ..They Are Not Brethren =-.
February 25th, 2010 at 7:42 pm
I don’t know anyone who doesn’t wear one. In my car if you don’t, fine, then get out and walk
.-= jessica´s last blog ..It’s like being married all over again =-.
February 25th, 2010 at 7:45 pm
OMG, Kathy…you ain’t kidding.
That was one powerful commercial!
And thank you for sharing “it” and the comment.
.-= Ron´s last blog ..Viva la Difference =-.
February 25th, 2010 at 8:14 pm
I don’t and never have gone without a seatbelt. My kids are in seats (except the teenager) and, if we forget my son’s (he can climb into his booster without assistance), he’ll let us know even though he doesn’t talk.
It’s as natural to us as breathing because that’s what we want to do.
.-= Stephanie Barr´s last blog ..Hiatus Interruptus – For Jeff King: Where Will We Go? =-.
February 25th, 2010 at 8:29 pm
I know they’re annoying and uncomfortable and a general pain, but you should wear your seatbelt EVERY SINGLE TIME you’re in the car. My mom was nearly killed in a t-bone accident a few years ago, less than five miles from home. Every rib broken, two punctured lungs, broken pelvis (with four screws), five weeks in the hospital (two in ICU), 12 weeks in a wheelchair, and over $800,000 in medical bills, and she’s STILL blessed. She definitely would not have lived if she hadn’t been wearing her seatbelt. Thanks for posting this, Kathy.
.-= absepa´s last blog ..I didn’t know things like that happened in real life… =-.
February 25th, 2010 at 8:40 pm
Don’t bother apologizing. That’s a good message that people need to hear often. I always wear my seatbelt (even if I’m just driving across the parking lot at the mall), and so do my passengers. I feel downright naked without it. Your EMT friend’s message is even more powerful than the video. It’s way too easy to forget that our comfortable and convenient mode of transportation can become a deathtrap in a heartbeat.
.-= Kelly´s last blog ..Fractal No. 281 =-.
February 25th, 2010 at 8:43 pm
Fine. Where a seat belt… If you choose to. I have no problem with the message, but I should decide for myself. There shouldn’t be a law forcing me to wear it.
The hypocrisy here in PA is ridiculous. I’m mandated by law to wear my seat belt, but motorcycle riders over the age of 21 have the option when it comes to wearing a helmet. How the hell does that make sense?
.-= John J Savo´s last blog ..Three-Wheeled Bicycles =-.
February 25th, 2010 at 9:01 pm
Wow that’s horrible. I always wear my seat belt. No one can ride in my car unless they buckle up. I like living, sometimes, and breathing on my own. I fear dying in a car crash.
February 25th, 2010 at 9:08 pm
That’s a great commercial. I have spent years getting Mo to wear her seat belt. A case of the dripping tap. Eventually it hit home and thankfully she wears hers now. She’d say things like “I’m only going round the corner” I’d say. “It can happen in a hundred yards.” We have a safeguard in our car. If the drivers seat belt isn’t on, it sounds an alarm until it is.
.-= babs – beetle´s last blog ..The empty page =-.
February 25th, 2010 at 9:13 pm
you do not have to tell me twice about seatbealts.I have seen first hand to people in the same car one was wearing a seat belt and surviver the crash,the orther was not and did not survive.
.-= mike Golch´s last blog ..A Great Read. =-.
February 25th, 2010 at 9:48 pm
i don’t know the law in other states, but here in california it is required by law. it has been a law at least 20 years now. not many people (fools) drive without belts here. the fine is around $100 for the first violation. i drove the first ten tears of driving without belts. then the law went into effect and have wore them now for the past 20 rears. deaths from auto accidents statistically dropped immensely after the law went into effect!
February 25th, 2010 at 10:27 pm
That video is just beautiful. I just have one thing to say,
.-= Blog Angel a.k.a. Joella´s last blog ..Blog Plagarism – Discourage, Detect & Respond To Content Theft (Part 2/3) =-.
February 25th, 2010 at 11:35 pm
WOW… that is scary, moving, gut wrenching. I can’t imagine not wearing a seat belt. I know a woman whose child died in college b/c her daughter wasn’t wearing a set belt. The other kids had them on and lived. Such a simple thing – a seat belt. I just don’t GET wearing one!
.-= Katherine´s last blog ..The SECRET Chinese Rib Recipe Everyone Wants =-.
February 25th, 2010 at 11:57 pm
I know I know. Except I was hanging upside down after being tboned by a Honda754. If I would have been wearing a shitty seat belt from 67volksbug. I could have been a barbque. Look up the accident…1977…California Hwy Patrol uses it in training…use to anyway.
.-= Don E. Chute´s last blog ..A BUMPY RIDE 2.22.2K10 =-.
February 26th, 2010 at 1:22 am
A seat belt saved the publicist’s life so she always wears hers..and obviously always did.
The male person was an EMT for over 20 years in NJ and now does extrication and rescue with his fire company. The stories are not pretty.
.-= Pricilla´s last blog ..Happy Goats Video Extra! – The Goat Olympics Continue =-.
February 26th, 2010 at 2:21 am
When I was 21, my best friend was killed in a car accident by a drunk driver.
Yes, I ALWAYS wear my seatbelt. I think I even put one on once in a stretch limo.
.-= Janiss´s last blog ..Binga and Boodie: The Odd Couple =-.
February 26th, 2010 at 2:26 am
I had my first official car, a 1964 Mustang, and I was 18. I didn’t have my Belt belt on. I went around a corner doing about 40 MPH and accelerating to get onto the freeway on ramp. Suddenly the Drivers door swung open. The only thing I had to hold on to was the steering wheel and my Butt cheeks. Cured me big time, I always put my seat belt on after that.
.-= Beamer´s last blog ..Heading Out East =-.
February 26th, 2010 at 5:12 am
Tracy — Hear hear! I know people say “Well, we all made it through childhood without wearing seat belts.” Tell that to the parents of the ones who didn’t.
Unfinished Rambler — She is a smart woman and I thank her for the job she does to help people in their time of need. You’re a lucky man. (Promise, back to more funny next post!)
JD at I Do Things — My sister won’t let me ride in her car in the back seat without buckling up. She’s right and I make it a habit now.
Karen — Excellent. We even belt our pets in their carriers.
Bernie — It made me cry.
DJ — That’s true. We didn’t all wear belts and I suppose it depends on our ages. A coworker told me that kids growing up in a certain period, and after, find it a normal thing to do which is great. The tide is turning.
jessica — I’m glad.
Ron — The comment really tells the story. It made me cry when I read it.
Stephanie Barr — That’s awesome. Good for you and your family.
absepa — What a chilling story. Thank you for sharing. God bless your mom.
Kelly — That’s where I am now (feeling naked without it). But I wasn’t always. Yes, the message from my EMT friend couldn’t be more on point.
John J Savo — I know what you mean. I often look at motorcyclists without helmets, and even the ones who don’t, and worry about them in accidents. A guy was killed just down the street from me in a spinout. I believe he even had a helmet. My feeling is that I’d rather be belted than not. Even if it wasn’t mandated, I would.
V — I fear it too. And that’s because the chances of it happening are far greater than other less likely risks people seem to worry about. I consider a belt a little insurance.
Babs Beetle — I’m glad for new cars with the alarm that goes off if people aren’t belted. It’s more annoying to listen to the bell than to put the belt on. I have to admit I sometimes fall into Mo’s camp when traveling only a mile from home. That does feel like a pain to me.
mike Golch — I’m glad you do.
louis — You can’t argue the statistics.
Blog Angel aka Joella — Yes, the video is beautifully done and sends the message home perfectly.
Katherine — Her poor mother. She must constantly say “if only” to herself. I wish her peace.
Don E Chute — I know there will always be exceptions and I’m glad for you that you weren’t stuck by a belt. I can’t back it up with stats, but I do assume that most belted people survive crashes more than people who don’t. Again, I’m glad in your case it was different.
Pricilla — I’m glad. And I have to say I’m not sure I’d want to see or hear about the accidents your husband has to deal with. It takes a very special person to help out in that way. Thanks go to him.
Janiss — I’m so sorry to read that. Even limo riders should wear them. There was a serious drunk driver crash involving a limo in NY some years ago. Bigger car, but still got demolished. A six year old girl died.
Beamer — That’s a weird fear of mine, the door flying open. Certainly, the belt would be the only think keeping my ass in the seat. You can’t fight centrifugal force.
February 26th, 2010 at 6:25 am
That is a great thing to remind everyone to do. The video was great. I always wear my seat belt now but I sure didn’t use to. But I realized how much they do help in accidents and I do want to keep on living. Thanks for this great post.
.-= Marg´s last blog ..We have won a wonderful award. =-.
February 26th, 2010 at 6:46 am
My Mommeh always wears her seat belt, no matter what. That makes me happy. Sometimes I wonder why school buses do not have seat belts. That seems a little bit Wrong.
.-= Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog ..Fashion Friday: Sweater Girl! =-.
February 26th, 2010 at 7:24 am
Thank you for the reminder Kathy. My husband is always on me about my seatbelts!
February 26th, 2010 at 7:53 am
As I said on facebook, nobody ever goes anywhere in my car unless their seatbelt is on, and that’s been true since I got my drivers licence in 1970. “If the seat belt doesn’t click, these tires don’t roll.”
I had a customer who started a new career and opened a print shop (my customers are all print shops) after 25 years of being an EMT and ambulance driver. One night he arrived at one-too-many accident scenes and suddenly he just could not cope any more. God bless all first responders. It must be one of THE hardest jobs to do day in and day out.
Big hugs xo
.-= Barb at WillThink4Wine´s last blog ..Finally Friday – the ‘In case you’re sick of seeing my cats’ edition =-.
February 26th, 2010 at 8:49 am
Thank you so much for sharing this video! I agree everyone should ALWAYS wear a seat belt, even if you are in the back seat. A couple who works with my husband lost their 17 year old daughter last November when the car she was in crashed. She was in the backseat, not wearing her seatbelt, and the impact launched her over the front seat where she landed on her head. The impact caused her to vomit and she aspirated that vomit into her lungs. She had two heart attacks before getting to the hospital where she later died. It was brutal and vicious and her parents will never be the same. The others in the car were not harmed.
I have always believed in wearing my seat belt and anyone who rides in my car with me is required to wear theirs. I will not pull out of the driveway until everyone is buckled up. Please be careful everyone, and do the same!
.-= Surfie´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Waianapanapa State Park Maui =-.
February 26th, 2010 at 9:26 am
That video puts tears in my eyes!! I didn’t wear my seat belt consistently when I meant my husband, but he got me wearing it every time I got in a car and we taught our girls the same. They, in turn, always make sure their friends wear seat belts in their cars.
.-= Anna´s last blog ..Tired. Of. Snow. =-.
February 26th, 2010 at 10:47 am
The stories you related afterwards made me cry, actually. Imagine reliving your daughter’s death over and over. Once would be too much.
And I’m with Daisy. Why don’t school kids have even the option of seatbelts. SOme do (my son in his “special” bus) but not the kids in highschool and the like. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
.-= Stephanie Barr´s last blog ..I Love Learning Something New =-.
February 26th, 2010 at 11:08 am
I got chills from that. Good message.
February 26th, 2010 at 2:56 pm
Thank you for posting this, I haven’t seen it. It really gets a powerful message across. The words of your friend sent chills up my back. I don’t worry about wearing a seatbelt in the back seat (don’t know why) but you can bet I will from this day forward.
.-= Buggys´s last blog ..Idol Smackdown 2010! =-.
February 26th, 2010 at 5:14 pm
What a fantastic post! My husband never wears a seatbelt even though he has been ticketed several times. My sister-in-law’s brother was in a car accident and was flown from the vehicle because he wasn’t wearing one. He lied in the hospital in a near vegetative state until he died about 8 months later. It’s so sad because it was preventable. I have given you a blog award. You can check it out on my blog.
.-= Mom To The Power Of Three´s last blog ..Beautiful Blogger Award and Sunshine Award =-.
February 26th, 2010 at 5:15 pm
What a fantastic post! My husband never wears a seatbelt even though he has been ticketed several times. My sister-in-law’s brother was in a car accident and was flown from the vehicle because he wasn’t wearing one. He lied in the hospital in a near vegetative state until he died about 8 months later. It’s so sad because it was preventable. I have given you a blog award. You can check it out on my blog.
February 26th, 2010 at 6:59 pm
Thanks, Kathy…you had to go and make me cry, didn’t you? What an amazing video! So, I call my husband in to watch it with me, and sure enough, the tears started again. I look at him and say, “Doesn’t that make you want to cry?” He responds, “Well, it’s cute, but I don’t want to cry.” I say, “Cute?! His wife and daughter just saved his life.” (silence) Me: “Well I guess it’s a woman thing.” “Must be,” as he walks away. I think I married a bucket of sand 🙁
.-= Lisa – Alterity´s last blog ..Thinking Thursday —–> Google Analytics =-.
February 26th, 2010 at 7:27 pm
My father never wore his seat belt until he wasn’t allowed to drive any more then when he rides with me he ALWAYS wears it. At first I had to keep reminding him every time. Also, my car beeps if someone hasn’t fastened their seat belt, so I was able to tell him that the cat wouldn’t shut up until he fastened it either. Now it’s become a habit and first thing when he gets into my car, he fastens his seat belt without bitching. Now if I could get him to lay off the cheese puffs….
.-= Margaret (Nanny Goats)´s last blog ..Goat Thing of the Day: Goat-Minded Sheep =-.
February 26th, 2010 at 7:47 pm
thanks for reminding everyone of the importance of seatbelts. my hubby was a tow truck driver for many years and responded to accidents where folks did not buckle up. he witnessed so many unnecessary tragedies. when our daughter was getting ready to start driving, he took her to the wrecking yard and showed her some of the cars and talked with her about the accidents and how simple safety precautions would have saved another child and parent needless grief. she has said it made an impression on her and we hope that it made her a safer driver.
and if you need something to smile about, pop on over!!
February 27th, 2010 at 1:08 pm
Mara — “I do want to keep on living.” A good enough reason for me!
Daisy — I wonder why, too. With all the other protections for children in place, I wonder why not belts in buses.
Database Programmer — Please don’t be mad at him. He’s on you because he loves you.
Barb at WillThink4Wine — I agree about first responders. I always figure their brains are just wired for that stuff. Like you either can do it or you can’t. Same for police and fire fighters. God bless them for doing what many couldn’t.
Surfie — That story breaks my heart. A belt is the single best defense we have in a car accident. And no one ever thinks they’ll get in one. But look how many do. It’s a lifetime of grief for one moment of forgetfulness or apathy.
Anna — Me too. Those of us who probably didn’t wear one as children know better now. I’m glad the next generation doesn’t think twice about it.
Stephanie Barr — Same here. I couldn’t shake it (still can’t). That poor woman. So why are the belts on certain buses and not on others? Is it because someone lobbied for them on your son’s kind? It should be a standing rule for all. I don’t get it.
Cashier — I did too. It’s a message we all could use reminding about.
Buggys — I used to think I was somehow protected by the front seats if I was riding in the back. But your body will travel the path of least resistance. And if it’s over the seats and through the windshield, then…..
Mom to the Power of Three — Oh, God, that gave me chills. I’m so sorry. All it takes is one time. (and thank you for the award!)
Lisa Alterity — I cried too. Men are weird about these things. My husband asked me “Is that seat belt post depressing?” He didn’t want to read it. Whatever, dude. All I know is I don’t have to worry because his car has an alarm that goes off if he doesn’t buckle up. He doesn’t have to watch the video for me to have confidence that he’ll do the right thing.
Nanny Goats — “the cat wouldn’t shut up” Oh, that’s hysterical. Did you mean the “car?” Cat sounds so much funnier. Tell him he can have his cheese puffs if he always belts up. I know. I can’t give the puffs up either.
puglette — Your husband’s a smart man. Sometimes a vision is more powerful than words. I pray your daughter never forgets.
February 28th, 2010 at 2:54 pm
I don’t always buckle up when I’m in the back seat, but I DEFINITELY will now. OMG.
.-= meleah rebeccah´s last blog ..Doing Things Differently – My Week In Review [Part Four] =-.
February 28th, 2010 at 3:50 pm
I will wear my seat belt and I almost always did, I feel like somethings missing when it’s not on however, these are great reasons as to why to wear them and sooner or later we all need to be reminded.
Dorothy from grammology
.-= Dorothy Stahlnecker´s last blog ..Share more time with your family it’s healthy =-.
February 28th, 2010 at 4:37 pm
meleah rebeccah — Yes, do it! With any luck, the driver won’t even start the car until you’re all tucked in.
Dorothy Stahlnecker — I’m not in the habit of putting up PSAs on the blog, but both the video and my EMT friend’s remarks stayed with me for days after. I’m glad I got people thinking about it (if they’re not already doing it).
February 28th, 2010 at 8:18 pm
I always find it crazy when I hear that people don’t wear seatbelts. It is so heat to do. My husband and I have been wearing one for over 15 years now and for us it is as normal as shutting the car door. There is no thought behind it. My friends know that I will not start the car until they are buckled and laugh about it but I am serious when I say, Safety first. My kids say it all the time too. They will always buckle their seat belt because it is what we do.
Glad you posted and thank God for people who work on EMT.
March 3rd, 2010 at 10:00 am
It’s such an easy thing to do. There’s a reason they’re in cars and it’s not just for show. But some people chose to ignore these precautions and I guess like to drive on the edge.
.-= Lucy P.´s last blog ..Where’s that damn autosave!?! =-.
March 3rd, 2010 at 11:04 am
hi Kathy,
Hmmm… this post isn’t quite as light-hearted as your snow thing post. Still, I was worried the video would be like the one’s I remember from high school drivers ed, but it wasn’t. That is a great video, that makes its point well.
I’ve always worn a seat belt out of habit… and don’t understand people who don’t.
Great post! Steve, the-seat-belt-wearing trade show guru
.-= steve, trade show guru´s last blog ..Trade Show Outboarding =-.
March 4th, 2010 at 9:33 pm
I work in the legal field and see a lot of deaths and serious injuries that didn’t have to happen if people would do that one simple thing — buckle up. It’s good of you to post this.
.-= injaynesworld´s last blog ..injaynesworld we’re always "Up For A Party…" =-.