Remember That Crazy Cat Lady Thing?
cats, Stupid things I do March 3rd, 2010 Do you remember the other day when I found out I’m that crazy lady who talks to herself and that I’m thisclose to being a crazy cat lady, too?
Well, we’re there.
I took my cat Lucky to the vet yesterday for dental work.
When I arrived at the office, I checked him in, along with three other people who brought pets in for some kind of surgery.
After I finished filling out paperwork, I delivered my cat to the receptionist who said “We’ll take him from here.”
Being the worrying type, I suddenly got a thought in my head that maybe with all the other cats there for surgery, the vet might mistake my cat for another and do the wrong procedure on him.
And then I didn’t want to give up my cat.
What if they do a microchip implantation? I didn’t ask for that!
What if they declaw him? No, no, no!
What if they try to remove a gall stone? He doesn’t have any!
And what if they think he’s in for what the poodle came for? I’m pretty sure Fluffy McFluffster was in for a botox treatment.
So I asked the assistant “How will you know what he’s here for? How will I know you’re working on the right cat?”
She assured me that he’d get an ID wrist band just like people get in a hospital and walked further back to the prep room.
I said “So you’ll put it on him?”
“Yes.” She kept walking.
“Like, you’ll put it on him right now?”
Her walking, walking, me following, following.
Hey! Did she just roll her eyes at me?
“You will? Promise?”
[blink blink]
“Mrs. Frederick, I can guarantee you Lucky will get the right treatment.”
And then I left, happy in the knowledge that Lucky would have his teeth cleaned and cared for and I wouldn’t be picking up a clawless, plump-lipped cat with an incision for a gall stone that never existed.
He did come home with one less tooth, though. Sorry, dude. I could save you from the wrong surgery, but I couldn’t save you from this.

March 10th, 2010 at 6:56 pm
I need to take toby to the vet, he has stinky breath, but in today’s economy struggles, I am afraid they will rake me over the coals…How do you know if you are being taken? The tooth looks perfectly healthy?? Hmmm…go in for cleaning and then it’s xrays and teeth pulling..cha-ching, cha-ching…how do we trust our vets???
March 12th, 2010 at 8:54 am
I totally know where you are coming from with this, I can’t help but worry when I have to leave my animals at the vet.
I am sure Lucky is happy to have you as his Crazy Cat Lady.
.-= Catherine at Start an Animal Sanctuary´s last blog ..11 Tigers Starved to Death at Chinese Zoo =-.
March 19th, 2010 at 9:37 pm
Oh Lucky, I am so sorry to hear that you lost that valuable fang! Did you use it on the cold-hearted tech who snatched you from your mom’s protective arms? Good for you!
“She” worries like your mom and has often been concerned about how exactly they will get the surgery/procedure matched with the cat, I mean victim. “she” never even considered the poodle scenario. Of course, being the cat victim, I certainly had thought of it. Do you think now is the time to convince the moms that a tattoo has become more than the look, but a necessity 😉 Or maybe an ear piercing to a name identifying tag?!?
Well I certainly hope that you are recovering well – I have no doubt that you are getting lots of love! That always helps!
Romeo – the ferocious cat and “her”
.-= Romeo and “her”´s last blog ..Flowers from Grammie! =-.