What’s Cookin’ in the Carb-Free Zone?
food March 16th, 2010My husband Dave is doing the low-carb thing and this is what I found boiling on the stove on Sunday.
Can’t even identify it. I imagine the description on the package read “A slab of something that grunted once. 5.99/lb.”
I nearly threw up.
I’m sorry, meat just ain’t right if it’s boiled. Club it over the head and fry it, I always say. I like meat to sizzle and have a crust, not look quite so fresh and fleshy.
I can’t be a vegetarian, but I can’t do this either.
Bon appetit.
Or not.

March 17th, 2010 at 5:25 pm
Ugh. Not sure I’d want to eat that, no matter how hungry I was! I’ll just take the broccoli, thanks … LOL!
March 17th, 2010 at 7:18 pm
Ugh! Im with you. I can do BROILED meats, but I will never be able to eat BOILED meats!
.-= meleah rebeccah´s last blog ..The Seemingly Never Ending Power Outage =-.
March 17th, 2010 at 8:39 pm
I think it’s supposed to be corned beef. Maybe? Hmmm…I’m glad mine didn’t look like that today:)
.-= Lisa – Alterity´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday…Tomorrow You Get The Post… =-.
March 17th, 2010 at 8:45 pm
Yuck and double yuck. I don’t even like to boil chicken but boiled chicken can make great chicken salad. I’m with you, I like crispy edges. And I am NEVER trying someone’s suggestion of boiled bacon. I like my bacon crispy and not flappy or soggy. EWWWWW!
Funny pic though!
March 17th, 2010 at 9:56 pm
I know exactly what it is. It’s corned beef. I have one in a crock pot right now that looks just like that. Num!
.-= Jen´s last blog ..The Wearing O’ The Green =-.
March 17th, 2010 at 11:34 pm
Boiled meat? Nope… Not for me.
.-= John J Savo´s last blog ..Funny Phone Calls =-.
March 18th, 2010 at 3:17 am
I’m not a big fan of eating meat in one piece. I like it finely sliced or chopped like the Asians do.
.-= Duni´s last blog ..Simple Market Day Tote =-.
March 18th, 2010 at 4:35 am
Baba Booey — If only. Now that’s a meal.
Sheila Sultani — Ha! It does look the size of a cat, now doesn’t it? It totally reminded me of the poor rabbit taking a steam in Fatal Attraction.
Marg — It is not a good picture any time of the day. And be glad it’s not the best shot either. It would have been clearer if I had a better camera. Hope you had a fun St. Patty’s Day!
SewDucky — Ah, another fan of corned beef! But doesn’t it freak you out that it’s boiling in water? Somehow I don’t mind meat in roasts, simmering in a crockpot for example. I guess because it’s in water, not meat juices. I know. I’m weird.
Daisy the Curly Cat — I know! It’s the gross color, isn’t it? BTW, I don’t eat refried beans either. Bleck!
Shieldmaiden1196 — And we should all be glad they don’t send around people as census takers anymore. Wait. They don’t, right?
Onion Kid — Grill it, fry it, burn it! It needs to have an outer coating that hides what color is on the inside.
Beamer — It sounds delicious the way you described it. I could eat it on rye w/mayo for sure. But someone would have to slice it up good for me and hide it in a sandwich first. In it’s chunky raw form, I won’t go near it.
absepa — “Oil slick” sounds so appetizing, doesn’t it? I can’t do low-carb either. Way, way too much meat on that diet. I’m just trying to reduce calories overall. It’s working OK for me and it means I can still have my delicious bread.
Pricilla — See, but that’s the difference. I bet all those ingredients are simmering in their own juices and not boiling in water. The water is what’s freaking me out. As though it was laundry or something. Bleh.
Elisha — You are a bad cook because I am too. We were dealt bad cards in the kitchen. We just have to live with it and get other people to cook for us. That’s where you should put your energy. Getting other people to make you food. Works for me!
barry knister — What’s that saying? “A picture is worth a thousand words?” like “Get your own food, woman.”
Crabby Blogging Lady — Tongue? Why, oh why, do people think to eat that part? I mean, really. What could it possibly taste like? Oh, yeah. Tongue.
SuziCate — Oh, no. Looks were not deceiving, looks were everything. I did not eat that, will not eat that, Sam I Am. He even tried to get me to have some after it sat in the fridge for a day. He claimed it looked better and more like meat after it “set up.” Um. No.
My Momma Drama — Ignorance is bliss.
Jenn of Many Cabbages — Yes, it looks like you could kill if you knocked them over the head with it. And that’s what I wanted to do to Dave for making it. It meant I had to forage for my own food that day.
Barb at WillThink4Wine — Seriously. Gimme a charred burger. I do not want to know what it looked like when it walked around once.
Jennifer — Another fan! Hey, the kids can’t have everything. Let them eat chicken nuggets for a day. And you go enjoy your boiled meat. Hats off to ya, sista!
Susan Montgomery — To disinfect it? I don’t know.
TheWordWire — “Meat paste trash now.” LMAO.
JD at I Do Things — Oh, see now, I hadn’t thought of that. The Mashed Potato Coverup. Technique used by kids for generations. Shoulda thought of that.
Lynne — You’re the second person who suggested it looked like refried beans. And why does even the name refried beans gross me out? Maybe because I think of “regurgitated beans” when I see it on a plate?
Centers and Squares — So how was your dinner? Did your meat look any better than ours?
jay — Well, that there is one way to get your veggies. If you can’t eat the protein….
meleah rebeccah — Ah, yes! BROILED meat is the way to go. I want a blackened brisket that I can’t identify as animal. Because eating meat is all about denying where any of it came from, right?
Lisa Alerity — Yep, corned beef. So, tell me, is there another way to cook that thing? Or does corned beef always need to be boiled? Inquiring minds want to know.
TheFlyontheWall — I like meat boiling, or at least simmering, in its own juices. The thing is the liquid can’t be clear. It seems less like food to me that way, and more like laundry.
Jen — Yeah, but I bet it wasn’t just in water, eh? Did you have it surrounded by other things? Did you have it simmering in a stock? This “meat in water” thing just ain’t right no how.
John J Savo — It shouldn’t be for any human consumption. Just sayin’.
Duni — And me as well!
March 18th, 2010 at 8:32 am
That looks so gross. If I saw my boyfriend cooking that, I’d have thought he killed our cat and cooked it.
.-= Cashier´s last blog ..What’s That Smell? Oh, It’s You. =-.
March 18th, 2010 at 9:36 am
That doesn’t look like any New England Boiled Dinner that I ever ate (which by the way is quite yummy when done right). I just stopped doing low carb – made me feel terrible. Guess I’m just meant to be chubby.
March 18th, 2010 at 1:38 pm
Ok, first of all, I CANNOT believe how many of you did NOT recognize that is corned beef! Are you all living under a rock together somewhere?!? LOL… And secondly, PEOPLE – corned beef is food of the gods!!!! I am truly sad for you people that have never eaten corned beef. You are missing out, and you look like idiots for saying it’s gross. 8 gajillion people ate it yesterday for St. Patty’s day – IT’S NOT GROSS IT’S DELICIOUS! Come out from under the rock and try some! 😛
.-= Carole´s last blog ..Our St. Patrick’s Day Dinner =-.
March 18th, 2010 at 7:42 pm
Nope – goes in a big ole pot of water. That’s why it’s boiled dinner.
And it’s yummy
You gotta cover it all with water for it to boil.
I guess it’a a back East thing.
But I’m telling you it’s delicious.
.-= Pricilla´s last blog ..My Poor Studmuffin =-.
March 24th, 2010 at 12:37 pm
That looks like something my dad bought. He said he found round BEEF on sale, I look at the package it says ground MEAT. As in take a guess as to what is in there. It was so gross.