The Truth About This Humor Writer
Blogging May 15th, 2010 I’ve been writing The Junk Drawer for almost three years now, and if you’ve been around a while you might assume a few things about me as a humor writer.
You may think that ….
1. I was a class clown. Hardly. In fact, I was painfully shy in school and afraid of my own shadow. I never told funny jokes, never made people laugh at crazy antics and I certainly didn’t want to be the center of attention. Too much pressure and I didn’t want anyone looking at me anyway. If you need me, I’ll be over here hiding in the corner.
2. Humor writing comes easily to me. Occasionally it does, and I’m always grateful when that happens, but many times I struggle to “funny up” a piece I’m writing. I’ve buried many a post over the years. Stories I thought would be humorous wind up falling flat, I kick them to the curb and start over with something else. People often say humor writing is a skill “you either have or you don’t,” but I say it’s a matter of degree, it takes work and the perfect piece doesn’t just write itself. Also, I don’t know what a perfect piece is. I’ve never had one.
3. I’m hilarious in-person. The fact is I don’t consider myself very funny in-person. I do better with the written word. My husband is the funny one, the expert joke-teller, the life of the party. I am a wallflower, content with soaking in my surroundings and watching other people be interesting and funny. I am not a laugh factory.
4. I always look at the lighter side of things. True, I do like to find humor in everyday things, but I’m a serious person by nature. Some might even say too serious, especially at work, where I’m laser-focused on the tasks at hand. But that’s because I have a solid work ethic, thanks to my parents. I’m a worrywart, stress a little too easily and can spend half a day stewing over something innocuous. Finding the lighter side means I first have to blast all the negativity out of my head. I admire people who ooze sunshine despite their burdens.
5. I gravitate to humor and comedy in books and movies. The majority of books I own are non-fiction and decidedly unfunny. Some examples are Salt: A World History, Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers and Museum: Behind the Scenes at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Nary a chuckle in them. I will always pick a documentary over a comedy. At the top of my list is WordPlay, a film about the spellbinding world of crossword puzzles and the eggheads who love them. Riveting!
Put together, these personality traits probably shouldn’t have led me to write humor. But somehow I plopped myself down into this genre and got comfortable. Isn’t it funny how that works?

May 18th, 2010 at 7:31 pm
This actually doesn’t surprise me, simply because of your picture! You look like a conservative, quiet and serious but happy woman. 🙂 But inside there is obviously quite the comedienne trying to get out LOL!
.-= Katherine´s last blog ..A Flute, A Silent Film Star And A Wooden Leg =-.
May 18th, 2010 at 8:35 pm
I was a little surprised by some of the items, but not by some of the others. For example, a little surprised you don’t gravitate towards comedy movies, but not surprised you weren’t the class clown. You can tell that’s just not your style. I think you’re true personality shines through with the funny — more conservative and serious, and not so much into being the center of attention. 🙂
.-= erin´s last blog ..Rhubarb Crisp =-.
May 19th, 2010 at 7:36 am
I wasn’t the class clown, either.
The guy who got that title had the nickname ‘Animal’ and used to eat boogers off of lockers. know…pretty thankful to pass that title up.
.-= moooooog35´s last blog ..My Shampoo is Trying to Kill Me – WITH INTENSE DAMAGE!! =-.
May 19th, 2010 at 8:53 am
i always think the same silliness, but it only comes out in situations or ‘circles’ where i feel most comfortable.
i do love funny movies best but i was never the class clown either.
love your blog btw
.-= sammy´s last blog ..i rinse my teeth with sprite =-.
May 19th, 2010 at 1:09 pm
I’m almost a reverse personality of yours. I personally known as a person full of humor but some how I unable to take that humor in my writing. You really have a bless of writing and I really have a bless of talking 🙂
.-= Arafat Hossain Piyada´s last blog ..Tips to watch favorite movies and web video on Wii =-.
May 20th, 2010 at 7:02 am
Not to be redundant, but this is a great post, Kathy. I think I’ve known you since the beginning and struggled with you when we made the switch to self-hosted WordPress platforms. So, I’ve had a glimpse of the “real you” in the past three years.
I appreciate your willingness to take risks and share your view of the humorous side of life. This post is another little risk that helps your readers know you that much better. The humor and these little insights are what makes this such a great blog.
It’s been fun studying at the feet of The Master. :0)
.-= Tarheel Rambler´s last blog ..Sunday Scenery – #101 =-.
May 20th, 2010 at 9:44 pm
I think anyone who calls themselves a “humor” blogger is really courageous. I would feel so much pressure to live up to that moniker. It’s kind of like forcing an orgasm. It either happens or it doesn’t and it usually doesn’t when you know it’s expected. I’d much rather people read my work with little or no expectations. Then if they do laugh I look like a freakin’ genius.
.-= injaynesworld´s last blog ..injaynesworld we’d “Stop Saving Stupid People…” =-.
May 21st, 2010 at 2:10 am
Great blog post. I’m always interested in how individuals view themselves, especially when their assessment is contrary to stereotypes. Growing up, I was never the funny guy, either, and I definitely relate to the painfully shy. Luckily for those in the world who like dark, dry, sarcastic, or awkward humor, I bloomed in college. No one who met me in college or later believes I was ever a quiet shy person in high school. I guess some changes are for the better 🙂
.-= Master Dayton´s last blog ..Freelance Writing Struggles: Motivation & Encouragement =-.
May 21st, 2010 at 12:03 pm
I think you have a real gift for humor. Now, I don’t mean you are a laugh a minute, but what I love about your stuff is that it’s not slapstick, it’s a smart and gentle wit! And that is a talent, Kathy!
.-= Linda Medrano´s last blog ..I Hate Surveys =-.
May 21st, 2010 at 5:59 pm
Hillbilly Willy — God bless the Internet. All we had before was journals. It’s nice we can still put it all out there and remain somewhat anonymous, isn’t it?
Brenda at Split Rock Ranch — Man, I hate to say this, but people falling kills me. I laugh when I fall, just can’t help it. So how many visits to the ER has your family had to take?
Anne Israeli Mom — There is something so perfect about being about to “hide” behind the words as shy people. Maybe because we’re not so social, our thoughts and ideas get better airplay. How many people have been saved by their writing? Countless, I’m sure.
meleah rebeccah — I understand the comfort factor. But you have a sort of aura about you that I think probably attracts people to you. More than you think, I bet.
Katherine — Aw, thanks. That’s just how I see myself.
erin — I do like a good comedy, but I’m going to sound like a crotchety old person when I say “they don’t make ’em like they used to.” The dialogue and slapstick in many comedies I find so stupid. I like a more subdued, “slow burn” with my funny movies.
mooooog3 — I can hardly believe you weren’t the class clown. You just blew my mind.
sammy — We are two of a kind. Thank you for loving my little corner of the world. I appreciate that.
Arafat Hossain Piyada — Thank you so much! I envy people who can be funny in-person, they laugh all the time and people like to be around them.
Tarheel Rambler — Yes! You have been with me longer than most people. I do see writing this piece as a little bit of risk-taking. It took forever to write and I pulled some things out at the last minute. But I’m glad I put it out there anyway. And my God, you’re giving me a big head. I can hardly hold it steady. {bats eyes}
injaynesworld — Do you know how long it took for me to call myself a writer with a straight face? Years, my dear. I feel the same way about writing with little expectation. Someone of my orientation is prone to being insulted easily and being critical of themselves. It’s something I work on, especially as a writer. If I’m going to move forward, I need to stop thinking this is something only other people can do. WE both can do it and do it well!
Master Dayton — That’s awesome. I’m glad you found college a new opportunity to stretch your wings and have people see another side of you. I feel bad for those who never take risk or break through their shells. I’m glad you got out.
Linda Medrano — Thanks so much. “A smart and gentle wit” is perhaps one of the best compliments I’ve ever received. Thank you, Linda.
May 22nd, 2010 at 9:49 pm
[…] The Truth About This Comedy Writer at Junk Drawer Blog. Kathy talks about how some of the assumptions people make about people who write humor might not necessarily be true. […]
May 22nd, 2010 at 11:10 pm
I totally disagree.
Stiff was hilarious. 🙂
Great post. Thanks!
.-= frantically heidi´s last blog ..Potluck – All New – Travel Sized =-.
May 23rd, 2010 at 1:29 pm
I can relate to this list, Kathy. I’m much more gregarious on paper than I am in real life.
.-= CatLadyLarew´s last blog ..Forgive me… =-.
May 24th, 2010 at 6:22 pm
pretty cool write-up. i’m the same way, shy. i am, until you get to know me.
there is nothing wrong with being a wallflower. the wall needs decoration too.
May 30th, 2010 at 3:09 pm
I realize I’m a few days late, but I just wanted to let you know that I really like that you used the word “nary” in this post.
May 31st, 2010 at 6:45 am
Hey Kathy! Indigo here. Our blogging personas can be very different from our real life ones. This is especially true of comedy and the often troubled people who create it. The same holds true in the cinema; from Chaplin and Keaton right through to the likes of Rowan Atkinson, there is a streak of studious perfectionism and a meticulous devotion to their craft. Now, I’m not putting any of us into such esteemed company, but speaking personally, I think comedy comes from a darker place than happiness. Indigo
.-= Indigo Roth´s last blog ..Year Two Looms Large =-.