Beware: Baby Lambs Cause Computer Viruses
computing June 2nd, 2010 A friend emailed me today about how she acquired a particularly nasty virus that rendered her computer unusable. Let this be a warning about where you can pickup bad things on the interwebz.
She had just gotten back from a wonderful trip to the UK. She reports:
It’s a funny story really. There were so many baby lambs in England and we got to bottle-feed one. So, last night before I left for home, I Googled videos of bottle-feeding baby lambs because I missed all the lambs. There were a ton of cute baby lamb videos. I found a whole Web site of baby lamb videos called Ewe-Tube.
While on that site, I accidentally clicked on an ad that gave me the virus. I could tell right away that something was wrong because it started downloading files to my computer. Ctrl-Alt-Del wouldn’t even work. It’s just occurred to me that baby lamb is redundant. Anyway, who would think that baby lambs could be harmful? What kind of a sicko puts a virus on a baby lamb Web site?
I agree. What kind of sicko does that? I say viruses should be limited to stupid places people visit on the web, like porn sites and … well, just porn sites. Not baby lamb sites. The baby lambs don’t want to hurt you. They want to love you and wrap their cuteness around you and give you lamby kisses and hugs. More if you bottle-feed them.
Lambies good, viruses baaaaaa-d!
Don’t even go to that Ewe-tube site, even out of curiosity. I don’t want to be responsible for anyone getting a comp-ewe-ter virus.
God. Remember when the Internet was free of crap and spam and viruses and spyware and junk? It should just be full of baby lambs and cotton candy and rainbows.
And our blogs.
So let’s hear it. Have you ever picked up a virus from a place you least expected it? Share your horror stories. It might make my friend feel better.

June 2nd, 2010 at 2:48 pm
I’m glad to say I haven’t, but you know why don’t you?
I do, however, see hundreds of baby lambs every year. They live all around us :))
.-= Babs – beetle´s last blog ..Mi-chaaael! You’re doing it wrong! =-.
June 2nd, 2010 at 2:50 pm
Yup – oddly – I got one from an ad on the ever popular “People of Walmart” website.
I haven’t been back since and I try to be really careful about the places I visit.
I really didn’t need to be looking at that site anyway =)
June 2nd, 2010 at 3:17 pm
Nope, not me either – but then I use a MAC (oh, am I not supposed to say that?)
.-= Grace´s last blog ..A poem for our times =-.
June 2nd, 2010 at 3:19 pm
I haven’t picked up anything since I quit Entrecard. It was like getting STDs every week. I’m so glad I don’t do that anymore.
This baby lamb thing is like the last straw, there is no more internet innocence now that the baby lambs are involved.
Thanks for sharing this.
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Al and Tipper Gore are Getting a Divorce? =-.
June 2nd, 2010 at 3:39 pm
I hate Windows, and that feeling is growing daily. I also think that spammers and hackers and the like are evil and I wish they would all grow hideous warts all over their bodies so everybody would recognize them when they have to emerge from their evil lairs.
I’ve never gotten a virus, but then I don’t click on ads. I also don’t go to porn sites. And I have current anti-virus, anti-malware stuff.
My newest computer is fairly new as I bought it right after Windows 7 came out. I generally “like” the newer enhancements; “like” as in they are pretty, but they really don’t enhance my production and there are so many processes that must be running in the background at all times and be eating up ALL the resources. I empty my browser cache of history and cookies every.single.time but still it sucks the life out my computer. It’s awful.
My only problem is that my accounting software isn’t available for a Mac. I’m in research-mode, because I have already decided that my next computer
Oh, dear. What was the question?
.-= Barb´s last blog ..The pursuit of happiness =-.
June 2nd, 2010 at 4:05 pm
I picked up a real bad virus a while ago, and I think it was while I was doing Entrecard drops. My daddeh had to reformat the entire computer! It took many hours, but he said if he had to do it again, it should be easier now that he knows how to do it.
I was very sad because it was a day when I dressed in my Fairy Princess outfit, and I had meant to spend the day granting wishes. My computer was ruined for the day, and the other computer was in use trying to find a solution.
I am looking at lambs with suspicion now. I hope GOATS are still safe.
June 2nd, 2010 at 4:11 pm
yep, I’ve gotten them but to be perfectly honest I’m not sure exactly where I got them from.
.-= ann´s last blog ..Enough said =-.
June 2nd, 2010 at 4:28 pm
I haven’t had a virus or spyware (that I know of) since the days of Gator and Gain *knocks on wood* but I’m careful not to click on shady ads or the like. Creating a virus seems like such an unfulfilling hobby. You can feel proud that you may have tricked someone into clicking on your program, rendering their computer useless until they reformat their hard drive?
June 2nd, 2010 at 5:06 pm
My Mac wants to know what a virus is…
Oh God. Now I’ve done it.
June 2nd, 2010 at 5:49 pm
I’ve never gotten a virus before. (Makes all that extra cash for a Mac pay off.) But, seriously… attaching a virus to baby lambs? That’s low.
.-= CatLadyLarew´s last blog ..Lies and the Lying Bloggers Who Tell Them… part deux* =-.
June 2nd, 2010 at 6:07 pm
Yeah, I once got a computer virus warning from going to my OWN site. Someone had hacked it and left a virus.
That is messed up.
.-= Stephanie Barr´s last blog ..For Ayda: Update =-.
June 2nd, 2010 at 6:34 pm
Babs Beetle — Ha! Yes, I know why, you lucky Mac user! My friend would be very jealous to hear of your constant access to baby lambs. I think she’s smitten and wants to go back already.
Brandy — That’s too bad, and from such a popular site, too. It’s really no guarantee that we’re safe, is it? I can’t visit that site. It makes me so sad for those people.
Grace — I’m glad you’re blissfully untouched by viruses. Of course, if Macs continue to gain in popularity, the people who write viruses may shift their focus a little bit. But I still think you’re much better off than the general population.
Jen — “It was like getting STDs every week.” You said it sister. That’s the reason I left the second time. I was seeing a lot of weirdnesses towards the end. Totally not worth the potential aggravation of getting malware or a virus. Yep. It’s hit the baby lamb population. They are not happy.
Barb — I’m not a violent person, but you would be surprised what I want to do to people who write viruses. It involves very slowly delivered and escalated pain. My husband and I are in the market to replace our desktop at home and we’re thinking of a Mac. The prices have come down and we don’t have to run Windows-specific software on that one, so that might be in our future.
Daisy the Curly Cat — I’m so sorry that your mommeh’s computer got a hurty. And I wanted to cry when I read that you were all dressed up pretty and couldn’t grant wishes because of the virus. That’s the consequence I could think of! I think goats might be safe. For now….
ann — And that there is the problem. When I clean my client’s computers at work of viruses, very often they don’t know where they got them. Sometimes email, but many times it’s a normal website that they had no reason to fear using.
Nutrition Degree — {knocking here too} And you’re right. I cannot fathom what motivates these people, except that they may want bragging rights in the circle of equally-asinine friends.
MrsBlogAlot — Enjoy it, my dear. Enjoy it.
CatLadyLarew — Yes, it’s the lowest of the low. Leave the baby lambs alone!
Stephanie Barr — That sucks. If it helps, I was hacked once. It lasted a day and a half. As far as I could tell, it wasn’t deploying a virus or anything. But still. I have such hatred for people who direct their time and energy to something so damaging to innocent people.
June 2nd, 2010 at 7:38 pm
Ewe-Tube! I love it. 🙂 This just goes to show that those virus people really are evil. Even the lambies aren’t safe!
.-= Surfie´s last blog ..The Heat Won =-.
June 2nd, 2010 at 8:08 pm
Nothing could be more adorable than Daisy the Fairy Princess granting wishes to lambs.
June 2nd, 2010 at 8:14 pm
We are a 95% Mac family (with one netbook that hardly ever gets used), so we have “dodged the virus bullet,” as my human likes to say. Not that we think we’re totally safe – you are NEVER safe on the internet. And Daisy’s post is proof that those virus-making humans are pure evil: how DARE they interfere with Daisy’s fairy princess wish granting! I would have clawed those virus humans myself if I could.
.-= Sparkle´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Yeah, What? =-.
June 2nd, 2010 at 8:21 pm
Since I switched to linux two years ago, I’ve never had to worry about any malware, even though I do spend some time on porn sites. Didn’t have to buy an expensive mac either. Just downloaded the liveCD and installed it on the pc I already have. It cost me about $.20 for the CD, the time to download it, and a few days to learn it and get used to it.
June 2nd, 2010 at 8:52 pm
My last nanny was a young woman of Pakistani/Indian decent. She asked if she could use my computer while Bunny was napping. I told her no problem. Until she was visiting some Indian music video sites and downloaded a virus to my computer….my computer will all of my law school files on it…gone. I threw the computer away, went out a bought a Mac and have never looked back.
.-= Lanita´s last blog ..Glamour Mommy Poolside =-.
June 2nd, 2010 at 9:23 pm
I got one too many viruses so I got a Mac. No problems.
.-= Sharon Heg´s last blog ..Please Stand By =-.
June 2nd, 2010 at 9:37 pm
“It should just be full of baby lambs and cotton candy and rainbows. And our blogs.”
Amen to that!
Luckily, I’ve never received a computer virus from clicking on anything on the internet! *knocks wood*
.-= meleah rebeccah´s last blog ..Doing Things Differently – My Week In Review – [Part Seventeen] =-.
June 2nd, 2010 at 9:44 pm
I think I’ve been lucky so far, but then my Tech Guy makes sure I’m up to date on all the virus checker software and never get the nasties. Which is why I have sex with him.
.-= Margaret (Nanny Goats)´s last blog ..GTOTD: Photobombing and Falling Freddy =-.
June 2nd, 2010 at 10:28 pm
surely not the baby lambs!?! this is a travesty! i just got an annoying case of ad-ware over the weekend. i am pretty sure it came from a website where i was looking at cute animals. because that’s what i do! it took me a few days of having browser windows opening to ads spontaneously but i finally got rid of it. my anti virus / anti spyware program didn’t catch it and neither did the “cleaner” program that was highly recommended on cnet. i finally found a program called malwarebytes and that took care of my problem.
i truly hate things like that and usually take pride in myself for being smarter than the spammers. stupid spammers and hackers!
.-= puglette´s last blog ..Puppy Love =-.
June 2nd, 2010 at 10:32 pm
Viruses is the main reason I quite entre card.the virus seemed to be infecting blogs on a rotating basis.So that thells me that the creator of the virus could attack entrecard at will.after having my computer rendered useless seven time in as many weeks i had it told off the knuckle heads about the problem they said to report the blogs and they would delete those blogs.Guess what they would have to deleted most of the blogs.because their security sucked that bad.
.-= Mike Golch´s last blog ..Wednesday’s Hero =-.
June 2nd, 2010 at 11:36 pm
Who would have thought such a snuggly site could be so vicious?? I hope your friend got her computer back on track. Virus Stompers!! They really are excellent!
I don’t go ANYwhere on the ‘net that I’m not familiar with. Definitely no porn! Boyfriend’s brother rendered his laptop completely useless thanks to porn. When will guys learn? lol
.-= Corrina´s last blog ..Corrina2008: @golden_lioness Thanks for the laughs! =-.
June 3rd, 2010 at 1:48 am
Once I faced a virus when I click on Adsense ad that almost 4-5 months ago. Actually cyber criminal don’t have heart and they really want to kill people heart silently. May be that’s why they choose occasion like X-Mas, New Year Eve to give people blow. They are sick.
.-= Arafat Hossain Piyada´s last blog ..Bring Picasa album to Live Writer fast with Live Writer Picasa plugin =-.
June 3rd, 2010 at 4:51 am
Surfie — I love the name of that site, too. So funny. If the lambies aren’t safe, no one is.
annofthejunkdrawerblogfamily — And that’s my perfect world. Where Daisy grants wishes to whoever wants them. Because Daisy is kind and giving like that. It made me sad to think she was all dressed up with no wishes to grant because of stupid people who do bad things.
Sparkle — You’re right. Mac or not, there are plenty of places to pick up something bad. Even a Mac blogger isn’t safe from, say, getting their blogs hacked (knocks wood). Sparkle, I would not want to be a bad virus writer around you. I bet your claws are pretty nasty!
Turk — I suppose Linux users are a lot like Mac users, safe in the knowledge they are protected from the majority of viruses in the wild.
Lanita — That’s horrible! I can’t even imagine losing files (my friend did too, but she didn’t have a lot on her hard drive and backed up frequently). So sad.
Sharon Heg — This is starting to sound like an advertisement for Macs, no? This is interesting. I’m finding out how many of you are Windows and how many are Macs.
meleah rebeccah — Speaking of which, I almost bought cotton candy at the store yesterday. I love that you don’t have to go to a carnival to find it. It’s right in the store!
Nanny Goats – Bwah!!!! Careful, though. You can still get a variety of malware, even with virus protection, that can render your computer broked. I’ve seen it on client’s PCs at work. It’s a sad, sad thing.
puglette — Yes! is the best tool out there right now to take care of most malware. I use it at work. Cleans 99% of the nasties. And the product is free. You can’t beat that. Sorry you got hit, but glad it’s clean now.
Mike Golch — Yes, their security is nil. I wrote to them prior to leaving the network to explain that it was the reason I was leaving. They wrote back and said “Sorry you’re leaving” and handed me my hat. Whatever. EC is just not safe anymore.
Corrina — She’s getting it worked on today, but the whole OS needs to be reinstalled, along with all of her software. The data couldn’t be saved. Guys will never learn. I guess they feel the risk is worth it for the reward of seeing nudies on the net. Whatever.
Arafat Houssain Piyada — It’s scary that you can’t even click innocently on an ad. It’s such a random thing, and like happened to my friend, once the click happens, the damage is already done.
June 3rd, 2010 at 6:16 am
That is really sad to get a virus on a lamb site. I am with Daisy, I sure hope goats are safe. I have had two viruses and don’t know where I got them.
After reading all these comments, I am getting off of Entrecard. I don’t think it brings in much traffic anyway.
There has to be other ways to get traffic. I sure don’t want a virus.
Have a great day.
.-= Marg´s last blog ..Get your paws up =-.
June 3rd, 2010 at 6:34 am
“Have you ever picked up a virus from a place you least expected it?”
Yes. Montreal. Circa 1996.
.-= moooooog35´s last blog ..Craigslist Killer – Part Deux? =-.
June 3rd, 2010 at 7:31 am
I got a few viruses from Entrecard blogs I would visit everyday. They were both on the same day actually, from two different blogs. I thought places like that were safe. 🙁
.-= Cashier´s last blog ..I Didn’t Know it was Expired =-.
June 3rd, 2010 at 7:48 am
I am crying for all the sweet baby lambs on Ewe-Tube (MUST GO!) who will never feel our love just because of this stupid virus ad. STUPID! Leave the baby lambs alone! Geez, what’s next? Will Cute Overload infect my hard drive? Will The Daily Cute gum up mah motherboard? What about Maru?
.-= JD at I Do Things´s last blog ..I Will Have a Bacon Cremation so you don’t have to =-.
June 3rd, 2010 at 7:55 am
Jen’s right– my issues with viruses (virii?) were Entrecard related.
The baby lamb, though? Wonderful wonderful. My days would be happier with a higher percentage of smiley lambs in it. Thank you!
.-= Jenn of Many Cabbages´s last blog ..Wrath of Mom Versus Hall Pass Liberation =-.
June 3rd, 2010 at 8:45 am
I’ve only had one virus, and it was on my work computer. (It helps to be married to a programmer/DBA/all-around techie. He takes care of the home computers.) Someone opened up one of those emails that contain an executable file with a virus, and it sent the virus to everyone in their contact list, etc. Since I work in city government and there are about 3,000 computers on our network, that thing spread like wildfire. It took nearly two days to get everything back on track.
I lurve that little lambie. If I ever had the chance to bottle-feed a lamb, I would probably just fall over and die from teh cute.
.-= absepa´s last blog ..No, Mr. Spider, I expect you to die =-.
June 3rd, 2010 at 9:10 am
The last time I got a virus was several years ago, and it wasn’t actually a virus, it was spy ware that I picked up on a site that had “free” mouse pointers. It took over my browser and kept pointing me away from Google and Yahoo whenever I wanted to do a search. I had to reformat my hard drive and reinstall everything to get rid of it.
The worst experience I ever had was when I tried to do a little research into walking shoes. I knew Dick’s Sporting Goods had a sale going on, so I was going to check their prices. Being the Internet savvy person I am, I just typed in the obvious URL: Can you guess what kind of site I landed on? All of a sudden, pop-up windows started exploding onto my screen, one after another. And at just that moment, a co-worker walked into my cube (yes, I was at work). I just about broke my wrist hitting the power button on my monitor.
.-= Tarheel Rambler´s last blog ..People Being People =-.
June 3rd, 2010 at 9:28 am
Marg — I know EC used to be a great place where I never worried much about catching anything, but it’s different now. I would hate to know any of my friends were hit by a virus through card-dropping. Just not worth it.
moooooog35 — Yes, Montreal is the last place I’d think you could pick up anything nasty. Tell me, did they have a cream for it?
Cashier — Yep, same for me. Spyware, actually. I allowed that to go on for only a week before I decided enough was enough. Haven’t looked back. I used to help EC clean up the crap in the network and they did ask me to become a moderator, but I thought “Shouldn’t your regular staff be handling picking out all the crap?”
JD at I Do Things — You’re right! Now we will never experience their utter cuteness all because of stupid people! It’s not fair! If anything bad happens over at Cute Overload, I’m getting off the Internet for good. That’d be a sad day. I needs me muh Daily Cute! Oh, and Maru!!! Nooo!!!!!
To everyone: You must go check out Maru’s site. Beautifully done photos and videos of a round-faced kitteh who has an amazing personality: Maru’s site.
Jenn of Many Cabbages — I’m sorry you were hit with something coming from EC. So not worth the aggravation. Smiley lambs are good. Need more lambs!
absepa — Sorry to hear about the work infection. It’s the bane of my existence. I can have days out of my week ruined due to viruses. That explains my deep-running hatred of people who do it. Seriously, I want to bring great harm to them. I would die from the cute too. Baby lambies!
Tarheel Rambler — First story, not funny. Second story, hilarious. But, um. Sorry ’bout that.
June 3rd, 2010 at 11:29 am
I only take project wonderful ads so I hope I am still safe.
I don’t surf much. I am too busy eating grass and weeds. It is my time of year. I will also be spokesgoating soon and that is very important to me.
Although that Sherpa is always at the computer looking for kitty porn.
.-= Pricilla´s last blog ..The Twins Go for a Graze =-.
June 3rd, 2010 at 12:35 pm
hahh ???
How come that baby lambs can cause computer viruses ??
.-= tools´s last blog ..Mechanics Lubrication Tools =-.
June 3rd, 2010 at 12:55 pm
Yeah, but cotton candy in a bag from a store is just NOT THE SAME as cotton candy at the fair made in front of your face!
.-= meleah rebeccah´s last blog ..Doing Things Differently – My Week In Review – [Part Seventeen] =-.
June 3rd, 2010 at 4:38 pm
I picked up a virus once by downloading a driver for an obsolete camera that I had picked up a garage sale. Pretty obscure, since I doubt more than 10 people on the whole planet ever downloaded this driver.
.-= Bruce´s last blog ..My POV [After Hours] =-.
June 3rd, 2010 at 9:16 pm
apparently VIA Rail has something against baby lambs too. I was trying to read blogs while on the train home from Montreal yesterday and it blew a gasket at this one.
Or perhaps it was the mention of viruses 🙂
June 4th, 2010 at 2:54 am
A friend of mine recently received a forwarded email with cute pictures and near the bottom of it it said, “virus included”. She thought it was a joke, opened the email and ended up getting a nasty virus which took weeks to get rid of.
Fortunately she hadn’t forwarded it to me.
.-= Barbara Swafford´s last blog ..If Success Came Knocking… =-.
June 4th, 2010 at 5:44 am
“God. Remember when the Internet was free of crap and spam and viruses and spyware and junk?”
Yes, but keep in mind that back then the Internet was 40% Hamster Dance and 40% “Under Construction” GIFs and 20% other stuff.
Even in my crazy Entrecard dropping hey day I never picked up a virus. I run Spybot S&D, AVG Free edition and automatic Windows updates, and have had no problems with virii, trojans or other assorted Malware on XP, Vista, or Win 7 machines.
The only virus I’ve had in recent years was on my work computer. And that was on a fresh image from a virus that was on a server someplace in corporate.
.-= Cromely´s last blog ..Tokyo Travels Part 04: Graffiti =-.
June 4th, 2010 at 6:35 am
What happened to your system?You may use any virus scanner to clean up the system. Its really funny that you started with baby lamb and end with a horrible virus. Anyway I hope you have cleared the infection.
June 4th, 2010 at 2:24 pm
[…] Beware: Baby Lambs Cause Computer Viruses – The internet is an amazing thing and I can hardly remember life before www. This is a really great blog from one of my favorite bloggers. She wrote how she received an email from a friend of her who described how she got a virus from a website about baby lambs. Seriously – baby lambs! Take a look at this article and make sure you read the comments. […]
June 4th, 2010 at 2:36 pm
I got a Rogue virus TWICE from I Can Has Cheezburger in the same week. Made me a very angry little lady. I notified them but heard nothing back. Managed to get it off of my system both times but yeah.
My fiancé and I used to share a computer, and had one that had been offline for a while but I’d been getting stuff from the net at Uni and then putting it on our computer at home. Soon as we hooked that PC back up to the net at our new place a Trojan unpacked itself and that was that. Had to re-install Windows, which I did and was very proud of myself for doing, save that I didn’t install it over the last copy and put it on a different drive but you just picked at boot up which version you were booting and it was all good… sort of.
We have new ones now. They’ve got the same damn hardware issue as each other; in spite of having them built for gaming, can’t play a freaking game on them. They’re going back to the shop to be fixed soon. (^_^)
I’m sick and awake at 5:30AM. Wahhhh (u_u)
.-= Elisha´s last blog ..I’m sick *sad face* =-.
June 5th, 2010 at 10:10 pm
Well – hmm… Oh yeah. I remember. I don’t remember where I picked it up, but my computer was completely fried. Then, I did something that put my computer back in time to the last system save. Free at last. Everything was happy, until about a year later where the timeline of my computer hit the time in its timeline when it got the bad virus and then it was dead again. It was like turning back the clock, except the clock was going forward again. After that, I go a mac.
.-= Chris@TheSnackHound´s last blog ..More Cookies You Cannot Ruin (But I Almost Did) =-.
June 5th, 2010 at 11:26 pm
I picked up one from a freeware typing program. The virus was bundled into the .exe file. My computer crashed so many times, I saw a blue screen in my dream! Switched to Linux the next day —- Ubuntu Forever!
June 7th, 2010 at 11:10 pm
Sometimes you pick up viruses from some freeware you download on your computer.
However, a couple of weeks ago someone HACKED my site and installed malware. I spent the whole Memorial Day weekend in tears, frantically trying to fix it (I am so not a tech person). Google was listing my site as “suspicious” and that “it may harm your computer” and that it contained malware, and Internet Explorer was warning visitors if they wanted to proceed further. If anyone tried to access my site with Firefox it ran a screen calling my site “An Attack Site!” I was mortified. Not only for myself, although I was an innocent victim, but because I may have unknowingly affected visitors to my blog! I ran virus scans, malware scans, I “fetched as Googlebots” (mine is a Blogger blog), and had Google review my site TWICE. Finally, I must have removed the bad stuff (apparently on a post that I published last October but only infected recently). I removed the post and apparently that did the trick. I was so nervous for days afterward. I kept changing my passwords, making them REALLY hard to crack with combos of letters, numbers AND symbols. I’ve had to persuade people on blog directories that my blog is safe now.
.-= New Jersey Memories´s last blog ..A $68,000,000 Steal! =-.
June 8th, 2010 at 11:26 am
Does rebooting your computer to get rid of viruses cause loss of memory or data, or files?
im gonna remove viruses from my computer and it said dat it was gonna reboot my computer. i wanna know if rebooting my computer will cause loss of data or memory or if i will lose any files or not
.-= karzanik´s last blog ..Bersemayam di Panggung Ranjang =-.
July 7th, 2010 at 6:43 pm
Gotta be more careful. One time I gotta a virus by clicking on a picture of the Pope. Now tell me, who in the world could be that disrespecting.
August 5th, 2010 at 9:21 pm
Thank you for the heads up! I just cant really think of the best reason why someone would really do that, why not just focus on anything that is progressive instead of hacking and sending virus outhere.
December 6th, 2010 at 5:45 am
I believe the best solution would be for the search engines to mark pretty visibly the site’s that carry viruses..because as you said people lack the common sense today and put them in the most unusual places: the cutest, the glittery, the more attractive they look the more possible they hide something despicable behind…a good, updated anti virus should help though.