Behind Closed Doors
Bizarre, cats June 27th, 2010 Yesterday my husband and I attended a birthday party for my brother-in-law. I was disappointed to find out from other guests that I missed the part of the show where my husband tried to walk through a patio door without first making sure it was, like, open. Smooth move, Dave.
Though he’s not so great with walking through glass, he does have a knack for screen doors.
The year: 1992
The place: Our townhouse
The event: Escaped cat
One morning before work, I had enough time to let one of our cats out into the backyard, which overlooked a wooded area and a small creek. I put Calvin in his harness and tied the leash to a fence.
From the breakfast nook I could keep an eye on him, but when I had my back turned for a split second, he managed to wriggle his way out of the harness and escape to God knows where.
Not prone to too much panic, as this had happened before, I grabbed a can of cat food and went outside to open it up in the hopes that Calvin would hear a familiar yummy sound and come running back from wherever he ventured off.
He didn’t.
I began calling his name, pleading more desperately with each shout.
Still nothing.
I ran inside for a jingle bell toy he liked and returned outside to ring it in an annoyed, I-mean-business kind of way.
Time ticked with no response.
Looking over the bank, down to the creek, I saw something orange and white moving about the brush. It’s him! Good that I found him, bad to see how inaccessible he was. The hill dropped at a 45 degree angle.
Now I panicked.
So what’s a girl to do? I ran back to the house and yelled through the screen door “Dave!!! Calvin’s in the woods!!! I can’t get him!!!”
A formerly-sleeping Dave bolted out of bed, stumbled downstairs and shot through the door to begin search and rescue.
And by “through the door,” I mean through the door.
Like a gorilla in the mist, my beast of a husband took out the entire screen door, right off the tracks.
Huh. That’s sort of unfortunate.
Without skipping a beat, he handed me the door, said simply “Here. Hold this,” and went off to retrieve Calvin.
And so there I stood, regretting having turned a peaceful morning into a three-ring circus, holding an ineffective jingle bell toy and a giant, slightly-bent patio door that would never again close properly.

July 2nd, 2010 at 8:33 am
“Like a gorilla in the mist, my beast of a husband…” I love the way you write. And very funny too – I can just see it!
Neena´s last blog post ..Are Your Project Management Skills in Shape
July 2nd, 2010 at 3:57 pm
I hate to say it but that is pretty funny. Especially in front of family becuse they will never let him here the end of it.
July 3rd, 2010 at 11:21 am
This is hilarious. I actually underwent a similar embarassment when I was about ten-years-old. A friend and I were racing outside to play kickball, her in front of me. I held my arms out to catch the door, but the hinge spring wasn’t working, so it slammed shut quickly and I went right through the glass screen door. Fortunately, nothing was hurt but my pride.
July 3rd, 2010 at 11:33 am
Awww… What an awesome thing to do! Break the house a little to save Calvin. 😀 While Kris would bolt to retrieve our cats, *I* would smack the screen, since doing so seems to be in my genetic makeup. LOL My mom does it too. I recommend white screens. haha
Corrina´s last blog post ..I Will Pay You To Treat Me Like Your Bitch
July 7th, 2010 at 9:43 am
I had to read and re-read that first paragraph to my kids, over and over. We giggled and giggled! OMG! I have heard of such a thing– I supposed it was the stuff of Steve Martin movies– but I never knew of anyone who REALLY did it.
Dave made my day. ROFL. And what a trooper!
Rebecca´s last blog post ..What Stormtroopers Do on Days Off
February 24th, 2011 at 2:51 pm
Walking through glass doors! Someone is either a clean freak and over-doing the glass cleaner, or it’s time for Dave to get glasses. He was okay and the cat was okay, that’s the main thing.
May 25th, 2011 at 11:12 am
your husband is definitely a good man… waking up early, walking through a glass door and also rescue the cat, are way too many tasks to just one guy (at least to a regular lazy one) =D lol
Brindes´s last blog post ..Caneta Ecológica Personalizada CP019