Tribal Blogs: The Crap-Free Zone of Blogging
Blogging April 1st, 2010 I’d like to introduce you to a great new blogger’s network called Tribal Blogs, started by Jen of Redhead Rantings.
Jen wanted to start a new network for “writers whose outstanding blogs set them apart from the rest of the pack.” I joined a few weeks ago and I’m loving it already.
What you’ll find is a posse of awesome bloggers who take blogging seriously. They’re willing to lend you a hand, share and promote your posts, and toss ideas around that can be of use to everyone.
The network also has plenty of groups to join, even one just for men (Jen can’t even get in to see what they’re talking about, but she figures there’s a lot of belching and farting going on).
What you won’t find at Tribal Blogs are the crap blogs. You know exactly the kind of blogs I’m talking about. You probably visit them as part of other networks you belong to that require you to drop on blogs to earn credits or exposure.
Jen is careful to monitor membership and keep out blogs that aren’t updated, don’t have original material or whose authors don’t engage their readers. Here, there’s no wading through the chaff.
It’s free to join, but a premium membership is available for those who want to be listed in the Tribal Blogs toolbar. The toolbar is a great way to visit other members’ quality blogs all at once.
Come on over and check it out! You won’t be disappointed.
And thanks, Jen, for all your hard work getting Tribal Blogs off the ground. It’s an idea whose time has come.

April 1st, 2010 at 5:13 pm
Oh man, so conflicted.
Want to be part of an elite group of elite people.
Don’t want to risk not measuring up.
Oh the stress! And on the day before Good Friday, too!
.-= Tracy´s last blog ..Sometimes I like to remind you I have five boys =-.
April 1st, 2010 at 5:24 pm
Wow. Thanks, Kathy. I took a looksy and it seems like fun…although “gifted writer” kinda scared me. Hey, I can spell pretty good, though. Think that counts? Hee! I’m gonna go sign up in a bit anyway. 🙂
.-= earthtoholly´s last blog ..SkyWatch Friday: Brake 4 Chikin =-.
April 1st, 2010 at 5:31 pm
I joined but I must be honest I have no idea how to use the site or what it’s purpose is.
.-= Grace´s last blog ..Sleeping with the lights on =-.
April 1st, 2010 at 5:35 pm
I’ve heard of this one before but never checked it out. I think the wording scared me off, the outstanding blogs and gifted writer.
.-= ann´s last blog ..My Dinosaur =-.
April 1st, 2010 at 6:32 pm
Wow, Kathy, what a great post about Tribal Blogs, thank you so much!
As for measuring up, don’t worry about it. The idea for Tribal Blogs was to create a community where people who enjoy blogging can meet others who do the same. Mentoring is a big part of Tribal Blogs. We don’t care if someone has typos or has issues with commas (that would be me) it’s all about making a connection and learning from other bloggers. When I started blogging I didn’t know squat but I read a lot of blogs, this one here especially, and I learned an awful lot. Not only about blogging but about writing. I am a much better writer because I have read the blogs of some fantastic writers. Don’t worry about going through any screening process, that is simply to keep out the blogs that just take up space and the ones that are translated (poorly) from another language. If you read Kathy’s blog you will have no trouble getting in so please come on by.
Grace: If there is anything I can help you please let me know. Join a group or two, introduce yourself (or if you like I can introduce you to everyone), jump in and start talking. Please do let me know if I can answer any questions, I want to make sure you are getting the most out of the site.
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Tribal Blogs Update =-.
April 1st, 2010 at 7:00 pm
I checked it out. It’s kinda making me feel a little bit apprehensive and insecure because it makes us feel who don’t belong in the group —-crappy , dumb bloggers. :-)Peace!
Congratulations to you and to those who made it into the elite group. Kudos also to Jen who started this innovative thing to make other bloggers strive for the best.
.-= bingkee´s last blog ..MEN’S PANTS =-.
April 1st, 2010 at 7:07 pm
A word to everyone: Please, please, please don’t be scared off by Tribal Blogs. Believe me, it’s a exactly the place you guys need to be. ALL OF YOU! Jen’s only moderating for the kinds of blogs that are slapped together willy nilly and don’t have anything valuable to offer readers. Anyone who comments at the Junk Drawer is a perfect candidate for this!
OK, class. Get to it!
April 1st, 2010 at 7:34 pm
Hip hip hooray for Tribal Blogs!
.-= frogmama´s last blog ..Maybe the Chinese food should mind its own business =-.
April 1st, 2010 at 7:52 pm
Thanks for posting about this, Kathy. I’ve just about had it with Entrecard because of the ridiculous nothing blogs I have to go through to find anything of interest. Now maybe I can depart from it altogether! GREAT idea, Jen!
.-= Christy´s last blog ..Old McBraces =-.
April 1st, 2010 at 8:01 pm
I wonder if they accept cats….
.-= Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Fun with Peeps! =-.
April 1st, 2010 at 8:34 pm
Daisy, we have a goat and a cat and I am trying to convince Nooter to join, we would love to have there!
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Tribal Blogs Update =-.
April 1st, 2010 at 8:51 pm
Kathy, I couldn’t agree more. That’s how I found you and now I’m a follower. The toolbar is addicting. I have it open all the time — like I needed yet another distraction from getting my work done. I was going to say that Jen “worked her ass off” on this, but I think I’ll just say she worked really hard. 😉
.-= injaynesworld´s last blog ..injaynesworld we’re growing "Tired of Old White Men…" =-.
April 1st, 2010 at 8:54 pm
The goat would LOVE the cat. And the dog. And the other dog.
.-= Margaret (Nanny Goats)´s last blog ..Maui is No Place for Children =-.
April 1st, 2010 at 9:52 pm
Jayne, Haha! It might not be down to a size 4 like some asses on this page but it’s smaller than before I started this project. Of course I didn’t do this alone, so many people have done so much work, even if their asses weren’t a size 4 either, Tribal Blogs is what it is because of the great members who get in there and mentor/support/goof around and just plain have fun with everyone else.
This is probably not the place for this and at some point we both need to write a post about the ass thing. Sorry Kathy, for using that word so much.
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Tribal Blogs Update =-.
April 1st, 2010 at 11:16 pm
I found out about Tribal Blogs just before Kathy put up this post (Thank you Babs-Beetle) – I was surprised to find my friends there too ! Super job Jen !
People, don’t be put off by the rules – they are meant to be there – If you consider yourself a part of the Junk Drawer Network you will regret not joining.
@Daisy Curly Cat: I’d love to see you there too ! Bring Harley – I am sure he’ll make a great mascot for the ‘Men Only’ group.
And speaking of ‘Men Only’ – we’d like to encourage more real men to sign up and join us.
I’d like to warn you but I am under oath.
April 2nd, 2010 at 1:07 am
I find it really funny that some of the humans who posted about being a little intimidated about Tribal Blogs are some of my favorite blogs to visit! And my human likes them too – plus, she’s a freelance editor, so she’s pretty picky about writing she likes and doesn’t like! Jen can correct me if I’m mistaken, but I get the feeling that just about anybody who visits and comments on Kathy’s blog regularly would be an asset to Tribal Blogs.
And of course they let cats in – they let me join, and I’m about as kitty as they get!
.-= Sparkle´s last blog ..It’s No Fun Being a Feral Cat in Los Angeles =-.
April 2nd, 2010 at 4:17 am
I heard about the group before. I’ll check it out today. And, yeah, nobody wants to be the owner of a crappy blog, but if you don’t take chances – you don’t drink champagne!
.-= Elena´s last blog ..Secret Underground Tunnels In Moscow =-.
April 2nd, 2010 at 4:27 am
Tracy — You must have gotten over it. I accepted your friendship request. So glad you joined!
earthtoholly — I’m glad you’re signing up. As you know, I love your blog (and Lucy, too!), so you’re exactly who should join.
Grace — Figuring out the site takes just minutes. I find I frequently check the Forum and now the new The Tribe Has Spoken tab, which is a live feed of members’ posts. And I see Jen’s response to you, so yes, jump in. The water’s fine!
ann — Let us all not get worried about the “gifted writer” thing. Maybe Jen will consider changing that wording so as not to frighten potential members. When Jen and I talked about promoting TB, we already knew that anyone who regularly reads Junk Drawer is a perfect candidate for the network. No worries!
Jen — Thanks for stepping in to clarify things. I’m so excited to see new members since last night.
bingkee — Wait a minute, you’re joining right? You must! I know your blog and you belong, without question. Please sign up, bingkee!
frogmama — Shouldn’t we have champagne glasses in our hands? Three cheers is right. I’m stoked about this network. I haven’t found one as good as this since I started blogging three years ago. It’s a great thing!
Christy — Agreed. I feel like I’ve moved my attention to better bloggers and it annoys me that I spend so much time on EC still, and for what? My eyes should be on the bloggers over at Tribal instead. Glad to see you there.
Daisy the Curly Cat — Yes! Yes! They do. Please join! In fact, I’m going to list you in the Plug Your Peeps group because I want people to know about you. p.s. Did you nom the rest of your yellow peep from the other day?
Jen — Administratively, we may need some kitty litter boxes and hay to put down on the floor. Also, some dog walkers. Just sayin’.
injaynesworld — I’m a follower of yours too! I love the toolbar because I know when I open it, I’ll find better blogs than 80% of what shows when I surf the EC toolbar. It’s refreshing. Jen’s hard work shows.
Nanny Goats — Hey, I wonder if someone should create a pet group over at Tribal. I know many of the commenters here don’t blog exclusively about animals, but it might be neat to have a group where pet bloggers can discuss issues unique to them (getting animals to cooperate for photo shoots, using pet voice in posts, etc.)
Jen — No size 4 ass here. I may beat you to it with the ass post. I just started watching my diet and working out and I’m on my way to a smaller ass.
Jaffer — You are so right, Jaffer. Anyone who reads me is perfect for Tribal. I can just imagine Harley in the Men’s Only group. He’s one cool cat. They’d be glad to have him.
Sparkle — Right-o! Anyone who visits Junk Drawer is welcome. And check my response to Nanny Goats about setting up a Pet Bloggers group over there.
Elena — Hey, if you read my posts from back when I started blogging, you’d know the definition of a crappy blog. What a noob I was.
April 2nd, 2010 at 5:04 am
Oh that sounds great. Going right over. And the idea of a pet group sounds great. I would be glad to do that. Thanks.
.-= Marg´s last blog ..Spring has sprung in the Garden and Yard. =-.
April 2nd, 2010 at 6:09 am
I think we will sign up! But we have to wait until Sunday when my Mommeh has a day off so we can figure everything out.
.-= Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Fun with Peeps! =-.
April 2nd, 2010 at 6:11 am
I don’t get it. I hated EntreCard… My wrist really hated it! Maybe I’ll let my cats test the waters.
.-= Barb at WillThink4Wine´s last blog ..Pass the Pringles, please =-.
April 2nd, 2010 at 6:48 am
OK. We joined and became part of the Tribe. We Tweeted. We Facebooked. It’s all your fault, Kathy!
.-= Barb at WillThink4Wine´s last blog ..Pass the Pringles, please =-.
April 2nd, 2010 at 6:55 am
I’ve been waiting for the day when I can leave Entrecard again!
Tribal Blogs is a great place to meet other bloggers and make new friends. I thinks it’s a much needed place for us to support each other and build a network of like-minded bloggers.
.-= Babs – beetle´s last blog ..Furniture Project =-.
April 2nd, 2010 at 7:18 am
I’m there! So great to have a place to go to commune with kindred spirits.
.-= CatLadyLarew´s last blog ..Mellow Yellow: Theme Thursday =-.
April 2nd, 2010 at 7:19 am
I’m just popping in for a minute but it seems as if Kathy, and other Tribal Blogs members, have already answered any questions. I will consider changing the wording, however, I truly believe that if you engage your readers you will become, if you haven’t already, a gifted writer. Let me say here that as writers you have to have confidence in yourself, and it isn’t easy, but if you publish a blog and update it on a regular basis, you are taking a risk, a scary one at that sometimes, that takes courage so all of you who are fearful or apprehensive, don’t be. You are gifted writers, you just don’t believe it yet. Hopefully Tribal Blogs can help build that confidence.
Also, see what Jaffer, Sparkle, Jayne and all the other members did? They jumped right in to help. That is exactly what is going on over at Tribal Blogs. It’s pretty amazing.
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Tribal Blogs Update =-.
April 2nd, 2010 at 8:29 am
Tribal Blogs is the place you want to be if you are seriously enjoying your blog. If you are putting time and effort into your blogging and want to hang out with like minded people, sign up today. It is just a fun and supportive atmosphere. How many times during your blogging ‘career’ have you had a question and don’t know where to turn? Tribal Blogs! You don’t know how to accomplish something that you see other people doing but you are afraid to ask…over there you are free to ask and you’ll get answers from everyone. That’s the point. I’m so glad to be there. Thanks Jen for this fabulous idea and all of your hard work.
.-= Buggys´s last blog ..AGift for Mother’s Day or Any Day =-.
April 2nd, 2010 at 8:47 am
GREAT write-up, Kathy! Thanks for helping spread the word about Tribal Blogs. It’s not an elite site, but it IS an awesome site.
.-= JD at I Do Things´s last blog ..I Win Stuff so you don’t have to =-.
April 2nd, 2010 at 9:20 am
I’ve been wishing for some type of blogging group to join since I left Entrecard. (Just didn’t have time for all that dropping and whatnot.) Like a lot of the other folks here, that “gifted writer” think kind of scared me. After reading the comments here, though, I think I am going to check out Tribal Blogs tonight. Thanks for spreading the word!
.-= absepa´s last blog ..The inexplicable pickle =-.
April 2nd, 2010 at 9:38 am
Hi Kathy,
An interesting post on Tribal Blogs, and I checked it out. I’ve been blogging for about 6 months, and there is still much to learn. You said that anyone who reads and comments here would likely be allowed to join Tribal Blogs, but I’m not sure if I’d be a fit. My posts are all over the map, and only a portion of them would be considered “writing”, and I’m not part of facebook, twitter or stumble.
April 2nd, 2010 at 9:43 am
Kathy, I read her post about it, but was embarrassed to ask about it. Since, I’ve only been blogging for around six months, I don’t feel my expertise or material is at the quality needed. I like being connected to a group of people as well, but haven’t been familiar with any particular group or the benefits other than getting to know other blogger. Geesh, I still don’t know the ins and outs of my own blog. Can you say bloggy illiterate fast five times?! That’s me. I see your and Jen material and blog literacy like way above my own scope.
.-= SuziCate´s last blog ..Ceremonial Jingle Dancer =-.
April 2nd, 2010 at 9:57 am
Linda, I just checked out your blog and it would fit in really nicely. My main blog is all over the place too so please don’t let that scare you. Buggys wrote a comment above that really describes the kind of people who are there and who can benefit from the group.
Suziecate, you comment on my blog all the time which means you are involved in the blogging world. I would have never known you had only recently started blogging. As for my own blog, Redhead Ranting, I wing it everyday. There is so much I don’t know but am learning so please come on over and take a look around.
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Tribal Blogs Update =-.
April 2nd, 2010 at 10:48 am
Daisy – they accepted a goat so I am sure they will accept you.
Your blog is fun.
I just wish I had more time.
Maybe when the publicist gets her house built.
.-= Pricilla´s last blog ..What Happened to Spring? =-.
April 2nd, 2010 at 11:29 am
I’m SO glad you wrote about this. Thank you so much for sharing. I just retweeted this post I love it so much. I joined last night, was accepted, put the little widget on my blog, and this morning have a bunch of friendship requests which I am dying to approve and get in my account and fill it all out, BUT, as I wrote to our Dashing Dazzling “Red,” 🙂 the genius behind it all, I cannot get logged in. Every time I try I get sent to a WordPress page and it tells me my log in is invalid and won’t let me in. Now, it is not only the RIGHT log-in but when I click the link to go the the Tribal site my log-in name and pw are saved there, but it won’t let me in.
Has anyone else had this problem? What should I do? I want to go Pro to help support this wonderful effort but I can’t even get in to do that.
And, ahem, Priscilla, it was the very fact that they admitted a goat that gave me the courage to apply myself. I mean, not that I’m up there with goats, but I thought I might be accepted on the basis of living with a Noah’s Ark full of animals here. And I STILL can’t get in.
Maitri, perplexed and shouting, HELP!!!!!
April 2nd, 2010 at 12:24 pm
Maitri, I just sent you an email. I’m sorry for the trouble you are having but we will fix it. Details are in the email. J
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Tribal Blogs Update =-.
April 2nd, 2010 at 12:40 pm
I’m still trying to find my way around tribal blogs. It seems like everybody I want to read just about is on there. Still, it takes me longer than most to figure things out! I’m enjoying it though!
.-= Linda Medrano´s last blog ..Black Jack =-.
April 2nd, 2010 at 1:21 pm
[…] to the members who wrote a post on Tribal Blogs I can’t thank you enough. Sheila, Buggys and Kathy, thank you so much for your kind […]
April 2nd, 2010 at 1:41 pm
I *heart* Tribal Blogs and I am PROUD to be a part of it.
.-= meleah rebeccah´s last blog ..Trying To Find My ‘Swing’ =-.
April 2nd, 2010 at 1:42 pm
Marg – Thanks for creating the “Pets, cats, dogs, donkeys, horses, goats and whatever” group! I hope Daisy joins so her mommeh can give other animal bloggers some tips!
Daisy the Curly Cat — Yes, join up Daisy. We’re all ready for you. We’ll find a place for you and Harley to nap when you need to. It won’t be hard. It’s very cozy over there.
Barb — Everyone’s wrists hate EC. I’m glad to see you joined up. I’m having such a blast over there. Honestly, I’ve never been part of such a fun network before. What a godsend. And thanks for promoting the post. I’m already seeing familiar faces.
Babs Beetle — Me too. I hardly dropped today. What I’d like to do is devote my efforts to getting to know other good bloggers outside of EC and moving away from the hodge podge of bloggers at EC. I still do read some EC blogs, and I’ll keep those in my reader, but I’d feel better if my attention was moved toward higher-quality blogs. The relationships I build there will do more for me traffic-wise than EC. Oh, to get off the teat!
CatLadyLarew — Agreed!
Jen — Well said! It’s been really active over at TB today. We have a pet bloggers group set up and I’ve already had some technical and not so technical questions answered. We’re shakin’ up the blogosphere!
Innovatively Simple — Are you kidding? All that? Are you insane? Wait, is all that from a movie? I suck at movie quotes. Don’t ask me.
Buggys — Absolutely. This is such a valuable resource and I’ve already subscribed to a half dozen new blogs I really like. I kept thinking “Where have all these great bloggers been?” I feel like I’m getting back to my blogging roots and finding new people to read who are funny, though-provoking, crazy like me or just plain fun to read. I’m so happy about Tribal Blogs.
JD at I Do Things — Right, not elitist. What fun would that be? This is exactly what we all needed. I’m so glad to be part of it.
absepa — Well, this is exactly the place. So much better than EC. I’m glad you’re not put off by the wording. Be sure to read all of Jen’s comments here. She would never deny a blogger like you. You’re what Tribal Blogs needs.
Linda — Oh, you would fit all right. You care about your blog and it shows. Tribal Blogs is for blogs whose authors didn’t just throw a site up and walk away. My posts are all over the map, too. Doesn’t matter one bit. You might consider yourself a new blogger yet, and that is why you should join TB. You’ll learn a lot. I am! p.s. That snowball flower on your April 1 post is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen.
SuziCate — I don’t know how you do it. Blogging only six months so far? I see you EVERYWHERE and you post so often. You’re doing something right. And you belong at Tribal Blogs.
Jen — I’m the master of winging it. Just sayin’.
Pricilla — Goats, dogs, fish, whatever!
Maitri — So glad you joined and hopefully by now you got Jen’s email about the login issue. Be sure to check for that. Your whole ark is welcome! Just be sure to clean up after them.
Linda Medrano — You’re right. I’m so happy to see some familiar faces and new, too. Checking out everyone’s blogs and finding really good ones that I’d only know about through Tribal. This is such an awesome network. Still thinkin’ about that lovely post in honor of your father.
meleah rebeccah — Me too! And me too!
April 2nd, 2010 at 3:15 pm
Yuppers, I love me some Tribal, with a side of toolbar!
.-= Katherine´s last blog ..Oh Dear! =-.
April 2nd, 2010 at 6:42 pm
And what about art, photography, jewelry…along w/ commentary..I looked @ Tribal as well, but, it seemed to be geared only toward the writing end of of ‘the arts’…anyone??
.-= amy lilley´s last blog ..The Still Raging Pawtuxet River…Much Worse Today =-.
April 2nd, 2010 at 7:24 pm
Jen’s totally awesome, and so are you for promoting her new site, which I’ve been meaning to join for weeks now but I’ve been busy and time keeps rolling on and pretty soon I’ll be old and then I’ll be dead. Bummer.
.-= MikeWJ at TooManyMornings´s last blog ..Ninety-Nine Miles From LA =-.
April 2nd, 2010 at 8:55 pm
Amy, we have photograpy and travel blogs, there are no restrictions on the kinds of blogs. Just no blogs that are thrown together and then forgotten or who are only looking to get ki$$ed. All different blogs are welcome.
Mike, there are a lot of people waiting for you so hurry up before you die, but if you do you will still be welcomed.
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Tribal Blogs Update =-.
April 3rd, 2010 at 6:46 pm
yea ^_^ i love tribal ^_^ and proud too..
.-= Blogpost at Blogspot´s last blog ..Link and Banner Exchange =-.
April 3rd, 2010 at 7:58 pm
Thanks for the heads up. I’ll check it out!
.-= Alison Moore Smith´s last blog ..Three More Ways to Stay =-.
April 4th, 2010 at 5:22 am
Has everyone joined the premium membership? Thanks Kathy for letting us know about Tribal Blogs.
.-= Paulineh´s last blog ..How to manage travel anxiety =-.
April 4th, 2010 at 12:29 pm
There seems to be a lot of bloggers’ “social networks” popping up lately. Will add checking out this one to my to-do list…
.-= Anne – Israeli Mom´s last blog ..Join Us for a Holiday – You Can Bring Your Cats =-.
April 4th, 2010 at 4:01 pm
Thanks for highlighting Tribal Blogs Kathy. Likewise, Anne – I think I have some reading to do! I am embarrassed to admit that I had not even heard of Entrecard… which probably shows me up as an amateur, but I guess you have to start somewhere!! 😐
.-= Wendy´s last blog ..Why are there not more women guitarists in bands? =-.
April 4th, 2010 at 5:38 pm
I am glad Jen did this, it’s something cool to get us together.
April 5th, 2010 at 11:33 am
Would it be weird if I said I was scared to go over because I can’t keep up with the blogs to which I am already addicted?
April 9th, 2010 at 12:19 pm
[…] also want to thank the Tribal Blogs sponsors. If you look on the sidebar you will see that The Junk Drawer, Maitri’s Heart and Ba-Bootie are sponsoring Tribal Blogs. These are all great blogs and I am […]