Taking It to a Whole New Level of Dumbassery
Stupid things I do February 13th, 2010 Dear All the Burglars Who Could Have Taken Everything in My House While I Was at Work Because I Left the Garage Door Wide Open and the Inside Door to My House Unlocked,
Thanks for not noticing and stealing everything I own.
The Dumbass
When I drove home from work yesterday and saw the garage door up*, I figured my husband Dave got home before I did. Until I didn’t see his car inside. Then I thought maybe he did get home, but left to run an errand and forgot to close the door.
Then I thought I’m the idiot in this relationship and realized that when I brought garbage cans in from the curb that morning, I likely forgot to close the door when I left for work.
I’m used to just opening the door, pulling forward and shutting the door. If I diverge from my morning routine, all bets are off. So, yeah, it was me who left it open.
When I came into the unlocked house, I thought “What if burglars harmed my cats? What if they stole the TV? What if they found our safe with everything important in it? What if they’re still here? Why am I walking into a house that I think might contain a burglar?”
I checked for cats and all were accounted for. None of them appeared to have had a particularly weird day, you know, like entertaining robbers as they wiped out everything we own. All of our stuff was still in its place. I breathed a sigh of relief and carried on with my business.
And then I beat myself up for an hour about being a dumbass.
Of course, I’m not the only one in my family that leaves things wide open for thieves. I’ll keep the offender’s name out of it. She knows who she is.
For an entire summer one year, we stayed fit by driving to a large park and walking for an hour around its perimeter. The routine was to meet there, get out, lock all but our car keys in the trunk and head off.
On this one occasion, the unnamed person and I got sidetracked trading things we brought to loan each other and then headed off to walk. When we got back, this is what we found:
1. Her driver’s side door still WIDE OPEN.
2. Her keys on the driver’s seat.
3. Her purse on the passenger seat.
4. Her wallet in the purse.
5. Everything that identifies her, including her home address, in that wallet.
6. A garage door opener to her house.
For an hour, the car sat like this. The first thing we did was scream. The second thing we did was ponder how it was possible no one stole a car with the keys in it. The third thing we did was vow never to tell anyone about this because, you know, it’s colossally stupid.
We drove away in our separate cars, thanking God that no one in the very busy park that day decided to steal the car, take her money, drive to her house, open the garage door and help themselves to everything inside.
Or maybe they thought of it, but considered that being stupid is punishment enough.
* If you’re not scared enough, read here about how bad it is to leave your garage door open.

February 15th, 2010 at 7:54 pm
I’ve done that. I felt so stupid and we were just as lucky.
I think Cat may have had an orgy. He wouldn’t elaborate.
February 16th, 2010 at 5:41 am
Rebecca — Ha! Maybe. Or maybe they’re just lazy. Do robbers need a day off work?
Jenn of Many Cabbages — OMG. This seems to be the other stupid thing people do to leave themselves wide open for thieves. You got lucky too. I can imagine your reaction seeing them dangling there. Gasp!
Daniel – I’ve started a new routine. I pull forward out of the garage and I sit there and wait until the door is all the way down and hasn’t been tripped by the sensor.
Nancy at The Chic Boutique — Oh, yeah. (see my comment above to Daniel). Never again!
Katherine — OMG. Awesome. Well, not awesome really. But awesome in the sense that I couldn’t have done better if I tried. Good one!
The Twitterer — No doubt.
Suzi Cate — This “leaving the keys in the lock” thing seems to be popular. In a way I’m glad all I have to worry about is my garage door. If I came in and out the front door of my house, I can guarantee you I’d do the same thing, especially when dragging groceries in.
Reforming Geek — It’s best not to ask.
February 16th, 2010 at 10:01 am
That is like saying, “Hey….rape me, kill me and steal everything I own!” What.the.heck. It kind of sounds like something I would do. *sigh*
.-= Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings´s last blog ..I’ve started following Wil Wheaton’s blog and now. . . I’m a geek apparently. =-.
February 16th, 2010 at 12:50 pm
I’m so glad I’m not the only person who does stuff like this!
(BTW, I have your Steam Buddy. It was right there on the work bench and it didn’t look like you were using it.)
😀 Anna
.-= Anna Lefler´s last blog ..Privates of the Caribbean =-.
February 16th, 2010 at 1:19 pm
egads, we’ve left our garage open ALL NIGHT~ several times. I’m still here to talk about it… thankfully. it’s an icky feeling, for sure.
.-= heidi@trulyengaging´s last blog ..Mardis Gras Wedding Inspiration =-.
February 16th, 2010 at 10:08 pm
I have left the garage door open but fortunately, we live in the middle of nowhere so it really isn’t an issue. I still get the heebie jeebies when I accidentally leave it open.
.-= Anne´s last blog ..Happy Random Birthday Thoughts =-.
February 16th, 2010 at 11:42 pm
Going into labor with baby number three, we drove to the hospital at midnight, 45 minutes away. After leaving the hospital we stayed with my mother for a couple of days. We finally returned home to the front door WIDE open. Not unlocked, but open as if we went to the mailbox and were coming right back.
.-= LaTonya´s last blog ..I’m Not Eating That! =-.
February 17th, 2010 at 10:09 am
Your Sceering Me. I hope it doesn’t rub off on my wife.
.-= Beamer´s last blog ..A repost =-.
February 17th, 2010 at 10:12 am
Four years into my marriage, I arrived home one night, parked the car in the garage after having it parked outside on the sidewalk. On my way out the house the next morning, I was shocked to see that I left both garage gates open – the way I opened them to get the car in the night before.’
I was so angry with myself. But just imagine how angry my wife was at me.
I’m glad for you that nothing got lost.
.-= Jeff’s Online Money Making Experience´s last blog ..Video of Luger Who Died In Crash =-.
February 17th, 2010 at 1:46 pm
Once we lived in Oklahoma in a teeny town & I found out after several months that I was considered a snob because I was never “open for visitors” – the signal being an open garage door. The fact that I had a toddler who could have escaped to the street in a matter of seconds didn’t matter.
Two times we left it open. Once a cat came in, got into hubby’s truck, and peed on the seats. Another time we got unexpected company on a Saturday morning – the house was trashed and they sat down on my couch next to a carelessly flung bra from the night before. I COULDA DIED.
Boy am I glad to not live in Oklahoma anymore.
.-= Wendy´s last blog ..Kicking Proactiv to the Curb =-.
February 17th, 2010 at 1:51 pm
I think you must have taken the neighborhood’s burglars by surprise. They were busy working on some fancy lock somewhere else.
.-= Anne – Israeli Mom´s last blog ..Israel Needs Your Help Now =-.
February 17th, 2010 at 3:43 pm
No reproach or suggestions…
Just relief for you and thanks that it wasn’t me!
I’m thinking along the lines of MA Fat Woman – it might have been percieved as the greatest setup…LOL
You’ve got an Angel on your shoulder.
.-= janaesjewels´s last blog ..Another Tangent…A Tribute to Layla =-.
February 17th, 2010 at 7:55 pm
I’ve done stupid stuff like this too!
I used to be so BAD about forgetting to lock the front door. Sometimes I’d leave it unlocked on purpose, figuring I didn’t live in a town with burglars and criminals.
One day I woke up to find my front door wide open. Someone had opened the door in the night while I was sleeping. As far as I could tell, they didn’t take anything (?!!!), but the shock was bad enough to make me ALWAYS lock the door from that day on.
.-= Janna´s last blog ..The prisons are full of people who ate pancakes at 10:01 =-.
February 17th, 2010 at 10:48 pm
Ugh- I have one better. I recently had a bonus day off work (score!) so I decided to treat myself to a movie. Alone. No Kids. ALONE.
Of course, it had snowed 5 inches the night before, but I didn’t care, I was going! Well the stress of driving must have got to me, because when I came out of the 2 hour movie, I found my car, UNLOCKED, lights on, STILL RUNNING.
Hey, at least it was warm…
February 18th, 2010 at 5:55 am
Lisa at Boondock Ramblings — It is! And that article freaked me out because it talked about all the things robbers might do to the home owner if they ran into them. I hadn’t thought about any of that. Just that my weed whacker might get taken.
Anna Lefler — So that’s where it went! Thanks. My rugs are a mess because of you.
heidi at trulyengaging — I’m glad you got by unscathed. There’s always that one time, so please shut the door. I’m glad I wrote this post. It made me change the way I leave the house every day.
Anne — A friend of mine lives in the boonies, too. I’m always amazed that whenever I visit, the garage door is always open and her inside door is always unlocked. Makes me nervous. Glad you try to keep yours closed!
LaTonya — Holy crap! That’s awful. But you have a really good excuse. Still, scary!
Beamer — Print out this post and that article at the end and stick it in her car. That’ll straighten her right out.
Jeff — It’s sort of a shock to the system, isn’t it? But it makes you more careful, so it’s not all bad.
Wendy — That’s too bad your neighbors considered an open garage door a symbol of friendliness. It’s a symbol of “come steal everything and kill my family” as far as I’m concerned. Sorry you had intruders that left such horrible calling cards. Ew.
Anne Israeli Mom — Let’s hope! What’s funny is they’d never find anything fancy in our house. I suppose our HDTV is the most expensive thing in plain view, but good luck lugging that out. It weighs a ton.
janesjewels — Yes, angel on my shoulder. You can’t imagine my relief, especially when I saw the cats were unharmed. That’s all I really cared about.
Janna — That’s very creepy and it would make me ultra obsessive about locking the door, probably even in the summer when we go in and out of the house a lot. Whew!
Mary C — Holy moly, girl! Still running?? You are the luckiest woman on earth.
February 18th, 2010 at 9:15 am
I’ve left the door to my house unlocked more than I could count. But the door is closed so it’s not too obvious. Still it’s not good being careless. You are lucky nothing has been stolen. Maybe your neighborhood isn’t that bad like you think it is. =D
.-= Justin@Bleka Tänderna´s last blog ..Xylitol =-.
February 18th, 2010 at 2:36 pm
LOL, I do the same thing. One time I thought I forgot to turn off the stove and I was already too far from home to turn around, so I went around calling my family to go to my apartment and see if I left the stove on. I didn’t, and they weren’t too happy. I’ve also left grocery bags on the bus and keys inside the house. lol. I’m so absent-minded sometimes.
We gotta work on these things…
February 18th, 2010 at 11:33 pm
Seriously? You really ARE lucky you weren’t robbed!
** WHEW!! **
.-= meleah rebeccah´s last blog ..Doing Things Differently – My Week In Review [Part Two] =-.
February 19th, 2010 at 12:21 am
Wow – really glad you caught good luck and nothing was stolen, damaged, missing, or otherwise. I have a term for moments when I do something colossally stupid. I call them “my moments of absolute brilliance,” but I like sarcastic humor 🙂
.-= Writing Desk Fan´s last blog ..Rosewood Desk: The Rosewood Writing Desks =-.
February 19th, 2010 at 12:55 pm
We all do stupid things from time to time. Thank heavens you got away with it this time! No need to beat yourself up now, look on it as a timely reminder to keep your wits about you, and move on!
It’s what I do. LOL!
February 19th, 2010 at 11:05 pm
Oh man we definitely learned our lesson on “Don’t leave the garage door open” especially when you live next door to neighbors 2 teenage sons who are trouble makers.
Don’t know for sure but we are pretty confident it was them as we had a long standing fued with these boys.
Anyway, we did have things stolen but only from the garage. A brand new expensive tool box/kit, a ton of fishing poles, a new socket set and several other tools and such as my hubby was er “still is” a car junkie nut case 🙂
So long story short. I, me, wifey left the garage door open and it was hubby’s stuff that got stolen. I felt so bad as some where Christmas gifts. Bought him some new ones and never did THAT again, errrr!
You where lucky!
.-= TheFlyOnTheWall´s last blog ..Just a Chill Day! =-.
February 20th, 2010 at 8:23 am
I am guilty of the same. Luckily I have my elderly next door neighbor on speed dial and she’ll go over and confirm that I have or have not closed the garage door for me. Sometimes I can continue driving, other times I gotta do a u-turn.
.-= Helen Mills´s last blog ..Brass Disk Earring =-.
February 20th, 2010 at 10:00 am
Relax. Caution is not a useful deterrent. Our local entrepreneurs have taken to going out to the Palace, a large indoor stadium where the Detroit Pistons play. With everyone inside, these enterprising young men proceed to break into cars with GPS systems, on which–of course–is a nice map to the car owner’s home. A second crew is dispatched to clean out the house before the big game ends. Here’s another good, sport-oriented approach. A man comes out to discover his home barbecue is missing. What the hell? The following day, he finds the grill has been returned, spotlessly clean, with a note apologizing for having taken the grill, along with two tickets to that Sunday’s football game. And you know the rest.
February 21st, 2010 at 9:50 am
The police here actually check on open garage doors and will stop by if you’ve left it up (like all night…not that we know anybuddy who does that…nope).
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
.-= Sniffie and the Florida Furkids´s last blog ..Cat Olympics – Mile Long Machine Cleaning =-.
February 22nd, 2010 at 12:46 am
Consider yourself lucky. I know I’ve left my garage door open all night by accident. I don’t know what’s worse, when you’re home and asleep or when you’re not home and the door is wide open. There’s even a website now that people can post when they’re not at home “pleaserobme.com”. Go figure!
.-= AVCr8teur´s last blog ..Odd Angles =-.
February 22nd, 2010 at 6:03 pm
hey Kathy,
I love your word, “Dumbassery”. Makes me smile. 🙂 And I too have suffered from it on occasion.
It’s nice that you live in a neighborhood where you can forget and leave your garage door open. That’s the way it should be! Steve
.-= steve, trade show guru´s last blog ..TradeShow Booth Babes =-.
February 23rd, 2010 at 11:26 am
That is a great story to share, I think the crooks that seen the door open probably thought someone was there so they didn’t dare go near. That is what I call taking the opposite approach, by accident, but it worked.
.-= Brian´s last blog ..Affiliate Millionaire Review! =-.
February 23rd, 2010 at 12:59 pm
It is amazing no one took anything, especially with the car wide open! I left my garage door open one night and the only intruder I had was a bear who moved all of my garbage cans into the bush so he could have a feast!
.-= Mom To The Power Of Three´s last blog ..How Coffee Is Made =-.
August 9th, 2010 at 4:23 am
Almost the same thing happened to me the other day. But with my car. Sometimes you’re lucky, fortunately:)
Kim Hemma´s last blog post ..Yoursmile
February 8th, 2011 at 4:09 pm
Something similar happened to me the other day.
I’ve been raised in a suburb with like, rich people. We leave our doors open and are never worried about thieves and such. Just like in Canada.
However. This one time we went to, like, the ghetto of Sweden. And when we tried doing the same thing that we would do if we were home (leaving the door unlocked that is) – someone tried stealing our car!
God damn.