Windy Cake and Bacon Shoes!
Bacon, food, Fun, Windy April 12th, 2010I think we can all agree that Monday is the crappiest day of the week.
Not today, peeps!
Our Windy celebrated her 2nd birthday today with cake and curious visitors. The only downside is that when some of them saw how ragged Windy looked in her picture, they sadly proclaimed “Awww, that’s too bad.”
It didn’t help that I hadn’t planned very well for the party and couldn’t get helium balloons in time to pick up before work today. So she got the Lazy Person’s version of party decorations. Lame balloons inexplicably shaped like light bulbs and no streamers or party hats.
Hey, at least I remembered the candle.
After I filled my belleh with cake, I decided to jump on the Zazzle web site to see if my delicious custom-made bacon shoes were due to arrive soon. I’d been tracking shipment for days, knowing a package would land on my porch this week.
I give you, the most awesome shoes known to mankind.
A little too big for my feet, but maybe if I fry them, they’ll shrink up to my size.
Admit it. You’re jealous.
Tuesday will be the happiest day of the week for me, as I plan to wear these babies to work tomorrow.
How many people do you think will try to have me committed?
Probably as many as will want to cut off my feet and steal them.

April 17th, 2010 at 9:22 am
I’m new to your blog. So, when I first read happy birthday Windy and I saw the spur, I assumed Windy was a horse.
After reading many of the comments and reading some of the older post in the Windy category, I now understand that Windy is a plastic bag. The fact that a plastic bag has had as many birthday cakes as I have had in my 31 years on this earth is somewhat depressing.
But keep up the great work. The whole idea of Windy put a big smile on my face.
.-= Howard Cooper´s last blog ..Atlanta GMAT Prep =-.
April 17th, 2010 at 4:37 pm
Cat Lady Diary — And for three days, we cut cake all around her to preserve her pretty face as long as possible. Then when we got to the end, we peeled her off and sat her on a plate.
Howard Cooper — That’s hilarious! I sometimes wonder what people think when they pay their first visit to the Junk Drawer. Yes, it’s sad to say many actual people don’t get cake on their birthdays. But Windy is sort of a mascot around here, almost human, so she gets one. Also, I’m certifiably crazy. Thanks for the nice comment.
May 7th, 2010 at 9:08 am
Happy Birthday Windy!!!
.-= jo@shoes boots sandals´s last blog ..Ladies Synthetic Riding Flat Boots Brown =-.
September 13th, 2010 at 6:07 am
I am going to guess that Windy will be completely gone some point over the holiday break this year. She will go quietly, catching one more breeze, after her last strands have frozen in the PA winter.
Oddly enough since moving to Las Vegas a year and half ago. I have decided that what everyone sees out here is not UFO’s but simply plastic bags flying on the wicked winds we get here.
September 27th, 2010 at 9:03 am
So is she still there? I heard you on NPR and just read the archive. Who knew she’d be such great writing material?! Oh the things we get to read about now that publishers don’t have all the power! 🙂
October 18th, 2010 at 10:03 am
[…] course, bacon is a given on any burger (or sandwich, or pancake breakfast, or ice cream sundae, or shoes), but as this was my first time, I wanted to try a simple […]