Confusing Terms of Endearment
embarrassing March 18th, 2010 I work at a university where we sometimes hire student assistants to help out with our tech support workload. Today one of my assistants came in for his shift and I told him there was a client who could use his help.
The client had left a voice mail message describing her problem, so I thought I would just play that message for him on speakerphone and he’d be on his way.
I knew I had several messages stored in my voice mail archives, so I started message replay and hit a certain key to speed past the first few to get to the pertinent message.
I didn’t speed fast enough.
See, I sometimes archive messages from my husband, who has a tendency to leave me wise-cracking voice mails to lighten my mood.
When I played the series of messages, I skipped fast enough through a few and then the student (and everyone else in my office) heard the following from my husband:
Hey, giant pootie!
I was mortified. I looked at the student and he smiled uncomfortably.
I died a little.
The thing is, I don’t even remember why Dave started addressing me as Giant Pootie. I don’t even know what it means. I had to ask.
Dave thinks it’s from circa 1986 when we started dating. It might be a variation on Puddin’ Head. Or it could be an offshoot of Pootie Cat, which doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.
And we will never know why I’m a giant Pootie. What part of me is the pootie? And why is it so big?
OK, folks. Here’s where you dump all the insane terms of endearment you have for your significant others or kids in the comments.
I’m quite sure they’ll make more sense than mine.

March 21st, 2010 at 9:21 am
I would have enjoyed seeing the look on the intern’s face! Where was your camera?
.-= Buggys´s last blog ..I’m On A Lonely Island =-.
March 21st, 2010 at 2:46 pm
Oh you’ll live with this one for a long time, and we also have a few cute names for each other and no way will I share them in todays social network who knows where we’ll see them in the
Dorothy from grammology
.-= Dorothy Stahlnecker´s last blog ..Special Agent Oso Finally a good program for kids =-.
March 21st, 2010 at 3:32 pm
Before we were married, hubby used to call me “Chicky-Baby”. While we were visiting his parents on the farm, his very German stepdad overheard this term I guess. A while later, I heard him ask hubby (in the thickest German accent possible), “So vere’s yer Chicken???”
Yeah, he just didn’t get it.
.-= Maureen´s last blog ..I’ve Been Unfaithful =-.
March 21st, 2010 at 7:38 pm
Interesting article, I am now a subscriber!
March 21st, 2010 at 8:52 pm
Well, we both call each other Dear. That started as a joke with the ‘Yes Dear.’ reply men are always supposed to give. Hubby also calls me Hon, Lady o’ th House, Be ti Kul (fire-hearted woman in Klingon)and Love of my life. I call him Sunshine, Laird o’ the Ivy Cottage, and My Knight. Yeah, all pretty silly, but sweet. The kids are called the Urchins, Slave labor, the perfect child, the princess, the spare child, depends on who is getting teased.
The dog even has nicknames, but I’m pretty much the only one who uses them. I call him Puppy, Puddles, Finnegans, and Finns (he;s a full grown Irish Wolfhound).
We have a horse we nicknamed Happy Feet (he has a little trouble standing still)
All names given with love and humor.
.-= Susan Montgomery´s last blog ..Happy Spring! =-.
March 21st, 2010 at 8:55 pm
We’re not too big on nicknames- occasionally my daughter will say to me, “hey sweets.” And I will call her ‘doll,’ because I used to call my mom ‘doll.’
Good post! Have a wonderful week!
.-= Catherine´s last blog ..My Guest Post =-.
March 22nd, 2010 at 2:24 pm
We’re pretty classic. I often address my husband as “My Love” of “Aimee” which is French for … My Love! Today this seems boring!
For the first couple years of our marriage, as I would drift off to sleep, I thank God for the gift of Michael. I just realized I’ve slipped out of that habit. Starting tonight I will slip right back in … Cherishing our loved ones is never boring.
Thanks for the topic. I needed this! V.
.-= Viveca from FatigueBeGone´s last blog ..Extremely Fatigued for Years. How Can I Stop Feeling So Tired all the Time? =-.
March 22nd, 2010 at 2:55 pm
Hot Rod is a term I get called frequently. And Weirdo!
.-= MA Fat Woman´s last blog ..Sharing A Tailgate…Part II =-.
March 22nd, 2010 at 4:55 pm
Um. I can’t even type in the one my husband used to use. My fingers won’t let me.
.-= Julia´s last blog ..Crawling Back Into Civilization. =-.
March 22nd, 2010 at 6:39 pm
Awww. I think giant pootie is friggen adorable!
Sadly, I am significant other-less these days so I am not calling anyone any terms of endearment!
.-= meleah rebeccah´s last blog ..Doing Things Differently™’ – My Week In Review [Part Seven] =-.
March 22nd, 2010 at 7:14 pm
well, we call our Peanut Peanut of course, Peanut Butter and Peanut Butter Pie, we also call her raspberry jam face, toast face and tickle machine and I can’t leave out the sweetest term of endearment for the Peanut: Butt Crack (used when her pants hang low and show off her butt crack)
.-= Tami´s last blog ..River Walk Bridge =-.
March 22nd, 2010 at 9:40 pm
Pookie Bear. If you tell him I told you I’ll have to kill you. 🙂
.-= Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings´s last blog ..I’d like to be an optimist, but I’d rather not deal with the "let down". . . =-.
March 23rd, 2010 at 9:58 am
Heh… Sorry, Kathy. 🙂 Let’s just hope the nickname doesn’t spread like wildfire around your office. It could end up like Jim on “The Office” where he became forever known as “Big Tuna.”
I had a chem teacher who insisted on calling me “Thor” because of my last name. Yes, the lamest of lame superheroes… Thor’s a god, and yet still wears tights. SO not cool.
I have also been called “J-Tho” in some misguided JLo reference.
.-= Jenn of Many Cabbages´s last blog ..Dear Blabby =-.
March 23rd, 2010 at 1:19 pm
We are both bubbies. I am not sure why.
.-= carol at A Second Cup´s last blog ..Aging With Grace: Make The Call Today:Schedule A Mammogram =-.
March 24th, 2010 at 3:53 am
I would have no idea what Pootie means either, but if I were in your office, I’d just think it’s really cute 🙂
.-= Anne – Israeli Mom´s last blog ..Don’t Sound the Alarm =-.
March 24th, 2010 at 1:02 pm
He calls me Baby, and Chelle, a derivative of my name that only HE is allowed to use. (Too bad M-I-L didn’t get that memo…)
I call him Spouse, Dude, and Babe.
I call the oldest Rayban (Rachel), like the sunglasses.
I call the middle one Lala (Lauren).
I call the littlest one (Emilee) Emi, Mimi, Emi, Fred (?) and Monkey Bunches.
I call them all off-spring, to which they call me MOTHER.
.-= Michelle´s last blog ..Spring Break 2010 =-.
March 25th, 2010 at 4:27 am
Lynne — Awesome. So what color?
Regan — Maybe so, but that’s what makes them so fun and ridiculous, Pookie!
Crabby Blogging Lady — I’m surprised that so many of you don’t have terms of endearment. As for What’s That Wednesday, I think I’m going to have one next week, so keep your eyes peeled.
Maitri — Aw, I know the pugs are so sensitive to these things. Tell them I’m sorry. But you? How can you be shocked? You know me!
Lisa Alterity — Corny and adorable. I love them!
Mike Foster — Whoops! Awkward, but hilarious!
Katherine — It’s funny, I never called farts poots. If I did, I never would have written this post. But now that I’ve read some of the responses, I’m starting to wonder if my husband really does remember where it came from and it’s just me who doesn’t.
Auntie E — I’m sure your teen dies of embarrassment ten times a day. No sense in making it worse. I don’t know what’d be worse. Calling your daughter something silly or showing her baby pictures to her first boyfriend. What’dya think?
Buggys — The look was so cute. I embarrassed him a little. But no worse than I embarrassed myself.
Inflatable — Bear’s good. Teddy bear’s better. Pookie bear’s the best, don’t you think?
Dorothy Stahlnecker — You’re a smart and wise woman.
Maureen — Chicky Baby, Chicken Baby, it’s all the same. I love it!
Susan Montgomery — OMG. You’ve got quite a long list there. I love that you have so many and they’re all over the map, including one in Klingon. You can’t beat that. Thanks for sharing. So sweet they are!
Catherine — Aw, that’s lovely. I’m really enjoying reading all these names and the origins of them. Making my morning.
Viveca — Not boring at all! The classics are never boring and I love the French one. Wouldn’t all marriages be that much better if we stopped to thank God for our other halves? Every day is a gift with them.
MA Fat Woman — Oooo! Hot Rod! Racy!
Julia — That’s OK. You can keep it under your hat, but now we’ll have to guess. Are you sure you want that?
meleah rebeccah — When you get one, it’s incumbent upon you to have one. Tell him Junk Drawer said so.
Tami — Someone likes food! One of my friends called her firstborn Peanut because she was so small in her early life. It’s the cutest name of all.
Lisa at Boondock Ramblings — Your secret’s safe with me (and 65 other people).
Jenn of Many Cabbages — My coworkers, who I’m sure heard the message, haven’t said a word about it. Maybe they’re afraid I’ll blog something about them in retaliation if they do? J-Tho. I’m sorry, but I love that.
carol at a Second Cup — Bubby! I’ve heard that used before somewhere, maybe a movie?
Anne Israeli MOm — Thank you. And so you wouldn’t laugh at me? Promises, promises.
Michelle — I love your random selection. Oh, and tell your MIL she’s supposed to call you “The Best Thing That Ever Happened to My Son.” Will that do?
March 28th, 2010 at 8:53 pm
Okay, y’all just made me REALLY GLAD I am single . . .
April 1st, 2010 at 9:17 pm
Uh, you’d better hope it has nothing to do with Pootie Tang. You’d better Google that.
.-= Suzy´s last blog ..How You Can Tell If A Dog Likes You =-.
July 7th, 2010 at 9:11 pm
I asked Google what does pookie means and here is what I
found: POOKIE: A term used for someone you go with or are
married to; term of endearment used for a loved one. So
GIANT POOKIE is a sweet endearment. 😉
September 14th, 2010 at 6:26 am
And what is Pootie? I can’t find in my dictionary… 😀
October 26th, 2010 at 4:25 am
The word “pootie” actually came from a move “Pootie Tang” and for reasons that am not quite sure, pootie == buttocks. I just overheard it from my subordinates, and i had to ask them. All they did to explain was grab their buttocks. I haven’t seen the movie though.
Bradford Fleming – Car Care Tips´s last blog post ..Investing in Durable Car Seats
December 6th, 2010 at 5:47 am
Mine is my “lovey Dovey”, I just wanna call him that way!
DianeRLoden – cheap road bikes´s last blog post ..Used Road Bikes