The Grocery Store Walk of Shame
Stupid things I do April 19th, 2010 On Saturday I had to run to the store to pick up a bunch of things. Among them, salad dressing, paper towels, hot dog buns, pickles and a blog post.
I grabbed the first couple items and moseyed on toward the pickle aisle.
I selected a small jar, but put it back down for something bigger. When I picked up the next jar, I changed my mind again and put it back — atop another jar on the shelf, as they’d been stacked two-high.
And then, what charted in as the 78th stupid thing I’ve done this year, my finger slipped.
I knew as soon as I withdrew my hand the jar was going down.
Down, down, down it went and all I could do was watch for the inevitable crash, the broken glass, the wayward pickles and juice splattered a la Jackson Pollock.
Awww, crap.
I parked my cart over the mess of glass bits, juice and pickles. So many pickles! All of whom I’m sure suffered massive internal injuries from the fall. I warned fellow shoppers about the glass and to be careful. A girl of about age 10 looked at me with such scorn, I the Pickle Killer, Destructor of Glass Jars, Spreader of Pickle Juice.
I set off to flag down a store employee so I could admit my klutziness and make sure it got cleaned up. For a moment, I wondered whether I should say “Someone dropped a pickle jar down there.” I could blame in on that mean girl who was still in the aisle. But I opted to fess up completely and announce to the cashier in lane #8 that it was I who dropped the jar.
She asked “Where?”
“Um. The pickle aisle?” Where chunks of glass will cut people’s feet and if you don’t hurry I’m going to cry and run away and never come back, do you hear me?!
I dutifully added “Aisle #1.” I threw in an “I’m sorry” and headed back to scene of the crime. I still needed pickles.
I didn’t even know what kind to take, flustered as I was. Should I even continue shopping in this aisle? Can I pretend like this didn’t just happen and say to other shoppers “Oh, look what someone did! Tsk tsk.” What’s the protocol here? Do I stay and guard the mess until someone comes to clean it? Somebody help me!
All those questions gave me a headache and so I just grabbed a jar — any jar — and scurried away.
Then I made the broken-glass, splattered-juice, injured-pickle walk of shame through the rest of the store, hoping no one would look at me and point “There she is! She kills pickles and cuts people with glass!”
I have never wheeled a grocery cart so fast in my life.
When I finished speed-shopping, I queued up to checkout lane #8 with the cashier who’d summoned a clean-up crew. She rang up my things and when she got to the pickles, I kid you not, she said “I’ll double bag them for you so they’re secure.”
Why? Because now you think I’ll drop pickles wherever I go? You think I’m a pickle-droppin’ loser whose face will be posted on the employee break room wall so that everyone knows to walk behind me with a mop and dustpan? Is that it?
I thanked her for her help earlier, took my change and slunk out of the store, possibly never to return without a bag over my head.
When my husband got home from work, he noticed the pickles on the counter and said “Oh, you didn’t have to get those. I was gonna get them later when I went to the store.”
Sure. Now you tell me.

April 20th, 2010 at 10:21 am
I did the very same thing last week, only with a glass bottle of milk. A half gallon of it. ALL OVER the check out lane. My kids were fighting and trying to grab at the candy and gum (don’t you hate where they position that stuff), I was rushing to unload my stuff from my car. And ssssssllllllliiiiip. CRASH.
I burst into tears. It was that kind of day. I felt horribly. Glass everywhere. My cart and my kids on top of it all, and they had to close that check out lane entirely so they could clean up the mess.
Gives new meaning to “don’t cry over spilt milk,” I suppose, right?
.-= Erin´s last blog ..Today you can find me over at Laugh Out Loud! =-.
April 20th, 2010 at 11:27 am
Always remember – it could be worse.
I cringed reading, because I thought you were about to tell us you caused a PICKLE AVALANCHE! Many jars, crashing down.
Cause, um, I have a friend who did that with canteloupes. She told me it was VERY humiliating. I still blush when I think about it. Er, I mean SHE does.
.-= JustLinda´s last blog ..OK, something’s gotta give… =-.
April 20th, 2010 at 12:27 pm
I have to admit, after all is said and done, I was a little worried about the shoes! Tell me you weren’t wearing the bacon shoes, Kathy! Nothing worse than pickle juice on bacon shoes! I hate calling attention to myself in public and being a klutz more than anything so I really can relate. I could be a runner up for klutz of the century!
.-= Linda Medrano´s last blog ..What The Bloody Hell! =-.
April 20th, 2010 at 3:04 pm
So, YOU’RE the one who killed the pickles! That’s probably why they installed the foam rubber flooring in the pickle aisle at my local Food Lion. I went to pick up a jar and the armed guard said, “If you drop it like that bag lady did in PA, you’ll have to pay for it.”
.-= Tarheel Rambler´s last blog ..Sunday Scenery: Mobile Edition =-.
April 20th, 2010 at 4:01 pm
You should be proud that you went to the cashier and admitted it. I totally would have blamed it on the mean girl.
.-= Jerseygirl´s last blog ..The Scanner Fairy =-.
April 20th, 2010 at 4:15 pm
I’ve had to do the walk of shame a few times and I’m not looking forward to when the kids are old enough to reach the fragile items in the store. The worst they can do is knock over the macaroni boxes on display.
April 20th, 2010 at 5:26 pm
Nicky — Oh, now worries there. I despise olives of any kind. Olive bars in stores? Blech!
Linda — And you always will. Watch your step.
Leslie — She said it with a little smirk, so I forgave her. And glad to have you on board!
Pricilla — Many, many pickles.
Ferd — Yes, I believe I should have copyright to “ruh roh” since it’s become my unofficial chant. Sadly. Also sad to say my life is more of a tragedy with spots of comedy, just so I don’t feel so mental.
Tiggy — You don’t walk around museums, do you? Remember that guy who took a load off and sat on a priceless piece of furniture on display as art and broke it?
Erin — I’m so sorry to hear that, although you should feel good at least that it wasn’t you. You had kids to blame it on. Who do I have?
Just Linda — Oh, man. See, I don’t go anywhere near those large displays. If I want something from them, I go to wherever they are normally in the store. I shall not touch perfectly stacked items in the form of a pyramid. I know better. I’m laughing at the cantaloupes thing. And happy it wasn’t me.
Linda Medrano — Nope, shoes were fine and dry at home! Small blessings, eh?
Tarheel Ramblings — Har! Pretty soon you’ll have to ask for pickles at the courtesy counter like you have to do with Sudafed at pharmacies.
Jerseygirl — Believe me, I was tempted to shift blame wherever I could. It’s not beneath me to consider it, but I’m a really bad liar.
Nutrition Degree — I don’t know how you’ll manage. Straight jackets? Too much?
April 20th, 2010 at 6:04 pm
I have never dropped anything in a grocery store and now I’m absolutely terrified to. LOL It must happen a lot, though, so I would not worry about the bag over your head next time you’re there. lol
.-= Corrina´s last blog ..He Never Bores Me =-.
April 20th, 2010 at 9:08 pm
I feel you handled your “pickle perp-walk” with dignity unsullied.
April 21st, 2010 at 9:35 am
I’d like to say that I can’t relate. That this has never happened to me in a store. So that is what I will say. 🙂
Love the punch line, by the way. Isn’t life like that? Never without a sense of irony.
.-= unfinishedperson´s last blog ..Pet Peeve #2: Motorcyclists who ride motorcycles without helmets =-.
April 21st, 2010 at 9:58 am
I can relate to your experience. I like you being honest to the teller that you broke a glass of pickle.
.-= Joie´s last blog ..Things to consider before buying Toys for Children =-.
April 21st, 2010 at 1:08 pm
Haha lol. Well at least you told someone about it. I’ve seen customers drop things and bolt out of the store running. 😀
.-= Cashier´s last blog ..Which Way is the Mall? =-.
April 21st, 2010 at 2:16 pm
I thought of you today when I bought pickles. 🙂
April 21st, 2010 at 2:38 pm
Well. . . what a pickle you got yourself into!! LOL!! 🙂
.-= Ollie McKay’s´s last blog .. =-.
April 21st, 2010 at 5:33 pm
That’s an absolutely hilarious story, and incredibly well written. I can actually picture the whole situation in my head. For what it’s worth, my favourite part is “Because now you think I’ll drop pickles wherever I go?”
Great stuff.
.-= Rick´s last blog ..Clean the Junk from Your Garage =-.
April 22nd, 2010 at 4:38 am
Corrina — You should be terrified. Just have a plan first. Decide whether you’re going to be a coward or fess up. If you’re a coward, wear your best running shoes.
David — Thank you. I can sleep with a clear conscious.
unfinishedperson — Oh, I’d love to know what you’ve dropped. What’s fun is if you drop something out of your refrigerator that’s plastic and heavy, and the top comes off and everything shoots out like a cannon. I wouldn’t know about that though.
Joie — Thanks. I feel pretty good about it.
Cashier — I know you have because you’ve seen everything. I just love your blog!
Linda — Uh oh. First I’m the Bacon Lady, now I’m the Pickle Dropper. I’ll never live this down.
Ollie McKay — I did!
Rick — Thanks so much. How much you wanna bet that cashier will remember me forever now.
April 22nd, 2010 at 10:57 am
I recently dropped a jar of peanut butter. It was fairly close to the checkout counter. I notified them, with a little shame. Then I forgot about it until the checkout counter…which was the same checker that I had notified about the pbj incident. I wonder which is harder to clean up pickle juice or peanut butter?
.-= Lanita´s last blog ..Spectically Speaking =-.
April 22nd, 2010 at 4:43 pm
This made me laugh on a painful day. Thank you. 🙂
April 23rd, 2010 at 2:08 pm
[…] The Grocery Store Walk of Shame – I just recently discovered the wonderfully amusing blog of Junk Drawer from one of Barbara Swafford’s posts, Google Isn’t God. I love Kathy’s topics and writing style. This post really made my day. […]
April 23rd, 2010 at 10:29 pm
Ha! I once walked off with another cart that was parked next to mine. I realized it wasn’t my cart at check out when I noticed it was filled with too much healthy food.
.-= Lauren´s last blog ..Blogging: Connecting to Readers via a T1 Line to the Heart. =-.
April 24th, 2010 at 5:13 am
Oh how embarrassing, think I would have stopped shopping and left the store. Now when walk by the pickles I will always think of you,lol. Was it a small store?… going through the check out must have been torture. So Pickles are now on your stay away list, Hubby will pick them up,lol.
.-= Auntie E´s last blog ..Aloha fridays & Friday follow- A Question =-.
April 24th, 2010 at 6:50 am
After reading this post a few days back, today in the supermarket I;
Dropped the DVD accompanying my fiancé’s magazine on the floor, causing the DVD to come out of the little case.
Had to choose another copy of said magazine as the initial one was dog-eared.
Ripped the front page of another copy of said magazine nearly in half by accident as I climbed the magazine rack to get to the ridiculously high space allotted this particular magazine.
And dropped a lime, which rolled under my shopping trolley so that as I moved away from the limes I kicked it too; you know, just for good measure.
Oh and I once dropped a pack of gum on my head – then it landed on the floor – as I was trying to get it off the shelf where it was too high. I didn’t get that one, I bought another pack. I think I’ve also dropped cookies on my head at times, oh and maybe chips. I’m short. Really short.
.-= Elisha´s last blog ..Can’t ever surprise my fiancé! =-.
April 24th, 2010 at 1:40 pm
I’m laughing. *With* you, not at you. Oh, the shame. Oh, the aggravation. You horrid, horrid pickle dropper.
.-= rose´s last blog ..Confessions =-.
April 28th, 2010 at 9:45 pm
okay one more, vlastic pickles should be in a plastic jar. WTH. it’s not your fault. blame vlastic for being a fancy pants.
plastic pickle jars won’t do, will they?
May 2nd, 2010 at 6:01 pm
Ok, that’s really funny. Thanks for the laugh Kath… I really needed it. 🙂
May 8th, 2010 at 4:56 am
Lanita — Peanut Butter, I bet. It sticks. Although it wouldn’t splatter far. Hmmm. It’s a toss-up.
Sandra Rose Hughes — Happy to help.
Lauren — Awesome. That I’ve never done, but it’s going to one day. I can just feel it.
Auntie E — I did want to leave. My gut reaction. But I had stuff I needed! What to do? You have to soldier on in these circumstances. I’ll never buy pickles again.
Elisha — We are Sisters of the Dropsies. Good Lord! At least nothing you’ve dropped was liquid in glass. Yet.
rose — I know no one ever laughs at me. At least that’s what I keep telling myself. Hell, I laugh at me.
v — I agree. I blame all pickle jar makers who must think pickles taste better in glass. Who cares?! They’re pickles! How much special care do they need?
Jeff — I’m glad to oblige.
May 14th, 2010 at 8:33 am
I like the idea of blaming the hardness of the floor. I hope you had a nice stress free night after that followed by lots of relaxing music or sumpin’. Wow. Hopefully, you didn’t get lost trying to get home after that ordeal.
September 27th, 2010 at 9:26 pm
Ha! I just bought pickles as well and the checker put two glass pickle jars in the same bag. Once I brought them in to the house, I stuck my hand in the sack to get my pickles. The “cheaper” pickles I grabbed first ,and it was so slippery. I check the lid, pressing on the middle to see if the seal was broken. The jar squirted me in the eye with a pickle jet stream. ON further examination, the pickle jars must have collided, leaving a “windshield rock attack” scar in the middle of the jar. Thankfully, the good pickles survived!
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